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Room of the Week 2010 - Archives

Started by squishy_ichigo, January 16, 2010, 11:09:07 AM

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My eyes are blinded now, thanks to that awesomeness.


Holy Crap Dmantra! :whoa:  And I picked today to submit a room....All well Either now or never. :^_^:



Quote from: Borderjumper67

This is definitely quite the competition right here. God damn.


I just noticed both rooms are the same size.


Although I felt that it was a little overkill with the number of background themes, I still went with Tyjet's DMan overhaul.  Borderjumper's just didn't jump out for me, despite the new palette.  I think it's the tileset - Wrecked Ship.  It just seems really lacking in variety.  Lastly, for Tyjet's DMan overhaul, I thought the almost-glitch-looking lava at the base looked really out of place.


I also went with the DMan-Tyjet room, for its sheer awesomeness.  Borderjumper's room isn't bad, but just doesn't stand out as well as the other room.

Hiroshi Mishima

Eh, not in the mood for a lengthy post. I feel the D-man/Tyler room stands out more than the other, so I'm going with it.

Silver Skree

DMan & TYjet: I'm really unable to find anything wrong with this room. DMan's tilework is as creative as ever, finding tiles that nobody would ever expect to link together so well and using them flawlessly. I'm impressed yet again.

Borderjumper: I see cutoff in the ceiling on the third row. Layer 2 BG is very lacking in comparison to your competition. Chozo statues are holding their missing toes. I'm not a huge fan of the symmetry, but that's a minor personal complaint. Aside from those issues, this room does really good work with the Wrecked Ship tileset, which is a hard tileset to work with in the first place. I suggest getting a better Layer2 background together, maybe tweak the palette a little (I would as a matter of personal taste), and fix several other cutoff issues throughout the room. After doing that, your room would certianly be able to equally rival the competition this week.

Therefore, I'm going with the DMan & TYjet combo. Borderjumper's just doesn't capture me like theirs does.


TyjetMan's room is quite good, but really overwhelming for me. This would fit somewhat into the Brawl stage Norfair, but imagine a game in this style.
Borderjumper's got some real Super Metroid feel in there, as well as original content, and keeps things a bit simpler. Therefore it's receiving my vote.



Last minute entry FTW. :D


I have no option to vote... Fixed.

I know Sadfish has a lot of ASM as I have seen a video and all that, but I'm a sucker for winter landscapes, and while I don't know if it was intentional it sure looks like Project has a nice winter lanscape there. Nice BG too and the planet is quite a cool addition. Now just get it scrolling slowly to show they are orbiting...


Damn Project... :whoa:
well I vote for Project.



lol it was meant to be a joke entry :P
As it was nearing the end of the weekend, I wanted to submit something stupid and be the only one there, but P18 just comes and submits too lol
To be exact, it's a basic crappy room full of ASM XD


Voted SadFish, because I know that that room ingame would be awesome.


Voting for Project, because I don't have the slightest idea of what kind of ASM Sady has in that room. (Also P has better level design... :eyeroll:)

Zero One

Definitely Project here. The night-sky background and the winter theme work perfectly together.


You guys are morons. Why are you going to comment about who you are voting for when Sadi already said it was a joke entry?

(I'm voting for Sadi, just because that room is awesome, and so I look like a hypocrite. \(^_^)/




Whoa, Project, that is an awesome night sky you have there!  I know where my vote is going this week....


Loved the landscape in Project's room. Sadi, that is amazing work but...
Quote from: MetroidMstbut I'm a sucker for winter landscapes



