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MetConst Community Race - 4/2/2016

Started by MetroidMst, January 23, 2016, 03:47:06 PM

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Quote from: MetroidMst on February 18, 2016, 06:48:11 PM
For things you should know, there is a way to skip nearly all of the Suitless Crateria section before Phantoon, and you'll probably want to learn how to do that for the race.
I didn't even know that existed, so thanks!

Another thing which it probably would have helped to know before hand is that it is very difficult to get out of the speed booster area without hi-jump boots.


I made a tutorial for Redesign. If you're on the fence about joining, I encourage you to take a look at it.

It's rather long winded. Redesign can be daunting, but many things in the game become easier if you understand how to deal with them, and there are a lot of different route options depending on your skill/comfort level. Even if you don't care to be optimal, the information here can save you a lot of pain.

I highly suggest trying to learn the grapple glitches to skip most of Crateria Depths because it will save you a lot of time and pain. If you can't do it, I've also included how to go through the normal way.

Also follow along with danidub's map, of course.


Wow, this has already been helpful, particularly in learning the best way to get rid of Metroids.


Time to celebrate! I have successfully finished my first run of the game, so count me in! It took 15 hours, so I'll have to cut that time in more than half, but I think it's possible now that I have some idea of a route.

Edit: I'm going to run through the game again and am considering creating some save-states for those who would like to practice the norfair death-run, grapple, and ending sequences. Would anyone find these useful?


So I just realized that race day overlaps with another event I had already signed up for that will cause me to not be anywhere near my computer for about 72 hours, so I must bow out of this one.  Good luck to those foolish enough to remain.


Reminder to everyone, this is less than two weeks away. Now is srs bizniz time for getting your strats down. Anyway, for some reminders:

  • Please take note of start time. It's when we start racing, not when we start setting up. If you live in a different timezone, please make sure you know what the start time is.
  • Don't forget to join in the mumble server!
  • Please record your run in some fashion, as I will be doing a compilation video for the race. Note that while .smv files will work, I would prefer a local recording. For ZSNES users, local recordings are the only option. If you need help with this, or want to make sure about something, please contact me in IRC or a PM here.
  • The race starts at 2PM EST
  • Again, there is a cutoff. 6 hours in and the race is called. Results will be by amount of progress to that point.
While the race will be painful and full of awful life decisions, the goal is to have fun, even if fun means suffering together.


For those of you who want to run through that painful grapple beam sequence, here's a save state! It only works with ZSNES as far as I know.

The Monster of Surrealton

I might be able to join in...though I don't expect to get far, so I'll just blind it because shut up I feel like it.

Hopefully, I can stream it on Hitbox. Otherwise, I'm more likely to just record.


Quote from: The Monster of Surrealton on March 24, 2016, 09:59:58 PM
I'll just blind it because shut up I feel like it.
Ha ha, good luck with that... especially since the concept of guardians is new in this hack.

My personal goal is to get grapple beam within the six hours.


May not be able to join because of work. If I can join I will, but I refuse to practice so I can guarantee I wont finish. 


As to add a little humor to this: for personal fun! Come join us at 1:15PM EST on the Mumble for pre-stream interviews/race thoughts (Please PM if you actually want to do one, because I plan on racing at 2 :p)


While I want this to be as diplomatic as possible, are their any obvious front runners for the race, or possibly suggestions for a good steam? While I'll likely join mumble for the giggles, I'm also interested in seeing a solid speedrun. Bonus internet hugs for a100% run. :wub:


Elminster is your best bet, then personitis. (I may or may not beat it within the 6 hour limit.)

Also lol, 100% within 6 hours. Quietus please.


100% is doable in under 4 hours... :P


Then you should aim for that while everyone else is sucking and heaping untold praise on the hack.


I'd consider it if I could do it without a certain person beating me. :eyeroll:


Quote from: Elminster on March 28, 2016, 10:17:29 AM
I'd consider it if I could do it without a certain person beating me. :eyeroll:
Gopher it. I'll get my popcorn ready. :cool:


Quote from: Elminster on March 28, 2016, 10:17:29 AM
I'd consider it if I could do it without a certain person beating me. :eyeroll:
Hey, if they oversleep and show up an hour late, you could run a hundo and likely beat this person.


So one more question on which I have not been able to find any info: How do you actually do a shinespark chain? I can shinespark into a slope, but instead of hitting it, I just follow it and keep going until I hit a wall. I'll take a look at that tutorial video above to verify that I'm not missing something obvious, but this would be useful to know by Saturday. Thanks!


Quote from: Ridley on March 28, 2016, 01:19:07 PM
So one more question on which I have not been able to find any info: How do you actually do a shinespark chain? I can shinespark into a slope, but instead of hitting it, I just follow it and keep going until I hit a wall. I'll take a look at that tutorial video above to verify that I'm not missing something obvious, but this would be useful to know by Saturday. Thanks!
Hold run and the direction of the shinespark when hitting a slope to chain spark.


Quote from: TheAnonymousUser on March 28, 2016, 01:21:42 PM
Hold run and the direction of the shinespark when hitting a slope to chain spark.
Awesome, thanks! I believe I've been neglecting to hold the run button.


So for those who think I am just crazy for what I said: I will be doing a Pre-Stream at 1:25P for Pre-race stream interviews and promptly at 8:05P-9:00P for post race/over-all thoughts.  As a friendly reminder to all racers promptly at 2 PM: it's #sackup or #bleacherkids time!


Congrats to everyone who finished and/or stayed to the last. And to those who just wussed out not even halfway into the 6 hours, #gitgud.

Anyway, @Elminster finally realized his potential and decided to win a thing, though he did try to die to prevent that from happening. @personitis came in second and somehow managed to not choke at Mother Brain in some spectacular fashion. Some idiot came in third. And Law finished forth with lack of sleep a driving motivator. I believe @Ridley was fifth, but we'll have to wait and see when I get all the videos. (And those with videos, please PM them to me here on the forum.)

Anyways, Elm has won street cred and a date with Quietus, who probably has an arsenal of anagrams ready for the event.


Yup, I've lit the candles, and ordered the pizza, so the romance is raging. Now, i just need to find that Barry White CD...

As for the race: The only way to beat Elminster is if Elm's inert. That'll reel in Mst. Oh, ho, ho, did you see what I did there? You did? Oh. :oh:


I figured MetroidMst would have posted it by now, but here is the video of said community race! Awesome job by everyone involved!