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MetConst Community Race - 4/2/2016

Started by MetroidMst, January 23, 2016, 03:47:06 PM

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It's that time of whenever again! Time to #gitgud at some random hack chosen not so randomly by a maniac without care for your personal safety! Yes, the time has come for us to do the thing in which glory awaits the winner in the form of street cred, and the losers must go bathe in their failure! IT IS RACE TIME!!!!!1111

Hack: Super Metroid: Redesign
Date: April 2nd, 2016
Time: 2PM EST
Who: Everyone that hates themselves
Where: In the MetConst Mumble
Race cutoff: 8PM EST - 6 hours should be plenty of suffering for those who don't finish earlier, if you haven't completed the hack by this point, drop the controller and take a cold shower. (Subject to change by an hour or so depending on need, but I think 6 hours is plenty of time.)

Now is the time to become pro and be the best Metroid that Metroid can be, so that when the race happens and you're the winner, you may shower yourself in nerd Mountain Dew and Vanilla Wafers of flavor!



Player list: MST and person. Done. :yay: :lol:

But seriously, no thanks. I will watch as usual though. I enjoy you two in pain racing this hack. :^_^:

~ SpoOkyMagician


I've done any% for this hack. My tips and suggestions:

  • Become uncomfortable with yourself when considering racing this
  • Get familiar with the map or at least have it on-hand
  • Do some light planning on how you'll tackle this beast of a hack
  • Begin self loathing for following through with this race
  • Pickup lots of ammo or farm whenever you feel you may need it
  • #gitgud at gate glitching (it'll open up some shortcuts)
  • Fight Draygon after Ridley
  • Farm before Tourian
  • Practice the escape so you don't die
  • Question if the mental distress brought on by racing this was really worth your time
  • GG
This list brought to you by 1 of 2 people to seriously run Redesign (Original) Any%.

Edit: got so caught up in making the list I forgot to add if anyone wants tips or strategies and things (like you want to get serious with this), let me know. I can drop some useful things here for the dedicated.


Redesign causes so much stress it's not mental, it's metal!

Anyway I will have to pass on this, I'm afraid. The time will eat into my sleep schedule.


I know it's mentioned in the thread, but it might be worth clarifying the date in the title, so you don't get people thinking it's only two weeks away. :^_^:


I'll join just to end up quitting I'm sure.


Because I have no sense of pattern recognition, I suppose I'll throw my (unfortunate) hat into the ring.  And, against my better judgement; because I am a stubborn, self-hating mule; I will not DNF unless I am the only person still going.

Vismund Cygnus

Oh christ, I haven't done the original Redesign since 2010.

Assuming my work schedule permits, I may have to set aside 36 or so hours for the blind ride of a lifetime.


Provided uni does not get in the way I shall also be joining in. Mst gave me an incentive to win too so I might actually practice before hand. :P


Do you guys still incorporate Mumble into these runs? I'm not a participant in the race, but I may join for the shenanigans. :^_^:



Quote from: personitis on January 28, 2016, 03:51:05 PM
I would say that we do, Quietus.
You're just showing off because you can read. :oh:


Lrn2red Quietus :P

Hopefully the stars align and I can actually practice and participate in this race of hell :twisted:


This just in, the winner also gets a date with Quietus, the dark lord of British musings.



I've never played this hack. I'll try it, and if I finish it by then I may join the race.


If you're trying it for the first time, I'd say 'stick with it' in the early stages. It can be a bit of a slog getting going, and the infamous post-Grapple section can deter people, but once you pass that, it becomes a lot more open. Good luck!


A quick and dirty route through the original with some extra notes included.

Typed this up because I thought some might like to get practice with a route instead of either fumbling around the planet or spending the stupid number of hours I have piecing a route together.


Nice Person! Having never finished Redesign this page has quite a bit of useful information I could use.


Just so people are aware of a small change as well, there will be a cutoff time. (Meaning if you're still playing by that time, drop your controllers, you're done.) So you've got 6 hours to beat or get as far as you can. This is so we don't have one or two stragglers spending 17 hours to beat the thing.



Quote from: MetroidMst on February 09, 2016, 10:56:05 PM
Just so people are aware of a small change as well, there will be a cutoff time. (Meaning if you're still playing by that time, drop your controllers, you're done.) So you've got 6 hours to beat or get as far as you can. This is so we don't have two or three people finished while twenty or so stragglers spending 17 hours to get grapple.



Quote from: Technomagus on February 17, 2016, 02:19:52 PM
Quote from: MetroidMst on February 09, 2016, 10:56:05 PM
This is so we don't have two or three people finished while twenty or so stragglers spending 17 hours to get grapple.


I expected that to be more difficult than it was.

My difficulty right now is actually after that... I was almost into the room where you grapple back to Brinstar, and I went through that morph ball tunnel to the area where at the bottom there are Funes on opposite walls, and you have to use a charge bomb to get through the tunnel (that leads up) on the right. I grabbed the obvious upgrade in that area, continued on, and got to a point where I would have had to use a tricky morph ball maneuver (either too high to jump normally or two short to morph in time). So after trying to get through for a few minutes, I headed back to the first area, and found that I couldn't jump high enough to get through. This is an area with a metal bridge that can be destroyed by charge bomb. So I took down the bridge from the left side, and then found that I am seemingly trapped. The only way to go is down, through some lava with tubes that look like the ones near the grapple beam. So does anyone know where to go next?

Edit: I found a way, but it seems to be useless without the Gravity Suit, as it's all under lava.

Second edit: I love how there's always a way if you look hard enough! Anything else I should know before I do something stupid?


For things you should know, there is a way to skip nearly all of the Suitless Crateria section before Phantoon, and you'll probably want to learn how to do that for the race.