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Metroid Mission Rescue Version 2.5

Started by Mettyk25jigsaw, August 16, 2015, 08:47:42 PM

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Thanks plush for finding Perma and telling me. Also I have just Uploaded V1.6 with fix to it...Good luck...


Mettyk25jigsaw, wha tto do after spore spawn.

[spoiler]After a very long battle with spre spawn, i defeated him. I moved up top, bombed the circle, got the 2 doors flashing. I then moved up after the crawler thing opened the path and shot the red door. I expected a reward. will I get it later . A general answer will be fine , just want to know  if i am doing things right. Thanks. [/spoiler]


For those who DON'T want the answer to Plush's question, do NOT open either of 2 Spoilers...

[spoiler]Sounds like you may have fought and beaten him early, but there's nothing wrong with that, well done. The only reward you get other than a Racheta from spore spawn is part entry to the first section of Smachoghr/Tourian, however you must do crocomire too for the other part entry (there is a clue inside tourian room for these)...
   2ndly this red door you mentioned must be opened first with either a racheta or mega racheta door (can't remember off top of head which one) and you need to do something to make the door appear first, so you'll have to go back there prior to entering tourian/Smachoghr at some point...
   3rdly, have you figured out that special room inside game yet? The one that has a big sign up inside saying 'left---start of journey to next item...+ teleportation (if you have easy version, it will have another thing on there) if not and you want to know what it is, then open next spoiler...[/spoiler]

Remember open this spoiler ONLY if you want an answer to what the special room is with big sign inside saying 'Left---start of journey to next item...etc...

[spoiler]It's a walkthrough/help room, it gives you a clue of where to go next, sectors are divided into up to 4 Map colors going from left to right---1,2,3,4, first 2 signs of each clue tell you what world and sector to start journey and the right 2 is the position of item....If you need morph ball to get to the clue then that clue is the clue for the next item after morph ball, and it's the same theory with all others...hope this helps...It's also a room that will take you from world to world quickly...[/spoiler]

Good luck...


kriad battle help

[spoiler]in the fight with Kraid the things you normally shoot for health and missles refills are not dropping anything. At least I have a save file a couple of rooms back. Am I doing something wrong ?[/spoiler]


Oops, Meant to change that for easy and Normal mode...Will be in next version...Thanks Plush...(and sorry)


Thank you Mettyk25jigsaw.


Back to Kraid and everything works great now with release 1.7.


Released V1.7...Fixed item drop DNA for Kraid fight, since I forgot to do it for easy and Normal mode...I am doing this one quickly on behalf of Plush, because he's having difficulty...


13 permastuck are left. Would bet for $100 that there are at least 8 of them.


Is a heat run necessary in Chaud Bay ?. If so as soon as I enter 2 of energy tanks disappear before i even make a move . Also have been trying to find a path back towards ship instead of going down there.


Once again, if you don't want an answer to Plush's question, do NOT open spoiler...

[spoiler]Heat run is necessary, you should have collected exactly 3 energy tanks at this point and one reserve tank, if not let me know...
       First of all when off elevator, use left door, open door on other side when loaded but do not go back through, shoot green knob at top of door with racheta, then run across to the left and use morph ball to get to a door going up...Jump up in the next room and go left and refill using missiles, then go right as far as you can go and go up and around to the top, but B4 you get to the door is some tiles that can be shot on the floor...shoot them and fall down...then you can refill again...hopefully this is all the help you need for now, let me know if it's not...good luck[/spoiler]


Thanks for the reply Mettyk25jigsaw. About the energy tanks though.

[spoiler]The sign says I need 399 units of hp to enter the elevator room to Chaud Bay. I do have that except the reserve tank will only fill to 45/99. What I saying is that I go down the elevator with 3 full tanks and 45 in the reserve but as soon as the elevator stops at the bottom of Chaud Bay, i suddenly only have 1 full tank of hp and 45 in the reserve. The other 2 tanks are now empty before i even start the heat run. Is the trip down the elevator draining the energy tanks ?. I do appreciate your directions. Thanks.[/spoiler]

P.S. I am playing the normal version.


Open spoiler Only if you want an answer to Plush's Question...

[spoiler]Yeah the elevator drains the energy, so I had to take that into consideration...As for Reserves and the 45 units, yeah I lowered it...[/spoiler]

By the way 'JAM' that's 14 Permas Left not 13...The Kraid issue isn't really a perma as there is a save station and a refill spot B4 the Kraid room and I think if Plush kept at it long enough, he would still have gotten through Kraid, I'm sure...Anyway as for the $100 bet, if I was a betting man I'd take you on, lol...But unfortunately I'm not, sorry...(Smiley[I'd put a proper smiley here but on my computer since I've upgraded to windows 10 the smileys don't work,lol])


Mettyk25jigsaw, I got the armor.


You don't leave much of a margin for error but i figured it out. And yes about Kraid, I agree with you that I could have beat him without you altering the drop rate . After I beat him i thought that to myself.


Hello Mettyk25jigsaw,

I just started your hack recently and unfortunately, I have no idea where I need to go next. Well, I have one but I'm not sure so I decided to register here to ask you.

[spoiler]I just got Mega Rachetas and from what I understand I now must go to Arion Skirts sector 3 to continue. I remember this door telling I need 3 Mega rachetas so it open, which luckily I have... and I guess that's where I need to go now, but, immediately after this door is an other one asking for 20 rachetas. When I was here for the 1st time, I had only 10 rachetas, so I decided to explore everywhere I could, and now end up with 6 mega and 16 normal rachetas. Since I do not find anything else to do, is 20 rachetas what I am supposed to have to continue, or did I miss something ?[/spoiler]

Also, nice job on this jack, interresting so far. Well there is some annoyances here and there but nothing important. So congratulations on making an so large hack !



For those who do NOT want the answer to Xaphan's Question Do NOT open spoiler:

[spoiler]Yeah that is where you must go next, the most likely place you need to go to get more Racetas is the ''very'' Top left hand room of Arion Skirts (it's a red room), now not right down the very bottom of room but next level up to the left, on the ground are some tiles you can bomb to bring up some Mega racheta acquired tiles (these tiles look different to the rest of the tiles)...Now by going through this passage and through some doors you can access up to 7 Rachetas, that should do the job...Good luck and thankyou for playing my hack and for saying you like it...[/spoiler]


Thanks a lot, I did not discovered that spot and now I can continue :)



Mettyk25jigsaw, so far I am figuring out your puzzles. I beat Crocomire tonight. I am using the freeze as a stepping stone to get to areas. I am sure you made that path the right way. You say this is the first game you modded , then I am impressed. I can see how much work you put into it.


Thanks Plush, I have put a lot of hard work on it...Luckily I'm on a Disability Support pension, so I don't have to work if I don't want to, otherwise game would have taken several years longer to make. I've been putting several hours a day into it...
    I am approaching being a month on my 2nd hack now and am going to put the negative feedback where people believe can be improved into practice and hopefully make it even better for 2nd hack and to keep the positive feedback I've got with the 1st and to put it into the 2nd...I know JAM really likes the exploration idea I had, so I'll stick to something similar with that...I'm not going to make everything the same though because I believe people will want the game to be somewhat different, but I suppose that's where the negative and positive feedback that gets posted really helps...Anyway, Except for 1 or 2 of the posts I have with negative feedback have all been constructive criticism...It's the constructive Criticism that's really going to help, and I think Jam and Plush so far has been the best help with that, although Plush hasn't said as many negative feedback directly, but he has been giving me ideas probably without him knowing it as to a few things that can be done(all constructive)...So thanks JAM and Plush...But all the constructive criticism, has really been a great help...Thanks to all really...
   And don't worry guys, I still plan to put some time and effort into improving the 1st hack wether it be permas, or fixed enemy palettes (which I am currently doing), or anything that can be done as response to feedback, I think I've covered everything up to now except for finishing enemy palettes (almost done)... I'd like to improve on the Door caps, but unfortunately I think that's going to be impossible the way I have the palettes set up, getting the right color combinations and all, and changing them is out of the question due to other things using the palettes...

A Dummy

Thank you for the work you've done with this, but at least just playing through the first part past getting the bombs I think this still needs more work.
This is all on the Normal mode hack.

First and foremost it feels like there NEEDS to be a save point in Brinstar that's after you come off the elevator, so you can save before and after getting the morphball, as it was pretty annoying dying 2 times before finding that first save on the way to Torizo and having to start over each time.

Also another big thing, could you please make enemies that spawn in front of doors move away from them? The combination of fast monsters with high damage makes having to jump over a greemer a half-second after going through a door to avoid taking 25 points of damage rather annoying.  A big spot that killed me 4 or 5 times from this was going through the ceiling door in front of the first save that goes into the big underwater room, and than one of those red orb enemies from Norfair flies in and kills me in 2 hits since I saved with 72 energy.

The Luchure beam feels like it needs to fire at least 50% faster, if not twice as fast.  It's just not fun sitting there slowing plinking away at a space pirate for 10 shots when it's this slow, and 5 shots for the greemers for that matter, I'd be fine with it taking 1 or 2 more shots if it fired a little more like the power beam.
While on the subject, it felt really inconsistent that the leafy green swooping enemies only took 2 shots to kill.
And Torizo only did 5 damage making it better to just tank hits than trying to dodge him and then killing myself on all the spikes. And why was Torizo immune to missiles? Was it to make the fight more drawn out?

You already know about the ugly doors, and trying your best with what you have, so I'm going to pester you about that.

Last but not least, could you make the wrong path more obvious?  Like going to the right path from the Brinstar elevator, it would be better if it was blocked by bomb blocks instead of the basic hidden blocks so I don't end up chasing a red herring when exploring.

Sorry for a bit of ranting, this hack definitely has potential but in it's current form it's kind of annoying to play, maybe I've just been spoiled by hacks like Hyper Metroid and Metroid Redesign, I'll still play through this though.  If you want me to, I could go and take some actual screenshots of what I'm talking about instead of trying to describe it.


To 'A dummy' (but maybe not a dummy:-))

3 of your 5 suggestions have been approved for next version...Will work on now...

The 2 declines are 1...Unfortunately something that I myself really do want to improve (the door caps) but because of Palettes, I cannot change the colors because of other palettes using them and the ones that are there, well I wouldn't know where to start as different doors use different palettes and the combinations are never going to match...
                           2...Making wrong ways be more obvious...Firstly the special feature room I added where it basically tells you the area of where to go next, really negates that and secondly, you'd have to place a screen shot of all the areas in question in the entire game as it would be hard for me to know where those spots would be, but that's not necessary as first point negates the necessity...

The other 3 are going in next version, which should be tomorrow,,,However, even though I have not edited beam speeds I'm sure, I will still speed them up (as long as I can find out how to do that), might be in the game behaviour, not sure...If someone could tell me that would be appreciated...Otherwise I should be able to find it somewhere or somehow...

Thanks for the input 'A dummy' and this is constructive criticism, thankyou because it's the type of criticism that will help...

A Dummy

Quote from: A Dummy on September 05, 2015, 04:37:50 PM
so I'm going to pester you about that.

Oops, I meant to say "I'm not going to pester you" there. XD
But thanks for giving some extra details anyway.

I think a better way of putting it would be that the part between getting the morphball and the bombs is a bit awkward, and maybe just adding one or two extra bomb blocks early on would help to reduce pointless wandering.
This is before even getting to the hint system.


Ok, I see your point, I'll just do that at the one spot...

PS, I was able to alter the speed between shots, turns out I had tinkered with them, I cannot for the life of me remember doing that, anyway it's put back to normal...

A Dummy

Ok, I should stop being silly and just show some screenshots.

This is the spot I think should be blocked by a bomb block, as it is you can go through here without bombs.

And some examples of enemies that I think hit too quickly after going trough a door.
This is the underwater spot that killed me a bunch from that enemy, the best I figured out to dodge it was to mid-air morph before going through the door

And here I practically fall on the enemy after going through the door with no time to react.

Just an idea where it might be good to put a save point since it's not used for anything else, at least one in this room anyway.

Quote from: Mettyk25jigsaw on September 06, 2015, 06:23:27 AM
I was able to alter the speed between shots, turns out I had tinkered with them, I cannot for the life of me remember doing that, anyway it's put back to normal...

That explains why it felt like it fired a bit slow.  :lol:

Thanks for taking feedback, it's good to know that I wasn't being overly negative, I know this hack is overall good, it just need polishing.
Also I've been playing this with uosnes and haven't seen any obvious problems with it yet, so there's another emulator besides zsnes that works with this.


Ok thanks 'A dummy' for the screenshots and all...Also an especially big thanks to the emulator you found that also plays the hack, I have actually never even heard of that one,lol...I'll have to try it out...