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Hyper Metroid

Started by RealRed, April 17, 2015, 11:59:53 PM

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Seems so. Sounds like a 'ready if / when it's ready' thing.

I hope the RL stuff works out for you, RealRed. :^_^:


Current version is great.  Thanks again RealRed for the awesome hack   :twisted:


Is there any regular "order" of important bosses/upgrades? I was able to get wave beam earlier though bomb jump, and the same for spazer and early supers (what do you even need for spazer outise of a shinespark or a space jump?) and also the gravity suit, that recoil mechanic is cool.

otherwise, outside of the springball is there anything needed for the gravity suit when not sequence-breaking?

Edit: nevermind, I found the post with the intended order. I'm thinking I'll keep without gravity just to not make it too easy as it should reduce too much damage. Just to note that the sequence break for early gravity requires also early supers.


Quote from: Wrulfang on July 14, 2016, 09:35:51 AM
Just to note that the sequence break for early gravity requires also early supers.

That's not true.  You need them to take the shortest route; that part is true.  However, it's not mandatory (and they're only needed for one shortcut, so it's debatable for a speedrun whether supers should be obtained first).  All you really need are bombs and High Jump.


Quote from: CaRmAgE on July 14, 2016, 11:05:10 AM
Quote from: Wrulfang on July 14, 2016, 09:35:51 AM
Just to note that the sequence break for early gravity requires also early supers.

That's not true.  You need them to take the shortest route; that part is true.  However, it's not mandatory (and they're only needed for one shortcut, so it's debatable for a speedrun whether supers should be obtained first).  All you really need are bombs and High Jump.

at least they really help. It took me way too much time do the walljumps in the area with the crab and the grapple blocks, I did it once and then tried for like half an hour to get it again without success. with supers you can climb that without so much walljump trouble


I just played through this all the way, it was a really cool hack. I didn't need any help finding anything (the bosses are pretty tough in this hack, though) but I just died in the escape sequence and almost have no will to try that again.

Did I mess up? I couldn't find a straightforward path back to my ship, it was sending me out weird directions and I only had about 30 seconds when I was out of Brinstar and back to Crateria.

Yeah, I didn't make it in time and there was debris making it hard to find the right path even in that area, so that's my one major complaint, lol.

EDIT: I went back, no problem doing it on the second attempt  :lol:
Completion time - 8:20
Item Collection - 88% (not bad for playing this blind and not even checking the readme for tips)

If anyone had trouble with the shinespark puzzles, I recommend you use that run button a lot. The ability to keep your shine (thanks, it seems, to the change where Samus keeps her momentum after landing) seems to make any shinespark puzzle you could think of pretty easy. Being able to "run" in morph ball was unexpected, I didn't even realize that for quite a while.


Quote from: dronesplitter on July 19, 2016, 05:58:51 AMBeing able to "run" in morph ball was unexpected, I didn't even realize that for quite a while.

The Spring Ball area kinda teaches you to "run" in morph ball, but a lot of people see the uncovered crumble blocks and immediately "NOPE!" past it without actually checking what's inside.


I find it to be a great addition to the game's mechanics, though. It makes mock ball puzzles a legitimate design choice, such that people who know how to mock ball can go to some areas that less informed players would be locked out of until they get the spring ball powerup. That's neat. Early gravity suit in this hack seems to be a good example of that, as there is a mock ball test to get into Maridia early.


I did an insane jump off of crumble plus IBJ to get early supers in Crateria.

turns out all you really need to ibj in Hyper metroid reliably is rapid fire. :)

You can also ibj accross crumble blocks with a low ceiling it seems, this lets me into maridia very erly. but going in ther ewith only one energy tank and no varia is suicidal. :)

What's the deal with reverse Tourian? i got to the yellow after IBJing up to the red door and using my early super on the green door now i have to reset because i don't have gravity suit. at least i couldn't save myself perma stuck..


I like this hack so far! I'm on my way to Tourian to fight Mother Brain.


Quote from: zaphod77 on July 21, 2016, 12:51:15 PM
I did an insane jump off of crumble plus IBJ to get early supers in Crateria.

turns out all you really need to ibj in Hyper metroid reliably is rapid fire. :)

You can also ibj accross crumble blocks with a low ceiling it seems, this lets me into maridia very erly. but going in ther ewith only one energy tank and no varia is suicidal. :)

What's the deal with reverse Tourian? i got to the yellow after IBJing up to the red door and using my early super on the green door now i have to reset because i don't have gravity suit. at least i couldn't save myself perma stuck..
I don't think early Tourian is at all possible in this hack. The 15 gates made this pretty clear for me,  :lol:

Early Maridia isn't all that bad, actually. There's only so many enemies to worry about and playing the hack through normally helped me avoid these and not fear them anymore (first time, yeah, they were tough enough to keep me out of this place early - didn't feel welcome there, heh).

Someone said that early Supers helps you do Maridia for early Gravity Suit, but unless they mean that it helps you get hi-jump faster, I don't see Supers being useful in Maridia at all for that one item. Hi-jump and missiles, that's really it.


Quote from: zaphod77 on July 21, 2016, 12:51:15 PM
You can also ibj accross crumble blocks with a low ceiling it seems, this lets me into maridia very erly. but going in ther ewith only one energy tank and no varia is suicidal. :)

For speedruns, you pretty much have to get Gravity Suit before Varia, because you need Gravity Suit before you can get PBs, Varia is on the way to PBs, and making a separate trip for Varia is a huge waste of time.  As long as you have at least some beam upgrade (like Spazer), it's not that bad, because the enemies tend to be spaced out (and only the crabs and pink slimes really hurt a lot).

Quote from: dronesplitter on July 21, 2016, 09:33:49 PM
Someone said that early Supers helps you do Maridia for early Gravity Suit, but unless they mean that it helps you get hi-jump faster, I don't see Supers being useful in Maridia at all for that one item. Hi-jump and missiles, that's really it.

In Hyper Metroid, you can shoot a Super Missile downward to give yourself a slight boost in height.  It makes the walljumps up to the Grapple blocks in the second room a lot easier to do, and it allows you to skip the sandfalls in the third room by climbing the right side.  RealRed posted a video a couple pages ago that shows both shortcuts.


Oh, wow. I didn't know about that. I guess I'm just too stuck on the original physics (and not checking the readme) to know these things, sorry.


Completed the game tonight.

Clear Time: 8:42
Collecting Items Rate: 85%
Ammo: 400
Energy Tanks: All
Reserve Tank: 1
All Beams, Suit, Misc. and Boots.
No save states to cheat my way through.

The Escape part was tricky.


Nice. I agree, that escape was tricky. I also didn't use savestates, they really aren't useful in this hack since the creator balanced it rather nicely.


Quote from: dronesplitter on July 21, 2016, 09:33:49 PM

I don't think early Tourian is at all possible in this hack. The 15 gates made this pretty clear for me,  :lol:

No, but i'm talking about the [spoiler]screw attack room[/spoiler]. i didn't realize that was what it was.

You need super missiles and power bombs, as well as enough gates open. if you do not have gravity suit, power bombs, or high jump, you can get stuck on top of the power bomb door. without gravity suit you can't ibj up, and without high jump you cannot gain height walljumping under water. I was able to reach there without any of the three.


Oh, yeah. Well, you need gravity suit (and/or hi-jump) for at least one of those gates, maybe more than one. So, if you go down there without those gates activated (I think it's 1, 4, 7, 10, and 13) then I guess you are going to either end up stuck or disappointed.

I don't normally take much notice about how a hack designs the door colors in certain areas, but this hack has a regular missile door for Ridley's room, which to me was odd. After everything you go through to make it there, I wondered if there was any reason to make that door anything other than a blue door.

EDIT: or maybe I just didn't notice that all of the boss doors used a missile door, making it a Gadora replacement, sort of.



Whew, finished this hack last night. What a rush it was. That escape sequence reminded me quite a lot of Super Metroid Redesign, but not as long as redesign. It was a tricky one because I kept going back and forth between Crateria and Brinstar.

Clear time: 3:17
Rate for collecting items: 98%

Never mind. Chipped my time and found everything.

Clear Time: 2:16
Rate for collecting items: 100%

I missed a Super Missile Tank in Brinstar...

The reason it took me so long was because I kept backtracking from Maridia all the way to Norfair only to be stopped by a door that required Power Bombs.

FYI: I sorta sequence broke and got Super Missles and Wave Beam super early.

Overall, great hack.


What was really hard were the bosses in this hack.

When doing the back path in tourian i got stuck in the room before the gates. i endedup cheeezing ridley with the door, and draygon was a LOT of trouble.


Oh no, I chipped my clear time once again. You can also get Spazer and Gravity Suit early as well.

Clear Time: 1:36
Rate for Collecting Items: 100%


Replayed this to kill some dog days of summer boredom.

Damn, I forgot how awesome this hack is.  The Project Base physics just feel so...right.  Samus is fast, smooth and agile.  The main bosses are actually hard even if fully powered up and you have to come up with a strategy (at least with two of the four I had to devise a strategy and couldn't just outlast them).  The maps are well-designed and the world is huge and immersive.  The ammo system is top-notch.  I found 86% of the items.

This is right there in the upper tier.  Eris, Phazon, Redesign Axeil, Super ZM, X-Factor, this is easily in that class if not the best of the bunch.  And the escape is epic.  I saved the animals and made it back to my ship with less than a minute to spare.   

Trevor thank you for making this.  I know you say you've dealt with some crap in real life and I hope you put all that in the past.  If you ever work on anything else or do anything else with this I'll be the first to download.



Good point.   :lol:

Zero Dozer

Took me time to realize the completed hacks section, so I'll repost my answer on the other thread here.

Being this one the first Super Metroid hack I've finished, after over seven hours and getting 100% of the items, I can give my opinions on this.

Difficulty: Not too high nor low. The game still offers a high level of challenge even for people already used to Super Metroid's mechanics. Enemies sure deal greater damage and bosses are more resistant (Which makes the Ridley fight quite the deathmatch). You will also have to learn to use your weapons at the right time in order to survive tougher mooks, which will demand more than your usual beam can deal. The use of Base Project into this hack also gives people like me new mechanics to tinker with, such as the revamped mockball and Speedball, and gets you into re-learning the game in order to dominate it. Despite the heightened difficulty, the game still works for people unskilled at Metroid, which is really good.

Plot: The author gave some big work at making an alternate take at Samus, so I'll concede it as a great point.

Map: Quite labyrinthine, but nothing that can get you permastuck on a place. Exploration and sequence-breaking are quite possible if you port your skills from Super Metroid. Exploration is quite the key to succeed, and you will need to forget the original Super Metroid order of item acquisition if you want to survive here. Environments and places, even if just pallette changes, give the game quite a different tone from the original.

Features: Having game time and item percentage showing up on the status screen is quite priceless and a first for anything Metroid I've seen. Also, things like the Charge Beam attracting pickups at you helps a lot, as well as the movement features that allows for easier maneuvering, based upon the Base Project, makes the game incredibly attractive.

I can say that I like this hack, after having played it in full. I know I'm necrobumping this thread, but this is a good place to make my opinion on this hack known.