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Hyper Metroid

Started by RealRed, April 17, 2015, 11:59:53 PM

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Dessy: whoops. Nice catch, how'd you do it?

squishy_ichigo: eat my dust! 1:15, 30%!


I am really stuck =( I've been running around Brinstar for the last 2 hours with no luck.

[spoiler]I have the Charge beam, grapple, hi-jump boots and x-ray. People are posting saying they have the wave beam already, but I can't find it anywhere. I fought Phantoon but can't beat him, would the wave beam help?[/spoiler]

Black Soldier

Quote from: Volzar on April 24, 2015, 12:54:10 AM
I am really stuck =( I've been running around Brinstar for the last 2 hours with no luck.

[spoiler]I have the Charge beam, grapple, hi-jump boots and x-ray. People are posting saying they have the wave beam already, but I can't find it anywhere. I fought Phantoon but can't beat him, would the wave beam help?[/spoiler]
[spoiler]Wave beam is located in Crateria. Since you have the Hi-Jump, you can reach it without Infinite Bomb Jumping.

Also, Phantoon is not easy to beat. At least I found him not easy to beat.[/spoiler]


Quote from: Black Soldier on April 24, 2015, 12:59:17 AM
Quote from: Volzar on April 24, 2015, 12:54:10 AM
I am really stuck =( I've been running around Brinstar for the last 2 hours with no luck.

[spoiler]I have the Charge beam, grapple, hi-jump boots and x-ray. People are posting saying they have the wave beam already, but I can't find it anywhere. I fought Phantoon but can't beat him, would the wave beam help?[/spoiler]
[spoiler]Wave beam is located in Crateria. Since you have the Hi-Jump, you can reach it without Infinite Bomb Jumping.

Also, Phantoon is not easy to beat. At least I found him not easy to beat.[/spoiler]

Awesome! Thanks a ton! I'm going to try and find the wave beam and see if I can beat Phantoon. I've gotten more missiles and a couple more energy tanks since I first fought him so he might be doable now.



[spoiler=speedrunning route]

Route I have planned out, mildly altered a bit since my last run, haven't played it all the way through just yet.  I needed a bit more health, because I keep getting my ass kicked by late game bosses. When I start getting better, its easy enough to remove etanks/ammo from the route.[/spoiler]


Finished!  9:30 - 96%

I just couldn't find that last E-Tank... maybe missing another expansion? (Ammo count 480)

[spoiler]Amazing hack.

Bug report (might have been said already):
During escape, in the room next to the crateria/brinstar elevator, you can roll under the gate and get permastuck

The only complaints I have is just in consideration for the noobs heh

-I think to get Bounce/Speed ball REQUIRED mockball, right?  No problem for me now but that took me a long time to learn to do consistently.  I think requiring this to progress is generally frowned upon right?

- the entrance to Draygon where you have to spark downwards... again, I feel like this is a bit much to require game progression.  Unless is there another way in?[/spoiler]


Quote from: altoiddealer on April 24, 2015, 08:06:52 AM
[spoiler]The only complaints I have is just in consideration for the noobs heh

-I think to get Bounce/Speed ball REQUIRED mockball, right?  No problem for me now but that took me a long time to learn to do consistently.  I think requiring this to progress is generally frowned upon right?

- the entrance to Draygon where you have to spark downwards... again, I feel like this is a bit much to require game progression.  Unless is there another way in?[/spoiler]

-Where was mockball required? Because project base's spring ball also allows you to dash/speed boost in morph ball.

-Downward shinespark? Project base's speed booster is a lot more controllable in the air, so you don't necessarily have to carry a shinespark for that area. If anything, it's more about carrying a speed boost through as opposed to a shinespark.


[spoiler]I might have overlooked something but it looked like mockball was required to GET springball (same room)

Symantics - it wasn't tough for me to carry the charge there, no trouble on my end - but that barrier is exactly the same construction as another one, but where you enter from the bottom.  I could picture myself playing this as my first hack and simply not considering that it could be required here.[/spoiler]

Oh! And one other thing...

[spoiler]Backjump is the intended collection method for the Charge Beam, right?  I feel like I was doing the jump perfectly, and it seemed to require a literally "pixel-perfect" execution to make it.  I was about to give up after what I thought was a few optimal attempts - walking right up against the spikes, tapping the d-pad to turn around, and doing the key combo as quickly as possible.  I like just caught the edge on my final attempt.  If this is the case then I think you should consider making the gap 1 tile shorter.  :yay:[/spoiler]


Altoid dealer: springball let's you run as a ball. Mockball isn't required or even necessary.
Also, do you see the grappling blocks on the ceiling in the charge beam room bro?


Quote from: RealRed on April 24, 2015, 09:57:40 AM
Altoid dealer: springball let's you run as a ball. Mockball isn't required or even necessary.
Also, do you see the grappling blocks on the ceiling in the charge beam room bro?

My bad!

[spoiler]I was saying "I think" because it looked to me that a mockball was necessary to GET springball. I'm going to assume that you can fall through the blocks and go left to get it.

My bad on charge comment, too.

So, perfect hack!  I thoroughly enjoyed it.  The Tourian  graphics were unreal (as with the rest of the game)

GT destroyed me when I first paid a visit, but I got the hint that I had some exploring to do before coming back for revenge.  Not sure why people are complaining about him.  I was able to take him down with just charge/wave - hadn't even found spazer and plasma before coming back for him.  With either or both I think be woulda been cake.  The spazma beam is kinda overpowered but still very awesome.

Hope someone does a TAS! That would certainly be interesting


In Norfair I noticed that if I start a spin jump inside lava, while still in the spin jumping animation get out of lava, and immediately use space jump in the air, the space jump animation/sound does not play; instead the normal spin jump animation plays throughout the whole space jumping across the room.


Did a hyper race today!
1st: RealRed - 1:08, 27%
2nd: Elminister - 1:16, 33%
3rd: squishy_ichigo - 1:17, 44%
... and last but not least, the brave but determined soul known as Grime, who had absolutely no route planned, with 67% in 2:11!

It was a blast. See you next race!


It was my first 'realtime' speedrun, I finished with '1 hour, 41 minutes and 38 seconds' which is pretty awful. I died to Ridley and messed up multiple times on the middle norfair gate.

It was a lot of fun though, wish I was streaming it, can't wait to start doing that.



I found a glitch.  I got stuck under this same exact platform.  It is a permastuck location.  I didn't take a picture of it when I got stuck there today, but I found this youtube video that shows the exact same location (platform) that I got permastuck on a few hours ago.

Time Stamp = 1:38:28

When Samus walks to the right underneath of this platform she becomes permastuck every single time and forces a hard reset. 

I just now got the super missiles.  Phantoon was a real pain in the neck, I thought I was never going to kill him.


I gotta say, I'm rather surprised so many people got stuck under that one ledge! I ran into it and told RealRed about it on IRC, assuming it'd be such a small thing that a public declaration would be unnecessary, but it seems it really has been messing people up. Really hope it'll be fixed in the next release!


Yeah it sucked when I got stuck underneath of this platform, there is nothing you can do to get out.  Fortunately, I saved at the ship which isn't that far to travel to get back, I was ultra paranoid not to walk underneath that platform the second time so it was very easy to avoid this glitch when you know exactly where it occurs (knowing which platform NOT to walk underneath).

It took me forever to figure out how to get to the wrecked ship.  I spent forever searching all of the walls, ceilings, floors in Brinstar thinking I missed something.  Good news is that it netted me the x-ray vision early, but the bad news is my time in game is god awful.  I thought you needed the gravity suit for the water area in front of the wrecked ship entrance.  Now that I have super missiles I'm still nervous about the switches for the shit load of gates stacked next to each other.  I have found very few switches for those gates and there are a ton that I'm missing.  Hopefully, I can find them all.


Just finished my second run of this hack. 1:23:13 real time, 1:05 in-game time, and 25%. Used Snes9x 1.51 rerecording. I have it recorded but not uploaded, might upload it later. Pretty decent. I used RealRed's route, with the only change being that I skipped an energy tank and I think a missile or something.


Wow that is impressive!  I spent longer than that time just being lost in brinstar! LOL


Completion stats: 06:34 at 83%
In my first and blind playthrough. Overall the hack is some solid good shit and I'd recommend it to most. I could go on about what I think is so great about it but I'd not know where to start and it would take me forever to go over it all in the first place. So instead, have some criticism!

1. While it's nice that the hack is as open ended and allow as much sequence breaking as it does. There is a lack of knowing where the main path actually is. I think putting further cues and guidance towards the intended path would be great so that you know where to go back to and keep going if you ever run into a roadblock wherever you are. (I'd love to see a map of the hack with the intended route marked, as to be honest, I have no idea where it was.)

2. Bomb Torizo. The fight is confusion since after he walks down and gets stuck on the spikes, he refuses to walk back up onto the platform. And down there he won't shot any orbs at you to give you more missiles. It's super awkward as a whole, even if you do hit him with bombs. From my understanding this is intentional though, but bombs never really come of as an weapon that you'd use on Torizo. I'd probably taken me way longer to figure that out if I was not told after a while by one of my watchers.

3. Boss damage palettes. The palettes are good, but the colour change when they take damage could be a bit more obvious for most of them. Considering you can tackle them quite a bit out of order it's really hard to tell if you're actually doing any damage to them or not. This is something I think should be a high priority to help inform players that they might want to get better gear.

4. I'm not entirely sold on the difficulty of draygon (mainly how fast he moves when goes straight for you.) but either way, I got graphical glitches at times during the fight.

5. Backtracking in general. And what I mean by that is not that I dislike backtracking per say, but rather how it's handled at times. There is a power bomb door on the very left side of brinstar that leads to the key room. I went there after power bombs, and travelling through brinstar to that point can be quite a pain. It's a lot of going up and down to get where you need to go. The biggest issue is that when I got there and opened the power bomb door, I find a speed booster puzzle. There is nothing I could have done there without speed booster so I just had to leave again the same way and then do it again after I got speed booster. This could have been solved by not making that a power bomb door so players could be informed on that there actually was a speed booster puzzle in advance. But this is not the only place the really huge maps can be a slug to get through. A lot of the key hunting near the end feels like filler.

6. Places where there obviously is a door leading into a none-mapped room is not marked as having a door on the map. This have gotten annoying for me several times during the run since the map has not been accurate. I have already been through the room, seen the door, left, forgot about the door (probably a gray hatch.) and since I have been there I assume the map to actually be accurate. It's okay for hidden passages and such, that makes sense, but not for places where it's obviously a door. The door into the Gate 10 room comes to mind but it's not the only one.

7. The save station next to phantoon stops working after the fight. Will a good nod back to super metroid, I can't really agree with the design since after you kill him everything in the area gets harder and deals more damage too you, and you're probably heavily damaged after the fight. And if you die? All the way back before the fight! Furthermore, the other save room on the other side of the area works, so really, it's not even consistent.

8. New default controls! It's a minor thing and I know you don't want people to comment on it, but I have to regardless. If only for the attitude that it should cater to you and you only. Which is absurd since you release this to public. Everyone has their own configuration for how things work for them, and that's fine. Problem is that people will assume it's the same as super metroid before starting the game so they end up thrown into the game with wacky controls (And probably have to quit out and re-configure). It's not like this change to the default controls has any advantages to the playerbase anyway so... yeah.

9. A lot of major item upgrades are placed in areas where you're discouraged to go. This may sound weird, but take power bombs for example. The way leading up to botwons room has a huge wall of power bomb blocks, which is fairly easy to notice, and has a dropdown point via crumble blocks. Due to the openend nature of this hack it's very easy to assume that it's a passage actually leading INTO the area you're currently in, if you have an item you don't. This can make it so you don't want to risk going down the crumble blocks and lose valuable time getting back to the area you're currently in. Obvious, that's not the case, but it's very easy to assume so. I'd redesign the one way passages to look differently to try and get around this. And strictly personally speaking in regards to the power bombs one? I'd just remove it as it serves no purpose consider you get powerbombs fairly shortly after passing by that area anyway.

10. Losing speed charge when entering walljumping frame. You don't actually need to collide with a wall to lose your charge, you just need to be close enough to enter the walljumping frame when turning. This would not really be an issue if it weren't for some speed puzzles that requires some rather tight manoeuvring. [/spoiler]

If I come up with anything else I forgot I'll reply with that too I guess.

It was fun, doubt I'll play it again, but it was fun.


[spoiler=The intended item order]
Morph Ball
Missiles (If you walljump, you get these early, that's a reward for more experienced players)
[Bomb Torizo]
Grapple Beam
Charge Beam (Can be gotten before Grapple with a backflip. Shh! Don't tell!)
[Spore Spawn]
Wave Beam (easiest to collect with High Jump, but can be reached at any point with Bombs)
Varia Suit
Ice Beam
Super Missiles (these can be gotten early in three places - one is the intended place, but without Varia and before Phantoon; the second is in Crateria, reached from a large gap - bombing from crumbles or running at Gravity speed enables early collection; and the third is immediately after Spore Spawn, which immediately closes with a Super Missile door after obtaining Varia)
Space Jump
Spring Ball
Spazer Beam (Can be collected just after obtaining Space Jump, or Bombs, if you're stupidly determined, but the room containing it is easier to find after a Spring Ball run maze)
Gravity Suit (Can be underwater suitless'd, but two rooms that require Space Jump and Spring Ball respectively make this item easily accessible)
Power Bombs
Plasma Beam (Optional, requires Power Bombs)
Screw Attack (Optional, requires the first five gates, the first of each area's three, and Power Bombs)
[Gold Torizo] (Can be fought at any time after Varia Suit, really, but not recommended)
Speed Booster
[Mother Brain]

So, now a week after Hyper's release and after all of the feedback and such, I wanted to share with you all a small conceptualization. You see, there was some joking in development about area names and whether they shouldn't follow the vanilla scheme, and one idea came up as a possible naming scheme...
[spoiler=Area Names]
Crateria - Redesign
Brinstar - Legacy
Norfair - Phazon Hack
Wrecked Ship - Limit
Maridia - Eris
Tourian - Hyper


Honestly, I think naming the areas after hacks would be very jarring. Part of Hyper Metroid's appeal to me is that it does a very good job of feeling like the original game while being very different; jokey names like that would kind of take away that feeling a bit.


I agree do NOT change the name of the different areas.  They are fine the way they are. 


The naming thing seems daft to me.  Steer well clear.


The names aren't serious, just impressionable. I get the fact that they weren't supposed to happen, and won't happen because of the exact reasons described, but they're still funny because each area does make me think of these separate hacks now.