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Hyper Metroid

Started by RealRed, April 17, 2015, 11:59:53 PM

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Quote from: Zhs2 on April 26, 2015, 04:05:15 PM
[spoiler=The intended item order]

[spoiler]Just a suggestion to add comment for Charge (can be collected early with a perfect backjump)[/spoiler]


altoiddealer: That's a sequence break. If zeke was going to outline all of the sequence breaks, he'd need a huge tree with branching paths, lol, rather than a list.

Did a test run today. 1:39, 100%. Big mistakes, kind of zig-zagged trying to figure out how I'd go towards items, also forgot a couple at the end. I'll have to actually draw on a map first next time...


Quote from: RealRed on April 26, 2015, 07:57:27 PM
altoiddealer: That's a sequence break. If zeke was going to outline all of the sequence breaks, he'd need a huge tree with branching paths, lol, rather than a list.

Did a test run today. 1:39, 100%. Big mistakes, kind of zig-zagged trying to figure out how I'd go towards items, also forgot a couple at the end. I'll have to actually draw on a map first next time...
Noted!  BUT he was commenting about collecting items w/IBJ  :bounce:


[spoiler]Stuck!  Can't find the gravity suit anywhere and it is time for me to explore Maridia.  Please don't tell me I have to explore Maridia without the suit!

I have morphball, bombs, missiles, super missiles, hi-jump, charge beam, varia suit, 3 beams (Wave, Ice, Spazer), and spring ball.[/spoiler]

Vismund Cygnus

[spoiler=Not so subtle hint]If you think it's time to explore Maridia, maybe you should, just to see what you may find...

[spoiler=Flat out solution]Go to Maridia and check your map. You'll notice an item room is visible. Might be hinting at something?[/spoiler]


I would like to leave a review on the beta site, but at the moment, the link for reviewing the hack is broken (for me, at least). So I'll paste in my review here and can copy it over to the other site sometime in the future.

Edit: Review has been added over at the beta site.

Hyper Metroid is the first SM ROM hack that I have played through to completion (though I am familiar with several others), and I found it thoroughly entertaining, even though I had some mild frustrations along the way. Since I have not played Project Base, I was worried in the beginning that the altered physics might spoil the hack for me, but I found them easy to adapt to, and it didn't take me long to see how the Zebes of Hyper Metroid was aptly designed around these particular physics. The new physics combined with the overhauled graphics made this game feel very fresh to me, thus setting it apart from most other ROM hacks of this game. I loved the reimagined Wrecked Ship and Maridia particularly. The escape at the end was another high point, as many others have said. Here are specific pros and cons, in my opinion:


  • I enjoyed how open-ended the game felt. I wasn't trying to sequence break, but I did, for example, pick up Gravity before Varia just because I decided to mockball into Maridia and do some exploring there before entering the Wrecked Ship. In the end, it looks like I did defeat the major bosses in the "intended" order of this hack, but I wasn't even sure about that until I started reading posts on this thread after I completed the game.
  • Visually, I loved Wrecked Ship and Maridia. I thought the design of the Wrecked Ship was altogether better than that of vanilla SM, which is not a praise I would give lightly.
  • I loved rooms that required using the non-hostile creatures to assist in getting through the room.
  • I am not a big fan of the Tourian gates approach to SM ROM hacks, but in spite of that, I felt that feature was implemented well in this hack.
  • Mini-Phantoon and mini-Crocomire were wonderful additions.
  • The escape at the end was incredibly well designed. Such a satisfying end to an awesome ROM hack!


  • By far my top criticism is that the map does not display unopened doors that lead into rooms which are not initially visible on the map. In many cases these are gray doors that I saw, couldn't pass through, and then forgot about. This resulted in me wasting way too much time re-exploring all the rooms I had visited before, searching for new doors that I could open. Because of this, it took me absolutely forever to get power bombs, and made it harder to find gate 10 at the end than it needed to be (I think this also caused me to miss early Screw Attack, which would have been fun to pick up). It would be awesome if this could be addressed in some way for the 1.1 release.
  • Ridley managed to get himself stuck in his platform on my second attempt at him. I know that this can occur in vanilla SM, but given how rare it is, I would guess that something about this hack may make it more common? Something to look into, I suppose.
  • I recall noticing at times that the X-Ray Scope did not reveal destructable blocks. I'm not sure whether this was intended or not, but I found it a bit annoying, and this left me wondering how much time I spent pointlessly X-Raying walls (I used X-Ray more than I probably would because it is given so early in the game that it gave me the impression that it is meant to be used throughout the game).
  • There are Speed Booster corridors that looked to me like they were designed for shinesparks which change direction mid-spark. If that is true, I actually couldn't figure out how to do such a shinespark (I feel like I'm probably missing something obvious). At least once, I made it through one of these areas by means of short charging. I thought it was fun to try to charge up shinesparks in super short distances in this hack, but it wouldn't be fun for less experienced players.
  • Changing the default controls to those that the hack author prefers was a pointlessly egocentric modification. I won't belabor this, but they should be changed back to default controls in future versions.

All in all, I thought this was a really excellent ROM hack, and everyone who was involved in its creation deserves massive congratulations! My criticisms above really amount to nit-picky stuff, and if those issues could be addressed with some polishing for v1.1, this will be a truly incredible hack. Well done!


I recorded another run, and uploaded it this time for those curious to see the route or whatever. 1:19:32 real time, 1:02 in-game time. Here it is.


Wow great job Fe!  Thanks for the subtle hint Vismund I'll try to find it tonight.


I finished my Hyper Metroid map.
Here it is :
[spoiler]Hyper Metroid Map[/spoiler]


danidub thanks for the map.  You did a great job with it I love it.  I only glanced at it because I don't want to spoil my current 1st playthrough where I'm searching for the gravity suit at this moment.  I'll definitely use your map on my 2nd playthrough.  Once again great job!


My only complaint with the map danidub is so silly that its nearly pointless to mention, but I will anyways.
Having the harder parts of an area, be a darker color, so they are more easily differentiated at a glance on the map would be a cool feature, you've done this in the past iirc? Ie. lower norfair, upper brinstar.


I don't believe he has. See the Super Metroid map. Not to mention, with as open as Hyper is, "hard" or "difficult" would be pretty tough to define given the multiple paths available.

Good work on the map Dani! Been waiting for all this detail though I've made due with Dman's map pretty well.


Well Person701, I think he just means outlining the different sub-areas in each region.


Quote from: dstruthersThere are Speed Booster corridors that looked to me like they were designed for shinesparks which change direction mid-spark. If that is true, I actually couldn't figure out how to do such a shinespark (I feel like I'm probably missing something obvious). At least once, I made it through one of these areas by means of short charging. I thought it was fun to try to charge up shinesparks in super short distances in this hack, but it wouldn't be fun for less experienced players.
Speedboosting while space jumping fulfills that purpose instead. You are infinitely more maneuverable in mid-air while speedboostering - turning around mid-jump will slow you down, and then you can travel those paths at leisure. Screw attack not so recommended.


Forgot to say earlier, I love the map DB. Thank you! Made a modified version and made it my desktop. I love the item order under 'hyper metroid', too.... It's great. plus throwbacks to Dman's map. Awesome.


Fantastic map danidub! Was waiting for you to swoop in with something lush. I like how you retained some of the stuff I did. :)


Thank you everybody.

Originally my work was inspired by this great RR's game and some very good ideas on dMan's map. (especially for the menu)
Now, a good idea from Squishy san and the personalized map of RR inspired me Hyper map v1.1

[spoiler]Hyper Metroid Map v1.1[/spoiler]


Realred, there is one room that you made huge mistake for everyone can't reach even high boot.   I can't remember which room but I can remember map room.   On the map in Brinstar, there are two arrow down for Crateria between one room with water below where one dot on ut.   I have hi boot, wave beam (much early after get bomb), grapple beam, xray, charge beam, morph ball, and missile.   I fall down the water and everything i tried to get up to grapple beam panel, i cant reach it even i try right / (i cant spell it so i put / for dia something.).   And i tried wall jump, still hard to get up there.   And when I use xray, I notice two speedbooster panel.   I think you made a mistake.  I think you should change to bombable panel to get other side to get up there.  I did went there on right side but i didnt go left side because i dont have grapple beam until now.   So can you fix or change in that room what I explain to you?

PS: I use my phone.   Sorry if my English make you confuse.   English is only my language.   I am not expert with grammar skill. 


Thanks for the clarification, Zhs. I figured I was missing something obvious, and I guess I intuitively knew this. I think I saw where RealRed responded to someone else indicating that he might slightly rework the area around Speed Booster so that it "teaches" the different SB mechanics in this hack a little more effectively. I think that would probably be a nice change.


Edit: Never mind.   Just went in wrecking ship


Maybe you shouldn't be in norfair if you don't have varia. Seems like a no-brainer.


I will counter with "What makes you think it's a good idea to save while taking heat damage?" Also, maybe if you had read the readme you'd know that the hack was indeed tested before release. Honestly though, it is an issue that was overlooked (or maybe even not found) during the beta phase. As for not having/being able to find Super Missiles, maybe searches near the upper West side of Crateria will provide some rewards...


Realred, You are son of a b****.  xD I thought that room is item room but no.  It boss of.....head balloon with eyeball and it scare me hell of it because it move so damn fast.  xD  This should add my scare list.  Lol.


Lol wtf. A head balloon. xD It's called phantoon lol.