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Hyper Metroid

Started by RealRed, April 17, 2015, 11:59:53 PM

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Quote from: ommadawnyawn on January 28, 2016, 02:08:25 PM
Hi all, just beat the hack (it's the first SM hack I've beaten) and I have a few questions:
1. Was it possible to skip most of tourian on the way to the final fight (through the yellow door to the west)?
No, but it does allow you to get Screw Attack once you find Power Bombs and Gates 1, 4, 7, 10, and 13.
Quote2. What was the deal with the pemanently locked door with a gate pillar in front of it around the middle of tourian (larger room w/ ~6 metroids to fight in it)?
I can understand you not paying much attention during the escape, but it's where you reenter Tourian from the central area after killing Mother Brain.


Interesting, thanks guys.


Quote from: Digital_Mantra on January 28, 2016, 02:33:43 AM
Alright so I've been patient and nonchalant about this, waiting for it to get mentioned by those it should, it hasn't so I will.
Advanced Pillow made a boxset for Hyper Metroid. It is so professionally made that it feels like you've been transported back to 1994 in a parallel universe.
The LCE console cart is also different from current released version, I won't list the changes as that's up to Red, but they're interesting and game changing.
Lots of goodies in the boxset too, just.. holy shit!

I'm saying this now cause it's 2016 and I've been waiting for AP or Red to stop being so modest and showcase this lushness.
Post some pictures, this doesn't need to be so exclusive, nothing does. Life is short.

I'm interested... could someone provide details?


Quote from: LiquidDreams on February 08, 2016, 08:28:46 AM
Quote from: Digital_Mantra on January 28, 2016, 02:33:43 AM
Alright so I've been patient and nonchalant about this, waiting for it to get mentioned by those it should, it hasn't so I will.
Advanced Pillow made a boxset for Hyper Metroid. It is so professionally made that it feels like you've been transported back to 1994 in a parallel universe.
The LCE console cart is also different from current released version, I won't list the changes as that's up to Red, but they're interesting and game changing.
Lots of goodies in the boxset too, just.. holy shit!

I'm saying this now cause it's 2016 and I've been waiting for AP or Red to stop being so modest and showcase this lushness.
Post some pictures, this doesn't need to be so exclusive, nothing does. Life is short.

I'm interested... could someone provide details? :(
he must mean this one?


Actually, I think he means this:

Quote from: RealRed on December 24, 2015, 05:16:27 PM
I can't really defend the released hack anymore; I've actually already *made* an update addressing nearly every problem. It's 99% finished (and I don't mean "at that one last percent that takes two years") but caught in a development hell called "real life problems". You can thank the real life bad-guys. :(
I don't talk about it because I don't know when I'll be able to make it a tangible thing for you guys. Don't get excited.

If you can't wait, though, you might want to consult advancedpillow.

Limited time only, and I don't know how many of the only ten in existence are left for people to buy


Quote :(
he must mean this one?


/kills self

was that the one, though?


As Zhs2 said above, it's probably not, though it's a nice set either way. :^_^:


Nah not the toxic booger edition, the other one.


I saw this one on eBay. traced it back to Fishy Face Games

I think it's a nice set and actually purchased one since I don't have the tools to make repros anymore...

Also, Dman... there is this.. a very cool set


Never seen those before, whoever made them never informed us I reckon.

lol that's not even the updated version of Eris according to the map, and the pics on the back are of redesign. hahah 0/10


Not to mention the energy tanks aren't consistent between screenshots.


I've been MIA for far too long. It's about time I shared with you guys my Hyper Metroid boxset in my, what I like to refer as, Limited Collector's Edition "series". (Don't take it too seriously :wink: ). I'm not sure why exactly I've been so shy about sharing this.  :blush:

I made these last year, in the summer, with daily involvement from RealRed. The man is super talented and created tons of art for Hyper, collected in the art book that comes within the set. Each copy includes a numbered cart, numbered manual, numbered art book, fridge magnet, a fun little insert like one of those "PLAY IT LOUD" inserts from official SNES releases, except these feature my own SM work (just a bit of fun), and a double-sided mini poster (tri-folded like the old Nintendo Power posters). My Eris set for Dman took a good year to make, but this one took about 2-3 months. So I got a cool process down for a relatively quick schedule. Most of that time was waiting for Red to tweak and redesign his game. So I could potentially do another one even faster.  :nod:

So yeah, this LCE version of Hyper is unique in that Red made many changes to the game, some minor, some major. It flows perfectly now. It's about as professionally designed as you can get, imo. I dunno if Red would ever release the ips for this LCE set. Don't ask me. It's up to him.

[spoiler=Large Images]



Pretty awesome :)
I really like the manual backside art.

A Dummy

Man, I wish I had money to throw around for things like this, otherwise I think I'd totally go for it.
Wishful thinking aside, all that looks really awesome!
Hopefully RealRed will release the new version soon at least, I'm sure he has any number of reasons for not making it pubic yet like wanting to do some finishing touch-ups, or even the good old real life decided to come knocking at the door and everything had to come to a halt.



I'll post a video soon on this but I've found some pretty fun exploits that can likely be used to move faster through hyper metroid.

I think midair-morphing will increase vertical acceleration going up or down.

In magma/lava with the varia suit, diag bombing and holding the direction you plan to move will throw you incredibly fast horizontally. If you're fast enough, you can get into a crouch position and be launched in the same manner.

In the wrecked ship, the typical exit point after activating gate...12 I think can be accessed prematurely by walljumping up to it in the hallway under it.

In many cases, Pseudo Screw-attacking can do more damage to enemies than attacking with a charged beam.


Having an issue with your ips patch, I downloaded a rom from eumparadise.
Smile RF opens it fine, however when I patch your ips to the new rom.
Smile RF says it cannot open pal roms, will you please look at the ips patch and verify that real red.
The reason why I was using smile rf is to look at one of the enemie palettes in your hack and borrow it.


I remember a while back someone claimed they were having SMILE issues and it turned out they were trying to open Hyper, so I assume RealRed locked it. Either so people couldn't cheat on their playthroughs or so people wouldn't steal assets.


It's not locked, it just has custom event pointers. Those rooms will need hex editing to be opened.

You'll figure it out if you persist.


Quote from: RealRed on May 14, 2016, 01:40:19 PM
Those rooms will need hex editing to be opened.
You'll figure it out if you persist.

You make it sound like you rigged that hack up to be like fort knox prison.
Not really important though as I needed to look at your kraid palette.
For some reason his color is asm hard coded like the torizo bosses.  :evilno:

Either way thanks for the permission earlier to look inside the rom.


Quote from: Dark-SA-X on May 14, 2016, 04:16:42 PMlike fort knox prison.
I did a double-take on this, then Googled it to see if it's now a prison. :^_^:


Just curious if there is any plan to release the revised version of this discussed above?  I've been into replaying slightly (or more than slightly) upgraded versions of hacks lately (SZM 2.3, Eris 2012, Phazon 3.0, etc.)


Quote from: DonnyDonovan on May 14, 2016, 05:15:24 PM
Just curious if there is any plan to release the revised version of this discussed above?  I've been into replaying slightly (or more than slightly) upgraded versions of hacks lately (SZM 2.3, Eris 2012, Phazon 3.0, etc.)

I want to give this another go as well, so I'm definitely interested in any updates/revised versions.



Where my life is right now, I just can't justify working on this. I'll let you all know if it becomes prospective though.


Quote from: RealRed on July 08, 2016, 12:49:52 PM

Where my life is right now, I just can't justify working on this. I'll let you all know if it becomes prospective though.

Wow. So does that mean that the new Hyper Metroid version is RIP for a while?