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SM Redesign: Axeil Edition FINAL

Started by Drewseph, April 04, 2015, 03:17:51 AM

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Alisa Orlova

Quote from: Drewseph on April 05, 2015, 08:59:38 PM
I'll change that pit then, I'm also going to reduce Air spike bts 02 tiles to $08 damage instead of $10.
Yep, that's right sir. Also please remove all enemies from the game just in case if somebody have a "hands with growing from his @$$". In my opinion much more interesting to know what will you do with  Elminster feedback?


Compared to the original Redesign, I am having myself quite a bit of time with this. I just managed to get the X-Ray Scope.

However, I came across this strange glitch when I decided out of what was lurking in my mind to see if I do perform that blue suit glitch by activating the effects of the Speed Booster, crouching down and holding down the run button and the R button, then jumping while still holding those down when the suit is just glowing.


It can also do something interesting like shown in the video, when there's space to move in a room in the direction you're facing, but you can potentially get stuck doing this as well.



Point of advice, don't kill Draygon with bombs. You'll get stuck.



Quote from: Alisa Orlova on April 06, 2015, 08:09:04 AM
Quote from: Drewseph on April 05, 2015, 08:59:38 PM
I'll change that pit then, I'm also going to reduce Air spike bts 02 tiles to $08 damage instead of $10.
Yep, that's right sir. Also please remove all enemies from the game just in case if somebody have a "hands with growing from his @$$". In my opinion much more interesting to know what will you do with  Elminster feedback?

I'm working with him on IRC on how to go about addressing them.

Aerezoloh:  how in the hell did you do this?  I never knew

SMILE:  thats a weird bug and might be hard to pinpoint but I'll figure out something


The glitch Aerezoloh found is to do with the temporary blue suit, which is a glitch itself in the original game; so you might find it extremely difficult (and unnecessary) to patch.  It looks like the bug SMILE found is due to the goo being attached to Samus, it would be interesting to know if it only happens when Draygon dies or if it happens anyway


Was on my way to grapple last night. Found the massive lava moat screw attack room, and saw a walljump wall immediately below. I figured "cool, a place must be down there", but it was a faek. hum.

I just want to point out... Shutter buttons that are really far away from their respective gates can become mind boggling when returning to rooms with several buttons that you've only partially explored. you may have hit one but not the other, and now you don't know which ones you have/haven't hit and can't tell without guess + check.

Maybe I'm a tard and these are hit once and never again, but if they aren't, it might save your players a lot of brain-hurt if they can only be hit once, *or*, have a light nearby that tells you if they're up or down.

In all honesty though, god damn there's so many gates everywhere that seemed placed soley to slow down exploration and nothing more.


Quote from: RealRed on April 06, 2015, 12:31:46 PM
Was on my way to grapple last night. Found the massive lava moat screw attack room, and saw a walljump wall immediately below. I figured "cool, a place must be down there", but it was a faek. hum.

I just want to point out... Shutter buttons that are really far away from their respective gates can become mind boggling when returning to rooms with several buttons that you've only partially explored. you may have hit one but not the other, and now you don't know which ones you have/haven't hit and can't tell without guess + check.

Maybe I'm a tard and these are hit once and never again, but if they aren't, it might save your players a lot of brain-hurt if they can only be hit once, *or*, have a light nearby that tells you if they're up or down.

In all honesty though, god damn there's so many gates everywhere that seemed placed soley to slow down exploration and nothing more.

They are all on a timer. you need to activate them all to unlock the gate


Oh. Not quite there yet.
I'm talking about the pre-kraid room with the shutter-hunt and the norfair room with like 10 buttons in a huge ball maze (the one with the semi-under-lava powerbomb pickup) primarily. Also that hurrgg shutter in the U shaped room on the way down to grapple had me stumped for like a whole hour... it was one of those "oh I'm stupid" moments at least.


Quote from: P.JBoy on April 06, 2015, 12:17:14 PM
The glitch Aerezoloh found is to do with the temporary blue suit, which is a glitch itself in the original game; so you might find it extremely difficult (and unnecessary) to patch.
And judging by the video, continuing causes OoB death after the fanfare for some reason (any ideas, drew?)

Quote from: P.JBoy on April 06, 2015, 12:17:14 PM
It looks like the bug SMILE found is due to the goo being attached to Samus, it would be interesting to know if it only happens when Draygon dies or if it happens anyway
The new morph ball has caused similar problems with samus during beta, so it won't be a suprise that what Smiley found is something similar to what we found when getting a new suit in morph ball

Black Falcon

Quote from: Drewseph on April 06, 2015, 11:33:21 AM
Quote from: SMILEuser96 on April 06, 2015, 11:15:55 AM
Point of advice, don't kill Draygon with bombs. You'll get stuck.
SMILE:  thats a weird bug and might be hard to pinpoint but I'll figure out something
One fix would be a hijack in the Draygon Projectile, checking for Draygon's health, and if he's dead, just do nothing/release samus/delete it instead of sticking to Samus.
Another way would be an AI hijack to delete all guck thingies the moment he dies.
My guess is that there's some stuff going on in his AI that, when he dies, it checks if he was killed by grapple, so Samus is set free again.
This gunk probably messes with that AI making it think Samus is being held by Draygon still, messing her up.
Shouldn't be too hard to fix anyway, though.


You can die if you use the look up/down feature and samus goes offscreen, then after she dies, she will die at the last savestation. You have to exit to main menu to restart without dying. Try it at landing site to the left of the ship.


Quote from: Alisa Orlova on April 06, 2015, 08:09:04 AM
Quote from: Drewseph on April 05, 2015, 08:59:38 PM
I'll change that pit then, I'm also going to reduce Air spike bts 02 tiles to $08 damage instead of $10.
Yep, that's right sir. Also please remove all enemies from the game just in case if somebody have a "hands with growing from his @$$". In my opinion much more interesting to know what will you do with  Elminster feedback?
lol, I'm fine with enemies (though some do chunk your health early game) but random arbitrary spikes beds are just obnoxious it's just a "Ohoho, gotcha!" kind of thing.

I've also never understood the point to there being wall jump boots/walls. I understand that IBJ and wall jumping on any surface is disabled as to reduce sequence breaking, but besides the initial wall jump wall obstacle, what's the point of the rest of the wall jump walls? Just seems like in every section I've encountered a wall jump wall, you could just put platforms and eliminate wall jumping from the game entirely.


I guess the main reason would be that if you had platforms everywhere, then it would become much more difficult to block players from getting early items.  Also, IBJ is not disabled.  It just has a different timing to normal.

Drewseph: There's some funky BTS going on here:

You go through the floor by rolling to the right, or by jumping and aiming down.  It looks like it's because the blocks underneath the slopes are not solid.

Edit: Are there areas in the game that sap your bombs?  It seems strange that I would fail an IBJ over twenty times in the same place at exactly the same height every time.


I just noticed this today. I actually got around to playing the original redesign and got past Draygon yesterday. I look forward to playing this version. Thank you for posting it.


I fixed a majority of the bugs mentioned so far.  I need someone who knows all the OOB accidental camera kill spots.

Working on the draygon gunk next and then I'll release a new patch.


I am taking my time playing it. I am really enjoying it thus far. I noticed a few things.

1: The hint system green arrows sometimes seem to stick around in some cases. (Maybe I sequence broke the game I guess. Which is possible.)
2: You can wall jump on the same wall/reach places you were never meant to reach early. (if your fast enough/without high jump.)

Otherwise, I love all the changes so far. Feels like I am playing Zero Mission. :)

~ SpoOkyMagician


I need some help. I can't solve that switch puzzle before Screw Attack. I tried so many different solutions but nothing seems to work :/
Also I really like the changes so far except Lost Caverns. This time it was way more confusing..


Get a stopwatch and study the switches one by one.


I'm up at Tourian, and I think that's about as far as I'm willing to go with the hack at this point.

[spoiler="The Good"]
  • The Physics changes.  Still not perfect, but a vast improvement over the original redesign.  I can actually escape from sandpits now!
  • Auto-Walljump.  It doesn't always activate when I want it to, but traversing the areas has become a lot better, especially with original Redesign's "Here's a walljump pose, but you can't actually do it" and "Here's your first wall jump, now full stop exactly 1 pixel from the opposite wall and drop like a rock before you can wall jump again" moments.
  • Shortcut Elevators.  I made use of these a bit more than Elm did, unlocking I think all of them.  However, keeping track of each one was difficult, since they are not labelled like the main elevators.
  • Hint System.  This was quite good in the early game, helping to find major upgrades, as well as marking Speed and PB barriers as you encountered them.  Completely useless for Guardian Hunting, though.
  • Ceres.  Thank you for restoring it to 1 minute instead of 30 seconds.
  • Lost Caverns.  I'm more indifferent to this change, but I didn't mind the new puzzle.  I figured it has something to do with the lightposts the moment I walked into the room, though it took me drawing a map in order to figure out the correct path.

[spoiler="The Bad"]
  • Suitless Underwater.  Seriously?  You took an already low point in the game and made it WORSE?
  • Acid.  Holy crap, Acid.  Just, no.  Please.
  • Item locations. There are some really clever puzzles.  Then there are some moon logic puzzles.  Then you went and threw in some insane troll logic, instant-death trap puzzles where your reward is a measly 2-missile pack.  Really?  Also, early in the game (pre-Varia), Etanks and ammo expansions are nearly nonexistant, making exploration really annoying when you have to camp refil bugs every 3-5 minutes.
  • Enemy Health and Damage.  Continuing on my previous point, enemies STILL do WAY too much damage, even after obtaining Gravity Suit.  And considering that you have to fight giant Sidehoppers and Desgeegas to proceed in some early areas, the aforementioned lack of health and ammo expansions make combat rather harrowing.
  • Crystal Flash.  500 energy?  Really?  I'm grateful that you reduced the ammo cost, considering the ammo maximums in the hack, but you also quartered the energy gain!
  • Metroids.  Just, Metroids.  I realize this is your baby, but that doesn't make it a good idea.  Their insane aggro, instantaneous grabbing, and near-zero freeze timer makes fighting two or more a complete nightmare.  I lost over 5 Etanks worth of energy in the first Metroid room because of their complete cheese.  The second Metroid room is where I have to set down the controller.

Now I know most of these concerns are being addressed in the next version, but I'd like to get my grievances out there.


[spoiler]I must say I like the new Tourian. It really gives the feeling of an underground base with the lasers protecting the entrance to Mother Brain and such.
The Metroids are even faster then the old ones and they were already very fast. At least they doesn't kill you instantly and after a few times I got the hang of them and they weren't that bad anymore (also they drop health on mass). [/spoiler]


^ Spoilers, much? :neutral:

Also, Samario: Can you not just crouch and jump for the extra height to reach the ledge?


a) I already mentioned that in IRC
b) that's kinda not the point; most people playing this would not know this fairly inobvious maneuver was a thing


I can see your point, but I'm more of a believer of the opposite - most people who play hacks for games are familiar with the original, and are looking to extend its life.  This familiarity usually extends to the game's moves and abilities.  Either way, there's no harm in simply lowering that ledge, as I can't see that it would really affect anything else. :^_^:



Absolutely loving this thus far, even though I'm currently lost, again.

Have come across one glitch though. If you use the charge beam to throw five bombs, and before your bomb quota regenerates you try to use a powerbomb, you can no longer use powerbombs until you leave the current room.

EDIT: May have found a permastuck. If I haven't, please say something. The only way out I can see though is grapple, which I don't have.

EDIT 2: Unless I'm missing something, the platform enemies in this room do not function at all: [spoiler][/spoiler]

EDIT 3: These fucking Lost Caverns! I figured it out in the original, but I'm not see any indication of where to go or any changing tiles. You'd assume it'd be easy only being able to go right or down, but no. Hell, I even took to screenshots and using paint to try and find anything changing, nothing. This is like the last castle in Super Mario Bros. x100. It's sad that I'm half tempted to simply quit here...