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SM Redesign: Axeil Edition FINAL

Started by Drewseph, April 04, 2015, 03:17:51 AM

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I already tried going in the pipe and blowing it up. Apparently, the only way in is to jump in specifically while jumping from the large cube-shaped platform, otherwise, morph ball form isn't triggered. Well, I am not stuck anymore and it's nice to see I wasn't actually soft locked. Thanks for the help  :^_^: However, this is also now the first incident of a poor design instance I've encountered in the mod because I should have been able to turn into a morph ball no matter which platform I jump from as long as the jump takes me to the pipe. The fact that I didn't morph when I tried this yesterday led me to believe it's not something I can pass through.


Yeah, automorph can sometimes be finnicky in this hack. Sometimes it's worth trying it multiple times just to make sure. Still, I'm glad you found the way forward!


And for future reference, please use img tags around your image links to get them to embed in the forum post itself so we don't have to click on each link to see the images.


i'm just wandering, but will there ever a randomizer for this awesome hack?


i'm just wandering, but will there ever a randomizer for this awesome hack?


Quote from: Beardy on September 21, 2016, 06:28:26 PM
Sorry, you have to click "select" and copy these links, because imgur doesn't like referrals from this site.

And I've been wondering how you spark through these blocks near grapple...
Where is the place where you get the shinespark charge?
The bridge to the right collapses...

Was wondering about this too, and it seems like you only get one shot at this bridge, so you have to arrive with speed booster:,3468.msg56213/topicseen.html#msg56213

So, have to use another Lower Norfair entrance...  :whoa:


Okay I wanted to like this hack very much . I  played the original like twice, one time when it first came out and again a few years later.    In retrospective the 2nd time around man was it just miserable and after that I forgot about it. Now many years later I come back to redesign and here are with a new version that is supposed to be improved and has a lot of it's criticisms fixed.  

Alright so like the first thing that is incredibly wrong about this hack you notice right away - the physics.  Now the physics in the first iteration of this hack , it wasn't great but at least it wasn't like I'm playing as Luigi in super Metroid.  I don't know , it felt like the first version of this hack I had more control despite the more annoying heavier physics.  

So like the vertical momentum of your jumps  - they feel alright , but the horizontal movement . Oh man  -  does it feel bad.   I don't know  why you decided to go with this, but boy does it feel so incredibly slippery and it feels like I have no agency in how I control Samus.   Nine times out of ten it feels like I'm fighting the controls rather than the environment.  This extends especially to the morph ball which feels so slippery for no reason at all.  Not sure why you thought any of these changes were fun or even good ideas, they just feel awful to play.

Now level design wise - I thought this hack was fine, it's a little too big.  I think the addition of fast travel was a nice touch, but some areas were just especially annoying to navigate when you don't create proper loops or shortcuts to navigate such giant areas.  Especially when you made the main character incredibly annoying on purpose to control!   Another thing -  no idea why you're so adamant about not letting people sequence break your game.  Like  90% of the fun of metroid is exploring and carving your own path with your newfound abilities, but here it feels so linear and just unfun because you rob people  of their freedom of exploration until you get to the end game.  

And now one of the biggest sins -  Why nerf a lot of Samus's abilities. Like why make screw attack borderline unusable and annoying to use ? Why make wall jumps an item with only specific uses?   Why remove IBJ and and nerf the ability to quick charge speedbooster? Why force the players to play your idea of the game instead of letting them have free agency?

Let's go to another point of unfun mechanics -  Why did you decide to make the most unfun boss arenas known to man by making them just annoying to fight in?  Not only that but super inflating boss health just cause?  Seriously did you ever playtest your own hack and figured "Okay this is too much fun, let's add a dose of unfunium to this area."

And then there's tourian .. oh my god what were you  thinking with this tourian rework?   The metroids are just so hyper aggressive and you backspawn them for the sake of being mean to the player and not to mention the endless waves of them hitting you left and right when you're trying to progress such a tedious area with the annoying puzzles known to man just to fight mother brain.

I'm grateful you left mother brain intact because wow that's the first time i felt fun in a while cause it's just a vanilla fight ... then there's the escape sequence. 

bro why did you make the most annoying jump shaft known to man with the worst physics imaginable for it?  Why is it that in the later shafts if you make one mistake cause of things like the auto morph failing or something, you just die for it and have to redo the entire dumb 10 minute escape sequence?  I'm sorry are you just allergic to fun mechanics in a metroid game? Who hurt you? I hear a game designer peer reviewed this but did you decide to ignore all advice and do the opposite?    I streamed this  and I felt like streaming bad rats was probably more productive



Having seen it, I should go back and see how my views have changed since I last played this. I started putting together a brief document on the ins and outs of Redesign, and it might be interesting to examine the different elements of it (like the physics changes ((again)), the sheer scale, the boss changes, and the puzzles) to see what what good elements there are, as well as what things should be left to the metroids.

Also hi Rich, glad to see there's still interest, hope you enjoy your stay on the site!


Axiel would have been perfect if it was Axiel right up until Tourian and then Tourian wasn't changed at all.


I've heard a lot of people felt that way. The last time I played both I found the OG Redesign Tourian I was relying on savstates a lot more than in Axiel. (I've been making a point this last year to only use save states to record progress. It's opened my eyes to flaws in hacks that I used to overlook.)


I thought Axeil improved on a lot of the flaws of the original and the planet was more fun to navigate.  However, where I agree with the review, and the biggest problem with both versions, was that the designer went so out of his way to create a "you're going to play this my way, in my order, and only my way" vibe that goes against the very core of Metroid exploration.  Also just reinstating the ability to quickly jump off of crumble blocks would have helped so much.