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Introduce Yourself!

Started by Phazar, May 17, 2009, 05:59:57 PM

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Hey there everyone! I'm Lazymoth. I've already commented on a few hacks over in the Completed section but I figure it's worth saying hi over here too.

I've been a fan of Metroid ever since I played Super Metroid when I was 4. I got it for Christmas in 1995, and somewhere in a dusty box there's a home movie of me excitedly unwrapping it, then quiet and fearfully looking at Ridley on the boxart.

I make indie games and I tend towards wanting to design big open games where the player has a lot of authorial control over their experience and can pick their own objectives and goals, such as the second act of Super Metroid, collectathons from glory days of Rare on the N64 all the way back to the forerunners like Jet Set Willy, etc.

My current project is Creepy Castle which has a lot of Metroidvania influence, although it is neither an action game nor a platformer (but similar to Super Metroid in that it's a side-view game revolving around big, persistent areas with ability gates.) It was Kickstarted and Greenlit!

I also do art and music that I share on a Tumblr blog (same username as here.) I also run my own website/forums but development on those is on a bit of a hiatus while I focus on completing and releasing my game.

Nice to meet you all! You guys make awesome hacks and one day I'll make a hack in tribute of Super Metroid, too.


Quote from: Lazymoth on April 14, 2015, 10:48:48 PMJet Set Willy
I loved this game.  I always liked Manic Miner before it, jumping everywhere collecting shinies through all the levels.  Then Jet Set Willy came along and offered the same collectathon but with a whole world to explore, all before the annoying maid would finally let you sleep.  I could never top the Dizzy games, however, and even they couldn't top Target: Renegade, which is still a great play even now. :cool:

Welcome to the forum. :^_^:


Glad to see love for Jet Set Willy! It the physics really show their age but I think its design holds up to this day, and the lack of abilities keeps the exploration feeling really pure.

The Dizzy games are great too (though I never managed to buckle down and beat any of them,) and I'll have to go give Target: Renegade a look!

Thank you for the warm welcome! :)


Creepy Castle looks pretty rad, good luck moving forward on that.  Kickstarter says it's by Dopterra, but your name is Lazymoth! CONFUSION ENSUES!

Regardless, welcome to Metconst, enjoy your stay! We have many hacks coming out this year, for instance, Hyper Metroid releases in a few hours! :awesome:


Quote from: Lazymoth on April 17, 2015, 04:07:40 PMThe Dizzy games are great too (though I never managed to buckle down and beat any of them,)
I sort of did.  I completed most of them as far as using the items was concerned, but it was always afterward, when there'd be some entity saying something like "I need 30 coins before you can pass" that stopped me. :neutral:


Quote from: squishy_ichigo on April 17, 2015, 05:06:57 PM
Creepy Castle looks pretty rad, good luck moving forward on that.  Kickstarter says it's by Dopterra, but your name is Lazymoth! CONFUSION ENSUES!

Regardless, welcome to Metconst, enjoy your stay! We have many hacks coming out this year, for instance, Hyper Metroid releases in a few hours! :awesome:
Ahah, Dopterra is my company's name ( ) and Lazymoth is my username. :) I'm glad you think it looks rad!! And yeah, I'm excited for Hyper Metroid!

Quote from: Quietus on April 17, 2015, 05:29:07 PMI sort of did.  I completed most of them as far as using the items was concerned, but it was always afterward, when there'd be some entity saying something like "I need 30 coins before you can pass" that stopped me. :neutral:
That sounds like something I'd get stuck on too. Really thorough forced collection usually makes me quit a game outright (such befell me when I played Jet Force Gemini.)


Forced collection reminds me of The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker. Loved that game. Still love that game. Never bothered finding the triforce pieces because why this


Oh yeah, absolutely. I actually lost all motivation for playing The Wind Waker once I got to the Triforce collection part, too.

Zero One

I can't stand that section. Honestly, I can't stand most of Wind Waker, but the HD remake makes it a LOT better. They redid the Triforce fetch quest so it isn't such a pain in the arse to do. If I recall correctly, some treasure maps were replaced with just the Triforce shards. Not to mention the fact that the Swift Sail exists, which cuts out a good chunk of travel time.


I didn't actually mind all of the sailing, but it wound me up having to play the song every time.  Just give me a damned shortcut button to change wind!


Hi, i'm new! I'm Zzanitari, I started Metroid: Phantom (The mini hack on this site). I love Super Metroid, and I love to edit it (I may finish other hacks SM related that i've started, but have not released after this one is finished). I have been away from hacking for a couple years, but haven't forgotten much at all on how to do certain things that got me so far in Phantom, but i'm really interested in changing certain things and experimenting deeper in SM editing.


Welcome to the forum.  You've appeared at a relatively good time, since we've seen two fantastic releases in short succession. Go, go, go! :^_^:


Hi all! Registered an account to ask a question about Hyper Metroid, lol. I don't do any hacking myself, though if I ever learn how one day it could be a fun hobby.



Hello. Nice to be here.
My name is Terry, and I'm from NYC.
I'm a fan of this game, well, not so important like the others around here, but a little one.
I want to join into discussions with you guys.
Have a great day! :)


Quote from: helater on April 24, 2015, 07:38:09 AM
Have a great day! :)
Thank you.  Welcome to the forum. :^_^:


Hello, I'm Lazy355.

I have been a fan of Metroid since I was a kid. I've always enjoyed the environments and exploration the game presented me with!

I've been lurking the Metroid Construction forums, off and on of course, for about the last two to three years.
Recently, I finally worked up the urge to finally create an account on here, if only to be a part of the community!
I hope to be able hangout with you guys, and enjoy the awesome hacks your community makes!     


By "Metroid" you do mean Metroid 1 right  :<_<:?  Surely not that silly old Super Metroid...   :nowai:

Welcome to M.C.   :grin:


Quote from: Grimlock on April 26, 2015, 09:53:12 PM
By "Metroid" you do mean Metroid 1 right  :<_<:?  Surely not that silly old Super Metroid...   :nowai:

Welcome to M.C.   :grin:

Oh my mistake, thanks for noticing that!

And for confirmation; it's the Metroid series in general!  :lol: 


Welcome, Lazy, to the Metroid Madhouse.  Respect the bubbles, don't copy Redesign, and you'll do just fine. :grin:


Quote from: Quietus on April 27, 2015, 04:55:34 AM
Respect the bubbles, don't copy Redesign, and you'll do just fine.

Can we add this to the list of random strings shown up top just below the navbar?

Zero One

Quote from: snarfblam on April 27, 2015, 05:14:06 PM
Quote from: Quietus on April 27, 2015, 04:55:34 AM
Respect the bubbles, don't copy Redesign, and you'll do just fine.

Can we add this to the list of random strings shown up top just below the navbar?

Donion rings.


Goddammit, now I want onion rings. :lol:


Hello Everyone, I am Leodox.

I have been speedrunning Super Metroid for about 2 years now. I also enjoy making hacks on the side! I hope to learn alot from you guys in the future here because what you guys do is really awesome.

I have alot of knowledge of Super Metroid so hopefully I can be of help as well. I am pretty excited about joining this forum and the shinespark website as well. I will be looking into speedrunning many of the hacks!

I also do stream on twitch ( Mostly Super Metroid speedruns and occasional other games. I am looking forward to meeting all of you :)


Welcome to the forum, Leodox.  Enjoy your stay. :^_^: