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Introduce Yourself!

Started by Phazar, May 17, 2009, 05:59:57 PM

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Howdy People of Metroid Construction. I'm new here, obviously, and just want to say greetings. I know how forums work so I won't need to be told much on that subject, I have my own ZM hack I started a while ago that I recently just got back to. Once I take the silliness out of it I reckon that I'll post a thread about it. But anyhow, hello and if this was supposed to go in another section, please let me know.  :bounce:


Nice to see that people are actually hacking GBA Metroids. When you'll get enough content (screenshots, more than 1 room is changed etc.) start a topic on this board:,10.0.html
Welcome on board!

Vismund Cygnus

There's a thread right here for this.  :^_^:
That said, welcome aboard! Take it from me, removing silliness from your hacks is the last thing you want to do. Silliness = fun, usually. That's the formula I follow anyway, and it works pretty well for me.


That depends on the type of silliness.  A bajillion metroids in the first room is never a good type of silly. :^_^:

Welcome, Cpt.Glitch.  Enjoy your stay, preferably with some fries and a tasty beverage.


Lol, by silliness, i mean some really bad pallet editing mainly on doors, I have no clue what I was trying to do there.


Quote from: Quietus on November 10, 2014, 08:28:04 PM
Welcome to MetConst.  Having ideas is how everybody starts.  The next step is wanting to find a way to turn those ideas into your own hack.  The rest is just a willingness to learn, and a little dedication*. :^_^:

*And four more years.

For the first one, after that you'll be spit'n em out every six months  :grin:


Guten Morgen everyone, i'm Amputecture and i'm new to this community. This is actually my first time ever joining a forum as well, so it's taking a bit of getting used to. But I am learning to navigate the site and find the resources i'm looking for.

I've been playing Super Metroid since I was about four, and it's great to see there is still such a thriving discussion! I'm looking forward to digging into the hacks, and seeing other peoples work. One day, I hope to create my own hack.

But for now, it's good to be here, and i'm glad there are all of these resources and people to get to know. I look forward to talking to you, and getting into MetConst.


Welcome, Amputecture.  Have a read, absorb what you can, make some backups, then break some ROMs.  That's the usual sequence of events.  Play nice, and enjoy your stay. :^_^:

Vismund Cygnus

Nice to see another Mars Volta fan, though the spelling is off, I thought the album was amputechture.  :razz:
Anyway, hope you enjoy your stay!


Might as well introduce myself.

I'm a speedrunner who recently got into playing hacks. I've been lurking here a couple of months now, having a look at all the guides and resources and other interesting stuff here. I'll be jumping into the community Stardust race that's happening tomorrow, and I'm planning on speedrunning some of my favourite hacks on the side (Legacy, Z-Factor, Eris, maybe even Redesign >_>).

I have a lot of ideas currently for a full hack, including a plot, some puzzle ideas, and rough item progression. I've been trying to play through as many hacks as I can (though it's hard to find the time), reading forum threads and taking note of level design and what people seem to like and dislike about them. Also been watching a lot of MetroidMst's videos for this purpose. This idea is probably deserving of some graphical edits and ASM tweaks, so it'll have to wait until I get some more experience under my belt. I'll need to come up with some ideas appropriate for a minihack with vanilla tilesets, to start.... Speedrunning and school are also taking up a fair bit of my time right now so I probably won't release anything for another 17 years. <_<

Anyways, looking forward to participating in this community. Seems like a nice place.


Welcome Amp and Elminster, nice to have new faces around. I think 2015 is going to bring some great things for the metroid hacking community.


Quote from: Elminster on January 09, 2015, 09:00:53 AMAnyways, looking forward to participating in this community. Seems like a nice place.
Welcome.  When it comes to graphics, it's easy to start, just as easy to get hooked, and tough to master.  There are some good videos on here that should help you to get started. :^_^:


Hey, I joined ages ago as a 3D modeller for a fan project Waker was running. And now he seems to have dropped off the face of the earth and has taken the link to an important video with him. So that's cool. Where is he?

I can't promise I'll be too active but I poke around in the memory of Dreamcast games and have found new debug modes and features of games like Rez and Sonic Adventure. Currently I'm trying to apply myself to doing the same to Metroid Prime and the demo of it.

I'm Woofmute, this username is old and makes me cringe.

So yeah. Hey.


I'm kind of glad he dropped off of the face of the Earth, really. He was a total asshole and a liar. Also interesting is that I never knew I added that custom title, ever, but I've changed all that now.


There was a video he'd linked me to on youtube years ago and it had Metroid Prime in what seemed to be a debug mode. Whoever was playing was walking around the lower phazon mines with no enemies and no music, and there was a memory display on the screen in the beta HUD font. I can't find that video anymore unfortunately. Did we ever figure out if the Metroid Prime stuff he was posting was legit? He'd posted things like screenshots of some Maya tool that was editing the Parasite Queen boss room. But I remember people calling the screenshot he posted of the MP intro level with the "Welcome to the Metroid Prime Beta!" scan data fake... I'd really like to figure out what was true in all that.

And I didn't remember who gave me that title before now, but it's not needed anyway. I don't do 3D work anymore.


Welcome, Woofmute.  To be honest, we don't see much Prime action here.  There's some talk on M2K2, but you can feel free to start your own stuff here too. :^_^:


Hey, I'm Adam.  I discovered the community a while ago... somehow... and I've been watching MetroidMst's YouTube on and off for over a year.  Lurker extraordinaire.

I'd kind of like to write my own platformer, but I'm way too lazy to actually finish such a thing.  I might not even be inclined to build my own hack... but I really enjoy digging around in the ASM and bending the game to my will.  I miss the hardcore ASM/C type programming from my younger days, now that I'm spending all day doing web development at work, so it's been a blast reading the docs and starting to code up some ideas.

I'm also learning how to write music, but sadly, I'm not very good at it yet.


Hello, Adam.  Welcome to the forum.  New coders are always a welcome sight, and I'm sure you'll fit right in.  Remember that if you do get stuck with anything, you can always badger people via IRC too.  Details are on the Main Site.  It may often be quicker than waiting for a reply here. :^_^:


For the sake of accuracy, please change "16 bits is enough for everyone" to "8 bits is enough for everyone".


", and 16 is just greedy." :^_^:


Hello kiddies,

I've decided to do a new 'introduction' of myself, for all those new fellows that are buzzing about, seeing as my former one is quite dated.  I am no longer quite so bubbly and silly, as I acted back then, not to say I don't act silly from time to time.  Anyways...

I'm squishy_ichigo, aka squichigo, squigo, squee, so on and so forth.  I've been a member of Metconst pretty much from the beginning when GF_Kennon made it for a school project.  I met him and several of the other guys on #jzd and over at m2k2 back in the day, and hung out with them in #doom before #metconst came into being. #jzd has sinceforth pretty much died, and m2k2 came to be avoided like a plague, both of which I imagine led to the popularity of Metconst.  I've been a staff member for several years, though there's not much moderating that needs done around here, seeing as we are a small community.  Which is a good thing, seeing as I don't have much time for that these days.  I used to contribute directly to the site,but haven't much lately. You might have seen my name on Room of the Week, as I was the creator of that fun little contest.  There are also several things to my name on the main site, though they are quite dated, they still have some use from time to time.

I'm not as active on the forums as I used to be, but I'm quite active on #metconst over on, when I have the internet to connect with.  I enjoy being there, despite everything that goes on in there all the time. It's been a roller-coaster of a place for me over the years, but I've come to better understand and ever respect some of those clowns.

As for personal interests, my free time is typically spent watching various things on the internet, playing the occasional video game, and chatting on irc. I have been known to goof around on a hack project until I grow bored of it.  I enjoy watching anime, though I am very picky.  Currently, my top list is: Furuba, Baccano, Madoka, Higurashi.
I've recently found the Dark Souls series, which has propelled itself to my favorite video game, though some classics I've enjoyed are the Final Fantasy, Zelda, Metroid series.

Other than that.... not much else to say really.


Welcome to the forum, squishy! :wink:

I've not watched any anime in a while, but the one I watched most recently was Attack on Titan.  It comes highly recommended.  Just don't get too attached to anybody.  It's nearly as bad as the Song of Ice and Fire books!  Roll on, season two. :bounce:


Quote from: Quietus on February 23, 2015, 06:56:46 AM
", and 16 is just greedy." :^_^:

I am greedy. I can't stand having only 255 Rupees.


Quote from: adamf on February 23, 2015, 08:00:48 PMI am greedy. I can't stand having only 255 Rupees.
Though it has an obvious explanation, I must admit that 255 is an annoying number.  Even 250 wouldn't be so bad. :^_^:


Hiiiiiiiii, I'm Mayo-chan. I've been involved with game development for several years and absolutely love doing it! My main goal is to become an indie developer and Metroid has been a great inspiration and motivator for my goal. Playing around with Metroid hacking editors has been how I first started game development, and I have fallen in love with how tightly the games are designed, and how they use the environment to tell a story and teach the player how the game works without a single line of dialouge. I really love playing well designed Metroid hacks, though I never learned how to do anything advanced with hacking editors.