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Super Metroid : Darkholme Hospital

Started by Cloud20, May 01, 2012, 01:15:16 PM

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Hum... ok :). I will show you effect on 6th level. The difference is small... heu... yeah, very small  :O_o:

                           Before                                                          After


I was expecting the glow to be more intense in dark rooms, or at least having some kind of light reflection on the wall.
And what about flickering/glowing neons ?  :grin:


Flickering neons in dark rooms can be great, I had already thought about this idea but only Fireflea FX1 is comming in my mind. The effect can be sprited?
For the glow, maybe you're right, re-constrasting the shine when rooms comes to be darker can be a solution to not lost light effect. Like this :

I progressively re-contrasted shines 0 to 6th floor. That's make a little difference but light is saved and palette is better  :^_^:


Flickering lights could be achieved with animated tiles, but animated palette is much better suited for this effect. Thankfully, the Tourian region already has a handful of palette fx entries. Look for "FX1 glow palettes" in "Project Palette", you'll find all what you need to edit those. It might be tricky to match the neon colors with existing sets though...

On a side note, I don't remember you ever used the Firefleas FX1 in your hack, it could be a nice feature for the additionnal rooms in 2.0, what do ya think about that ?
Firefleas need more love.  :lol:


Oh yeah, i've seen a note in project palette for special FX1 glow palettes. Actually I'm using the red glow of red round buttons of tourian to make "danger" and conveyer belt lights.

Like u said, it seems to be hard to make match neon palette and glows location in palette. I don't know if we can relocate with hex values some glowing effect on others colors. :s

For fireflea, I did'nt used it because the effect make a too high difference between, for example 4th no-glowing floor and a 5th glowing floor. The second reason, I believe, is an uncompatibility between "darkens room" and "fireflea" effect. :^_^:

So I'm working actually on an unused security lock room (unlocking here doors for 6A and 6B). In 2.0, this room will be useless to keep the creepy atmosphere of a devasted area.
However, in a special Keypatch called "spy mode", this room will be useful to unlocked true closed doors on 6th like the previous 5 levels. Spy mode include added items well hidden and hover boots (space jump) and scanner (x-ray)


This is the final map for 2.0
New rooms of 6th aren't shown here, but it missing only few rooms to complete the map. So 1/2 of the work is finished for the new version  :^_^:


Quote from: Cloud12 on July 12, 2012, 02:11:05 PM

This is the final map for 2.0
New rooms of 6th aren't shown here, but it missing only few rooms to complete the map. So 1/2 of the work is finished for the new version  :^_^:
Is it just me? Or do I actually see the Save station rooms? Or are they not Save Stations?


"S" rooms havn't the same definition in Darkholme. Here it mean " security level lock", there are rooms where are locks to every floors.


That map is very colourful.

I rather like how you've done it to separate the levels, even though it won't even be visible in game.


This mini hack is looking not so mini anymore. I'd replay this yet again, especially with these new goodies you're tossing out. XD


Second storage site is ok. Beware spoilers :)


EDIT : the new tool released recently, SME, permits to me to edit more quickly and easily acid properties. So the acid (used like a security gas in self destruct sequence/emergency protocol) dangerousity is now increased, the health falls more quickly !   :heheh:


Quote from: Cloud12 on July 17, 2012, 05:12:05 PM
EDIT : the new tool released recently, SME, permits to me to edit more quickly and easily acid properties. So the acid (used like a security gas in self destruct sequence/emergency protocol) dangerousity is now increased, the health falls more quickly !   :heheh:
Deadly ghosts, deadly fireballs, now deadly gas, what comes next ?  :lol:


Quote from: Metaquarius on July 18, 2012, 03:23:47 AM
Quote from: Cloud12 on July 17, 2012, 05:12:05 PM
EDIT : the new tool released recently, SME, permits to me to edit more quickly and easily acid properties. So the acid (used like a security gas in self destruct sequence/emergency protocol) dangerousity is now increased, the health falls more quickly !   :heheh:
Deadly ghosts, deadly fireballs, now deadly gas, what comes next ?  :lol:

Don't worry, "red" fireballs are not deadly, just damaging one medical pack with varia, gniark gniark!

For gas, the speed of doom is not definitively fixed, but some new added medical pack will help to cross it.


Quote from: Metaquarius on July 18, 2012, 03:23:47 AMDeadly ghosts, deadly fireballs, now deadly gas, what comes next ?  :lol:
The deadly jump button. :^_^:



Haha, good one. :razz:
Definitely not a place to obtain health care !



And yet, the keypatch C/no sheild mode make damages multiplied by 3, I think some of them will hate me for that!  :lol:


A poll is available, about mode of release for 2.0  :^_^:


Quote from: Metaquarius on July 18, 2012, 10:33:05 AM
Haha, good one. :razz:
Definitely not a place to obtain health care !
So much for the Obama Care Samus was promised so long ago....


Well if you haven't made some really huge progress and revamped just about everything, I wouldn't call the release the next version. 1.1/2/3/4/5 etc would do


I do not understand where you're getting Qactis.  :^_^:
The work is far from over, the game is spread over approximately 40 additional new rooms, the text will be developed, invented the concept of keypatch, new enemies not yet really determined, and storage sites are a little more, and you think it is not enough to name it 2.0? Tell me what I should do to really call it another version? :)

EDIT : 1.(X) is for bug corrections and few changes, small updates and polishing some details. 1.0 to 1.2, the rom becomes unheadered, no srm, percentage is fixed for example. So this is updates. However 2.0, is clearly and extended game with new features, and i can't either change everything in the game under the pretext that this is a new version, I must keep this fact in the first version something unique, and I hope players will be glad to see progress in my work  :wink:


Qactis is basically saying that you don't really need to label things as 'version' or 'new'.  Simply mention your updates / changes here, and change the label: 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, etc. until you feel you have made a large number of changes that make you feel like it's worth an 'official' release, where you can say that Darholme Hospital v2.0 is now available.  Most people will then assume that they are works in progress, and are not your official release.


Quote from: Quietus on July 21, 2012, 11:23:59 AM
Qactis is basically saying that you don't really need to label things as 'version' or 'new'.  Simply mention your updates / changes here, and change the label: 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, etc. until you feel you have made a large number of changes that make you feel like it's worth an 'official' release, where you can say that Darholme Hospital v2.0 is now available.  Most people will then assume that they are works in progress, and are not your official release.

I think I understand that you and Qactis trying to explain. But the problem is just I saw things like this :
A version 1
A version 2

1.00 and afterward is for changes on the first version of the hack
2.00 and afterward will be changes on the second version of the hack

But I see now your logic : X.1/2/3/4 to update and let think that the work is constantly in progress, always on modyfing, and decide after which one is an official release. If I can reassure you, 2.0 is not a definitive release, but enough to be called the "next version", or at least an widely improved version of 1.0. I think this will be you and community to decide. With differents criticism, I wiil can continue the work to 2.1, 2.2 after 2.0...

So to resume, I ADORE make officials post for every release (and an irrepressive need to numerate everything), it's something funny, but you say well that work is always continuing after a released version. (2.0 is based on differents critism about 1.0 for example)

Thanks for posting and also for your help before I was on Metconst Quietus.  :^_^:


Quote from: Cloud12 on July 21, 2012, 12:32:45 PMThanks for posting and also for your help before I was on Metconst Quietus.  :^_^:
You are very welcome. :^_^:


Quote from: Quietus on July 22, 2012, 01:12:17 PM
Quote from: Cloud12 on July 21, 2012, 12:32:45 PMThanks for posting and also for your help before I was on Metconst Quietus.  :^_^:
You are very welcome. :^_^:

Very kind, much appreciated :)

So recent updates :
- I'm working on last rooms making/placement, two evidence rooms are missing.
- I will work after on the four other texts of evidences :)
- With JAM we talking about an interesting stuff about a turbine ventilation, (he drop the idea first)

So, to appease any waiting, I give an new picture of a special room (I erased mini map to avoid spoilers)