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Super Metroid : Darkholme Hospital

Started by Cloud20, May 01, 2012, 01:15:16 PM

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Quote from: Silver Skree on June 08, 2012, 04:08:08 PM
You've probably already thought of this, but just to make sure... When you found the byte for a color, did you remember to treat it as XRRRRRGGGGGBBBBB?
The problem is there are 4 values: 30 49 90 01 for Gravity and 30 50 80 00 for Varia, stored to 7E:0DF0-0DF3. Doesn't look like colors or pointer. I know that there is a color and something like color adjuster. Changing some of these values are sometimes causing flash colors to change insanely.

Although, 90 01 and 80 00 can be some sort of pointer...


Hum... Thank You JAM, you gave to me precious indications to tweak, i will try it :)


Since I've been rewriting item PLMs (to add extended animations) I took a quick look at varia/gravity.

For the most part they're just like other items (set collected/equipped bits, play message box, etc.) but there's another extra routine that they run @ $84/870B before ending as normal.
It basically sets the next 3 bytes to $12 - $13 and does a JML to there.
$91/D4E4 for varia.
$91/D5BA for gravity.

Without having disassembled it, I'd say it's highly likely that these routines are the ones that move Samus to the center of the screen and fire off the flash.  If nothing else, it'll be a good starting point for searching.


Ok first test, I think I will have fun with it.  :lol:


Changing first two bytes made only glitches for the moment, but the third seems to be more interesting.
Tested values between 0-30 and E0-FF, sometimes HUD or background disappears, but I haven't found another correct value since this blue dark green effect.  :cry:


Yep, I have another idea, a nice surprise for 2.0 who should be add something to the story.
For that, I must disable start button for areas Brinstar, Norfair and Weckred Ship (Maridia is done with smile).
Can I do it with hex code?

For the idea, this image can give a clue :



are you just trying to disable the map from poping up? if so i think this can be done by changing the message number.


In fact I want to put a message in every unused areas map, like last evidence room, so disable map until an evidence downloading. What number exactly must I change ?


i'm messing with the map, health, and missile stations this weekend. let me know exactly what you what you want it do. i think there may be away or two too set an event to change if you collect all map stations. and use multiple stations in one area.


People don't read this if they dont want to be spoiled :

For you Aredmonkcalledkey :
[spoiler]Maridia's map is used to show the confidential message, this room belongs to maridia area. To force people to see the message, I disabled start button to force using map station. That I want, it's make three additional rooms on the same model, belong to Brinstar, WShip, and Norfair. Each of theses differents unused areas must show another independant message, so people must activate one Map station in each areas to activate each messages. Maridia works, but now I must disable start button in these areas to hide the message, only activated by an area map station[/spoiler]


i think JAM knows the most on this. there are some patches that add message boxes, but i don't think they do what you need


Yep, I think I will see that with him finally, thanks for help.


No hex tweaks this time.  :lol:
I think you'll have to do some ASM to accomplish this, unless somebody is kind enough to make this for you.  :yay:


Well, A redmkclledkey gave me ASM codes by private message. As I said to him, I know nothing about ASM but it's not urgent, it's a detail that can be fixed in another time. Actually I stay focused on 1.2, and for 2.0 only adding rooms and some level design changes for the moment.


Well, before you write any text on map, you should know that letters viewed in SMILE will NOT be displayed as letters in the game. You'll need SMILE 1.x to write text on the map.


QuotePosted by: JAM
« on: Yesterday at 08:42:18 PM »

Well, before you write any text on map, you should know that letters viewed in SMILE will NOT be displayed as letters in the game. You'll need SMILE 1.x to write text on the map.

I already know it, text on map screen need to use HUD elements from map editor to write correct letters. It was tricky to do that when I wrote the first confidential file.  :lol:


Few pictures of a new medical storage room in 3rd Floor :)



AWESOMESAUCE!, i gotta say this minihack is easily the best i ever played since hallows eve's hack, so creepy, i actually felt like i was in resident evilish game, my only complaint is 2 things

map: maps makes it easy to figure out how to progress, basically look for S, then go opposite direction and collect upgrade then go back towards S unlock next floor, rinse and repeat,

2nd: enemy: i felt its lackluster, it needs more variation, seeing same enemy au naustem is getting boring, and once you get impulse its simple to kill them

other than those its amazing i rate it 9.5/10


Thank you. Glad you enjoyed it! For lack of enemies, don't hesistate to check the whole topic to see different new robots and machines.  :yay:


Hey, I just thought...
Why do you need to disable the map completly before collection map station? Don't you know that you can write the message using tiles that will be visible only after collection the map station?


 :oh: Smart!

I think I understand that you say. I don't know why, but I forsaken this is idea  :blush:. But in fact you're right, this could be more simple than ASM and more obvious.

I'm absent-minded everytime!


Improvements, If I do say so myself, this hack of yours is going very well, and I enjoyed playing it. I didn't mind the fact that there wasn't a lot of enemy variation, because it's a mini-hack, and doesn't need to have every single enemy on the hack, for instance. It is a mini-hack, but you should try to make it a little tougher on finding a way to progress! I like what I am seeing in those last few screenshots about enemies you WILL be adding. Glad to see your making progress on your hack. I, on the other hand, have been rather unfortunate, and my hack progress is bleeding out, and is almost non-existent, so I decided to lock the topic for a little while until I have more things to showcase. EDIT: your palette change of spore spawn was pretty cool...but seeing as your following a ghost theme, why not insert Phantoon as the last boss, and put spore spawn in the middle of the game?
EDIT: I wana know how much health those damn ghosts have? I tried killing one and it NEVER happened! D:


Quote from: Corruptor on June 18, 2012, 11:12:22 PM
EDIT: I wana know how much health those damn ghosts have? I tried killing one and it NEVER happened! D:
i've killed one before. you have to use EVERYTHING you have to kill it. (plus some charge beams)
unless Cloud12 changed it in an update.

they don't drop anything special, why were you wondering? :P


Yep guys.
Ghosts have FFFF health, it's funny to see people taking the time to kill them. The goal at first was to make them invincible.

I understand your question about Phantoon Corruptor. Now why I don't inserted Phantoon? Because Darkholme Hospital doesn't have any real "villan" like Mother Brain or Ridley, and doesn't involve a leader. The main enemy is not clearly definied (it's why this hack is particular), at the end, we discovering that in fact aggressive machines were controlled by ghost of soldiers, angry, lost, suffering forever. The mainframe was an hardware used to connect every machines of the hospital and to store datas on the mysterious pain therapy (more explainations in v2.0).
Why Samus must disable the Mainframe ? To stop dangerous influence of ghosts on the whole hospital. Sadly, disabling mainframe activate a gas leak and a self-destruct protocol, a solution to destroy evidences???
If I had inserted Phantoon in this hack, we can suppose that ghosts were defeated after killed him. Ghosts are defeated in Darkholme? Not really, we can think that they will continue to haunt ruins of the hospital for a moment...

No leader, no real enemy, ghosts are a community of lost souls wanting revenge.
The only real evil is governement here, very reprehensible for their activities 48 years ago.

Now, Corruptor, I hope you will, one day, find the time to achieve your Dark Metroid and share it on MetConst.  :wink:

Thanks guys for your interest on my hack.  :yay:


Thx for the feedback man, much appreciated, I do plan to finish my hack this summer, as long as I have allotted time for it, and enough. That's a lot of hp! Poor you passarbye XD. I only shoot so many shots, and I would try a pseudo screw attack, if not for the fact that they kill you in one hit  :<_<:. However, your explanations make sense for everything really...except you could have it that Phantoon is just a large collection of ghost's, not the leader, if you've played the Phazon hack before, you can see that Phantoon's recolor looks a tad bit robotic, no? Maybe you could make a re-palette of Phantoon as a fusion of the mainframe and ghost's! Just a suggestion, although I figure you wouldn't follow it.... :^_^:


Hum... a robotic Phantoon, nice idea, really, but not relevant in fact. Don't think a mix between machine and ghost is really logic lol.

Now, time to explain....


Some passwords will be available in each confidential files, passwords unlock a keypatch contained in a crypted .zip.
What's a keypatch? Simply a patch changing a lot of things in the original Darkholme 2.0 inducing new game modes

Example of ideas of theses keypatchs, classified by lower interest to higher  :

- Armored Probes : Probes resistance increased.

- Security generator off : not really a new game mode, just an electric failure in security computers. Every machines were crashing on floor, every doors and gates are opened. Have fun to walk free and collect item as you want. Beware, Mainframe remains active! idea temporarly forsaken

- Combustion : a beam replacing Machine Gun. Burning every enemies !!!

- Electric power off : I think this concept will interest JAM, working actually on "Blackout" hack. An electric failure turn off lights of the hospital. Rooms are darker but still visible. However, the more you go deeper in the hospital, the more rooms are darker and hard to move in.

- Zero sheild mode : Samus wears black suit instead of the original white suit. Suits protections (normal,sanitary and immersive) are divided by 3, making a good challenge I think so :)