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Room of the Week 2013 - Archives

Started by ProjectXVIII, February 19, 2012, 09:14:43 PM

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[spoiler]Voted for Mon. Theres a famous saying, like school boys, Rieslings are best enjoyed young.
Like a 1998 Nackenheimer Bunderloch. Green apples, lime, peach, honey, raison, rose petals,
cherry blossum, freshly mown grass.. and on the finish, that characteristic hint of petrol.
And I don't mean that pathetic unleaded stuff, I mean good old fashioned 4 star.


Vismund: The tiling certainly looks good, but the room is way too cramped and the player has next to no space to manoeuvre, even if there are no enemies it's still kinda bad; if it does have enemies though, WELP.

Mon: Looks like shit, this tileset has way more tiles and way more interesting things one can do with it, the room feels very limited and way too square-y.

DMan: Room design is fine, so is tiling. However, I feel the palette is way too scatter shot in design. Red, purple, blue and green; It just seems to get too much. If this is to be used for anything I'd recommend a palette switch up, my own recommendation (and yes, I know this is vanilla palette) would be to tune down the brightness of the red brinstar tiles in order to place more focus on the purple stuff, next I would change the green part of the background to blue in order to get rid of some colour.

Mst: While the "METROID" in the wall may seem cool as an easter egg, looking at the perspective it seems unlikely that players would even see it. Not to mention, if players would see it, there is a chance that it would take away from their immersion in the game. I can't really comment on the level design in this room though, as it's visually impossible for me to tell what the tile data is based on this image alone. It looks like it's just empty air on the right side of the room but I'd imagine it's not, if so the purple must be part of the foreground, yet it's used as background in other places in the same room... If I'm reading this right then it amounts to a rather horrid experience for the player.


Vismund for me this week.  It's just a nice vanilla room.  I quite liked DMan's entry, though the purple girders ruined it for me, as they just seemed to stand out too much in the room.

Vismund Cygnus


13:55 MetroidMst should make a save room
13:55 Vismund . . .
13:56 Vismund why did I give you an idea?
14:06 MetroidMst I am as far beyond you, as you are beyond them
14:07 Vismund I will make a save room next week.
14:07 Vismund We can have a save room battle.
14:07 MetroidMst You are asking a lot
14:08 Vismund Am I really?
14:09 Vismund We can have the most intense save rooms ever.
14:09 Law Sounds interesting.
14:09 MetroidMst A save room in a week?
14:09 MetroidMst Actually. . .
14:09 MetroidMst has terrible idea for revenge

I dunno about the most intense one ever, but I gave it a shot.
Someone told me to layer better. I don't remember the exact point I realised I had no idea what the heck I was doing.  :colonrightv:




Actually, no.
Quote from: squishy_ichigo on January 18, 2010, 12:59:07 AMYou may submit any 2D Metroid related screenshots here as long as you follow the rules.


Quote from: Zephoras on October 30, 2013, 02:59:04 PM
I'm gonna guess SM only?  :heheh:

You can submit Fusion, Zero Mission, and NES Metroid rooms aswell. They're not common, but we do get them.



yes, ive gone insane.
room 793FE


What the hell? It's definitely some creative design but I'm not sure I can see that as a room...


In the past, RotW hasn't exactly used the strictest definition of "room".




Back! :grin: (in before the contest started)



Oh, sorry. Haven't been logging in as much, didn't know there were new submissions. I'll set everything up first thing in the morning, about to go to sleep now.


i voted vismund for cool darkness

dont bother saying "thats not a room, how you play that" i know, lol its a picture i made out of boredom


Vismund gets my vote due to using my favorite color and one of my favorite tilesets. Not to mention, +1 for the layering.

Dalton: I've already expressed my thoughts on your "room(?)" lol. I do, however, see that as being more of a one room hack where you have to jump all over the Super Metroid logo to find items and eventually fall through the floor to fight Ridley. :heheh: Or something like that...

iRundas: Good blend of the two Crateria tliesets but I'm not so sure about the amount of grass there is. That's about all the looks off. I especially like the corner/edge grass tile for transitioning from vertical to horizontal tiles.

JamieWebb: Good use of Ceres tilesets though I feel like the room is missing something. Seems a bit bland to me even though the tiling is pretty darn good. Reminds me a lot of Eris to, but maybe that's cause I just associate Eris with the Ceres tileset from some reason.


Vismund for me this week.  It's a nice, clean room.  It had some harsh tile joining, but I think thats because of a restricted tileset rather than any real errors. :^_^:

I also liked the merged tiles in iRundas's room.

Vismund Cygnus

Tried to vote Jamie but accidentally clicked Rundas. Apparently I can't change my vote now?  :pwuh:
Anyway, nice use of the Ceres tileset.


I changed it to where you can switch your vote now. But the reason I left that off is the same reason I put don't show the results until voting, just so it'll be people's honest opinions. I don't want people switching it just because one person is in the lead, or what have you.

Vismund Cygnus

Yeah, that makes sense. Although I don't understand why anyone would change votes for that kind of a reason. Seems silly to me. Although that was a silly mistake on my part. Doing things on touch screens takes getting used to.   :heheh:
Anyway, I didn't really do real feedback this week, so:

Me: I quite like my room this week. I could probably have done a bit more with the background itself, but the vanilla tileset has its limitations.

Daltone: points for creativity, but to be perfectly honest this room would almost definitely be better without the Super Metroid text over the top. I want to see the room behind the writing!

Rundas: the grass seems to be a bit of an overkill in my opinion, but your tiling is awesome, and I do like the vertical grass tiles. It just seems to be a bit too much. Maybe leave ages of the tiles as grass free? I don't know.  :lol:

Jamie: As I said, this gets my pick for the week. Not many people are that great at using the Ceres tileset (myself included), but you really nailed it. I am also reminded of Eris, but I think I tend to associate all use of Ceres with Eris (not a bad thing at all!)


Daltone's room. Easily. Why? Because I really want to see this picture in a hack as an actual room. The others are quite good. Great, even.


Rundas for me. There could be less grass and some tiles don't seem to match up, but otherwise it's a great room.

Vismund's room is also great, but I have one problem with it: I can't tell what parts of the ground are solid and what parts are just background graphic. But I do quite like the palette. :^_^:


Rundas. Not a bad room, and he's really getting better at tiling. Love the tileset mixing, though you really ought to smooth out that grass.
Pillowguy, he linked the .ips so if you want to try it you can.


Quote from: Quote58 on November 12, 2013, 08:51:02 PM
Pillowguy, he linked the .ips so if you want to try it you can.
naw its all air tiles, you would just fall. feel free to use it in any way you can think works