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General Projects Screenshots/Vids Thread

Started by Zhs2, May 15, 2009, 10:44:44 PM

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In b4 people complains about lack of detail.


Quote from: Crys on June 26, 2009, 12:50:55 PM

In b4 people complains about lack of detail.
Oh please don't tell me that's a recolored Stony Mardia tileset 'cause I just found the color I want to use for it. ._.




Lack of detail.
* Zhs2 is shot

Even so, it manages to do its job well! I like! Maridia isn't supposed to be terribly detailed, anyway. All that water, after several centuries, manages to wear down even the mightiest of structures down to nothing.


Quote from: Zhs2 on June 26, 2009, 07:43:48 PM
Maridia isn't supposed to be terribly detailed, anyway. All that water, after several centuries, manages to wear down even the mightiest of structures down to nothing.
LOL.  Since when did people use scientific fact to justify hacking laziness?


Quote from: Phazar on June 26, 2009, 09:05:55 PM
Quote from: Zhs2 on June 26, 2009, 07:43:48 PM
Maridia isn't supposed to be terribly detailed, anyway. All that water, after several centuries, manages to wear down even the mightiest of structures down to nothing.
LOL.  Since when did people use scientific fact to justify hacking laziness?
Ha, I'm so sigging that. But he does have a point. There has to be some realisim in games.

Nu Zalem

Here's another concept of rock tiles tat I'd like to implement in my hack to replace Red Brinstar. I'm currently debating whether or not the background should reflect that of a cavern or if the area would be outdoors...I'll make a decision on that later. Right now you can take a look at the picture below. My apologies if the image was too big or a nuisance to view for some of you.



Those are some interesting-looking ideas for tiles.  That pillar also looks cool to make into tiles.


So earlier on today i woke up as usual and flicked my phone on, opened my mobile phone IRC client, popped in and pop. im told im out of credit, so im like **** and was now very bored, thinking about GK i got an idea, and here is my concept for a mini hack, but the chances of me doing it are small, as i would need some ASM.  :icon_sad:

What the....

i was thinking about a hack that is based on being in morph ball all the time, starting in morph ball and not being able to un-morph, you would be able to fire bombs and maybe some other stuff, pretty loose i have to say, atm all the Green-Kirby does ATM is run left non stop, i would need it to stop when its not moving and it to flip when it goes right.

well, its an idea, just cant do ASM.


Quote from: GF_Kennon on July 02, 2009, 03:43:17 PM[video and text I didn't read very well]
I would just like to say that that is the greatest concept video I have ever seen. If you were to make that a ZM or Fusion hack, I would consider doing all the ASMs in the world for you.

Actually, I might see if I can get something like that to work in ZM as a bit of practice in graphics code.

Edit: Even better idea get: pygame side-project platformer. Somehow, the thought of stealing GK's graphics and Eversion's gameplay elements sounds just so incredibly awesome to me.


Quote from: uNsane on July 02, 2009, 04:14:24 PM

...Somehow, the thought of stealing GK's graphics and Eversion's gameplay elements sounds just so incredibly awesome to me.

Also, already commented on that GF. :<


Quote from: Crys on July 02, 2009, 04:39:03 PM
Quote from: uNsane on July 02, 2009, 04:14:24 PM

...Somehow, the thought of stealing GK's graphics and Eversion's gameplay elements sounds just so incredibly awesome to me.
The kirby that stole your super missile.


GF: I once had an idea like that for a Metroid game, but I never thought of actually making it work.  If you knew ASM, maybe you could put in Wave Bombs, Plasma Bombs, etc. as weapons in this eternal Morph Ball mode.



Idk how hard it would be... but you could just change the permissions.  That way you could use your beams and stuff while in Morphball.  If so, I'd suggest not having bombs then.

Items that would need to be useable from the beginnng: morphball, springball
At the beginning, all you can do is run and jump (maybe "bomb"? Would need different gfx).  Then you steal samus's powers, and can use all her cool beams and stuff! :3



Right, so i refined it a little more, i popped in a few new graphics and here is the result, still very loose and it took me only 5 mins to put this together


what do you think?



BG and GF looks bad, enemies do not match area GFX at all.


Ending Palette Comparison

This info will be released shortly!

edit: added pics for GF_Kennon!

[attachment deleted by admin]


That palette work is just plain awesome!  I may use this in future hacks that take place on a non-Zebes planet.

Silver Skree


That one part with the metalees looks like a good spot to have the room loop around.


Well, its not been long since Zhs2 has got me into Doom modding and all i can say is im loving it, i would say im quite a fast learner, and have created my first weapon, due to some complications, samus' cannon is in the wrong place, but only cause the beam was designed to be shot from the centre of the screen <.> ill try and fix it later.

Samus' Plasma Cannon

Its a concept, and ill be making a few new weapons as i go along, but right now im more focused on the graphics im making.


That Plasma Beam is awesome!  It would be cool if you could make a Charge Beam for that, but it would probably take a lot of ASM(or whatever Doom is programmed in).


Quote from: Phazar
Quote from: Phazar
Close, but not quite. Even if Doom.exe is compiled assembly code, most of the source ports today have much easier methods of creating new weapons, monsters, and such rather than Assembly code.

The engine we're using to create new stuff is called ZDoom; Skulltag is a multiplayer offshoot of ZDoom's source code. I invite you to read here for more information on how easy it literally is to code for ZDoom! The hard parts, of course, are sprites and sounds. :icon_razz:

BUMP! I made a vid of MY armcannon.wad and uploaded it. See here for more details!