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The funny quips and quotes thread

Started by -DC-, July 14, 2009, 01:12:30 AM

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This thread is being started to post funny stuff from the IRC channel, #metconst on, trying to get some more members to join the IRC channel. Check out the thread, then join us and join in on the fun! ^o^

Also, this thread isn't limited to just our IRC channel or this site. Funny quotes and quips are funny, no matter where they come from, so let us all have a laugh!


I got a few funny ones to start off...

Quote<@DChronos> pz, quit
* +PZ-powa ( Quit (Quit: Client Exited)

I didn't mean for him to quit IRC, but... *shrugs*

Here's the second.
My "slap" and "give item" scripts randomly choose an item from a long list when I use them:

Quote* @DChronos bitch slaps hayashi around a bit with a sea serpent
<@DChronos> quick, send in aquaman
<hayashi> but she blinded me with science!
<hayashi> (She blinded me... With SCIENCE!)
* hayashi blinds DChronos with science
* @DChronos gives DChronos a black hole
* hayashi watches the black hole nom DChronos
<@DChronos> damn that blindness!
* @DChronos appears to move slower and slower
<@DChronos> AAAAAAAAAUUUUUUUUUOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooooooooooooo........ *gone*

And last, but not least:
And again, the item chosen was random from en even longer list this time:

Quote<BG> man, /clear twice in 30 seconds
<BG> sheesh
<BG> c'mon, people!
<@DC|away> we aren't going to stop talking to satisfy your free screen space, BG
<Bloodsonic> DC: BG /clears when I curse
* @DC|away smacks BG upside the head with a delete key
<@DC|away> there

I deleted the random chatter in between.

I've had some more, but this is all I'm gonna get for now. What funny quips have you guys had?


first time I threw a brickwall: #jzd

5/14/2009 3:01:29 AM  < Gf> Have some cake
5/14/2009 3:01:58 AM  < squishy_ichigo> CAKE!
5/14/2009 3:01:59 AM  -a- GF_Kennon_ has quit IRC [Ping timeout: 180 seconds]
5/14/2009 3:02:09 AM  < squishy_ichigo> this cake? Is it a lie?
5/14/2009 3:02:54 AM  < Gf> ...
5/14/2009 3:02:54 AM  < Gf> Um no
5/14/2009 3:03:18 AM  < Gf> Have it
5/14/2009 3:03:26 AM  < Gf> Quick
5/14/2009 3:03:35 AM  < squishy_ichigo> :D
5/14/2009 3:03:44 AM  * squishy_ichigo eats the cake
5/14/2009 3:03:49 AM  < Gf> I
5/14/2009 3:04:49 AM  < Gf> THE CAKE IS A LIE
5/14/2009 3:05:07 AM  < squishy_ichigo> >:(
5/14/2009 3:05:18 AM  < Gf> :-o
5/14/2009 3:05:49 AM  * squishy_ichigo throws a brickwall at JK
5/14/2009 3:06:06 AM  < squishy_ichigo> that'll teach you...
5/14/2009 3:06:21 AM  < squishy_ichigo> lie to me about cake will you!
5/14/2009 3:06:31 AM  < Gf> X.x

some fun I had a last night brickwalling with mibbit: #metconst

7/13/2009 3:34:20 AM  * squishy_ichigo throws a brickwall at wowophone
7/13/2009 3:34:22 AM  -a- wowophone was kicked by brickwall [*SMASH*]

7/13/2009 3:54:54 AM  * GF_Kennon throws the brickwall at PZ-powa
7/13/2009 3:54:58 AM  <+PZ-powa> -_-
7/13/2009 3:55:02 AM  <+PZ-powa> TT
7/13/2009 3:55:03 AM  -a- PZ-powa was kicked by brickwall [*SMASH SMASH SMAAAAAAAASH*]

7/13/2009 3:55:51 AM  * squishy_ichigo draws a target on the brickwall
7/13/2009 3:56:04 AM  <+PZ-powa> TT* Target DOOR
7/13/2009 3:56:06 AM  * squishy_ichigo gives zozo a helmet
7/13/2009 3:56:07 AM  <+PZ-powa> T*T
7/13/2009 3:56:11 AM  <@squishy_ichigo> its for your own good
7/13/2009 3:56:13 AM  <+PZ-powa> Thanks
7/13/2009 3:56:16 AM  <@squishy_ichigo> just in case
7/13/2009 3:56:21 AM  <@GF_Kennon> LOL
7/13/2009 3:56:37 AM  <+PZ-powa> CAn i have a supah blue helmet
7/13/2009 3:56:46 AM  <+PZ-powa> like samouuuuseeeeee
7/13/2009 3:56:52 AM  <@squishy_ichigo> no, its pink and yellow striped
7/13/2009 3:56:59 AM  <+PZ-powa> ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
7/13/2009 3:57:04 AM  <+PZ-powa> Striped panties
7/13/2009 3:57:07 AM  <+PZ-powa> O_O
7/13/2009 3:57:14 AM  <+PZ-powa> I have stripped Panties
7/13/2009 3:57:26 AM  <@GF_Kennon> ...
7/13/2009 3:57:58 AM  -a- PZ-powa has changed nickname to panties

and some MORE brickwall fun from today: #metconst

7/13/2009 1:13:51 PM  <+PZ-powa> brickwall is controlled by gfk
7/13/2009 1:14:16 PM  <@GF_Kennon> <.< >.>
7/13/2009 1:14:20 PM  <+squishy_ichigo> lol
7/13/2009 1:14:20 PM  * PZ-powa sends a brickwall to bloodosoniku !
7/13/2009 1:14:32 PM  <+squishy_ichigo> that was funny this morning XD
7/13/2009 1:14:36 PM  * GF_Kennon deflects the brickwall
7/13/2009 1:14:41 PM  <+PZ-powa> aw
7/13/2009 1:14:43 PM  <@GF_Kennon> yes ^-^;;

7/13/2009 1:19:21 PM  <@Zhs2> Oh hey gaiz what's going on--
7/13/2009 1:19:22 PM  * Zhs2 takes the deflected brickwall in the face
7/13/2009 1:19:26 PM  <@Zhs2> UAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAEG
7/13/2009 1:19:32 PM  <@GF_Kennon> o.o;;;;
7/13/2009 1:19:37 PM  <+squishy_ichigo> . . .
7/13/2009 1:19:40 PM  <+squishy_ichigo> smooth move
7/13/2009 1:19:48 PM  <@GF_Kennon> ^-^;;;
7/13/2009 1:20:33 PM  <@Zhs2> I...
7/13/2009 1:20:41 PM  <+PZ-powa> m silly
7/13/2009 1:20:46 PM  <@Zhs2> I think I see the light at the end of the tunnel...
7/13/2009 1:21:04 PM  <@GF_Kennon> wat
7/13/2009 1:21:13 PM  <@GF_Kennon> dont make me slap you
7/13/2009 1:21:25 PM  <@Zhs2> i'll die, but not now...
7/13/2009 1:21:28 PM  * Zhs2 revives
7/13/2009 1:21:48 PM  * PZ-powa SLAPS WAT (i did the dirty work)
7/13/2009 1:21:59 PM  <+squishy_ichigo> we are quite the community aren't we :P

I'll try and find some ACTUAL funny stuff later, I know its in my logs somewhere :P


I'll start with my sig quotes.

This is from when GF_Kennon linked me directly inside a .ips patch:
<+Phazar> PATCH?? ?DG#+R*R)R(A?x??x??À()*+G#;R:R9R8A?x??x??À89:;G#?????|?,G#?D????|?lG#???????#?G#???????#?G#?????`?$G
<@Bloodsonic> ô_ō
<+Phazar> ^ that's all I see
<@Bloodsonic> that made zhs2's computer beep. what the HELL?
<@GF_Kennon> LOL
<@Zhs2> Phazar, you made my computer make the scariest sound ever

This one is due to one of ProjectXVIII's typos of "Gravity Suit".
<@Grime> Gravy suit?
<@Grime> Somebody get Cardweaver on the phone, STAT.

And here is something completely random that happened between Bloodsonic and I once:

[17:14] <@Bloodsonic> I'm so bored lol
01[17:14] <+Phazar> I love breaking combos lol
01[17:14] <+Phazar> I need to hack lol
01[17:14] <+Phazar> See ya lol
01[17:15] <+Phazar> This is random lol
[17:15] <@Bloodsonic> yes lol
01[17:15] <+Phazar> haha lol
[17:15] <@Bloodsonic> we end every sentence with lol lol
01[17:15] <+Phazar> lol lol
[17:15] <@Bloodsonic> so how you benn phazar lol
[17:15] <@Bloodsonic> *been lol
01[17:15] <+Phazar> I've been great lol
[17:15] <@Bloodsonic> same here I guess lol
[17:15] <@Bloodsonic> my spring break is packed with boredom lol
[17:16] <@Bloodsonic> I have to go at 6. dammit. lol
01[17:16] <+Phazar> work on your hack lol
[17:16] <@Bloodsonic> I placed bombs the other day!! lol
01[17:16] <+Phazar> cool lol
[17:16] <@Bloodsonic> now I need to continue mapping out brinstar... lol
01[17:16] <+Phazar> I finished the Crateria
01[17:17] <+Phazar> now to work on the Brinstar map lol
[17:17] <@Bloodsonic> yeah, I think my crateria map is more or less done. lol
01[17:17] <+Phazar> Crateria's only 4 rooms anyway lol
01[17:17] <+Phazar> or something like that lol
01[17:18] <+Phazar> this would make a killer Logbot quote lol
01[17:18] <+Phazar> but it's too long lol
01[17:18] <+Phazar> lol lol
01[17:18] <+Phazar> IM FIRIN MAH LAZAH lol
[17:19] <@Bloodsonic> 4 rooms? wow. lol
01[17:19] <+Phazar> It's not much lol
[17:19] <@Bloodsonic> are they SUPER BIG?? LOL
01[17:19] <+Phazar> most of the game takes place in Brinstar lol
01[17:19] <+Phazar> like the original Metroid lol
[17:19] <@Bloodsonic> ah lol
[17:19] <@Bloodsonic> brb gotta carry in groceries lol
01[17:19] <+Phazar> See ya later lol
01[17:21] <+Phazar> Hmmm...WAKE UP PEOPLE lol
01[17:23] <+Phazar> Time to record some stuff.  lol
[17:24] <wat> Your item was processed and left our ******************************** facility on April 9, 2009. Information, if available, is updated every evening. Please check again later.
[17:24] <wat> today is april 9th >:C
01[17:24] <+Phazar> C-C-C-COMBO BREAKER lol
01[17:24] <+Phazar> say lol after everything lol
[17:32] <@Zhs2> Duh lol
[17:32] <@Zhs2> You're an idiot lol


Aww, I had funny pictures of chat ('cause they really did need to be pics). But I recently deleted them V_V


Looks like Hayashi should be going to bed earlier

[23:21] -->| DekuKnight ( has joined #metconst
[23:21] <HelloBot> Hello, DekuKnight ! ^.^
[23:22] <GF_Kennon>
[23:22] <hayashi> Hello, DChronos ! ^.^
[23:22] <GF_Kennon>
[23:22] <GF_Kennon> hayashi ∞
[23:22] <GF_Kennon> are you awake
[23:22] <DekuKnight> infinite wut
[23:22] <GF_Kennon> its 8| normal
[23:22] <hayashi> I'm going to bed now
[23:22] <GF_Kennon> LOL
[23:22] <GF_Kennon> HAHA

Edit: also a couple of days back

Bloodsonic has left (Ping timeout: 184 seconds)

What a strange ping timeout lol  :lol:

Edit 2: good job i had this window open

[23:32] <DekuKnight> can someone tell me how much ∞ is
[23:33] <DekuKnight> in a numbah

:lol:  but what if you tried :O_o:


Here's a few funny quotes from interdpth's old GBA hacking class on #jzd:
[21:02] <@interdpth> Now
[21:02] <@interdpth> I'm sure many of you have heard of those silly banks the SNES pointers have
[21:02] <@interdpth> Right?
[21:02] <Bond697> yes
[21:03] <@interdpth> Who thinks banks are dumb?
[21:04] <@interdpth> Show of hands
03[21:04] * interdpth was kicked by Kejardon (In Super Nintendo, Banks think YOU'RE dumb)
03[21:04] * interdpth ( has joined #jzd
03[21:04] * ChanServ sets mode: +o interdpth
03[21:04] * roxahris ( has joined #jzd
[21:05] <@Kejardon> umm. I was sure he had auto-rejoin. <_<;
03[21:05] * Kejardon was kicked by interdpth (Kejardon)

[22:28] <Ethan> i forgot about inter's attempt at teaching
03[22:29] * interdpth sets mode: +b *!*
03[22:29] * Ethan was kicked by interdpth (it worked better than your mom does for me)


Lol, Phazar.

This just in, some more of my weird imaginings:
<Bloodsonic> xD
<Bloodsonic> * Cannot join #zebes (You are banned).
<Bloodsonic> lolling
<GF_Kennon> lol
<@DChronos> lolk
<@DChronos> Blood, you jsut made me imagine that message in SM when samus flies to zebes
<Bloodsonic> wait what?
<@DChronos> "Cannot land on Zebes, Samus is banned"
<GF_Kennon> LOL
<Bloodsonic> lol
<@DChronos> Samus: DAMN SPACE PIRATES!

and more funny ideas:

<DChronos> If I made SM awesome, I'd recolor acid
yellowish with a white top and take off acid effects, and call it beer...
must have the beer suit to traverse beer

<DChronos> oh lol... if i left the acid effects on, I could call her life points
sober points... once she gets to 0, she's too drunk to finish the mission, or
make that with lava so once she gets the beer suit, she's ok to traverse beer

<Jathys|food> and have it so the more drunk she gets, the more chaotic the controls get
<DChronos> lol
<DChronos> yeah
<RaccoonSam> @DC
<RaccoonSam> That's a great idea
<DChronos> MB now fired the drunkbeam
<DChronos> *fires
<GF_Kennon> somebody already wanted me to make a hack while im drunk
<DChronos> or maybe it's the beerbeam
<RaccoonSam> Plasma beer
<RaccoonSam> Charge beer
<RaccoonSam> etc
<DChronos> Ice in beer
<DChronos> Iced beer
<DChronos> maybe i could go with the martini beam, and stuff like that
<DChronos> what's the alchohol that's 180 proof
<DChronos> oh, it's everclear, 190 proof
<DChronos> the Everclear Beam
<DekuKnight> 190 proof?
<DekuKnight> wut that mean
<DChronos> 95.6% alchohol, 4.4% water, strongest possible
<RaccoonSam> aka the stuff that drunkards under the bridges go for
<DChronos> actually, 191 is the absolute strongest
<DekuKnight> I thought aftershave
<DChronos> Who can take the most shots? Seamus or MB?
<DChronos> make MB pass out first and win!
<DekuKnight> Sames has a helmet
<DChronos> *Seamus cheats with the Everclear Beam*
<RaccoonSam> But 'reserve' tanks
<DekuKnight> so she wins
<RaccoonSam> Ever wonder what's in them?
<DekuKnight> metroid sperm
<DChronos> the air hoses are actually beer hoses
<Zhs2> .....
<DChronos> like a beercap
<GF_Kennon> ;p
<RaccoonSam> That kinda reminds me
<DekuKnight> beersuit get
<RaccoonSam> 30 liters of homemade wine is in my cellar
<DChronos> in this game, reserve tanks would be black coffee

And a funny Jathys quote:

<Jathys> abortion has nothing to do with someone getting shot though
<Jathys> shooting was done, I assume, with a gun
<Jathys> "Freeze! I have a fetus and I know how to use it!"

Unnecessary stuff edited out.



Yes, it hurt my eyes too.

Edit: Also, something else just in now:
<PZ-kenny_TM> this name is trademarked
* wat is now known as THEREALPZ-KENNY_TM
<@Bloodsonic> -_-
<PZ-kenny_TM> o:ooooooooooo
<@Rogue_GF> ...
* PZ-kenny_TM was kicked by DC|away (OH MY GOD, I KILLED KENNY!)

[attachment deleted by admin]


Another good one:

* _GOD ( Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
<@DChronos> Aw, damn, God pinged out on us
<person> xD

A few more

* @DC|away smacks PZ-powa upside the head with a virus ;~;
* @squishy_ichigo hopes it was the T-Virus
<@DC|away> you pc now e-aids
<@DC|away> now has*
<PZ-powa> I`m on ds, your argument is invalid
<squishy_ichigo> invalid?
<squishy_ichigo> LIES!
* @squishy_ichigo throws said virus at zozo's DS
<squishy_ichigo> you ds now e-aids
<PZ-powa> aw
<KT_JDDD> hello?
<person701> Have fun watching aids on teh top screen and playing with them on the bottom
<squishy_ichigo> XD
<PZ-powa> aw

Here's a funny one, voice does not let you talk on the mic:

* squishy_ichigo sets mode: +v KT_JDDD
<KT_JDDD> thx for the voice.
<squishy_ichigo> :D
<KT_JDDD> but is it possible to use voice with the mibbit client?
<PZ-powa> yeah
<PZ-powa> take your mic
<squishy_ichigo> XD
<KT_JDDD> really? my mic is plugged in already, should it work
<PZ-powa> yes
<PZ-powa> sure
<PZ-powa> lol
<squishy_ichigo> XD
<@DC|away> lol
<@DC|away> It's KT time!
* @squishy_ichigo np: shop - Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (2:12)
<PZ-powa> kuick time event
<KT_JDDD> can you guys really hear my voice?
<DC|away> squishy
* squishy_ichigo sets mode: +oo DC|away Grime
<@DC|away> +o please
<squishy_ichigo> :P
<PZ-powa> yes we can
<KT_JDDD> can anybody hear that?
<PZ-powa> oh
<PZ-powa> laugh please
<squishy_ichigo> lol
<PZ-powa> i can`t hear you correctly
<PZ-powa> highter
<KT_JDDD> really?
<@DC|away> speak in french for zozo
<PZ-powa> yes
<PZ-powa> highter
<PZ-powa> your mic is bad
<KT_JDDD> yes it is
<PZ-powa> scream please
<PZ-powa> omg
<PZ-powa> i heard you
* Jathys|Mspider ( has left #metconst
<squishy_ichigo> :/
<@DC|away> In reality, voice does nothing but let you send messages when the channel is muted, KT
<PZ-powa> lol\
<@DC|away> were you really talking into the mic?
<KT_JDDD> does that WTF boom answer your question
<PZ-powa> lololol
<KT_JDDD> did you hear it?
<PZ-powa> yes i do
<PZ-powa> your voice sound girl
<@DC|away> zoz, joke's over
<PZ-powa> i know
<@DC|away> you can stop talking into the mic to nobody, KT P:
<PZ-powa> XD
<KT_JDDD> assholes
<@DC|away> lol
<@DC|away> I'm putting that up in the quips thread

EDIT again, adding another... comon guys, post some funny shit here!

* PZ-powa was kicked by Bloodsonic (PZ-powa)
* PZ-powa ( has joined #metconst
<Bloodsonic> oh damn
<Zhs2> God kicked you
* hayashi repeatedly hits XVIII[Hacking] with a bumper edition of Mein Kampf
* PZ-powa is now known as _GOD_
<Zhs2> God of god ordered it
<hayashi> wtf where did this come from
<_GOD_> I am god
<Bloodsonic> hahahahahahahaha
<_GOD_> Oh yeah
<Bloodsonic> zhs2 win
<hayashi> GODFUCK TIEM
* _GOD_ was kicked by DChronos (I kicked GOD)
* _GOD_ ( has joined #metconst
<HelloBot> Hello, _GOD_ ! ^.^
<DekuKnight> you just kicked GOD!
* _GOD_ is now known as PZ-powa
<hayashi> Take that, religion


<ProjectXVIII> ichi squishigo
<squishy_ichigo> wat
<ProjectXVIII> :P
<hayashi> lol wat
<wat> what
<ProjectXVIII> wat?
<wat> hi
<squishy_ichigo> why is everyone highlighting me?
<Phazar> wat?
<wat> hi
<hayashi> wat is wat
<wat> hi
<ProjectXVIII> oh lol, we are beeping wat
<wat> hi
<DekuKnight> wat?!
<HelloBot> Hello, Phazar ! ^.^
<wat> hi
<Beep_Beep> OMG WAT
<wat> hi
<hayashi> because it's fun
* Beep_Beep is now known as PZ-powa
* wat ( has left #metconst (Leaving)



[01:21] <Wingard> !gimme
[01:21] * Zhs2 gives Wingard a doggy
[01:21] <Wingard> no fuck you
[01:21] <Wingard> i already have two
[01:21] <Wingard> !gimme
[01:22] * Zhs2 gives Wingard a dog
[01:22] <Wingard> .
[01:22] <GF_Kennon> LOL
[01:22] <Zhs2> lol!



Jun 26 19:58:28 <GF_Kennon_> My whole body is aching all over
Jun 26 19:58:36 <DChronos> What did you do?
Jun 26 19:58:43 <uNsane> haha james got dildoed everywhere
Jun 26 19:58:53 <uNsane> or would that be dildid?
Jun 26 19:58:57 <Bloodsonic> lol
Jun 26 19:59:05 <GF_Kennon_> Cycling on the beach
Jun 26 19:59:14 <uNsane> when suddenly out of the shadows...!
Jun 26 19:59:35 <GF_Kennon_> Damn sand
Jun 26 19:59:44 <uNsane> came and dildoed him!

Those last four lines there by GF and uNsane are win.


<MathOnNapkins> :D
<MathOnNapkins> :)
<MathOnNapkins> :3
<MathOnNapkins> :>
* GF_Kennon (GFS_Tyre@ has left #jzd (BBL maybe)
* GF_Kennon (GFS_Tyre@ has joined #jzd
<DChronos> and then suddenly, it was 'later'
<MathOnNapkins> :\/
<MathOnNapkins> :v
<MathOnNapkins> :\/
<MathOnNapkins> :V
<MathOnNapkins> 8V
<MathOnNapkins> 8\/
<DChronos> :\_____________/
<MathOnNapkins> SHHOP DA WOHOP
<MathOnNapkins> 8(______________________________________________)
<DChronos> it looks like my shoop is firin your emotes
<Bloodsonic> lolling
<Bloodsonic> hi napkins
<MathOnNapkins> :3 :5 :1 :`( :'( ;_; :_: 0_O 0_____o v_v x_X u_u >:[
<MathOnNapkins> D:
<MathOnNapkins> stop that araghaghdhg T_T ¬_¬ <_< >_> >_< <_> +_+
<MathOnNapkins> =_=
<Bloodsonic> ._. ._· ·_. .-. ·-· ·¯· .¯·
<MathOnNapkins> oh no not blued sonic too
<Bloodsonic> x_+
<Bloodsonic> omg I think it's raining
<Bloodsonic> \o/
<MathOnNapkins> serves you right
<Bloodsonic> D: |: /: \: D:< D:> D:/ D:\ D:) D:(
<Zhs2> lol


<Bloodsonic> !gimme grlscut plzkthx
* Zhs2 gives Bloodsonic some girl scouts



Since Jathys hasn't put it up yet...

[2009-07-26 20:35:56] <Jathys|food> <GF_Kennon> OH
[2009-07-26 20:35:58] <Jathys|food> <GF_Kennon> YES
[2009-07-26 20:35:59] <Jathys|food> <GF_Kennon> uNsane
[2009-07-26 20:36:01] <Jathys|food> <uNsane> oh god
[2009-07-26 20:36:02] <Jathys|food> ^---- This needs to go in a sig
I'm too lazy to remove the timestamps.

And because I just thought of something related to this as I was looking back through some old logs...[2009-06-12 11:28:32] -->| GF_Kennon has joined #metconst
<Fizzer> hi GFK
<Blood|zhs2comp> hi JFK.. psuch
<Blood|zhs2comp> psych*
<Blood|zhs2comp> hi GF_Kennon
JFK=James Fuckin' Kennon


Nice ones, guys.

Just in!

<@DChronos> what's your favorite thing?
<XVIII[hacking]> CockFish
<Bloodsonic> ...
<Jathys> LOL
<@DChronos> <@DChronos> what's your favorite thing?
<@DChronos> <XVIII[hacking]> CockFish
<Bloodsonic> hahahaha
<XVIII[hacking]> lol...uh
<Jathys> that's going in a sig
* XVIII[hacking] walks away slowly...


From another forum...

[We were talking about a circuit used to track the sun, and I've replaced user-names with locations]

Chicago: I just don't see the benefit of this design on a device that is meant to track E-W.

Midwest (Me): What's E-W? Electromagnetic Waves?

BH Brazil: I'm guessing East - West...? LOL!

Well, it gave me a hardy chuckle at the time.  :lol:


There's a reason why I'm uNsane.

I am the one who is winning!!!!!!!1!!1111one!!oneonewon11one!


This was a good response from Aile:

<ProjectXVIII> somebody actually came in #kraidsvagina...
<Aile> Kraids pregnant
<Aile> :[



Very old but from a query. I find it fun but that might only be me.  :icon_rolleyes:
[01:12] <phantomhacker> hey how ya gfx comin along
[01:12] <Green-Kirby> hmm?
[01:12] <Green-Kirby> what?
[01:13] <phantomhacker> u workin on a new tile set or something
[01:13] <Green-Kirby> yes
[01:14] <phantomhacker> anyway since from what i gather you prefer to make tiles than to make hacks so i am wondering if you would give me a hand?
[01:14] <Green-Kirby> let me check...
[01:15] <Green-Kirby>
[01:15] <Green-Kirby> I take questions
[01:15] <Green-Kirby> But I only help people who are serius and have skill
[01:16] <phantomhacker> i am serious and as for my hacking skill well its gotten much better since smx 1
[01:17] <Green-Kirby> hehehe
[01:17] <Green-Kirby> you don't get it do you
[01:17] <phantomhacker> GET WHAT
[01:17] <Green-Kirby> nvm
[01:17] <Green-Kirby> Just take the "no" as answear
[01:18] <phantomhacker> fine i jus thought that a nice new gfx hack would be nice but if you are to pissy with me to reli give a shit then well ill just have to deal with it wont i
[01:20] <Green-Kirby> "Fine I just thought that a nice new GFX hack would be nice but if you are to pissed with me to realy give a shit then. I will just have to deal with it wont I"
[01:20] <Green-Kirby> Fixed
[01:21] <phantomhacker> ok then
[01:21] <phantomhacker> its no prob to me lol
[01:21] <Green-Kirby> Give me a good reason why I should just give you my GFX that took me time and effort to make. I don't even know who you are.
[01:23] <phantomhacker> well ive always loved your graphical and aesthetic style all the way from ice mega to your most recent work and ive already played through with your new cre and i must say that i loved them
[01:23] <phantomhacker> and they bring a new feal to the game that i love
[01:24] <Green-Kirby> Oh man
[01:24] <Green-Kirby> now I just got to hand you my GFX
[01:25] <phantomhacker> sarcasm ? (or is it just me being paranoid)
[01:25] <Green-Kirby> Sarcasm
[01:25] <Green-Kirby> >_>
[01:26] <Green-Kirby> Also you have still yet to give me a reason
[01:27] <phantomhacker> what about the huge explenation above or do you just not want to see your gfx make it to a full hack which will be released?
[01:28] <Green-Kirby> Thats a over statment
[01:28] <Green-Kirby> How many rooms do you got done on your hack?
[01:28] <Green-Kirby> how much planing have you done?
[01:28] <Green-Kirby> Do you have an idea?
[01:29] <Green-Kirby> How long have you been hacking?
[01:29] <Green-Kirby> How long have you been hacking SM?
[01:29] <Green-Kirby> Do you know how to use a hex editor?
[01:30] <phantomhacker> ive the item order a idea the boss order the story and the fact that my rom screwed up im only just starting again ive been hacking for about a year going through 150+ roms to make it where i am today i can use a hex editor and ive always loved sm
[01:31] <Green-Kirby> f
[01:31] <Green-Kirby> ops
[01:32] <phantomhacker> wtf?
[01:33] <Green-Kirby> Your hungry walking on the road. And just bought a burger to eat. Then as you walk along the road a child jumps up and begs for food. What would you do?
[01:34] <phantomhacker> split it in half to share the love :D
[01:34] <Green-Kirby> hmmm
[01:34] <Green-Kirby> exelent lier too...
[01:34] <Green-Kirby> any way
[01:35] <Green-Kirby> liek mudkipz?
[01:35] <phantomhacker> what is mudkipz ?
[01:35] <Green-Kirby> ):<
[01:36] <Green-Kirby> [url=][/url]
[01:36] <Green-Kirby> [url=][/url]
[01:37] <phantomhacker> what country do you live in (i might be missing something here ) and exactly hoe old are you?
[01:38] <Green-Kirby> older then you apprently
[01:38] <Green-Kirby> england
[01:38] <phantomhacker> same englend (east anglia to be exact) and im nearly 16
[01:38] <Green-Kirby> wow
[01:38] <Green-Kirby> just
[01:38] <Green-Kirby> wow
[01:38] <Green-Kirby> I am from sweden
[01:38] <Green-Kirby> 16
[01:39] <Green-Kirby> and you got worse grammer then me
[01:39] <Green-Kirby> And you most likly did say you where older then you are also
[01:39] <Green-Kirby> but still
[01:40] <phantomhacker> what? how do i have worse grammer (im just tlkin like this caus i cant b bothered 2 type loads)
[01:40] <Green-Kirby> HAHAHHAHAHAHA
[01:42] <phantomhacker> or *hahahahahaha
[01:42] <Green-Kirby> Caps when loud
[01:42] <Green-Kirby> or
[01:42] <Green-Kirby> an "!"
[01:43] <Green-Kirby> It's not about bothering to type
[01:43] <Green-Kirby> it's about understanding each other
[01:43] <Green-Kirby> and you fail there
[01:43] <phantomhacker> oh lol brbr
[01:44] <Green-Kirby> If you can't bother to type "I" instead of "i" then fail
[01:45] <Green-Kirby> you only need to hold down another button
[01:45] <Green-Kirby> and you can still type fast
[01:45] <Green-Kirby> the keyboard was designed that way you know :P
[01:50] <phantomhacker> but arent u one of those ppl who say such things as owie i brikes mine cookie ?
[01:53] <Green-Kirby> ?
[01:54] <Green-Kirby> any way
[01:54] <Green-Kirby> [url=,7419.0.html],7419.0.html[/url]
[01:54] <Green-Kirby> I released that tile set a few weeks back
[01:55] <Green-Kirby> any one is free to use it
[01:55] <phantomhacker> i wanted a forest area!
[01:55] <Green-Kirby> you never said that
[01:55] <Green-Kirby> + You got palm tress
[01:55] <Green-Kirby> You cna make a forest of that
[01:55] <Green-Kirby> :D
[01:56] <phantomhacker> i might also (if you dont have a prob) take your cre and alter it a bit
[01:57] <Green-Kirby> well
[01:58] <Green-Kirby> [url=,7303.0.html],7303.0.html[/url]
[01:58] <Green-Kirby> GBA styled CRE I made
[01:58] <Green-Kirby> use as you please
[01:58] <phantomhacker> yea thts the one i love them
[02:00] <Green-Kirby> happy to help
[02:00] <phantomhacker> anymore?
[02:01] <Green-Kirby> no


<squishy_ichigo> !gimme something to throw at XVIII
* @Zhs2 gives squishy_ichigo a tortoise
<ProjectXVIII> LOL
<DChronos> it's a blue one, squishy
<ProjectXVIII> !gimme something to block it with
* @Zhs2 gives ProjectXVIII a channel operator
* squishy_ichigo throws the tortoise at XVIII's FACE!
<DChronos> LOL
* ProjectXVIII puts Bloodsonic in the way
<DChronos> PX got the perfect response


[15:15] <CyclopsCaveman> so
[15:15] <CyclopsCaveman> now that i've beaten eris
[15:15] <CyclopsCaveman> which hack should i beat now? :d
[15:15] <Phazar> have you played Cliffhamger?
[15:15] <DChronos> Cliffhamburger
[15:15] <Phazar> oops
[15:15] <Phazar> lol


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* The message exceeds the maximum allowed length (20000 characters).

You got a link!


«14:50:16» <Bloodsonic> <-- awesome
«14:50:24» <Bloodsonic> ...and doesn't show up
«14:50:27» <Bloodsonic> damn.
«14:50:27» <GF_Kennon> Blood, you had to do penis spam didnt you
«14:50:33» <Bloodsonic> ;D
«14:50:41» <squishy_ichigo> . . .
«14:50:48» <GF_Kennon> LOOK AT IT THOUGH
«14:50:56» <uNsane> ...


Heh, something I said quoted by someone else, thanks! Everyone should read Zhs2's link, it's a riot.

<@DChronos> * ProjectXVIII is so pissed he could fap right now!
<@DChronos> <ProjectXVIII> wait...
<@DChronos> * @DChronos smacks ProjectXVIII upside the head with the ADHD beam PSHOOOOOOOOOoooooommm! 8U
<@DChronos> <ProjectXVIII> why am i pissed...>_>