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The funny quips and quotes thread

Started by -DC-, July 14, 2009, 01:12:30 AM

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Some fun with Zhs2's script! :3

[02:54] <Luna|Hacking> !gimme project's mom
[02:54] * @Zhs2 gives Luna|Hacking a channel operator
[02:54] <@GF_Kennon> wat
[02:54] <Luna|Hacking> !
[02:54] <ProjectXVIII> hahaha
[02:54] <Luna|Hacking> PLOT TWIST
[02:54] <ProjectXVIII> AILE MUST BE MY MOM...
[02:54] <ProjectXVIII> O_O
[02:54] <Luna|Hacking> wich one of you is it?
[02:54] * @Zhs2 pats ProjectXVIII on the head
[02:54] <Luna|Hacking> !
[02:54] <Luna|Hacking> :O
[02:54] <ProjectXVIII> Aile is the only girl channel operator...
[02:54] <@Zhs2> Sorry, he came out when I was drunk
[02:54] <ProjectXVIII> so....
[02:54] <@Zhs2> I promise never to do it again :<
[02:54] <Luna|Hacking> :<
[02:55] * Luna|Hacking is now known as Lunamon
[02:55] * @DChronos bestows upon Lunamon a pair of panties
[02:55] <ProjectXVIII> eh, i would take Aile as a mom over my own mom any day...
[02:55] <Lunamon> ooo
[02:55] <Lunamon> panties
[02:55] <@DChronos> i guess that answers it
[02:55] <Lunamon> ;3
[02:55] <@DChronos> :P
[02:55] <@Aile> What's that have to do with anything? o.o;
[02:55] <@GF_Kennon> If you dont want me to nuke the bots you best make sure you do it right
[02:55] <@Aile> I'm nobody's mama
[02:55] <@Aile> D;
[02:55] <ProjectXVIII> <Luna|Hacking> !gimme project's mom
[02:55] * @Zhs2 gives ProjectXVIII heroin
[02:55] <ProjectXVIII> * Zhs2 gives Luna|Hacking a channel operator
[02:55] <ProjectXVIII> that
[02:55] <ProjectXVIII> no no no Zhs2
[02:55] <ProjectXVIII> give that to mah motha
[02:55] <Lunamon> !gimme project's dad
[02:55] * @Zhs2 gives Lunamon a pig
[02:55] <Lunamon> !
[02:55] <@GF_Kennon> !
[02:56] <ProjectXVIII> bahahahhaa
[02:56] <Lunamon> PLOT TWIST!
[02:56] <ProjectXVIII> actually...
[02:56] <Lunamon> damn Zhs2
[02:56] <Lunamon> you must have been drunk
[02:56] <ProjectXVIII> my dad weighs 140 lb >_>
[02:56] <@Zhs2> Really, really drunk
[02:56] <@Zhs2> :<
[02:56] <@Zhs2> Like, GF_Kennon drunk, but worse


<Zhs2> Hello everyone
<Zhs2> I am now seated and I have my breakfast in front of me
<GF_Kennon> >/
* Zhs2 bans GF_Kennon from the internet
--> PZ-powa ( has joined #metconst
--- ChanServ sets ban on *!*
<-- ChanServ has kicked PZ-powa from #metconst (AKICK by Delano_7)
<HelloBot> Hello, PZ-powa ! ^.^
<GF_Kennon> pwned
<GF_Kennon> PZ took my ban
<GF_Kennon> you lose
* GF_Kennon slaps Zhs2 around the head with A Moheek.
<Zhs2> xD
<Zhs2> Nice.


Here's an old but classic zozo ban appeal:

[17:17] <zozo124> Unban me please >_<
01[17:17] <Phazar> No
[17:17] <zozo124> Yes ^^
01[17:17] <Phazar> You were banned for a reason, and Blood wants it to stay that way
[17:18] <zozo124> what reason :(
01[17:20] <Phazar> If you want to know, here are the logs:
01[17:20] <Phazar> [17:03] <ItBLOOD> FRAK HUNT
01[17:20] <Phazar> 06[17:03] * ItBLOOD have say duck hunt
01[17:20] <Phazar> 01[17:04] <@Phazar> Nice prank there, zozo
01[17:20] <Phazar> 01[17:04] <@Phazar> At first I thought you were a Bloodsonic alt
01[17:20] <Phazar> 03[17:05] * ItBLOOD was kicked by Blood (frakhunt)
01[17:20] <Phazar> [17:05] <@Blood> WHAT
01[17:20] <Phazar> 03[17:05] * ItBLOOD ( has joined #metconst
01[17:20] <Phazar> [17:05] <ItBLOOD> I'm luigiblood
01[17:20] <Phazar> 03[17:05] * ItBLOOD is now known as luigiblood
01[17:20] <Phazar> [17:05] <@Blood> YOU DONT THINK IM BLOODOSINC
01[17:20] <Phazar> [17:05] <luigiblood> Syncronisation of bloodsynk
01[17:20] <Phazar> [17:05] <luigiblood> FAILED
01[17:20] <Phazar> 03[17:05] * luigiblood was kicked by Phazar (It's-a me! The a-kicker!)
01[17:20] <Phazar> 03[17:06] * luigiblood ( has joined #metconst
01[17:20] <Phazar> [17:06] <@Blood> ô_ō
01[17:20] <Phazar> [17:06] <luigiblood> I'ts me MARIOWE
01[17:20] <Phazar> 03[17:06] * luigiblood is now known as marioBlood
01[17:20] <Phazar> 03[17:06] * marioBlood was kicked by Blood (frak off ^-^)
01[17:20] <Phazar> 03[17:06] * marioBlood ( has joined #metconst
01[17:20] <Phazar> 06[17:06] * marioBlood tell to blood CUM OFF
01[17:20] <Phazar> [17:06] <@GF_Kennon> i am back
01[17:20] <Phazar> 03[17:06] * marioBlood was kicked by Blood (you too ^-^)
01[17:20] <Phazar> 03[17:06] * marioBlood ( has joined #metconst
01[17:20] <Phazar> [17:06] <marioBlood> STOP TO PUSSY YOURE DICK
01[17:20] <Phazar> [17:07] <@Blood> ...
01[17:20] <Phazar> [17:07] <@Blood> zhs2 says ban you
01[17:20] <Phazar> [17:07] <@Blood> so yeah
01[17:20] <Phazar> 03[17:07] * marioBlood was kicked by Phazar (Did you just describe yourself?)
01[17:20] <Phazar> 03[17:07] * marioBlood ( has joined #metconst
01[17:20] <Phazar> 03[17:07] * Blood sets mode: +b marioBlood!*@*
01[17:20] <Phazar> [17:07] <@Blood> FAIL
01[17:20] <Phazar> 03[17:07] * Blood sets mode: +b *!*pff@*
01[17:20] <Phazar> 03[17:07] * marioBlood was kicked by Blood (bye bye)
[17:21] <zozo124> hum
[17:21] <zozo124> what is a dick?
[17:21] <zozo124> i have write kick
[17:21] <zozo124> >_<
[17:21] <zozo124> *google traduction
[17:22] <zozo124> Ah shit
[17:22] <zozo124> dick is not good :(


This one was great, and I'm still not sure if he knows who it was:
Lunamon puts on an blue hat
=-= Lunamon is now known as Blue_Link
<Blue_Link> :3
=-= Blue_Link is now known as lunamon
<lunamon> regged
[17:58] <Private_BG> lol
=-= YOU are now known as Blue_Link
=-= YOU are now known as Private_BG
<Private_BG> hm
wonder who regged it?
       to (NickServ) listlinks
*NickServ* List of nicknames linked to Private_BG:
*edited out the rest of the list*
10 linked nicknames.


Quote from: Bioniclegenius on August 20, 2009, 07:01:28 PM
This one was great, and I'm still not sure if he knows who it was:
Lunamon puts on an blue hat
=-= Lunamon is now known as Blue_Link
<Blue_Link> :3
=-= Blue_Link is now known as lunamon
<lunamon> regged
[17:58] <Private_BG> lol
=-= YOU are now known as Blue_Link
=-= YOU are now known as Private_BG
<Private_BG> hm
wonder who regged it?
       to (NickServ) listlinks
*NickServ* List of nicknames linked to Private_BG:
*edited out the rest of the list*
10 linked nicknames.

I do now, dipshit. V_v


HAHA BUMP LOLOLOL«21:27:49» *Global* To those of you in Massachusetts who were just accidentally akilled, the problem has been rectified. We apologize for any problems this may have caused.

«17:11:15» <hayashi>
nuf said

Silver Skree


<Reconite> I just had fud timez
<PZ-powa> It's about frickin' time
<Reconite> !zozo
<PZ-powa> X)
<Reconite> ô_ō
<Reconite> ó_A
<Reconite> ó6ó
<Reconite> 6ó6
<Reconite> Six Six Six
<Reconite> Sicks Six Sikz
<Reconite> SIX SIX SIX-
* Reconite is shot.
<Reconite> Imago play FOnline
<Reconite> not MZM
<Reconite> bye
|<-- Reconite has left (Quit: Client Exited)
<PZ-powa> *Facepalm*


something funneh (to me atleast)

[15:47] <Parabox> Zozo is here...
[15:47] <PZ-powa> Hello paradox
[15:47] <Parabox> strange, he was silent
[15:47] <Parabox> all that OPless time
[15:48] <@GF_Kennon> hahaha
[15:48] <@GF_Kennon> Looks like MetConst is seeing some oppless times
[15:48] <@GF_Kennon> and its going to be opless soon again
[15:48] <Parabox> ;_;
[15:48] <@GF_Kennon> cause im running out of battery
[15:48] <@GF_Kennon> 10%
[15:48] <Parabox> make some HOPs
[15:48] <@GF_Kennon> hahaha
[15:48] <PZ-powa> LOOK AT MEEEEEEEEEEE !
[15:49] * Parabox facezozo
[15:49] <@GF_Kennon> i dont even have to look at the keyboard to type
[15:49] <PZ-powa> HALF Hop ME
[15:49] <PZ-powa> x)
[15:49] <Parabox> half hop?
[15:49] <PZ-powa> Yes
[15:49] <Parabox> quartre op?
[15:49] <Parabox> wtf
[15:49] <Parabox> @_@
[15:49] <PZ-powa> Half half op
[15:49] <@GF_Kennon> ...


I'll put my sig quotes up here since I'm about to get rid of them.
Quote«16:46:52»   <Bloodsonic>   guys I'm vored now what
Quote[15:40:00]   <Bloodsonic>   it's like studying with your girlfriend
[15:40:22]   =-=   Silver_Skree is now known as Skree|Math


<PZ-powa|happy> <GF_Kennon> -_-;
<azaron> GF_Kenón
* PZ-powa|happy kills GF_Kennon (Don't -_-; Me >: )
<Jathys|happy> GF_Kennon: it was "fluffy melon"
* azaron kills PZ-powa|happy (Don't kill GF_Kennon)
<GF_Kennon> holy fuck
<GF_Kennon> stop highlighting me
<PZ-powa|happy> GF_Kennon
<PZ-powa|happy> You are a newb
<PZ-powa|happy> .
* PZ-powa|happy rans
<Interdpth> I lawled
=-= YOU (PZ-powa|happy) have been booted from #metconst by GF_Kennon (YOU BETTER RUN)
<Jathys|happy> that
<Jathys|happy> was hilarious
<Jathys|happy> that was like me telling someone that they miss too many deadlines


[19:25] * Phazar is now known as Bloodtails
[19:25] * unanu is now known as Bloodknuckles
[19:25] <Bloodtails> Just remembered this altnick I have
[19:26] * PZ-powa is now known as Bladerknuckles
[19:26] * Bladerknuckles Hits bloodsonic
[19:26] * Bloodknuckles is now known as Bloodcream
[19:26] <@Bloodsonic> whaaaaaaat
[19:26] * Bloodtails attacks Bloodsonic
[19:26] <@Bloodsonic> who the fuck are you.
[19:26] <@Bloodsonic> ...
[19:26] <@Bloodsonic> chriiiiiiiist.
[19:26] * Bloodsonic sets mode: +b Blood!*@*
[19:27] * Bloodcream is now known as unanu
[19:27] * Bladerknuckles is now known as PZ-zozo
[19:27] <unanu> i think you did that wrong
[19:27] * Bloodtails is now known as Phazar
[19:27] <unanu> blood*!*@*
[19:27] <PZ-zozo> Yeah.
[19:27] <PZ-zozo> He banned himself x)


GF_Kennon is now playing: Beavis and Butt-Head - In-Game Music 3
<GF_Kennon> heheheh
i remember playing this
with my brother ironically
<PZ-powa> GF was the butt head
<GF_Kennon> :/
<PZ-powa> =p
* GF_Kennon is now playing: 1-28 Secret of Mana - Star of Darkness


[11:33:53] -->| screamingblackmomba ( has joined #metconst
[11:33:54] <HelloBot> Hello, screamingblackmomba ! ^.^
[11:34:07] <screamingblackmomba> hi helbot
[11:34:19] <screamingblackmomba> sdpoy
[11:34:27] <screamingblackmomba> do u hack ?
[11:34:42] <unanu> hacking is illegal
[11:34:57] <screamingblackmomba> i was maked a hak but arckon loked my topic
[11:35:01] <screamingblackmomba> wate
[11:35:06] <screamingblackmomba> its ilegal
[11:35:08] <screamingblackmomba> ?
[11:35:59] <screamingblackmomba> so r the cpo
[11:36:05] <screamingblackmomba> cops gong 2 get me
[11:36:06] <screamingblackmomba> ?
[11:36:29] <unanu> no
[11:36:30] <unanu> the fbi
[11:36:50] <unanu> next time someone knocks on your door
[11:36:51] <unanu> run
[11:36:54] <screamingblackmomba> are they gong 2 fcoem 2 my ghous
[11:36:58] <screamingblackmomba> oh no
[11:37:14] <screamingblackmomba> wat r they going to do 2 me
[11:37:19] <unanu> arrest you
[11:37:27] <unanu> you dont want to go to jail do you?
[11:37:38] <screamingblackmomba> :(
[11:37:38] =-= screamingblackmomba was booted from #metconst by GF_Kennon (Hai Zeke Zeke)


<GF_Kennon> oh GOD its a zozo, kill him
<-- GF_Bot has kicked PZ-powa from #metconst (DIE BITCH)
--> PZ-powa ( has joined #metconst
<PZ-powa> oh GOD its a zozo, kill him
<-- GF_Bot has kicked PZ-powa from #metconst (DIE BITCH)
<GF_Kennon> hahahaha
--> PZ-powa ( has joined #metconst
<PZ-powa> O_O
<PZ-powa> oh GOD its a zozo, kill him
<-- GF_Bot has kicked PZ-powa from #metconst (DIE BITCH)
--> PZ-powa ( has joined #metconst
<PZ-powa> oh GOD its a zozo, kill him
<-- GF_Bot has kicked PZ-powa from #metconst (DIE BITCH)
--> PZ-powa ( has joined #metconst
<PZ-powa> lol.
--> Wingard (caleb@ has joined #metconst
<PZ-powa> oh GOD its a zozo, kill him
<-- GF_Bot has kicked PZ-powa from #metconst (DIE BITCH)
--> PZ-powa ( has joined #metconst
<PZ-powa> Seriously, this thing will make me orgasm


Hey, zeke, how about this extreme coincidence?

* GF_Kennon is away: sleep etc
<Zozo124> ...
<Zozo124> NO :>
<Zozo124> DDR IS LIFE
<Zozo124> Good night GF ^^
<Zozo124> lol
<Zozo124> It's not scary at all
<GF_Kennon> GO TO BED
<Zozo124> I can't
<Zozo124> I want to play DDR
* DChronos throws a pillow at Zozo124
* Zozo124 stabs
<DChronos> LMFAO
<DChronos> That was randomly chosen from a list 250+ items long
<Zozo124> lol
<DChronos> <Kom> It must just be extreme coincidence!

Big Gay Cell

Haha, best ever.  What are the f*ckin' chances?


1 in 250, if the script just started. Not sure how the chance system works but I guess it is a random pick. Which would make it 1 in 250 at all times. Not really that good at chance calculation...


Silver Skree

<+GF_Kennon> faggots are tasty

[spoiler=Hahaha, not even kidding.][/spoiler]


«17:50:25» =-= YOUR_ASS was booted from #metconst by GF_Kennon (KICKED)

Code (MIrc version) Select
* YOUR_ASS was kicked by GF_Kennon (KICKED)


<unanu> this is the stupidest name i have ever heard
* Antidote ( has joined #metconst
<HelloBot> Hello, Antidote ! ^.^
<Bloodsonic> bloodnightmare
<Bloodsonic> what are the odds of blood in a nightmare hmmmmm
<Antidote> pretty good
<unanu> also
<DChronos> it depends on what kind of rape you're gonna get
<Antidote> ^
<unanu> hahahahaha
<unanu> dc is winner


[21:19] <hayashi> the last zozo is not in captivity, the bloodsonic is not at peace


I don't normally post in this thread but:
<@Jathys> inter: I see a badly done message board where I can post a reply, apparently to some porn advertisements
<squishy_ichigo> lol
<squishy_ichigo> thats the best summary I've heard of 4chan
<@Jathys> squishy: I do what I can


[06:46] * Antidote throws hayashi out a windows
[06:46] <hayashi> XP?
[06:46] <Antidote> window*
[06:46] <@GF_Kennon> if hellobot finally dies let the fucking thing die
[06:47] <Antidote> !zozo
[06:47] <Zekeachu|Inactive> <PZ-powa> We'll how much gay can crocomire getting lololol
[06:47] <Antidote> hayashi no ME
[06:47] <hayashi> Antidote...
[06:47] <hayashi> What did I ever do to you?! ;-;
[06:47] <Antidote> lol
[06:47] <Antidote> you ate my ferret ;-;
[06:48] <hayashi> man, OSS is quite cool
[06:49] * Antidote destroys the coolness of OSS with KraidKar
[06:51] <hayashi> noo
[06:51] * hayashi bonks Antidote across the head repeatedly with ALSA
[06:51] * Antidote Slaps hayashi with apt-get
[06:51] * hayashi kicks Antidote with shoes made from PulseAudio
[06:52] * Antidote stabs hayashi with Synaptic
[06:52] * hayashi cries as his feet slow down massively and become ridiculously laggy
[06:52] <Antidote> lol
[06:52] <hayashi> but hey
[06:52] <hayashi> at least I can kick across networks!
[06:52] * hayashi remotely kicks Antidote
[06:52] <Antidote> XD
[06:52] * Antidote *dies*
[06:54] * Antidote kicks hayashi with kernel 2.6.24
[06:55] * hayashi kicks Antidote with kernel 2.6.31
[06:55] <Antidote> D:
[06:55] * Antidote kicks hayashi in the balls with Debian
[06:56] <Antidote> There you go a full fucking distro
[06:57] <Antidote> !zozo
[06:57] <Zekeachu|Inactive> <Zozo123> Moonshell don't like Hentai pics or what the fuck?
[06:57] <Antidote> ^ fucking LOL
[06:57] * hayashi kicks Antidote in the balls with Ubuntu, then with Slackware
[06:58] <hayashi> !zozozozozozozozozozozozozozozozozozozozozozozozozozozozozozozozozozozozozozozozozozozozo
[06:58] <Zekeachu|Inactive> <Zozo123TASING> I wanna to be kicked by her tits
[06:58] * Antidote kicks hayashi with Fedora4 and Skackware
[06:59] <Antidote> Skakware WTF is that
[06:59] <Antidote> slackware*
[06:59] <hayashi> a distribution