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Hex tweak submission

Started by begrimed, December 16, 2010, 05:08:55 PM

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AD 74 0A 89 04 00 to AD A2 09 89 20 00
makes grapple underwater physics ask if gravity is equipped, not because your purple

only useful if your switching pallet priority between varia and grav

damn game lol, need to fix it with asm. will update this imatard

derp got it i think lol

@2663C: E0 FF
Rising lava speed for Speed Booster pickup lava quake (F0 FF slower, D0 FF faster)

Stuff for the Lava quake PLM (the one in the long room):

@23810: 80 FF      rising speed (70 FF faster, 90 FF slower)
@2382B: E0 0A     distance to the right that it starts rising (E0 blocks 0A screens)
@23879: 01 50      lava  flash rises to this spot to begin rising after passing ^(2382B) trigger


Sick of picking up hidden power bombs, only to get a fake grapple beam??

Change the bytes at 0269E5 to FB 89.

It's most likely 37 89. Not gonna list all the hacks, just whatever one you're playing check the bytes.

This is just from scyzer's itemsounds patch.
Hidden power bombs has DL SOUNDFX, needs to be DW.
Else it changes the message box used.


EA the 5 bytes @ 086A48 to allow pausing during power bombs.


Rain stuff:

Rain goin down value at 0459D6 (PC address) (1 bit)

Rain goin left/right randomly values at 045992 (PC address) ( next 4 values together => 4 bits)


08E5F0 to 60. Or 4C 0B E6. Either way skipping the routine.

No getting hyper beam fighting mother brain. Uncharged shots will only move the head. Charged shots deal damage. The devs probably went with hyper since the lag is noticeable spamming uncharged shots. However, this makes her second form an actual boss fight. I made it out with 3 etanks. The gates after will still get destroyed. Space pirates will take damage & freeze normally.

This also makes all the hyper beam equip screen code in bank $82 useless...


0959B2 to 30.

This is the 2nd byte of a pointer to the animation that is played when morphing in air facing left.
Vanilla rom has it as 08 E5, which points to the morph animation when facing right.

Go morph in the air before & after, without springball.

No idea what was wrong with nintendo, this works with black falcon's morph animation patch.
Like go to 0E0000 in tile layer pro & tell me what that is.
The gfx also need to follow the pattern of top half, stupid dot, bottom half.

Credit to black_falcon for this decent bugfix.


0410DB to 00 00 00 01 & 040DE5 to 00 00 00 01.

Speed up those slow, lagging, power bombs.
First flash & second flash.


Guess which letter uses a different palette than all the rest.


I wonder what the fix for that is?..

[spoiler]011682 to 38[/spoiler]


Crocomire is unlocked for every area.

Tested in quickmet. Room set in crateria & norfair as torizo boss.

Killed & went to gold torizo room. Door was flashing, no gold torizo.
Killed & went to bomb torizo room. Door was flashing, just a floating orb.

Your three addresses are as follows. Values must match.

120A7A = 89 02 00 (BIT #$0002) check for croco being dead
121B97 = 09 02 00 (ORA #$0002) set croco boss bit for area
127681 = 89 02 00 (BIT #$0002) check for croco's tongue being dead, must be for projectiles

Your three values are as follows.

01 00 = mainboss (00 for grey door high byte)
02 00 = miniboss (04 for grey door high byte)
04 00 = torizo (08 for grey door high byte)

More to come, just crocomire is the only one with extensive testing so far...


Spore spawn is unlocked for every area.

12EA96 = 29 02 00 (AND #$0002) check for sporespawn being dead, must match ORA or respawns
12EE37 = 09 02 00 (ORA #$0002) set boss bit for area

01 00 = mainboss (00 for grey door high byte)
02 00 = miniboss (04 for grey door high byte)
04 00 = torizo (08 for grey door high byte)

Tested with spore spawn set as wrecked ship main boss.
Be careful as the gold statues still check area bosses.


Draygon is unlocked for every area.

1292DB = 09 01 00 (ORA #$0001) set boss bit for area

Set as #$0002 and run to botwoon. Don't forget to change draygon's grey doors.
Or set to #$0001, make a door connection to giant metroid's room, & run to mother brain.
Don't forget to change draygon's room to tourian.


The boss thing could be really handy, but could you explain more how it works cause I'm not sure to understand the hex change here


Quote from: benox50 on April 01, 2017, 12:54:40 PM
The boss thing could be really handy, but could you explain more how it works cause I'm not sure to understand the hex change here

You wanna change the value of the number after the BIT, AND, & ORA.

Say xx is BIT/AND/ORA, & yy is the value you want to change.
xx yy 00

xx 01 00 = main boss
xx 02 00 = mini boss
xx 04 00 = torizo

If you were to set up a debug area, & changed croco's values to #$0004, draygon's values
to #$0002, & sporespawn's values to #$0001, you would have croco as the area torizo,
draygon as the mini boss, & sporespawn as the main boss.


Kraid is unlocked for every area.

Change the '01' values to '02' for mini boss, & '04' for torizo.

13A934 = 89 01 00 (BIT #$0001) check for kraid being dead, or respawn every time
13C829 = 89 01 00 (BIT #$0001) check for kraid not being dead, either projectiles or ceiling & spikes
13C82E = 09 01 00 (ORA #$0001) set boss bit for area

Only tested as mini boss, ran to sporespawn, already killed.


Phantoon is unlocked for every area.

13DB82 = 09 01 00 (ORA #$0001) set boss bit for area

Change the 01 to 02 for mini boss, 04 for torizo.

Be careful with boss room state events. If values don't match the boss will respawn.
Or the ship will remain dark. It may be better to leave this one alone.

Animated monitor & treadmills.
0381BA = A9 01 00 (LDA #$0001)

Some unknown damage from somewhere. (Spikes??)
0A0E86 = C9 03 00 (CMP #$0003) this is the region number for wrecked ship
0A0E8B = A9 01 00 (LDA #$0001) this is checking the boss bit

Treadmill bts stuff.
0A18F2 = A9 01 00 [bts 08]
0A1918 = A9 01 00 [bts 09]


Botwoon is unlocked for every area.

199B13 = A9 02 00 (LDA #$0002) set bit for area, else respawn botwoon

This part gets tricky. Is botwoon's initiation AI.

199583 = AF 2C D8 7E (LDA $7ED82C) specific bit for maridia [$D828-D82F (C-B-N-W-M-T-C-D)]
199587 = 29 02 00 (AND #$0002) this is the bit for the wall & room scroll

Botwoon seems to ignore the boss room states due to the above programming.
You could also give the boss room state its own level data, & set plm set, enemy set, & enemy gfx
pointers to zero set, however setting the specific bit saves time & space.


Ridley is unlocked for every area.

No idea how this affects ceres ridley yet, since they share the same initiation AI.

First off is boss bits. (01=main,02=mini,04=torizo)
1320FC = 29 01 00 (AND #$0001) check if ridley is dead, also ceres ridley uses this
1345DF = A9 01 00 (LDA #$0001) set boss bits for area

This one confuses me. No idea why it's checking for norfair.
It involves what looks like a palette for ceres blue doors, a large dragon, & a certain baby metroid.
13236C = C0 02 00 (CPY #$0002) this checks for norfair's region number

Now for the good stuff. These are all CMP #$0002. (CRE-BRN-NRF-WRS-MRD-TRN-CRS-DBG)
13215F = C9 02 00 region number, hiding ridley before fight begins
132427 = C9 02 00 region number, boss fight music
--13244D = A9 05 00 (LDA #$0005) said boss fight music

13246C = C9 02 00 region number, frames b4 revealing ridley
13247B = C9 02 00 region number, bg fade in & lava rising
135917 = C9 02 00 region number, ridley takes off the first time & has left the screen
13593E = C9 02 00 region number, screen shake
135F8D = C9 02 00 region number, ridley is hit
1364D5 = C9 02 00 region number, ridley projectiles

Tested as the torizo for crateria & norfair. Both of which were missing.
Boss room state was left at $01, did not respawn. Similar to botwoon.


Pretty sure that 13236C check is for the number of frames of delay before revealing Ridley inside the room


0844C3 to 0A.

Disable the flashing 'one shot' that occurs when holding item cancel & selecting an hud item.


Probably worth clarifying: Does it actually disable the one-shot affect, or just the flashing of the icon?


Quote from: Quietus on May 22, 2017, 03:23:25 PM
Probably worth clarifying: Does it actually disable the one-shot affect, or just the flashing of the icon?

One shot is fully disabled.
We're just skipping a LDA $8B : BIT $09B8.


This disables the automatic release of bomb spread. Now, unless you stop holding down, you can continue to hold the spread until you decide to release it.

840D1 - 05 to 03
(org $90C0D0 : BPL $03)


Change the six bytes from 28104-20109 to EA and the map won't force open after you use a map station.


01371C = 4C 4D B7 & 01374E = 4C 96 B7

Jump through the game loading map screen routine & skip the flashing box on samus' coordinates.

Flawless cover up.