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Hex tweak submission

Started by begrimed, December 16, 2010, 05:08:55 PM

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[81745]:  20 00 -> ?? ??

Equipped items required in order to speedboost while underwater.

20 00 is gravity suit; could change it to 00 20 to set it to speedbooster. Won't set palettes properly by itself, but allows you to set up a shinespark.

Useful if you don't want gravity suit in your hack, but still want to enable Samus to speedboost/shinespark while underwater.


Found by Moehr, Smiley, and MetroidNerd#9001

Allows treadmills and screens to animate in the Wrecked Ship before Phantoon is dead

$3826F: CB -> CD
$38275: E1 -> E3
$3827B: F7 -> F9

Allows spike blocks to work in the Wrecked Ship before Phantoon is dead.

$A0E89: D0 -> 80


ORG $A09594:

enemies won't unfreeze when the ice beam is unequipped; however, they will be ugly if you unequip it

useful if you're editing other things to freeze enemies, not useful if you don't like broken paletting


14F14D to A9 51 F4 (LDA #$F451).

Giant metroid drains giant sidehopper, flies away, unlocks the screen, & samus keeps her energy.


You know that door transition/screen transition problem in murder ship??
I forget what hack, but I found a "fix" for it.

It happens when enemy E77F (ghost) is set to move off screen.
Color fade & door fade don't cover it up either.

By "fix" I mean the ghost remains in samus' proximity & is trying to stick to samus now.
Those zero values affect it somehow, but I'm not 100% on how.

141BC9 to A9 1E 9D.
141D1E to A9 00 00.
141D24 to A9 00 00.

;//[wrsghost scrollfix]
org $a89bc9 : lda #$9d1e                ;//[#$9c8a]
org $a89d1e
        lda #$0000 : sta $0faa,x : lda #$0000 : sta $0fac,x : lda #$9d36 : sta $0fa8,x : rtl    ;//[#$0001/#$0002]


$86ECA3 (36CA3) - 40 00
Enemy respawn timer.


F0 49 -> EA EA

Walking version of Robo is always on.

Now you can edit your info files in RF too so that the question in the box is answered.


These are hex tweakz but posting as asm.  :nuhuh:

This is pretty much scyzer's itemsounds.asm, but without the extra code...
#$37 is the !click fx, jsl is for what library, #$003c are message length.

;//[itemtank msglength]
org $858490 : ldx #$003c
org $848bfb : sep #$20 : lda #$37 : jsl $809049 : rep #$30 ;//[soundfx]
org $8488de : lda #$003c : nop #4 ;//[beampickup]
org $848905 : lda #$003c : nop #4 ;//[equippickup]
org $848930 : lda #$003c : nop #4 ;//[grapplepickup]
org $848957 : lda #$003c : nop #4 ;//[xraypickup]
ORG $848975 : LDA #$003C : nop #4 ;//[etankpickup]
ORG $848998 : LDA #$003C : nop #4 ;//[rtankpickup]
ORG $8489C1 : LDA #$003C : nop #4 ;//[mtankpickup]
ORG $8489EA : LDA #$003C : nop #4 ;//[stankpickup]
ORG $848A13 : LDA #$003C : nop #4 ;//[ptankpickup]

It doesn't interfere with the room bg music either, that's why I posted.


Quote from: Moehr on July 16, 2019, 11:12:40 PM
ORG $A09594:

enemies won't unfreeze when the ice beam is unequipped; however, they will be ugly if you unequip it

useful if you're editing other things to freeze enemies, not useful if you don't like broken paletting

$A0/94B9 00 0C
palette index used of frozen enemies, 00 00 would be hitflash white


801D2 - 9C 42 0B 9C 44 0B to EA EA EA EA EA EA
Allows Samus to run in Lava or Acid


I'm just gonna ask here, anyone know how enable underwater wall jumping??


Quote from: PHOSPHOTiDYL on February 13, 2021, 12:13:50 PM
I'm just gonna ask here, anyone know how enable underwater wall jumping??

81ED3 - 00 to ??
Walljump height underwater without Gravity suit. 00 = standard, 01 = higher, 02 = even higher, etc.
81EDF - 00 to ??
Walljump height underwater without Gravity suit (with high-jump boots). 00 = standard, 01 = higher, 02 = even higher, etc.


85AFD 02 to 01. Allows you to shoot regular shots whilst using wave beam SBA
85B40 02 to 01. Allows you to shoot regular shots whilst using spazer beam SBA
857A1 02 to 01. Allows you to shoot regular shots whilst using plasma beam SBA

It always bothered me that only the one for ice beam SBA was on the site, but that's not a problem anymore!

also :
1451A0 F0 26 to EA EA. Makes active robots shootable even if the area main boss isn't dead (found by Smiley)

The other one on the wiki only made them move, but you couldn't shoot them yet.


For all of you who want a botwoon fight in a 1*1 room without the wall breaking apart, here's the solution:

10 BC --> BC 86 (prevents the wall from breaking)
22 26 BC B4 --> EA EA EA EA (removes explosions, found by Smiley)
22 7B 95 B3 --> EA EA EA EA (removes explosion sound)
22 26 BC B4 --> EA EA EA EA (removes smoke puffs, found by Smiley)



Came across these hex edits months ago using Super Metroid Editor. Shared with Begrimed's permission because it was found by analyzing older versions of Project Base, and the changes made are examples of what was used in Project Base. I realize that while these had been discovered long ago, there was no documentation for these particular hex edits on the hex page:

81EF9 -00 to 02. Bombjump in lava/acid (I believe Crashtour99 documented this in his Physics Disassembly. His covered a slightly broader range of data, beginning at $90:9EF5.) Have not tested upper and lower limits.

83F9B -3C to 1C.  Bomb Timer, Anything lower than 1 on the second nybble crashes the emulator. Setting the first nybble to 0 causes the bombs to sit indefinitely. 11 was the practical lowest setting, and allowed for instant propulsion. Did not test upper limit.

8427B -0A to 08. Missile Interval. Have not tested upper and lower limits.

8427C -14 to 0A. Super Misile Interval (I've had it set as low as 08)

8427F -10 to 02. Bomb Interval. Have not tested upper and lower limits.


prevents manual reserve energy refilling from setting your reserve energy to 0 once you reach full health


101A3D: BD -> B9
101A42: BD -> B9
Allows dud shots to be correctly displayed when shooting an indestructible enemy projectile (i.e. Botwoon's Body). This one was probably found by PJBoy first considering the error is pointed out in his docs.


C2 30 A9 ---> 4C AE D8

This skips the Mode 7 Large Zebes zoomout in space during the escape, but still displays the surface and clouds before, and the resulting planet detonation after.

In Lorom:

Org $8BD879

Credits to P.JBoy for the Banklogs.


Interesting tweak, nice to see some new life breathed back into this thread again.


Hex Tweak by Mentlegen.

D0 09 ---> 28 60

"Disables player from being able to access the equipment screen, (but does not remove it.)"

In lorom:

org $82A51A
;originally BNE $09

Also credit to P.JBoy for the Banklogs.


Event Gray Doors

A9 0F 00 --> AD 9D 07


org $84BE30
LDA $079D

Hijack of Etecoons/Dachora saved condition. When an event matching the current Room Index is triggered the door starts flashing.

JAM already has a patch that does this, but it's part of a larger system and uses the low byte of the PLM argument.

Thanks to P.JBoy for the Banklogs. MetroidNerd#9001 for using the Room Index to determine events.


102742: 29 7F 00 F0 03
If the charge vulnerability is zero, use the uncharged vulnerability instead. This fixes the bug where metal zoomers and pink zebesian pirates are immune to charged plasma. Use FFh in the charge vulnerability to make it like vanilla. Also caps the charge vulnerability to 7Fh instead of 0Fh.
in ASM:
lorom : org $A0A742 : AND #$007F : BEQ $03


11EF8D 04 -> ??
time metroid is shaking after being bombed while latched onto samus
(this is barely noticeable in vanilla due to it being only 4 frames)


Skips Phantoon room color math code.
(Useful for using Phantoon in other tilesets.)

13DB56-----> 80 03

org $A7DB56
BRA $03

Credits to InsaneFirebat for the more efficient solution (otherwise this would have been NOP #5.) Thanks also to P.JBoy for the Banklogs.

I intended to publish this here the other day, but when I made the original post (in the wrong section), I was using mobile and the sun was quite bright outdoors. The fact it took several days to catch the mistake does not help at all though. This belongs here (and not the banklog submission.)


Credits Scroll Speed

$05997A  ------> 69 00 80

(This value unchanged from Vanilla.) Editing "00 80" directly affects the scrolling speed of the credits as it stores to $1995, the Mode 7 Y subposition.

Thanks to HAM for showing me where this routine was while we were discussing this in the SMART server. Thanks also to P.JBoy for the Banklogs.

org $8B997A
ADC #$8000