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Truth, Misinformation, and Everything in Between

Started by squishy_ichigo, November 15, 2010, 06:48:27 PM

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Quote from: Zhs2 on July 16, 2011, 12:46:27 PM
It's all about the Monkeysphere, yo.
Just read that whole article and I find that it does make a lot of sense. Adding to that, taking about 2-3 three minutes thinking back on reading it, it's a clever article.


Sooooooo today is day 27 of the 'Occupy Wall Street' movement, and today is the 'Global Day of Action'.

I happened to find this livestream last night: globalrevolution - live streaming video powered by Livestream

What do you kiddies think about #OWS anyways? I haven't seen any discussion about it here yet, and most of us here are intelligent individuals that can carry out a mature conversation on the matter.

I for one, see #OWS as a step in the right direction, if we can get people knowledgeable about the real problems, then we can actually do something about it. Sadly, this movement isn't getting a lot of these key problems out to the masses, where it counts.  Nonviolent protesting is the way to go, and the longer it goes on, and the more aware of the issues people become, the better this will be.

Also, on a related note, I saw this recently: Charlie Chaplin final speech in The Great Dictator


Their hearts are in the right place, but there are some fundamental issues they're totally wrong about.  They seem focused on the symptoms (Wallstreet) instead of the source of the disease (government).  If their list of "demands" on the occupy wallstreet website are any indication, then their solution to too much government power and control, is MORE government power and control.
I've also heard that the whole thing was started by people in the socialist left, which makes their demands make a lot more sense.  It's not that the left is trying to co-op the movement; they started it in the first place and are using the public's anger to bolster it.

The section of the following video from 4 minutes to 10 minutes sums it up quite nicely I think.
AVTM 3.0 11.10.14


It's been over a year since I created this topic, and since then my views have shifted several times. I believe keeping an open mind is a paramount, and I've absorbed lots of information.  Over this time, you may have noticed how I've become excited at certain things as I make leaps.

I think it all really began with this.  I stumbled upon this really by chance, and it open me up to a lot of possibilities.  The whole, 'Illuminati' thing, really intrigued me, and I wanted to know more about it.  I shared some of my thoughts on it here, Crashtour interjected some, and it was a nice experience. I decided that I would be more open minded at this time (even more so then I was).

A little while later, I went 'igo'. This was really just a period of time where I was trying to sort things out in my head, not really knowing which direction I wanted to go in. I was dealing with a lot of internal conflicts (and still do to an extent today) where I would feel one way in one situation, and completely opposite in another.  From this period of time, I took that I wanted to be a happier, friendlier person, and really didn't want to brood on silly little things that were keeping me down. I came back feeling rejuvenated, but it wasn't the last time.

Awhile later, Zeitgeist: Moving Forward came into view, taking my views again, to another level. I was excited, and wanted to share this feeling with others. I tried to share this film with Metconst, and got mixed results, the best example being Snarfblam. He was open minded enough to try the film out, but the way it presented information rubbed him the wrong way, and he never finished it. I respected his decision on the matter, and didn't press it on him further.

Then, a few months later I did something stupid. Everyone who knows me well here knows exactly what I'm talking about. Again, I was struggling internally with what I wanted out of life.  I tend to daydream about things quite a bit, and often times make things out to be better then they really are. I made a rash decision, and dropped everything. Family, friends, work, and left. With no intention of coming back I might add.  I thought I knew what I wanted, I really did.  I grew up a little during this 4 day adventure, eventually coming to another (you guessed it) opposite view, seeing that what I was doing was fucking stupid, and came back.  Things slowly went back to normal, and I mostly just ignore that it ever really happened at all.

Time passed as it does, I watched the videos that popped up in this topic, expanded my knowledge a little bit, but then I came across this and another leap was made.  I had heard some talk the Bilderberg group, New World Order, etc. but this helped put it all into perspective.  It was at this point, that I went back and watched the other two Zeitgeist films, and from all this I learned quite a bit.  I had up to this point, knew about he 9/11 'conspiracies' but really had not put much thought into them.  Obtaining information on it, gave me yet another thing to think about, and around this time I was introduced to Ron Paul. I gave this stuff some thought, as I always do, not coming to any real conclusion.

Then Occupy Wall Street began.  It wasn't until about month in that I became interested in it, and once again began to do research on things. This time on a much bigger scale then I had previously.  In the past, I've had a lot going on that I didn't really put a whole lot of time into learning more information, just taking the morsels that came my way. I began to go back and really try and formalized my thoughts a bit more. I learned more about different kinds of government, I learned more about Ron Paul, I began to follow some alternative internet news sources, becoming much more involved then I had been.

That brings me to the present.  The ideas of a world view that Zeitgeist offers really excites me, but I've know that that really isn't an ideal short term goal. I've grown into a more Libertarian view for the current paradigm, with a more Zeitgeist view for the future ahead after some transitional periods. I know my views are prone to expand and change into the future, who knows what I will feel in just a few months time.

Just wanted to put my thoughts out there.


Time for a brief revival of this thread.

Strange Computer Code Discovered Concealed In Superstring Equations!

Interesting stuff. I don't agree with whoever made the video that it's proof of living in a "simulated" universe, however it does suggest something to me that I find even more interesting. Within every living being, from the smallest bacterium to the largest animal or plant, are systems for self repair and error correction. Every cell in your body has the ability to repair damaged DNA, and even the ability to rewrite small portions of your genome.

A few days ago I came across this article:
that shows how particle/wave duality can be seen with macro sized molecules (hundreds of atoms large). So what is it that keeps the universe stable, and stops things like a paradox from occuring when an object can exist in more than state at any single time? It kinda makes sense that the universe would have it's own "error correction method". This to me makes the universe more of a living organism than anything. Just because the Earth is a geological system, doesn't mean it's not alive. Compare the Earth as a rock floating through space "infested" with life, to your skeleton being "infested" with cells. Neither one is more or less alive than the other. The same applies to the universe as a whole.

Combine all this with elements from buddhist and hindu philosophy, and you have a theory of the universe that makes a lot more sense than "God the potter" (who created everything) or a "fully automatic universe" (where everything is just a machine).

As above, so below, and it's all you.



Quote from: Quietus on July 28, 2012, 01:08:40 PM
I read as far as the G-word. :eyeroll:
I feel I should point out that when they refer to God, it's not the Christian concept of God, but more in line with the Buddhist/Hindu idea of God/Brahman/collective unconscious/great self.  I've actually found that more and more people are moving toward this idea of "god" and away from religious fundamentalism.


Deity or not, I wouldn't have linked it if it was propaganda and not common sense, e.g. you are the one in control of your life, your emotions, your experience of life itself is shaped by you and you alone. Figured it might be interesting to some people here.


Quote from: Crashtour99 on July 28, 2012, 02:43:27 PMI feel I should point out that when they refer to God, it's not the Christian concept of God, but more in line with the Buddhist/Hindu idea of God/Brahman/collective unconscious/great self.  I've actually found that more and more people are moving toward this idea of "god" and away from religious fundamentalism.
To be honest, I feel that it makes no difference which colour they paint the idea, the idea remains the same, in that there is something beyond animalistic nature and the struggle for survival.  This means that it's not for me.

Quote from: Zhs2 on July 28, 2012, 06:53:09 PMyou are the one in control of your life, your emotions, your experience of life itself is shaped by you and you alone. Figured it might be interesting to some people here.
What I read already sounded similar to how I view things, so, yeah, I guess 'interesting' could be applied. :^_^:


This topic hasn't been posted in for a very long time. Revival go!

I was ruminating the other day after creating a new universe full of somewhat stereotypical but few not-so characters yet again for a story of love, life, and a bit of high school drama with a lot of text that might be found boring to the casual reader (probably only one person here really knows what I'm talking about, and he didn't find the introduction section very interesting.) However, I found myself in a slight dilemma of thought as I discussed the various ideas with another person (that wasn't the first person.) I ended up paraphrasing a likely-said-before quote about how the first few chapters would be boring and such; it went along the lines of "You have to create the universe before you can play god." But I ended up searching the phrase, and found myself asking a good few questions of myself. What is a reality? How can we help others perceive it? What is truth? What is misinformation? This article was very interesting when it came to describing such things.

How to Build a Universe That Doesn't Fall Apart 2 Days Later

Quite thought-provoking, quite mind-stimulating, and also quite creepy. Let me know what you all think.


I read just over half of that article, then lost interest. This bit interested me though, as I have read something similar before:

The basic tool for the manipulation of reality is the manipulation of words. If you can control the meaning of words, you can control the people who must use the words. George Orwell made this clear in his novel 1984. But another way to control the minds of people is to control their perceptions. If you can get them to see the world as you do, they will think as you do. Comprehension follows perception. How do you get them to see the reality you see? After all, it is only one reality out of many. Images are a basic constituent: pictures. This is why the power of TV to influence young minds is so staggeringly vast. Words and pictures are synchronized. The possibility of total control of the viewer exists, especially the young viewer. TV viewing is a kind of sleep-learning. An EEG of a person watching TV shows that after about half an hour the brain decides that nothing is happening, and it goes into a hypnoidal twilight state, emitting alpha waves. This is because there is such little eye motion. In addition, much of the information is graphic and therefore passes into the right hemisphere of the brain, rather than being processed by the left, where the conscious personality is located. Recent experiments indicate that much of what we see on the TV screen is received on a subliminal basis. We only imagine that we consciously see what is there. The bulk of the messages elude our attention; literally, after a few hours of TV watching, we do not know what we have seen. Our memories are spurious, like our memories of dreams; the blank are filled in retrospectively. And falsified. We have participated unknowingly in the creation of a spurious reality, and then we have obligingly fed it to ourselves. We have colluded in our own doom.


"Today a young man on acid realized that all matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration,
that we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively, there is no such thing as death,
life is only a dream, and we are the imagination of ourselves. Here's Tom with the Weather."
-Bill Hicks


Quote from: Digital_Mantra on March 03, 2013, 12:03:43 AM
"Today a young man on acid realized that all matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration,
that we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively, there is no such thing as death,
life is only a dream, and we are the imagination of ourselves. Here's Tom with the Weather."
-Bill Hicks

Quality guy. Let's celebrate him with another quote.

"It's not a very popular idea, you don't here it very often anymore.... but it's the truth... I have taken drugs before, and err........... I had a real good time! Didn't murder anybody, didn't rob anybody, didn't rape anybody, didn't beat anybody, didn't lose - hmmmmm - one fuckin' job.... laughed my ass off..... and went about my day! Sorry!"

-Bill Hicks


Quote from: Digital_Mantra on March 03, 2013, 12:03:43 AM
"Today a young man on acid realized that all matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration,
that we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively, there is no such thing as death,
life is only a dream, and we are the imagination of ourselves. Here's Tom with the Weather."
-Bill Hicks
some pretty deep stuff...
makes a lot of sense when you think about it though.


Everyone should watch all Bill's shows. He may reuse quite a bit of material, but he's really great. Shame he was gone before my time. Would've loved to know what he would think about the situation today, 9/11 and other business.

EDIT: Not to forget the documentary about him. Real interesting.