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Super Metroid EXP

Started by Borderjumper67, October 05, 2010, 08:29:13 PM

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So yeah my First Romhack so this started when I was rusty at this type of thing.
Easy story:Samus lands on a Mysterious planet.But,all is not what it seems.


More pics coming soon
Almost finished with this.Yeah it's kinda of a Mini hack or Half hack.


My eyes burned from the second picture. Do fix.

I meant the 1st one. Heh...


Hmmm maybe because I was playing with the darkness in the room.


Or maybe because the wrong corner tiles were used. ;) Good stuff though. ^.^


You that I think about it
Those tiles are TOO Black and red. :whoa:


There we go
Better? or Worse?


Great, now skree is blind...
Your palette is... no offense meant... terrible. you've got parts that are supposed to be relatively darker than other parts lighter, and all backwards :/
When you make a palette, make sure you keep the relatively darker/lighter colors in the same position otherwise it turns out like... well... that ^

Just takes practise to get them good :)


I see the same problem in that last pic as in the black/red one. The ideas are fine; it's just that the colors are way too flat. I kinda liked the black/red one except that there was no texture or variation from being pretty much JUST black and red. As the previous message said, keeping the lighter/darker parts relatively intact from the originals will mean that the backgrounds still look textured and shaded properly. Sure, it may be a whole lot easier to just use 3 colors in a background image, but the effect on the quality of the image is striking.

If fleshed out, your ideas would look cool, though.




The blue and purple don't look to bad, but the brown looks incredibl bland and boring.


So you guys don't like the brown,Am I correct?
changed it back the original,looks alot better.I like to Experiment with palette. :^_^:

So there's nothing wrong with the dark blue tiles?


Quote from: Borderjumper67 on October 15, 2010, 11:59:59 AM

So there's nothing wrong with the dark blue tiles?
Oh there is quite a lot wrong with it, alright.

There is way too high contrast between every color! A good start would be fixing that, then we can talk about picking colors that mix well.


The palette really needs improvement because to me that is a very ugly palette, no offense but I know you can do better than that. As far as room design goes it looks okay but could be better.


Quote from: Webber1900 on October 15, 2010, 02:11:05 PM
The palette really needs improvement because to me that is a very ugly palette, no offense but I know you can do better than that. As far as room design goes it looks okay but could be better.

i agree the pallets are not as good as some other ones i have seen but since it is your first hack i have some sympathy


Super Metroid EXP Video

Yep here ya go,
I'm still working on it. lol :lol:
Expect Screenshots later this week or next.


Right, from what I saw in that video I can tell the following:

You're not working anymore with the palette. You might have time to do that later. Also, I don't feel comfortable with the disposition of the tiles in your landscapes, they're too square and forced; perhaps not too natural. You could try to randomize a bit more those rocky formations.

That Ridley's tileset in Crateria looks promising, I suggest working on it a bit more, but... I'm not fond of the crossing tubes and such, they look too Redesign-y and clash with the aforementioned mix.


First you make people blind with your palettes? then you have that deafening music on your video? Why don't you just chop off my nose, tongue and limbs while you're at it too.


Quote from: Flamestar666 on November 24, 2010, 05:17:49 AM
First you make people blind with your palettes? then you have that deafening music on your video? Why don't you just chop off my nose, tongue and limbs while you're at it too.

It's not deafening music, it's screamo/metalcore, which is like a s****y version of  hardcore and deathmetal  :yum:

Also border I think you should work more on making the rooms a little less boxy and also with more slopes and less obstacles to jump over. Being able to walk through areas without having to constantly jump makes for way better hacks


...I think I need a break from all of this. I'm seriously trying to Balance 3 things at the moment.
No, they are not rom hacks. It's actually School related stuff and music writing mostly. As you guys may know,I take my music very Seriously and my Romhack's too. This is maybe why my Rooms have been sucking Lately.

So as of now I need to put this on hold And RETHINK Stuff. :mad:


And I'm back with some progress on this hack.
The name is no longer EXP, it's called Super metroid:Temple of Denial.

Reasons on why I stop working on it is because I restarted it....and some other reasons that will be named.  :razz: :heheh:


Theres tons more done. I just have to find the rooms. :p
Have no opened this in little over 5 months.


Picture 1 and 2 is pretty good!

But the others still need some practice. It's still too

try some


Hiroshi Mishima

I agree with gunner that the first two screenshots are really quite nice, and the palettes look pretty darn good.

However, while I kinda see what he means by boxy, I also see what you're trying to do.

One suggestion would be to have some edited tiles for those big boxes in the last pic, so that they form slopes. Maybe have them crumbling in places to make convenient slopes? That way you don't have those out-of-place slopes instead. Another suggestion for the other pic (with the Chozo Statue in it) would be to add some more variety to the blocks you're building the stoney rooms with.


The easy fix to the stone blocks is just to offset the rows a little and use different lengths of block.  The original game stuck with offset rows of 2x1 blocks, which was good enough to keep it from being bland, but adding in some 1x1 and 3x1 blocks can bring about some satisfying variation.

Nice palette work with 1, 2 & 4!  Post some more screens when you have them ready!