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Super Metroid: Revenge Of Mother Brain

Started by super nintendo hacker, May 08, 2011, 11:30:28 AM

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super nintendo hacker


This is my new super metroid hack I started like 2 days ago. I gave it name "Super Metroid: Revenge Of Mother Brain".
Soon I will put up some pictures and videos. This will be a mediumish hardish hack. Pallete changes and maybe some new tiles. I currently have 2 new suits! Thank you tell me if you like the hack.

After Mother Brain was defeated 3 times,She decided to rebuild and modify zebes to make it harder for samus to get through,this takes place in the middle of the modification,that means puzzles,tunnels,mixed up chozos and areas...and stuff...


Well heres what you requested,some media.

Please be patient with the media,I am at a very early stage.Thats all for now.



You know, if you just post a thread begging for people to praise you, then I can tell you right now that ROM hacking is nothing for you.


How do you expect us to tell you how we like the hack if there's no media (pictures, videos, etc.) of said hack? It's also a general rule of thumb around here to have that kind of stuff as well.


Quote from: super nintendo hackerSoon I will put up some pictures and videos.
Yes please. I'll have to lock this tomorrow if you don't.

Quote from: super nintendo hackertell me if you like the hack.
But... there's nothing in your post to like...

Hiroshi Mishima

Why do I get the feeling he accidentally erased like half of his post? I mean, why say "READ IT ALL" if there's only like 3 lines? Are we that bad with attention spans that we can't read whole paragraphs without becoming uncomfortable and distracted?

I dunno, it just feels like an insult to my intelligence to be told to read everything when "everything" would have fit on one of those 3x5 cards.

super nintendo hacker

Sorry,its just sometimes on other places (i just want to be sure because its all still a forum website) people dont read whole posts and annoyingly ask questions.Getting pictures up right now ;).


You get that anywhere you go due to the inevitability of stupidity. That's why you say "Did you read my post?" later on so you can make them feel bad.


Your level design is flatter than a 12 year old girl, needs moar slopes. The palettes look good though. :D

Also, lolwut @ the chinese energy text

super nintendo hacker

I bet you didn't read my first post,I said its at a very very early stage and to be patient with the media and that it may be changed.


I bet I did, I was just giving some criticism. :P


Jeez, you guys are brutal...but have accurate points and criticisms. I second more slopes.

EDIT: Why "Revenge of the Mother Brain"? Is it going to feel like a classic sci-fi film? What's the story? You have come up with a story, yes?

super nintendo hacker

yes i have. I will put it in the first post :)


Geese, people are being hard aren't they?

First of all, glad to have another hacker.

Second, I'm going to put a few things out there for you. As others have said, you seem to have the classic case of beginer syndrom. Hardley any slopes. Slopes are your friend, learn to use them. Another classic thing you've got going on is the desire to show off minimal work. Yes, you plan on doing much bigger and greater things with it, but you don't have really anything for the moment. I know it is hard to hold back when you realize you can change the greatest game ever around, but give yourself some time, build yourself a solid base, and then come and post a topic filled with your information. You generally get a much better reception that way.

Remember, hacks take a long time to make. I'm going on a few years now myself. So don't rush into anything and give yourself some time.

Hiroshi Mishima

Hell, I've been amongst the community for a couple years now, and I STILL don't have a hack released. Most I've done is contribute to a few other hackers via testing, ideas, and occasionally a bit of content. I have the urge to show off what little I've gotten done from time to time quite frequently. I just bite the bullet or only show it to one or two people so I can get some opinions on it.

Mst is right, especially since we can't see much of the rooms from those screenshots. I think the Power Suit is a tad vibrant for otherwise earthy colours and stands out a bit too much, but that doesn't mean I don't like the colouration you chose. I'm genuinely interested in seeing more based on what you've shown thus far. It is, as Mst said, good to see new hackers here. We do kinda bark a lot when we think it's valid, some worse than others, but we don't bite too hard. :p


Hmm...that isn't really a story.  :pwuh: But far be it from me to criticize the finer points of your hack. If the gameplay is fun, well, a good story is a bonus. But from what you described that could be essentially the story of many hacks with mother brain as the final boss.

Some things to think about before you go into SMILE guns blazin' are:
• What will make your hack unique?
• How will you differentiate yours from all the rest (most hacks currently in production have a theme unique to each respective story)?
• Are you genuinely committed to spending the time to see this hack through completion.

I got to be honest here, if you're planning on making just a pretty much vanilla hack with slightly reworked rooms, I...probably wont be too interested in playing. Make it unique. Make me NEED to play this. I cannot tell you how to accomplish that. But slopes are a good start.  :wink:


Quote from: advancedpillowMake me NEED to play this.
I disagree with this statement. Making it unique is one thing, but appealing to an audience is another thing. If you're going to put your life's work into something, you're probably better off making what is fun to play or make to you personally and the audience will find itself. I mean, it's helpful to post in the right place as well, but appealing to the people is not the common goal. If everyone did that, thousands of hackers and modders would never get their work done due to those haggling naysayers. :wink:


That statement wasn't referring to my specific tastes (e.g. "Make the game the way I like."). I would never! It was, however, merely describing a possible reaction I could have when viewing the work. I guess I could have explained it more fully instead of reaching for a catch phrase of sorts. I suppose there are many fans of the reworked Zebes style. I didn't mean to nag and naysay.  :blush:


Quote from: Sadiztyk on May 08, 2011, 09:03:15 PM
I bet everyone on this site $100 that this guy will be gone within a couple months :P

Sounds like a safe bet to me! :grin: Remember my comment about hackers posting about hacks the minute they learn to change basic things in SMILE? Well... it seems to me that's what we have here...

I will echo what has already been said. The terrain needs more slopes and needs to feel more natural. The original game captured this concept nicely. Also, I'm not a big fan of the colors you've chosen for the 'new suites'. I'd tone them down a bit. That's just my opinion, ultimately it's your hack and you should do what you feel is best. Just adding my 2 cents worth.

super nintendo hacker

I was going to change the suit colors to sort of metroid fusion style or something like that...Also adding more media right now...


So, I decided to come up with a formula of when you should post a hack.

Rooms noticeably changed=A
Solid BTS=B
Rooms barely changed=C
Rooms completely changed=H
PLMs in one room=K

Over 9000=winrar

Seriously though, why does everyone and their mom post hacks, as if they found smile a week ago and like "OH THIS IS MY HACK I HAVE NO STORY WHATSOEVER BUT MAN I LIKE SUPER METRIOD BECAUSE HE'S COOL"

I mean. Try presenting something to your boss or teacher like the way you posted in this thread and tell me how that goes for you.
Why not just post this?[spoiler][/spoiler]

People may tell you that I'm not trying to be mean. I am trying to be mean, because when someone posts.
Quote from: super nintendo hacker on May 08, 2011, 11:30:28 AM
This is my new super metroid hack I started like 2 days ago.

I just  :pwuh:

Other than having some of the squared terrain and some of the ugliest brown tiles and the worst story ever.
uhm. Here's another picture for you.[spoiler][/spoiler]

super nintendo hacker

 :lol: Trying to take effect huh? Well I dont care,either someone likes my hack or they dont. If you dont like,there is no reason for YOU to post here.Its called a matter of opinion.


That's the spirit! Make your hack for you, but that doesn't mean you need to show us everything you do. There's people who show off just about every room they make, and others who rarely show anything.
Surprisingly, it's the few total overhaul hacks in progress that rarely have anything shown off :P


You see, I don't but the whole "THIS IS MY HACK QQ." when you post things like...
Quote from: super nintendo hacker on May 08, 2011, 11:30:28 AMThank you tell me if you like the hack.
You are clearly asking for opinions, and completely disregarding constructive criticism with a "MY HAX MY RULZ." post.

It's just fine and dandy if you don't care that people don't like your hack, or anything you do as a matter of fact. We are not here to grade you. However, you are asking for praise when you have done nothing to earn it. Furthermore, Why should we give two shits about your hack? If you truly do not care what people what people thought about your hack (if you even want to call it that), then why bother posting? Why bother signing up here and sharing with the world?

Also, I have posted no opinions, nor have the majority of people in this thread, they posted helpful suggestions and/or criticism  that you decided to spit back into their faces like a cheap hooker and your dad's well, you know... If you want my opinion, you can PM me, because more than likely I'll be banned to no tomorrow if I post it publicly.

This is your problem.
1) You have a bad attitude and/or act like a child.
2) You interpret facts as opinions.
3) You are obviously colorblind. Do not expect to join an Air-force.

Here's some more criticism for you, please enjoy it to the best of your abilities.
FACT: Your suit looks like a floppy red dildo.
As a matter of OPINION, I have somewhere you can shove it.

Also here's some really fucking obnoxious colored attention-whoring colored text that you seem to like to use in your first post for you.

super nintendo hacker

Locked.Posting a new topic when I get more progress.