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[SM] Phazon Hack 0.5 (Under Construction)

Started by A_red_monk_called_Key, January 12, 2010, 04:19:46 PM

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Quote from: PokeyTroid on October 28, 2013, 05:41:55 PM
I'd also like to know how to open the door with the green lamp in Sewers/Phazon mine.
Screw Attack, if I remember correctly.


Yeah, it's Screw Attack. I had to open one to leave the room in which I got it.

That particular door won't open though.

The expansions continue to confuse me. I'm up to 13 Energy Tanks, 4 Reserves, 166 Supers, 50 Phazon Missiles, and 43 Power Bombs. Forty-three Power Bombs.

Other than that, this hack is completely brilliant so far. There are so many big and little things that just make me smile while playing. I laughed when I saw the redrawn Kihunters. Instead of a bug spitting at me, it's a floating orb with a pop-out gunk nozzle.

I'm a huge fan of Maridia, and underwater areas in general. This hack is really impressive in that regard. The Space Jump area and the east Mines/Screw Attack area stood out (in a good way). I really liked the contrast between the organic and colorful "undersea" areas and the rest of the hack, which was very industrial.

I really like the decision to delay Bombs until lategame. It gives the hack a nice flow; instead of stopping at every suspicious corner to morph and bomb for hidden stuff, the player gets to use their beam instead. Rapidfire Spazer is a great tool for combing surfaces, and Echo makes it even more effective. It's just another little way that this hack is unique. Early Spring Ball is always welcome, too!

I'll post more once I finish.



I missed a super...

Got the Phazon Beam though! Made Draygon and Ridley really easy.

Hellknight In Flames

How in the actual fuck do I get this hack to work? I've got SNESx9 and that other good one, SMILE, SNEStuff, and a load of other crap. So I ran the rom through LIPS and two things happened.

1. The first time the game loaded fine, but after the map screen, the screen was glitched.

2. After the map screen, the game went black and the music kept playing.

So how do I get this hack to work?


Make sure you use a clean, unheadered JU rom for patching. Also try using a different emulator/another version of Snes9x.

Hellknight In Flames

Using the japanese version solved the problem. Thanks!


Yeah, a lot of people new to playing hacks end up getting the European (E) rom.
For others not entirely sure and browsing this thread, you want the Japanese rom, which will look like this:

Super Metroid (JU) [!].smc

And to know if the rom is headered or not, put the rom in any explorer box (so not the desktop!) on your computer and in the size column, it will either say 3,072KB or 3,073KB.

3,072 is unheadered.


I'm still getting that bug where the status screen crashes the game .-.
It was said that it was fixed but I'm still experiencing it. is this only in a specific emulator or what?


This is my first hack that I've played and I honestly don't know how any other hack could even compare to this amazing hack. Just one issue though, I just got speed booster and went back to the room where I got X-ray. I ran to the right and fell down into a permastuck. Other than that, it's an awesome hack.


Yeah, I believe this is generally regarded as being 'up there' with the best hacks.  Once you're done with it, you could try Super Zero Mission, which is also a complete overhaul.

Secret Agent Klunk

Hey where is the download link for v0.4?

Secret Agent Klunk

Then I'm guessing that the patches everyone was talking about on the first page of this topic was phazon hack v0.1?


i guess so, the topic says:[SM] Phazon Hack 0.4 (UNDER CONSTRUCTION) you get it ;D


Yes, this topic was created for v0.1, and the conversations here will carry across v0.2 and v0.3 as well.

Steel Sparkle

Played fully through this hack and got the Phazon beam and 100%(thanks to one of my fav LP'ers out there. BaltisMC) The game was amazing and i can't wait to see 0.4 :3
Screenshot's of my game completion!


Hi, I had an odd question. I just got the speed booster and it seems I'm stuck down in this pit. For some reason I can't do a shinespark to escape. I have been running back and forth for like 20 minutes now trying to get it to work. There is plenty of room, I dont need to do the short charge, I'm full on energy, but the shinespark just won't activate when I press down. Has this hack changed anything about shinespark mechanics? All I'm doing is running forward and pressing down when Samus changes colors, right? Or is it a bug?  I have encountered no other bugs or glitches until now. Please let me know if you can think of the reason I am having such a hard time with this.

Also, I did assign run to the Select button in the options, so I can remap it in my emulator to put run on a shoulder button, makes it easier to hold down all the time. But I always do that when I play Super Metroid and don't see why it would cause an issue here. I could reset the game and make all the controls default and see if that fixes it but then I would have to beat that hard boss again :nowai:

Other than that this hack is awesome


if i try to use a controller with SNES 9x then i can't charge a shinespark because i can only press a couple buttons at a time - you could try using the keyboard just for a shinespark or using a different emulator? (i guess you use SNES 9x as most people do)

I hope this helps :^_^:


One thing to note with snes9x is that you have to assign the diagonal inputs, not just the normal four.  I had a nightmare trying to charge shinesparks until I noticed this. :neutral:


Oh thanks for the help guys. It was SNES9X's problem after all. Assigning the diagonal inputs fixed the issue. I guess I must have been using zsnes or something before to play other hacks. Now I can keep playing this awesome hack.


Glad to help.  It bugged me for ages when I kept failing tricks that I'd been doing for years. :^_^:


Quote from: Quietus on September 22, 2014, 05:02:04 PM
Glad to help.  It bugged me for ages when I kept failing tricks that I'd been doing for years. :^_^:

As it did for me, too. Quietus and I use ZSNES (despite a lot of people thinking it sucks) because it has a handy rewind feature that you can use to get out of permastucks that a hacker has overlooked. Also, it doesn't have any silly control problems :heheh:

Steel Sparkle

I actually use the BSNES witch also has a rewind feature and a few handy features that are really nice but require a nice computer to play. TBH it is really just what EMU you prefer to use in the end.


It wasn't always about preference for me.  I actually preferred snes9x, but that rewind feature in ZSNES swayed me over - it's just that handy.  I think a number of emlators now include it, including the increasingly-amazing Bizhawk.

Steel Sparkle

Quote from: Quietus on September 26, 2014, 07:08:26 PM
It wasn't always about preference for me.  I actually preferred snes9x, but that rewind feature in ZSNES swayed me over - it's just that handy.  I think a number of emlators now include it, including the increasingly-amazing Bizhawk.
Correct me if im wrong Quietus(or anyone else) but with some experimentation i discovered that the strongest beam combo in the game is actually the Dark and Light beams with nothing else as i think it makes the "Annihilator beam" from prime 2.It is stronger then the Echo,Light combo and Light,Echo and Dark.Heck it even shoots a little bit faster too.I assume this was red monk3y's intention or maybe not but this beam combo from what i have seen is the strongest but not the fastest.In the end it's what the player prefers but i thought i would throw this out here.