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Room of the Week 2014 - Archives

Started by Quote58, April 19, 2012, 09:40:48 PM

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Quote from: Grimlock on September 09, 2014, 10:17:05 AMThat's pretty nice, did he ever get to a final release of his hack?
I don't believe BF has finished / released it, no.


Actually, my mouse has a terrible double click, so the missing door tile on the first scroll was an accident. :(

Also, this is super metroid,, not metroid fusion...


My vote this week goes to Jefe, mainly because the palette really catches my eye. Not an easy decision though.

Alisa Orlova

Quote from: Gohan on September 09, 2014, 03:02:40 PM
Also, this is super metroid,, not metroid fusion...

I don't remember whose it was a joke, Dave Chappelle or Jimmy Carr, I only remember its meaning. "If a girl dresses like a whore, and looks like a whore, then she is a whore." Most likely it was a Jimmy Carr, he is a connoisseur of "grimed bawdry". It's not to politely, but it's fits as an answer perfectly.


Quote from: Gohan on September 09, 2014, 03:02:40 PM
Also, this is super metroid,, not metroid fusion...

Ouch, falsely identified and tossed in with the rest of us rejects  :lol: . that's like MST dumping his date off on the side of the road just because she merely suggested they have fried chicken for dinner.


Quote from: Grimlock on September 09, 2014, 08:14:27 PM
that's like MST dumping his date off on the side of the road just because she merely suggested they have fried chicken for dinner.
Hey now, she lied to me, and I didn't find out until I was removing the condiments.


Jefe962 has been a god damn genius lately.
So has Vismund and Grimlock.
I'm not around much lately but I do love RotW.

Vismund Cygnus

Quote from: Digital_Mantra on September 09, 2014, 09:28:40 PM
Jefe962 has been a god damn genius lately.
So has Vismund and Grimlock.
I'm not around much lately but I do love RotW.
Don't worry, I'll be back one day!
In other news, here's why I voted for Grimlock in the end:
[spoiler=Jefe]There's two things that irk me about this. Firstly, those floating platforms, particularly in the way that they sit in the middle of those middleground tiles. with some very simple gfx edits they'd look way more natural.
Secondly I dislike the clashing foreground and sky palettes. If it's a stormy look, the foreground needs to be darker to reflect such a thing. As it stands they don't sit together well.
Structurally it's fine, aside from the aforementioned platforms and the too-jumbled filler, which looks like you've tried to avoid having two of the same tile touching each other. It is too varied for my liking.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Anon]The pipes, it's too much! You need to settle down a little on it, it looks illogical and weird. Not that I'm sure you'd even see much of it in-game.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Gohan and Hawntah]I will refrain from commenting because I see both as being plain/non-standout. They just look like transitional rooms. Hawntah's beats out Gohan's though because Gohan left the silly red outline, which isn't needed once the tileset is ported over to SM. Structurally Hawntah's is quite a lot nicer as well.[/spoiler]
So yeah, in a week of non-standouts, Grimlock's is the least non-standout, or something. Well done.


Jefe: that filler is too cut up. The lightest of the of the tiles need to be surrounded by the slightly darker ones so it fades semi-nicely. It does remind me of rain though which is pretty cool. The background is nice but as vismund said it clashes too much. Other than that great room man, keep it up.
Grimlock: sexy stuff as always, you really give snarf a run for his money, and that's saying something. Really feels like a technical and station like environment, the fact that you drew those yourself just makes it more impressive.
The one that doesn't use gba gfx: Good effort, I actually like the pipes. Good use of green brinstar too, but I do think the pink brinstar shouldn't come up into the top right so starkly, could use a palette change in fact.
The gba gfx people: Pretty boring room on the zm one, nothing special to say about it really. Fusion one, just one thing to say: Just because you're using gfx from metroid fusion, does not mean you have to use them the way they did. Look at super metroid, the original didn't really have layering or anything with crateria, but it's used extensively by the community to make great looking rooms. I suggest you experiment more with the level design.

Love dem Grim guy custom gfx so my vote goes to him I guess.
Good effort everyone. Or not, I don't know how you made these, nor do I care actually.


ALRIGHT YOU SLIMY LITTLE BUNGLETASTERS, YOU REALLY DONE DID IT THIS WEAK. WEAK! I can't believe I am taking my precious time to critique your horrible creations and get rewarded with a bag of skank twitgags a landfill would refuse to keep their clean image.

[spoiler=Hawntahtah]This room. It has colors which are pleasing. BUT THE IMPORTANT THING IS THAT IT IS REALLY A SECRET METAPHOR FOR LIFE AT A ROCK CONCERT! Really, just look at the room. FILLED WITH ROCKS! So let us begin this epic Journey! (HAHAHAHAHAHA! Any way you don't want it, I'mma gonna pun it!) YOU START AT THE TOP AND EVERYTHING IS LIKE, YEAH, ROCK CONCERT! AND YOU KEEP GOING FOR HOURS UNTIL YOU REACH THE BOTTOM OF THE MOSH PIT WHERE YOUR FACE GETS BURIED IN ACID AND YOU TURN INTO A GREEN ALIEN DRUGGY. I see what you're trying to do.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Grimlocked]There is but one thing that makes this room interesting. THE DOOR ON THE RIGHT IS GRAY! Hopefully you will unlock that door and post something that would smack this pile of puked up anti-cheese down a peg. UNTIL THEN I WILL MOCK YOU FOR THE AVERAGENESS![/spoiler]
[spoiler=AnnonyBonnie]Here is what would help this thing. Less pipes, and no pink Brinstar. Your Green Brinstar is quite good if you dump the fast food and hookers. You really don't want to placing your pipes near that without protection you know.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=JiffyLube]Much like the rest of this week, this room is a load of average and "HEY LOOK AT ME I SPELL HALF-HACK CIRCA 2007!" As a professional, I am prescribing you something to help you out. STOP USING CRATERIA. Seriously, you make much better rooms with pretty much every other tileset, but manage to make Crateria look like an 80 year old stripper.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=DarkCandandaman]Other than the top left door going emo and cutting itself, probably an inner teen angst thing going on there, and the slopes in the middle of the ceiling up top being really, really weird, this room is slightly averageness? What you really should do is add things dripping out of the pipes. WHAT IS THE POINT IF THE PIPE DOESN'T BUST? PIPES WERE MADE TO BUST, ESPECIALLY IN COLD WEATHER. BUT THEN YOUR PIPE MIGHT SHRINK AND MORE ANGST AND YOUR DOORS WILL START CUTTING THEMSELVES AGAIN. You should really be careful, losing a door is a serious matter. If you know a door who is having these thoughts, please call the Door Connection Academy and set that door up with a BFFFL.[/spoiler]

Well, I went a lot tamer than I initially planned, but I have a feeling you all feel bad for your "effort" this week anyway. In all seriousness, I haven't been this disappointed by every room in a single given week since last week. I STILL BELIEVE YOU CAN DO BETTER!
:bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:


Here goes, I guess.

[spoiler=Hawntah]My only gripe with this room is the background makes it really difficult to see any red foreground. Apat from that, there isn't really much to say about this room.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Grimlock]A RotW winrar is you. My only minor concern though is the door palette. It just feels a little bit off from the rest of the room.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Jefe]Without knowing bts values, there's a few possible permastucks in the room. Also, it looks odd that there are ocean tiles and grass tiles on the same level (unless it's supposed to be moss. It just looks like ocean tile to me).[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Gohan]The top ceiling of this room looks odd. It just doesn't look man made (particularly in the middle). There also seems to be a lot of copy/paste with the icicles. From a vanilla standpoint, the ceiling ladder on the bottom left seems a bit unecessary. Let's not forget that the top left door doesn't have a leg to stand on (it's secretly a morph door, guys).[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Anonymous]You kind of went a bit overkill with the pipes here. From a gameplay standpoint, most of that won't even be seen. I also have a gripe with the hole in the top middle of the room. It looked like you were trying to mix things up, but only did it once, and it looks wierd. You could have used more pink brinstar in the top right as well.[/spoiler]

Vismund Cygnus

I was going to update this early, but then I realised I should just do it late, like I always do.
Anyway, I made a room for this week. In case it's not obvious, I grabbed some of the tiles from Project Base 0.7 (partially because I was too lazy to draw my own things, partially because what is the point when almost exactly what I want already exists?), and mixed them with my own stuff, made a palette and this is what I came up with:
[spoiler=For the benefit of Alisa:][/spoiler]
[spoiler=Some rambling]This is probably going to be one of the last things from Sunshine I show off for a while that isn't just added to the relevant thread. I'd really like the feedback on this tileset/palette in particular, because I'm excited by its existence and it's got me more motivated to work on the hack after taking a break for some time. Unless of course, people hate it, in which case I'll modify stuff (assuming I agree) and then show it again.
But yeah, feedback is cool.


well i like the palette blue and silver good togheter!

Alisa Orlova

Quote from: Vismund Cygnus on September 12, 2014, 08:54:20 AM
For the benefit of Alisa
Oh, my gosh! You my # 1 now, sir.Vismund! Thank you very much, that you explain it!
It was really important to me. I ... i just... i do not know how to thank you ... Thank you! Thank you very much!
But ... there is a small problem, below your "spoiler".
I can't close "Layer 2 Scrolling" window! I click on "Keep Changes" button a few times, but nothing happening. I suppose, i should reboot my PC and format all my hard drives!Once again Thank you very much sir.Vismund. I hope you win!


I like the room and the tiles, but I think you could lighten the blue slightly to better match the light grey.  At the moment, it looks a little too neon to fit in. :^_^:


Quote from: TheAnonymousUser on September 10, 2014, 06:31:31 AM

[spoiler=Gohan]The top ceiling of this room looks odd. It just doesn't look man made (particularly in the middle). There also seems to be a lot of copy/paste with the icicles. From a vanilla standpoint, the ceiling ladder on the bottom left seems a bit unecessary. Let's not forget that the top left door doesn't have a leg to stand on (it's secretly a morph door, guys).[/spoiler]
That ladder is needed, because it's for spider ball. That's the point of that part, you're supposed to have spiderball to evade the crumble blocks beneath.


Vismund, your room really has a dreamy, surreal, magic feel to it.  It looks pretty awesome!


Posting my submission right away. The search for Sterence continues in this phazon quarry, WHY STERENCE, WHY? (The phazon will damage you without a phazon suit, thanks to Quote, Person, and P.J. for helping me develop that ASM by the way)


The cre does not look good with the other tiles, otherwise the roomlooks pretty good.


I'm still tinkering with the door colors a bit, especially since I integrated Wave Beam and Ice beam lock doors into my hack and all my palettes are still loopy from the last 5 changes to the CRE xD Sorry about that.

Vismund Cygnus

Quote from: Quietus on September 12, 2014, 06:43:21 PM
I like the room and the tiles, but I think you could lighten the blue slightly to better match the light grey.  At the moment, it looks a little too neon to fit in. :^_^:
If you think it's neon now, you should see it glowing in-game. The idea was that the whole place is meant to be Phazon'd (seems I wasn't the only one with such an idea this week.  :heheh:)


I just finally stopped being lazy with this tileset and finished it so I could enter it again and not give MST cancer again :P Funny coincidence though xD


Quote from: Vismund Cygnus on September 12, 2014, 09:06:50 PM
Quote from: Quietus on September 12, 2014, 06:43:21 PM
I like the room and the tiles, but I think you could lighten the blue slightly to better match the light grey.  At the moment, it looks a little too neon to fit in. :^_^:
If you think it's neon now, you should see it glowing in-game. The idea was that the whole place is meant to be Phazon'd (seems I wasn't the only one with such an idea this week.  :heheh:)

I don't know if it's possible with M2 but if you could make the rock areas sparkle or glow (animated) you could really enhance the surreal look even further.


So I'm entering my first Green brin room ever. I really suck with this tileset, but as i've been working on a vanilla hack, I've seem to gotten better with it since toying yesterday. This is the first large room you'll ever step foot in my green brin area, and it's right before morphball. :P


Good luck all. And I hope my room is a contestant. :)

Vismund Cygnus

Quote from: Grimlock on September 12, 2014, 11:52:11 PM
I don't know if it's possible with M2 but if you could make the rock areas sparkle or glow (animated) you could really enhance the surreal look even further.
I'm glad we thought along the same lines. Basically in that set, there are 3 glows: The "Phazon" moss, the crystals in the rocks (both colours) and the twinkling stars in the background. Probably the most effort I've put into a single tileset (more than any of my Maridia sets even!).

Also, I believe you meant SM, not M2.

Gohan, while the room is fine, I still think the palette is a bit oversaturated (that's coming from me!), especially when compared with the background. If it were me, I'd try toning down the brightness a little, and maybe lightening the background a bit. Just my two cents.  :^_^: