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Room of the Week 2014 - Archives

Started by Quote58, April 19, 2012, 09:40:48 PM

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There is snow pun here...


I guess I'll toss my hat into the bigass Crateria room ring.



Suck my awesomesausage and feel the pain of eating too much! That's right, you all had a chance, and that was to not enter at all this week!

[spoiler=It's so obvious, a caveman could collect it.][/spoiler]

Vismund Cygnus

Sometimes you make awesome rooms.
Other times, you make awesome rooms.
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This is the latter.
[spoiler=19:03:00 <MetroidMst> Make the Dark Side of the Moon logo in your hack][/spoiler]


You've got a bit of The Wall in there too  :lol:

Vismund Cygnus

Quote from: Digital_Mantra on February 08, 2014, 11:07:08 AM
You've got a bit of The Wall in there too  :lol:
No, not awesome.
I'm glad to see someone spotted that part too though.  :grin:


Now all you need is 2 Chozos shaking hands with the other on fire, and a flying pig in the BG.
That would be.. AWESOME


Quote: I'm sure I've suggested this before, but randomising the filler tiles works wonders when working with tilesets like Crateria.


I'm pretty satisfied with this one.



For me that room is both extremes.  The bottom half is excellent - proper eye candy - but those blocks above stand out like nobody's business.  It's possible that those blocks could be used elsewhere, but they really don't seem to fit here at all.


I'll admit they are giving me a lot of trouble.  I want to use them but I can't seem to find the best place to do so.  Maybe I have to cut my losses on them at this point, use something else.


Maybe you could split them off into their own tileset? They look good on their own, they just don't quite fit with the rest of it.


FPzero for me.  The bottom half of that room is the best work I've seen in a long while.

Vismund Cygnus

Oh hey, this is the first time I've been able to do this in a while!

[spoiler=Grime]I love this palette, and as always, your attention to detail is phenomenal, which is why Project Base is as loved as it is.
That being said, it is still just the big Crateria room. Otherwise this would probably get my vote hands-down. As it stands, still awesome.[/spoiler]

[spoiler=Quote]The only "gripe" I have is that the filler could be a little more varied, for example what Grime does with his.
Other than that, nice work.[/spoiler]

[spoiler=Me]My room might not be the best
but it is the most awesome.[/spoiler]

[spoiler=Misty]This is personal preference, but that white outline around the room still bothers me.[/spoiler]

[spoiler=FPZero]Echoing what Quietus said before, the bottom of that rooms looks amazing. But those bricks, they just do not fit. Without those, this would definitely get the vote. With them? It gets it anyway, simply because of how amazeballs the lower section of that room is. Your choice of colours is beautiful. Keep up the awesome work.[/spoiler]


I think I'll also do individual criticism.

[spoiler=Grime]This one got my vote because even though it's just Mainstreet, it looks great.  The palette is top-notch and I love the little green bits added to the ground.  If I had one complain though, it's that those "support beams" (I don't really know what to call the wrecked ship platform parts going down the shaft) look like they're just there for effect.  They don't really make much sense as they are since some of them are floating in diamond shapes or similar.  I love the other parts of the background with the brown cylinders flanked by the green blocks, but the patterned beams don't do much for me.[/spoiler]

[spoiler=Quote]I like the addition of the snowdrifts but aside from those the room doesn't have much else going for it.  Some inner terrain variation would be nice as has been mentioned.  I also think you need to play around with your background palette a bit more because it has a poor gradient on the mountains.[/spoiler]

[spoiler=Vismund]It's really cool to see the design in there but the room itself isn't much to speak of.  I will say, however, that these recent rooms have gotten me really interested in what the heck you're up to.[/spoiler]

[spoiler=MST]I don't actually mind the white outline because the tileset lends itself to having them.  I do think that it might be a good idea to look into some more fitting grapple beam and/or chozo statue graphics, especially if the rest of the hack has a similar graphical style.  I'd also brighten them regardless of what you do since they're so much darker than the tileset around them.[/spoiler]

[spoiler=Myself]I've wanted to do floating lake ruins since Volta; in fact, they were in the original design plans but I never got to that section of the game.  I remapped so much of crateria's palettes for this room to get all of the colors exactly right.  In fact, I don't think I have any spare colors left over by now.  I let myself play around with layers 1 and 2 a little bit for the sand stuff.  The top ruins blocks are definitely getting changed though.  I think I have another set I can replace them with because as much as I really want to use the ones currently in the room they're just giving me too much trouble as they are.[/spoiler]


Vismund for me, because I grew up on music like Pink Floyd, but honourable shouts to all of them!  :nod:

Vismund Cygnus

At risk of showing off too much of this and making it boring for people, here's the last little bit of this tileset I'm going to show off for at least a little while.
[spoiler=Hey look, a "challenge" room][/spoiler]


Vismund's room looked lonely

[spoiler=Not quite as colourful...]

Probably wont even use this room but oh well, fancied submitting a room for once[/spoiler]


Jordan: Those CRE platforms stand out too much for me.  Perhaps they wouldn't if they were at least attached to the walls in some way..?  Also, try to randomise your filler, and it'll look more natural.  Here's an old example, in which you can see that the right-hand half looks better than the left:


I know it's just me but I'm not much of a fan of that. I never get it to look good and 90% of the time it's never seen by the player either so I just don't bother. Yeah I can see where you're coming from about the CRE, I used it a lot in the comp hack I was making for suitless underwater but it's not that great, and having it coming from the wall every few tiles looked odd too. Probably why i restarted about 3 times and eventually dropped it :lol:


I know what the picture implies
And it I suspiciously deny
Does it make you ANGRY?


Vismund Cygnus

Another week with enough submissions to do this!
[spoiler=me]Fun fact: these rooms take a really, really long time to build.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Jaw Dan]Echoing what Quietus said, you should vary your filler tiles more. Other than that, okay room, those CRE platfroms stick out like sore thumbs though.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Quotient]Like this. The varied filler is cool. Again, the CRE platform is a bit out of place but other than that this is quite pretty.[/spoiler]

really though, I'm pretty sure that's one of the most interesting backgrounds I've seen in a room for a while, and that really made this room.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Grimmity Grime]I feel like that for such a small room there is just a bit too much going on in here. There's almost a colour overload going on (not that I'm one to talk, look at my room  :lol:). However, this room also shows off your Norfair palette and it's looking sexy as fuck.[/spoiler]

Vismund Cygnus

Quote from: Vismund Cygnus on February 17, 2014, 06:48:11 PM
Another week with enough submissions to do this!
[spoiler=me]Fun fact: these rooms take a really, really long time to build.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Jaw Dan]Echoing what Quietus said, you should vary your filler tiles more. Other than that, okay room, those CRE platfroms stick out like sore thumbs though.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Quotient]Like this. The varied filler is cool. Again, the CRE platform is a bit out of place but other than that this is quite pretty.[/spoiler]

really though, I'm pretty sure that's one of the most interesting backgrounds I've seen in a room for a while, and that really made this room.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Grimmity Grime]I feel like that for such a small room there is just a bit too much going on in here. There's almost a colour overload going on (not that I'm one to talk, look at my room  :lol:). However, this room also shows off your Norfair palette and it's looking sexy as fuck.[/spoiler]

Not that it matters, looks like everyone is the winner this week. QUOTE FIX IT