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Cider Demo Release

Started by Cardweaver, August 04, 2010, 10:13:25 PM

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My thoughts so far...

[spoiler]Had to edit the water level in crateria to get into brinstar, cause I couldn't make that jump with the water like that.
Walljump to midair morph was aggravating, but that's probably just cause I'm not that great at it.
Some pretty good puzzles so far though.
Was the forced spike damage getting to Kraid really necessary though?   :stern:
Kraid was easy once I got to that top platform, but getting up to that platform was brutal.
And now with highjump boots, I can't get out of brinstar.  I think I need ice beam, and I looked for it in smile, but I can't get up there.  Or am I on the wrong track and doing something wrong?[/spoiler]


I guess it's not as commonly known as I had thought among sm hack players..
The crouch jump. Duck, jump, hug the ledge and bam.
There is no reason to change the water levels. It's a very easy skill to learn.


I actually tried that, but every time I broke the water's surface I couldn't get the height needed to get up there.  I only lowered it by 19 pixels or so, just enough so that the water wouldn't interfere anymore (this was for getting into green brinstar btw).

Still don't know how I'm supposed to get to [spoiler]ice beam[/spoiler] though.  The most recent items I got were [spoiler]high jump boots and bombs[/spoiler].
Edit: Apparently I consistently jumping at the wrong time.   :mad:  Thanks Sadi.


Lol how can't you not get to ice beam??
[spoiler] It's right before kraid. Wait till the water is at the lowest point, then jump up into the spikes, and wall jump up tp the next screen, shoot the blue door, run about 10 blocks to the left, and grab it :P[/spoiler]


Spore Spawn is kicking my ass... I'm in there with 2 energy...


Quote from: Tyjet66 on August 18, 2010, 01:47:34 AM
Spore Spawn is kicking my ass... I'm in there with 2 energy...

use savegame and slowdown - it's always possible

Hiroshi Mishima

Just gonna point out that you shouldn't have to abuse the hell out of slow-downs and savestates during a boss fight. Usually that's either a sign of a poorly made hack (I've played a few) or it's at a difficulty level that you just can't handle yet. I don't recall if Cider was meant to be especially hard, though. I dislike having to use slow-downs at all in boss fights.


IIRC Cardweaver made it so that the bosses were able to kill him, but put save stations right before the fight. When I played it, I had no trouble with the bosses, just I missed missiles that made certain parts harder than they needed to be.

Hiroshi Mishima

Ah, so he deliberately tried to make it so that it was hard for the creator... I've always felt that a developers needed to remember they'd often be better at their own hacks than the majority of people playing them. But that's just my experience over the years, I do know that some people are better at developing than they are at playing or just .. what's the wossname.. cater to a specific niche, such as those who like difficult hacks.

So I can understand his desire to do so.


Quote from: DSO on August 27, 2010, 03:17:23 PM
IIRC Cardweaver made it so that the bosses were able to kill him, but put save stations right before the fight. When I played it, I had no trouble with the bosses, just I missed missiles that made certain parts harder than they needed to be.
I kinda liked playing the mod. Seemingly one of the greatest I have tried so far.

However, I am playing through a tv, without a keyboard nor a mouse plugged in, and have no possibility of save-loading (doing so is against my tastes anyway). What kinda annoyed me is that I have done it all the way to the big plant the first playthrough, but have not fallen on any save point. Have I missed something?

I have no interest as of yet of re-doing all the work to get back to where I died, knowing I have much chances to die there again back the same way I've done before... So, have I missed anything -- be it save points, or a trick to beat that plant reasonably? :)


His fight is in a very cramped room... it's difficult to doge him reliably. I just try and take damage from the spores instead of him as the spores hurt less.


So I've been replaying this one and.. it should get finished.
Did cardweaver go off the grid or something?


I don't know, As far as I can see, with Cider. I made it through the water in Crateria, but yeah. its good otherwise.


I haven't heard from Cardweaver in a few months, but he tends to disappear like Acheron. I know he's living the busy college life as well.
I do hope he finishes this, though. This was an inspiration for a lot of the things I did in Event Horizon.


Quote from: Digital_Mantra on March 17, 2011, 06:46:03 PM
So I've been replaying this one and.. it should get finished.
Did cardweaver go off the grid or something?

High praise. Thanks, and I'm still here, but just really busy with everything college-related. I haven't looked at anything Cider related in a while, and probably won't until summer at the earliest, but I'll try to get something worthwhile done before the fall semester starts.