WARNING! Challenger Approaching - A New Foe Has Appeared!

Started by squishy_ichigo, July 27, 2010, 05:13:11 AM

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Up till now, its only been admins that where able to swing the banhammer around, but Zhs2 was loving enough to share the glory.  This means me and Grime can now ban peeps.

I don't know about Grime's side of it, but I'm not gonna be swinging wildly. Discretion is an important quality in someone with power, and as such I will try and use my new-found powers as responsibly as possible.

But with that being said, I am in no way a push over. This is a formal warning to those that have been given several warnings recently. You know who you are.  Get your shit together or you'll be on the chopping block.


What squish said, but with more meanness behind it and a vague sexual reference or two.

Edit: Hehe, 'behind' - see?


You two could meld, and we'd have crime_onehityougo swinging his mighty banhammer.  Rawr! :mad:


Quote from: Quietus on July 27, 2010, 07:33:47 AMcrime_onehityougo
Damn that's clever. ^-^

And cool. More power = more fear = more cleanly-ness = less nubs.

Silver Skree

Alright, so, I wake up and find out, "Hey, dude, you're global mod." Alright, cool.

Being serious for half a second:
I don't think I'll be flexing this muscle a whole lot, but when I do, I promise I'll always do so responsibly and with clear reason. If I think about what I'm about to do and can't say I'm being both reasonable and clear, I won't do it. And if I do something without thinking first... Well, then, I won't be a Global Mod for long, now, will I?  :heheh:


I guess this'd be as good a place as any to list all the current staff...



What is this about? o_o I did not know I applied.

Oh, well. Fun times will be had with idiots :)


Are you sure it's wise to have this high a ratio of staff to members?  We're still fairly small...


Quote from: Quietus on July 27, 2010, 05:21:37 PM
Are you sure it's wise to have this high a ratio of staff to members?  We're still fairly small...

This made me laugh for reasons Grime will only know.

Hiroshi Mishima

Why am I picking up "vague sexual reference" vibes from James' last post?

Anyways.. I'm fine with these changes so long as no one starts abusing their powers. If you're a general dickhead and piss off people, then yeah, prepared to be done like dinner. But I don't wanna see someone get banned because one specific person doesn't like them but has that power. S'my only real concern here. I've seen it abused to a high degree before.

I was telling Silver on Skype about the last board I was on. Where the one Global mod would ban this one member just for showing up (and for no reason) because people would flame him just for posting. Even though the guy was never the starter of trouble in the recent years, they still banned him for being a part of conversations rather than the trouble makers. I don't wanna see something like that show up.

So while I totally am cool with banning DS for being a complete douche, I don't wanna see him banned JUST because he's caused trouble in the past and started to post again.

Silver Skree

[spoiler]Hiroshi: I can understand... we DO have an awful lot of global mods
Silver Skree: Well
Silver Skree: thing is
Silver Skree: half of them are lurkers or just plain gone
Silver Skree: like Bloodsonic
Hiroshi: Noobs can happen at any time, I understand that
Silver Skree: So they god de-modded and we got TEH POWAH
Silver Skree: got*
Hiroshi: Also it is probably better to have banning by commity/discussion before anyone goes hogwild
Hiroshi: I made a post in the thread just now
Silver Skree: Well, you see, this is why there is a staff forum and IRC channel
Silver Skree: believe me, if you don't think things are discussed half to death before any action is taken, just look at the last month of Dark Samus


Probably a bit off-topic: I suggest making snarfblam Metroid board Mod.


In regards to DS being banned, the plan is to limit his posting, to force him to learn to clean his act up.

If a mod did do something stupid we would know quickly, and they would be probably hung, drawn and quartered, plus we tend to run things around with each other before big things like banage occur.


I wish I was contacted about this before any of it happened. Issues of trust and consent are community breaking things, you know.

The issue was that global mods would be able to ban and delete accounts as part of their new powers, being that I was out for a couple days and someone we all know was in desperate need of it while no admin could be reached. This thing about new global mods - much less a couple I don't trust - I was not informed of until I caught my brother and Parabox discussing it via IM. While I don't mind giving it a test drive, doing things behind other's backs does not give good impressions in the least!

Hiroshi Mishima

Yeah I was discussing the fact that having a lot of discussion on board action was a really good thing. I wholeheartedly approve of having multiple global mods if it 1) keeps them in check and 2) effectively works. And since that seems to go in a big circle and keeps things from falling apart... I'm a-okay! :D


I've only just been rewarded ban powers, so its abit discomforting that all the new mods get it right away. I do like this idea though:

<Zhs2> What I could do is make you all super moderators instead of globals - you'd be able to moderate posts, but not bans and people <_<

I'm just saying.... no offense or nothing.


I'm all for limiting ban powers if it's absolutely necessary.  A member shouldn't be banned/smited for a single infraction.  Even if they do something serious, it is usually staff policy to come to an agreement on the action to be taken before dropping the banhammer.

Also, just as a minor note, I do recall there is an unban function from the early days when Blood banned me as a joke.  It could be used to undo any ban made without consent.

Silver Skree

I disagree. If the staff we have now had decided that we're suitable to be Global Moderators, they clearly trust our judgement enough to know when it's okay to ban someone and to run it by with all the rest of the staff first. I don't want to sound like I'm overstepping my bounds, but the staff should also have enough faith in each other's judgment to accept when they decide this together if other staff is asleep or otherwise not present.

tl;dr: We're trusted by trusted staff, with Global Modship, so there's no reason we can't be trusted with ban power as well if we're going to have all the others.

EDIT: as evidenced by above post, Phazar myself, and I'm sure inter also all know the importance of community agreement and degree of punishment.


The issue is not wheter some users deserve or not deserve the power they now have. The issue is that unless the staff is not able to pass judgment when needed. Then we need new or more staff with the power. Wheter it's due to not being able to be around the forum for RL reasons or simply won't pull the string on someone when needed.

I don't really think we need as many mods as we have now. But on the same time I have felt several times that the ones we have had have been unable to pull the string when needed.


Power belongs to no one, MetConst anarchy NOW!


And now, I have absolutely no problems with the new changes!

Welcome to the staff guys! :awesome:

Also, my topic title actually makes alot more sense now....


Excellent Staff choices. With less idiots, perhaps I'll be more active now.


Yes, I would love to see more of you and fifo around here. I'm hoping that this place is the future for metroid hacking. =)


Hopefully even Acheron will come back someday with the lack of morons.