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Super Metroid YPX Redux

Started by Noxus, March 12, 2022, 12:33:07 AM

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weird. I did save state right under it and have tried for 30 mins, no joke. All the others I hit in 3-4 tries, but this one is killing game. It feels like when I hit the sweet spot it pulls me into the spike. I am playing on Snes9X


Do you want to make a version with no intro?


Quote from: H A M on March 31, 2022, 12:09:43 PM
Do you want to make a version with no intro?
not particularly  :nuhuh:


H A M that's the second time in this thread you've asked.  Knock it off.  Leave it to those of us who want to discuss the game.  I'm up to 80% now.  Hoping to 100% it but there's a few things that I know are going to be a huge challenge to get, and I still have to do that damn X-ray puzzle which my first playthrough was the bane of my existence and it doesn't appear to have been toned down at all in 1.21 even though most things are.

Edit:  X-ray get!  Didn't take as long.  Up to 87% now, probably where I'll leave off for the night.  I know where at least 3 or 4 more powerups are, then it's going to get dicey.  Also, if you use the wrong technique to attempt to get this missile pack, it's a permastuck.   


Quote from: DonnyDonovan on March 31, 2022, 08:49:02 PM
I'm up to 80% now.  Hoping to 100% it but there's a few things that I know are going to be a huge challenge to get, and I still have to do that damn X-ray puzzle which my first playthrough was the bane of my existence and it doesn't appear to have been toned down at all in 1.21 even though most things are.

Good luck, the 100% boss is definitely worth experiencing at least once. :twisted: There's a link to a map earlier in the thread, that should have 100% item locations for 1.21 (if that's how you roll).  Be aware that there's one particularly obnoxious missile that seems to me to require
[spoiler]a glitch involving x-ray scope.[/spoiler]

Does the room containing x-ray scope still reduce your power bomb count to zero when entering? 


It does, yes.  And I don't know how to exploit that item but sounds like I may need to learn!  I'm going to find as many as I can on my own, and I think I can get into the mid-90s, but after that I may need some map assistance.  We will see.  I'm a very average player so this could take awhile.


While I'm space jumping around with a charge how do I keep it for more than a second in ball form?  I'm specifically referring to this puzzle.  I take out the first three blocks but the charge dissipates right before taking out the fourth.


Quote from: DonnyDonovan on April 02, 2022, 01:50:31 PM
While I'm space jumping around with a charge how do I keep it for more than a second in ball form?  I'm specifically referring to this puzzle.  I take out the first three blocks but the charge dissipates right before taking out the fourth.

A proper mockball/speedball should keep speed echoes indefinitely, if you're getting three block's worth your timing is probably just a smidge off when landing/morphing.  May be easier to execute with Spring Ball and/or Space Jump deactivated, assuming you can reach the ledge with a single speedy wall jump?  I don't recall.

EDIT: Tested/verified doable without Space Jump.  Sent you a PM with the mechanics.


After driving myself crazy trying find 100% in this version and unsure what I missed, I discovered a missile pack is missing from this 1.21 update and confirmed in SMILE.  In original YPX 1.21, there is a missile in room 7ACB3 in a statue under PLM $EF2F, in this Redux 1.21, the item is not there and just a shot block.  Currently can only 99% it and thus, can't do the alternate ending.  Can you add it back in?


Quote from: Sickwood on April 07, 2022, 03:01:53 PM
After driving myself crazy trying find 100% in this version and unsure what I missed, I discovered a missile pack is missing from this 1.21 update and confirmed in SMILE.  In original YPX 1.21, there is a missile in room 7ACB3 in a statue under PLM $EF2F, in this Redux 1.21, the item is not there and just a shot block.  Currently can only 99% it and thus, can't do the alternate ending.  Can you add it back in?
yep I will look at it  :^_^:


Quote from: Sickwood on April 07, 2022, 03:01:53 PM
In original YPX 1.21, there is a missile in room 7ACB3 in a statue under PLM $EF2F, in this Redux 1.21, the item is not there and just a shot block.

I don't think this is correct... I have never seen a missile on the statue in 7ACB3 in the original 1.21.  There is one on a similar statue in the next room over - 7AC83 - and that one looks to be present in Redux, unless it's on a shared index or something.

I've seen maps of earlier versions implying a missile in 7ACB3, but I have completed 1.21 100% multiple times and never seen it where you're describing.  Not trying to call anyone out, but you (or Redux) may be missing one elsewhere.  I'll see if I can squeeze in a 100% run and report back.


Ok, so the issue seems to be that neither this nor the original v1.21 has an item in that room. There's a shotblock, but no plm. Maybe a troll like room they put in or smth. Plz let me know if anybody's findings are otherwise.


Nah man, in the currently posted original YPX 1.21 it has a valid missile and PLM.  (Picture attached as PDF)


Quote from: Sickwood on April 07, 2022, 05:54:38 PM
Nah man, in the currently posted original YPX 1.21 it has a valid missile and PLM.  (Picture attached as PDF)
Strange. Smile and Smile RF are both showing the screenshot I posted w/ no plm. Yours is showing a missile, and the arrow plm isn't there. I don't have an answer. I can change the arrow to a missile, I don't think it will hurt anything really. Can you tell me the index of that missile? Then I can set it to that.


Ok, hack updated. Version number is still 1.21 cause that's the original's name, but yeah if you're going for 100% it would be wise to dl and resume playing off this version. Thx!  :yay:


@Noxus I'm going to run the version you just posted over the weekend for 100% using the route I've used for the original 1.21 - if there's a mismatch, I'll find it. 

@Sickwood - we've gotta be referring to different versions of the original or something.  I just pulled down a fresh ips from its metconst page and pulled it up in SMILE - no missile in 7ACB3, just a shot block.  Also checked the CRC against the ROM that I've finished 100% with no missile in that room, and they match.  A7B4E17A. 


Quote from: drb on April 07, 2022, 10:41:36 PM
@Noxus I'm going to run the version you just posted over the weekend for 100% using the route I've used for the original 1.21 - if there's a mismatch, I'll find it. 

@Sickwood - we've gotta be referring to different versions of the original or something.  I just pulled down a fresh ips from its metconst page and pulled it up in SMILE - no missile in 7ACB3, just a shot block.  Also checked the CRC against the ROM that I've finished 100% with no missile in that room, and they match.  A7B4E17A.

Are you the drb that makes maps?  I just looked at this map for 1.21 and even it has a missile annotated for that room. But at this point I completely think there are different versions. 


Quote from: Sickwood on April 07, 2022, 11:30:29 PM
Are you the drb that makes maps?

That's me, and that does look like a snippet from one of mine.  I don't have a good reason for that missile being there - I may not had been through the code thoroughly yet and suspected a shared index or something.  But if you count the missiles on that map you should get 47, one too many, unless I screwed something else up too.  Either way, it was updated and replaced a few weeks ago.


Quote from: drb on April 08, 2022, 12:26:13 AM
Quote from: Sickwood on April 07, 2022, 11:30:29 PM
Are you the drb that makes maps?

That's me, and that does look like a snippet from one of mine.  I don't have a good reason for that missile being there - I may not had been through the code thoroughly yet and suspected a shared index or something.  But if you count the missiles on that map you should get 47, one too many, unless I screwed something else up too.  Either way, it was updated and replaced a few weeks ago.

I see now.  Saw the updated map, didn't know it was just updated recently.  The thing that through me off is both say "Version 1.21 // June 2020" on them and appear the same.  And when you look at the original YPX changelog, there is no mention of a missile update in the 1.21 update.  At some point both the 1.21 patch and map floating around both reflected a missile being in that room, and then the patch was updated at some point, but still called 1.21 without reference in the hack description changelog.  Sorry, I unknowingly created a bunch of confusion


Quote from: Sickwood on April 08, 2022, 12:01:51 PM
Quote from: drb on April 08, 2022, 12:26:13 AM
Quote from: Sickwood on April 07, 2022, 11:30:29 PM
Are you the drb that makes maps?

That's me, and that does look like a snippet from one of mine.  I don't have a good reason for that missile being there - I may not had been through the code thoroughly yet and suspected a shared index or something.  But if you count the missiles on that map you should get 47, one too many, unless I screwed something else up too.  Either way, it was updated and replaced a few weeks ago.

I see now.  Saw the updated map, didn't know it was just updated recently.  The thing that through me off is both say "Version 1.21 // June 2020" on them and appear the same.  And when you look at the original YPX changelog, there is no mention of a missile update in the 1.21 update.  At some point both the 1.21 patch and map floating around both reflected a missile being in that room, and then the patch was updated at some point, but still called 1.21 without reference in the hack description changelog.  Sorry, I unknowingly created a bunch of confusion
Well no, the confusion is YP's  :^_^: At best we get an extra missile. So, was that something where YP wanted to put a missile in but forgot, then updated? Or there was a missile and they decided to retroactively remove it? The world may never know.


Hopefully this can bring some closure: Just completed a run of the version uploaded yesterday.  Can confirm that max completion is 100%, but the missile added in 7ACB3 shares an index (40) with the missile in 7B5D5.  So there are definitely 47 missiles/101 pickups now, but the max % is correct, and the previous version without the added missile should be completable to 100% as well.

If nothing else, it's nice to know that someone out there is making use of my maps.  :grin: