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[SM] Super Duper Metroid

Started by Metaquarius, December 04, 2021, 11:46:30 AM

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Great hack so far.

But, I've collected two different energy tanks that didn't increase max energy. They both increased the item collected count but didn't add an extra 'bar' of energy. What am I missing here?


E-tanks give 1/2 of what they normally do (+50 instead of +100) so every other one doesn't add an extra bar.

Edit:  Found all major items, now expansion hunting.  There's a room just south of the ship in Crateria accessible by a power bomb door.  It's shaped like an upside down "T."  To the left is a super missile.  I can't figure out how to go to the right in this room and get the item on the other side.  There are also at least three grey doors in Crateria and I have no idea if any of them can be made to open. 


I thought Ascent was the gold standard I would never see again, but this hack was brilliant! If there was one game I wish I could replay and experience again, it was Super Metroid, and this hack captured that experience for me. So much exploring and searching (and making X-ray useful). It felt challenging, but not too difficult.

[spoiler]Super Hi-Jump was crazy, but very fun to play with. Normal Hi-Jump will be disappointing now, lol.[/spoiler]

[spoiler]I think I may have found an Easter Egg. I sequence broke through the heated rooms to Golden Torizo, but unfortunately died. I thought I was stuck after I beat Draygon, but then I found the GT heated rooms were underwater! I would have never even known those rooms were ever heated without the sequence break. Super cool detail along with the pick one room where it blocks off the other item. [/spoiler]

[spoiler]ALSO, making Golden Torizo dodge Supers was mean...[/spoiler]


Just beat this hack the first time and I managed to do some pretty unconventional routes. The beginning was normal until I got Hi-Jump Boots. After that I made my way through Maridia, Draygon was actually the first major boss I fought. [spoiler]he deals a crapton of damage without Suit upgrades, luckily I realised that the Grapple trick doesn't hurt yourself in this hack. Otherwise it would be close to impossible to beat Draygon [/spoiler]And I didn't even have Gravity Suit. Proceeded to Phantoon after that and then I finally found the Gravity Suit and went on to find Golden Torizo and Ridley. I actually fought Kraid last and didn't find any Beam upgrades other than Ice Beam until that point. I even got the Charge Beam the unintentional way, by ballsparking from the right.

Going through the entirety of Maridia without Gravity was a pain, but it was my own fault for not looking at the map. I just wanted to have fun and go wherever I want.

Now the only thing left to do is to find out how to access that hidden area in the top-left of Tourian. I got a feeling it has something to do with that one dead marine that tells you not to enter Tourian without Morph Ball. Can't seem to open any of the grey doors linked to that area...

Quote from: DonnyDonovan on December 19, 2021, 01:37:25 PM
There's a room just south of the ship in Crateria accessible by a power bomb door.  It's shaped like an upside down "T."  To the left is a super missile.  I can't figure out how to go to the right in this room and get the item on the other side.

It also took me a hot minute to figure out but here's how:
[spoiler]in the room above, there's a piece of the wall on the right side that can be destroyed. It contains one of those spiked enemies. Don't kill it, instead let it crawl to the bottom of the T-shaped room and it will "eat" the rocks that block your way in the morph ball tunnel[/spoiler]

Quote from: AdvantaJeous on December 20, 2021, 09:23:03 PM
ALSO, making Golden Torizo dodge Supers was mean...

I found out that you can still hit him with Supers when he does his laser beam attack, but you gotta be quick because it only last for like 1.5 seconds. Was the only way for me to do decent damage since I didn't get the Charge Beam until the very end :<


Sorry for the double post, but I finally made it inside that secret area before the Tourian entrance!

[spoiler]it's actually just an alternate entrance into Tourian so you can do it early. Was hoping for a little more, but it's neat nonetheless. I also understand now why Mother Brain is so "easy". The escape is actually really difficult like this[/spoiler]

If anybody's interested, here's how I did it, but I'm not sure if it was the intended way:

[spoiler] First off, you're not allowed to take the Morph Ball at all. You can still kill Bomb Torizo even tho it doesn't do anything until you make it into the secret area. The 2 items you need are Super Missiles and Ice Beam.

First thing I did was get a few missiles and E-Tanks and then entered Brinstar, the Eastern entrance, not the one on the West since there's nothing to do there without Morph Ball.

In Brinstar, I headed for Spore Spawn, then got all the items that are obtainable in that area, and went through the door above Spore Spawn's room that unlocks after its death.

I went into Norfair, got some more items, killed Crocomire and got the Grapple Beam.

After that, I headed to the top-left part of Norfair, took the elevator to Brinstar, and returned to Crateria with another elevator. Directly in the first room after you exit the elevator, there's a tall room. With some very tricky walljumping you can make it up there and enter the big outdoor rooms in the right portion of Crateria. Now the goal is the elevator that takes you to Maridia.

There's a Super Missile pack that can be grabbed at the very top of Maridia. The way there is quite the slog and involves a lot of weird walljumps, and since you can't enter Botwoon's hideout without Morph Ball, you won't be able to get the Gravitiy Suit. To get to the Super Missiles, you first have to go to the room right above Botwoon, exit through the top-left door, and then get to the top-right side of the big room you're now in. From there, it's a pretty straight way to the Super Missile, just keep going top-right.

Now all you need is the Ice Beam... but in order to get there, you either have to have Morph Ball (which is not an option ofc) or defeat Draygon. To reach her, you need to get back to the room around Botwoon's hideout and then go bottom-right from there until you reach a huge room with a save station in the bottom-left corner. Grab the E-Tank here and then look at the floor, there's one part that can be destroyed, which reveals a secret passageway that leads to a long vertical pipe.

The rest of the path to Draygon isn't too difficult, just make sure to grab every E-Tank you can get. Now, the fight against Draygon is impossible without all the upgrades, but there's a pretty easy way. First, nuke all the turrets with Super Missiles, their shots deal insane damage, and you need every bit of health. Luckily, the Grapple Beam trick deals no damage to Samus so you need to get grabbed by the boss. It takes some time until you're close enough to one of the electric spots and she'll most likely slam you 2-3 times, which is why you need so much health to survive this.

After she's dead, you actually can't get to Space Jump so you somehow have to exit the way you came, with some tight walljumps. Now the final objective is to get the Ice Beam. For this, you need to go back to the big room to the top-left of Botwoon's hideout. There's a hidden door in the top-left corner of the big room that only unlocks after killing Draygon. Inside is another tall room with 2 tough insects. Kill them with missiles and then try to get to the top of this room with walljumps, but you'll notice you can't quite make it to the platform in the top-left. I climbed the right wall here as high as I could, then jumped to the left and shot a few Super Missiles down to maintain the height, and eventually make it to Ice Beam. I couldn't find any other way to get here other than Super Missile jumps.

Well that's basically it, all that's left to do is get back to Crateria and then look for the Super Missile door right before Tourian. Inside, there'll now be a Metroid that's only there if you don't have the Morph Ball. This is the reason why you need Ice Beam.


Quote1.5 seconds
But that's how long it takes me to switch from missiles to supers.  :lol:


Quote from: AdvantaJeous on December 22, 2021, 11:35:47 AM
Quote1.5 seconds
But that's how long it takes me to switch from missiles to supers.  :lol:

true but you could also just stay on Super Missiles the whole time :D (if you have no Charge Beam or regular Missiles)


Nice hack and I keep on getting lost at first.



Merry Christmas!


I loved this hack so much, I had to sign up and show my appreciation.

After getting my arse handed to me by the golden torizo and realising I had got there too early, and the heat was killing me quickly, I back-tracked and found the power bomb. After bombing the tunnel, I absolutely loved that it flooded that area and obviously the heat effects went away and the fight was now underwater. Brilliant design!

Will be replaying this a good number of times, I imagine. Bravo :)


Does anyone have a graphical glitch when walljumping with springball equipped? To me it looks like Samus is crouched and bobbing her head back and forth.


Yep! Same thing happened to me when playing, not quite sure why. Looks really funny though


That's a Project Base v0.8 mechanic, as far as I can tell. Wall jumping with Spring Ball equipped allows you gain run speed (and even speed booster speed! (w/speed equpped, obvs)) out of the wall jump. As for why the animation looks that janky? idk


Are you supposed to get perma stuck in Brinstar? I've been running around just following doors and collecting stuff along the way and so far I got Morph, Bombs, Missiles and a few E-Tanks. Entered a part of red brinstar with water in it without any hints if I'm supposed to be here. Went in... realised I'm stuck and have to kill my self with the spikes down there. Platforms feel like I'm supposed to atleast have Hi-Jump at this point, I guess?


Quote from: Pixel_Tiger on January 10, 2022, 03:39:10 PM
Are you supposed to get perma stuck in Brinstar? I've been running around just following doors and collecting stuff along the way and so far I got Morph, Bombs, Missiles and a few E-Tanks. Entered a part of red brinstar with water in it without any hints if I'm supposed to be here. Went in... realised I'm stuck and have to kill my self with the spikes down there. Platforms feel like I'm supposed to atleast have Hi-Jump at this point, I guess?
You can get out of water with walljumps, pbase physics allows it.

To quote someone on Discord "the main thing with this hack was that it was far less about figuring out where you were supposed to go and far more about figuring out where you could go" so yeah don't expect to get hints on where you are supposed to go... just go, you'll find something eventually :lol:


Super Duper Metroid screenshot map available here.  Level design in this game is gorgeous, I hope I did it justice.


Just finished this hack, 90.00%

Loved it  :grin:

The non-linear item progression is really cool.
I don't think I ever found Phazer beam... I found Gravity Suit LONG before Varia.  Wish I found speed booster sooner, it was one of the last items I found.

Will probably replay this one again.  What's up with the secret message? *EDIT* I see it's detailed a few posts up


@Metaquarius I found a bugged rando seed:

Spring Ball is locked behind a required ballspark. Seed: EF97. Game is also mirrored.


That's not really surprising, built-in rando has no logic.
Quote from main post :
QuoteRandomizer Notes
Some other item locations can be empty and some upgrades may not accessible (ex. SpeedBooster placed behind speed blockades)


Okay so i got morph ball,bombs,hi jump,spazer,charge and got gravity from botwoon. Did i sequence break or something?
Also what is exactly the correct place to get super missiles? I got them after leaving norfair in what apears to be secret location.


Quote from: Tower on January 27, 2022, 08:33:08 AM
Okay so i got morph ball,bombs,hi jump,spazer,charge and got gravity from botwoon. Did i sequence break or something?
Also what is exactly the correct place to get super missiles? I got them after leaving norfair in what apears to be secret location.
No you did not sequence break since while varia may be obtained before gravity it require suitless heatrun that ends in suitless fight with gold torizo in heated room.
Gravity does not prevent you from heat damage, only reduces it.


7:27 gametime, no animals saved, 85% items.

I'd say its a good hack overall, it's tough at first but quickly becomes too easy. Case in point: Ridley. He's supposed to be the 2nd to last boss and the last non-scripted boss, right? Disappointingly easy to kill. Other than that, really loving the Gravity Suit heat run, that was awesome and much more bearable than Redesign's hell run.

I'd recommend this hack.


Quote from: UDtheAesir on February 04, 2022, 07:07:01 PM
7:27 gametime, no animals saved, 85% items.

I'd say its a good hack overall, it's tough at first but quickly becomes too easy. Case in point: Ridley. He's supposed to be the 2nd to last boss and the last non-scripted boss, right? Disappointingly easy to kill. Other than that, really loving the Gravity Suit heat run, that was awesome and much more bearable than Redesign's hell run.

I'd recommend this hack.
Ridley was kind of tricky in my opinion since that...
[spoiler]I found him by entering from the left.... meaning I had Gravity suit but not Varia suit.  I didn't die but I came pretty close.  Golden Chorizo was probably then a pushover for me, compared to your experience.  :bounce:[/spoiler]


I don't know about y'all but Super Duper Metroid seemed too easy to me.. like for me, all the bosses are usually somewhat challenging or difficult but I managed to defeat them with ease, namely Ridley.. he's usually meant to be tough due to his complex AI but he seemed easy in this hack.. and also, Golden Torizo seemed like a pushover too but I don't know if that's just me cause whenever I fight him, he's never that difficult but that may be only because ik the trick to defeating him which requires you to stand directly under him and fire upwards.. he might be the one boss/mini boss (like draygon, botwoon, and kraid) in the game that has a quick kill strategy.. anyways the hack is awesome, I'm a huge fan of the physics and the item progression and even the level design and map layout.. but my favorite part of the whole hack is the item counter and timer, it really helps to know which items you've obtained and which you still have to find


There is plenty of options to make things a lot harder. You can challenge yourself to complete the hack without Gravity and Varia. Either that or doing a 4% run on Mirror mode.


Quote from: Metaquarius on November 16, 2022, 03:08:32 PM
There is plenty of options to make things a lot harder. You can challenge yourself to complete the hack without Gravity and Varia. Either that or doing a 4% run on Mirror mode.

Not 4% but i have completed 9-12% i think challenge without morph ball until touran (but with bombs).
That was insane challenge for me.

Great work!