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Super Metroid: Automatic

Started by aigamerDS, April 04, 2010, 05:44:58 PM

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Just as what the title said, the game plays for you automatically. The only point you need to control is the ship and the elevator, I'm not sure how to fix that.

Go ahead and try that ips and then tell me what you think.


This patch is for unheader.


Perhaps you should look into fixing some of the graphical glitches; they became a little rampant after a little while. Especially the doors and Mother Brain's chamber.

And unfortunately, this looks a little boring. Perhaps the "auto-play" stuff should just be done with Super Mario World? Super Metroid doesn't seem like a good medium to do such a thing unless there's completely new environments and some spiffy interactions with said environment. No idea if that's do-able or not, but that's my bit on it.


Quote from: MelanyKoura on April 06, 2010, 01:22:33 PM
Perhaps you should look into fixing some of the graphical glitches; they became a little rampant after a little while. Especially the doors and Mother Brain's chamber.

Beside using door warping, I'm not sure how to fix this problem when entering Tourian.

Hiroshi Mishima

I found this to be interesting, if somewhat .. lacking in action, I suppose, for want of a better term. It was certainly amusing, but I can't help feeling that once you've played it once, or simply watched the YouTube video, there isn't much to do.

I mean, there's nothing new and exciting, unless you like watching the glitches get progressively more obvious. Nor is there anywhere to explore, it simply takes the shortest possible path to MotherBrain, skipping everything along the way, and then it's over. No interaction besides the two parts you pointed out, nor any real incentive to explore.

I'm not saying this isn't bad, it certainly could lead to some interesting ideas/developments. I'm just saying I found it to be.. well.. kinda boring. It isn't like, say, allowing the game to take over at a given time because you can't do a minigame or find something and need some help. Still, it is neat how you managed to do that, and while I don't know for certain, I have a few hunches.