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Started by X-tradyte, March 07, 2021, 06:21:53 PM

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Figured it has been in production for two months.. might as well make my topic now.

Hello Metconst, it's been a long time! I've been working on something that now has a name finally.. my hack Zephia.

This is going to be a massive hack so it wont be released for a while..

[spoiler=Story]Sometime after the destruction of the planet Zebes, Samus finds herself among a fleet of pirates transporting goods to an unmarked planet.
Samus decides to trail the pirate ships in hopes of figuring out their intentions.. could this be a ressurection of the metroids through phazon means?
Explore the planet Zephia and put an end to the pirates plans before it is too late.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=ASM]Phazon Beam/Hypermode
Custom HUD to allow beam selection
Grapple is now free fire, no more hud icon
Morph Lock for morph puzzles and tunnels
Shinespark control for control challenges
Morph glow and Morph roll
Spinjump restart
Space jump/screw attack are prime-ified
Tractor Beam for item pickups
Gadoras can be killed with charge beam

Custom Hexagon map to replace equipment screen to allow looking at other area maps.. currently just a thought but I hope to make it happen.[/spoiler]

Varia suit is now Gravity suit; grants liquid immunity but takes heat damage and lava damage
Gravity suit is now Farion suit; Blocks heat damage and lava damage; also allows movement in the quicksand lava.

Areas currently still need names..

Area 01: Mushroom Forest : 6%
Area 02: Hydro Area : 4%
Area 03: Snow Area : 5%
Area 04: Volcanis : 6%
Area 05: Deep Volcanis : 0%
Area 06: Phazon Depths : 0%

Custom Music : 67%
Mapping: 43%


March 8th

March 20th



March 16th[/spoiler]

Both videos have their issues fixed since I made them, there is no more looping spinjump sound, as well Phazon Beams threshold and cost were fixed.

I have a lot more rooms to edit before I can release much more but updates will be coming, stay tuned and happy hacking everyone!

Update: Fixed an issue with missiles displaying 100+ on HUD, also moved the icons for Phazon Beam and Missiles over one tile for more counter space, and updated the missile icon. (See Screens for new Screenshot)


It looks quite amazing, I see that you still have a lot to do, do not lose motivation and continue with this hack, in the past they also found hack that looked good but due to lack of motivation of their designers they were canceled ... I hope you will do your best and good luck. :cool: :cool: :cool: :grin:


Nice, looking forward to it!

Steel Sparkle

dude this looks sick!



OP has been updated with a new video; Morph ball has been placed along with a few other rooms being completed as well as some GFX edits.

This video also showcases the Mushroom area.

Currently some rooms do still need backgrounds, I am aware.


This hack is looking really good. I'm interested to see how hypermode affects boss encounters.


Quote from: Quote58 on March 16, 2021, 11:16:19 PM
This hack is looking really good. I'm interested to see how hypermode affects boss encounters.
My idea was to try and have it required to beat the final boss, but I'm also thinking it can just be used anywhere on anything if you just want to obliterate it at the cost of 20 energy. It will not fire when you have 100 hp left though, or anything under 120 since that would put you under a full tank of hp; just a little failsafe.

I plan on having other variations of the pirates a la their beam specific weakness, maybe I will do some kind of phazon pirate that needs to be killed with it as well.

Appreciate the comments and criticism if there is any.


Updated the main post with a couple more screens. The journey to missiles is almost completed and I have made some new custom water gfx. Check it out at the bottom of the OP, and I have started dating my screenshots as well since there is much more to come.

Mainly just trying to focus on level editing and finishing the beginning item route up to bombs. Probably wont be updating for a little while after this unless something big changes or get updated.

Thanks all, and if anyone has any idea on a possible BG for this mushroom area I would be much appreciated.. currently its the only one I'm having trouble finding something that looks good.

See you all later!