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Started by Parabox, March 24, 2010, 02:57:34 AM

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I just recently read Brave New World and came across that quote Parabox.  Almost made me think of this topic.


* Parabox dusts the topic off.

Hey again,

I've been rather, I dunno, empty? My normal train of thought has stopped and nothing comes to mind. No art, no real random though, nothing. I just go along with the slur that is daily life. It's as if I'm sleepwalking alive, only waking at times. There's just so little that I consciously do, only certain things.
I'm also not sure anymore of what I want in and of life. No vibrant wishes or decisions.

Am I just a hollow shell with a brain that rarely wakes?


The sooner you learn to pinch off emotional responses to things like girls, the better off you'll be. Sounds like you're in the early phases of that given your last post in contrast to the first posts made in this topic. In truth, unless you're an awesome freak like DMantra, as much as you might think you've killed your emotions off and are now a broken human being or whatever, you're really just storing them in a box until the right occasional calls for them again.

I was in the state you're in now off and on since I was about 16 (I just went about it in a cooler way). But at the base it's the same; auto-pilot, etc. Find things you're good at and keep doing them. Keep doing them still. Video games aren't the best option because there's nothing to really show for all your hard work once you've mastered it unless you're on some looney Korean powergamer shit. Pick up hobbies that you can show for, like art, hacking, music, programming, writing, whatever. Be awesome at something.

Once you get good enough at whatever, you'll start getting attention, even if scarcely. Having some sort of talent is a good opener for conversation. Bitches might even get a little moist in the loins for you of your talent is a specific point of interest for them. It also diminishes that lame "I really like you but I don't have much to offer to a relationship" part of getting to know someone. Having a steady source of income that isn't your parents is also a big plus, which I'm sure you already know.

Like someone else said, the less interested you are in jumping into a relationship, the more likely you are to start attracting the ladies. So learn to genuinely not give a rat's ass that you're single if you haven't already, don't just pretend you're not interested. That won't work. Females are good at detecting that sort of thing, because most of them feed off of the feeling of knowing that they haven't fully captured your interest yet, and it makes you into a bounty of sorts for them when they know that you would seriously be just as well off without them in your life. Some can't even stand it and will go through great lengths to get your attention. It's actually quite fun to watch it unfold when you see the shit happening and can recognize it right away.

Just immerse yourself in your own life and let them come to you. Worked for me.

Hiroshi Mishima

Huh... and here I always thought Deku'd just jumped ship some time ago and Parabox was simply someone who hadn't posted in a while coming back. That's amusing, that I hadn't caught on they were one in the same, cause I'm usually quicker at spotting that.

I mean, I posed as a "new person" one time on a message board after a reset just to see what'd happen, so I should have seen the signs.


People are trying to force me to get a job. Romance is dead. I need more music. Thought I'd revive this thing. I have two friends. I never go out. My guitar playing isn't improving nearly as much as I'd like it to. I'm starting to fail school.
Business as usual.
Nothing to see here.


You don't need more than two friends anyway, Para. You want to be surrounded by people you can trust. That random dude down from the street you hang with sometimes probably won't help you out incase of a brawl breaking out, but your two buddies will.

THE Purple Helmet

After reading most of this whole topic, I would recommend you disregard some of the "kill your emotion" type advise (sorry guys) and just focus more on things you do like to offset the things you dont as well as have more damn confidence man!! You are young and at the age where your job is just to realize what you like and dont like about life so you are doing what you are supposed to be doing; just dont focus only on what you dont like or you risk becoming emo. I've seen your pic in the other topic...emo pants + your haircut = fail and you dont want that! (just kidding!)

It's ok to have negative feelings about what you dont like in life but you need to find balance. Try to discipline yourself to discover something you do like for everytime you realize something you dont like. Girls and women (especially women) like guys who are the-cup-is-half-full-ish and who are generally positive and optimistic. And dont worry - people probably tell you it gets better and it does. You wont spend your entire life JUST realizing thing you do and dont like about it - but its probably something you wont ever stop doing so you might as well get a grip and balance those feelings out now.

You seem like a cool dude, you have a pretty awesome avatar, you have a good sense of humor and are able to express yourself well

Bottom line - Confidence is what wins people over more than anything. And be positive a little more! There is always something to be happy about! For goodness sakes man, you dont even wear shorts!


Summer again.

Jaimie decided to show up again, but only to Boaz. I live, what, 20 meters away from him? No visit? I'd probably fuck stuff up anyways. Infallible timing on her, too. Nearly exactly a year.

I find myself to be both 16 and 24. On one hand I want to fuck anything with tits and a pretty face, on the other I want a long-lasting, intimate relationship.

No candidates.

Maxime is in her own world. Refuses real life contact with most people outside of school. I seem to be so close to her, yet so far.

Boaz is off to Prague for two weeks. Maxime is going to France on Friday. Nowhere to go, little to do.

Music's opening up to me. Can tollerate black, death and metalcore now. So more bands for me.

Got a batch of band shirts. Quite happy. New computer coming in soon. Dad ordered a new TV, too. Things are going well financially, I guess.

wat do?


Quote from: Parabox on July 04, 2011, 11:59:40 AMOn one hand I want to frak anything with tits and a pretty face, on the other I want a long-lasting, intimate relationship.
As a happy member of the latter, I can tell you that the former never goes away.  Exercising restraint, and not acting on the former is what makes the difference.  Also, I can tell you now that this will always be a case of 'the grass is always greener.'  I recall when I worked in an all-male environment, I would get quite jealous of the freedom they had, but they would always tell me they were jealous of what I had.

I'm not sure if that's any help at all now I've typed it! :heheh:  Anyway, I hope it'll help you not think you're weird. :^_^:


That wasn't as much one of my problems, Q.

What one of them is, is that I love a girl who does not want to be loved. She doesn't care for real-life contact. I can't truly be part of her world, even though I am the one closest to her. She is one of the few people I care about.
What do you do if you love someone who doesn't want to be loved?
What do you do if you can't move on?
What do you do if you can't deal with the situation?


You never really get over it or move on, you just kinda work your way through it.  One of the big examples of this (which may or may not be your case) is people's 'first love', whereby even if your first serious relationship doesn't succeed, you still have strong feelings for that person.  This will probably never go away.  I've often found myself wondering 'what if?' about my first love.  I was with her back in 1992! :whoa:  I see her every now and again, and she still makes my heart race, as all of that stuff comes gushing back, but I accept that it didn't happen, and carry on.

As for dealing with it, there's no easy answer that anybody can give you because everybody deals with things differently.  Some people stay in, some people get out there.  Some people sulk and mope around, while others are very irritable and aggressive.  You'll find a way to deal with it.  You may already be dealing with it in your own way, but can't see it because you're still dealing with it.

Anyway, I wish you the best.  Unfortunately, these hurdles are often what we look back on and consider as having made life more interesting. :neutral:


I got myself a sweet new PC, and soon I'll get a new screen to go with it.

Now, because of the huge delay of the delivery, they gave me a 'gift.' This consists of a voucher for Total War: Shogun 2. I'm really not a strategy kind of guy. Now since I trust you, and you trust me, it occured to me that a trade was optional. Shogun 2 is going for €40 at Steam now, so my idea was to trade that for something of €30 or less, and thus a game of my choosing, so that's a definite €10 you're saving. If anyone's interested, hit me up in PM and we'll figure it out.