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Talk of the Day

Started by squishy_ichigo, May 15, 2009, 11:01:02 AM

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That's great news, Zero One. Well done. :^_^:


Making a new post of this so it's more noticed. After a little research into the whole embedding thing above, I've found a simple workaround.

If you want to link a vid, and not have it automatically embed, add ?t=0 to the end. :^_^:

Like so!


[spoiler=Anime thread is buried in years of nonuse, so I'll just leave my rant/review of Neon Genesis Evangelion here]
Ok, I want to prefix this with me understanding that NGE was a game changer and had a big impact on anime over the years, and that without it anime may very well be very different today. However, I didn't like it. Which is sad, considering I like 'thoughtful' animes. Also, I don't plan on watching the movies, sorry guys. Let the flak fly!

I guess, the first place to complain is the last two episodes. I knew that NGE created the 'Gainax ending trope' well before I watched it. And I knew the last two episodes were 'weird', and I've heard things about 'budget problems'. However, I thought that the last two episodes were just really crazy and hard to follow, and I was highly disappointed in what I got. It was largely HIGHLY repetitive dialogue that really didn't do much. Like, I get what they were going for, I do, but it could have been condensed into a smaller timeframe and with better production value. It just went on and on and on and I forced myself to finish it just so I could give a proper review on it. The shows tone COMPLETELY CHANGES with no warning what so ever and feels tacked on completely separate from what happened before it. And that fanservice at the end, lolololol......

I can't say I really enjoyed the show much before I got to the final two episodes though. NGE is 20 years old, and a lot of what it did was new at the time, and I don't have nostalgia goggles on that make me think its better than it is. It tries to be 'dark and edgy' but then it has weird bits with fanservice that just feel out of place to me. The entire show reeks of plot armor, and it felt like it took far to long for any of the important characters to die considering the plot of the anime (Kaji being the only one that actually dies as far as I can tell, and who knows maybe he didn't actually die :^) ). I said when I was talking about NGE with Vismund before he convinced me to give NGE another shot (I had only watched part of the first episode before I went back and gave it another shot) that I didn't care much for 'shit eating teenager saves the day', to which he said something along the lines of that being the opposite of what happens. Well, sorry vismund, but I have to disagree with you. Shinji is a shit eating teenager, and he saves the day multiple times. Shinji is probably my least favorite protagonist of any anime I've finished watching. Look, I get it, the shows trying to make a point about everyday normalguys who can relate to Shinji in some way or another and that things aren't that bad, you just need the right mindset blahblahblah, shinji is shit.

Now, onto waifus. Rei and Asuka were ok. I had heard of and seen plenty of these two in other media before I watched NGE, but Misato? lolnope, never heard of her. Which is funny, because of how much they were shoving fanservice of her down my throat, you'd think she would be more popular. I didn't hate her character, she was pretty cool I guess. I've known about the Rei proxy trope for quite awhile, and she was basically what I expected. Asuka came off as tsundere, but just ended up being an emotional wreak who couldn't do anything. She was pretty cool before that though.

The overall plot is what disappointed me the most. The angels time and time again come and wreak shit, but somehow someway they save the day just in time. With how Shinji wreaked shit his first time piloting his eva without any training whatsoever, I would have thought that would have been more central to the plot, but it wasn't. It only came up one other time iirc, and I thought the show was gonna pick up after his eva got the S2 engine. But then it didn't. It was just more of the same. Angel comes, they scramble to beat it, fuck up a bunch, nearly all die, and save the day without any real consequences.

Now, don't get me wrong, there were several parts of NGE that were cool. I enjoyed those parts, and I learned a few things (geofronts are pcool). Having watched NGE I can enjoy other anime better. Anime that are good. :>

I just don't care enough to watch the movies. Even if they do everything I want them to. They could be perfect. I don't care.


It's completed!
Part 8 - FINALE

What a wonderful game man. I feel bad for not beating the original metroid so I could really appreciate the additions and changes. When it comes to 2d Metroids I place this in third place. 1st being super metroid, second being fusion. Overall great game but I did feel it was significantly shorter as well. Nintendo should really continue making 2d metroids. Even if they're 2.5 like.


So DS3 DLC comes out Tuesday, and to distract myself until then I downloaded Civ6 and it seems alright. $60 is waaaay to much to spend on it though, when its really not /that/ different from Civ5. Also, randomized pokemon, they added new randomizing features and it's pgud.

I started a black version run with random stats, abilities, types, moves (dam/acc/pp/type), trainer names/classes/pokemon, wild/static pokemon, items, tms/move tutors, pretty much everything random. I limit it though for lower level power ratings, so moves are reordered by damage, and pokemon are replaced with ones of similar strength. Otherwise its just not that fun. Everything random makes things more interesting!
sneeeeeeky mod edit
rude vismund


Quote from: squishy_ichigo on October 14, 2016, 07:32:40 PM
[spoiler=Anime thread is buried in years of nonuse, so I'll just leave my rant/review of Neon Genesis Evangelion here]
-insert rant here-
While I'm not going to disagree with any of your assertions, it was at least 10 years or so since I saw the show myself so I don't really have any strong opinions about it. That being said, I do want to recommend two follow up videos that dives into some side points about the show. Mainly in concerns to the idea that eva was a low budget show, which is something that gets thrown around a lot.

This is the less important video, but I recommend watching it since the second one is a follow up to it.

Also, to be honest, if you watched it years ago and didn't click, or at least found some interest, from the first episode then it's probably not your type of genre I'd imagine.


List of my hacks

Metroid: Revengeance (yes this hack was a joke)
Metroid: Exiled (sucked) (making a remake)

Absolute Zero (Ice themed)
Metroid X (Megaman X themed)
Metroid: Exile (repolished and remade)
A Normal Day In Arizona (Fire themed) (Title is a joke)

Super Metroid Classic (NEStroid for Snes)


I wish you luck. Most people struggle to stick at one hack long enough to complete it, let alone four. :whoa:

Steel Sparkle

Yea good luck with those.


Hey, life's road would be pretty dull if we didn't have those occasional bumps that are sent to test us. I hope you can fix it proper like, soda fing works. :^_^:


I used to write reviews for Zelda Classic quests, but I don't really have an avenue to post them anymore. So I was thinking of putting up a thread here on metconst, but I honestly don't know if anyone gives a shit about Zelda Classic quests around here. So, what are peoples thoughts on them, do you play them, etc?

Zero One

Hoo boy. Last Sunday, left for a really promising job in Manchester working for QA Consulting. Supposed to be 3 months of training, then 2 years working with them.

5 days later, I'm back at home. The whole thing was dodgy. Lots of negative reviews about the company occurred around the same time I accepted the position, and they were REALLY negative. The company rating on GlassDoor went from 4.6 to 4.1 in the span of 2 months, so that was immediately worrying. Plus, the whole time I was there, I never got to open up an IDE, because were busy studying "business architecture", which is not what I signed up for. Thankfully, you can leave in the first month with no punishment.

Oh well, back to being unemployed. At least I still have Frontwire!

A Dummy

Quote from: Lunaria on November 04, 2016, 01:35:30 PM
I used to write reviews for Zelda Classic quests, but I don't really have an avenue to post them anymore. So I was thinking of putting up a thread here on metconst, but I honestly don't know if anyone gives a shit about Zelda Classic quests around here. So, what are peoples thoughts on them, do you play them, etc?

I thought Zelda Classic was pretty cool, in fact I found out about it because of the link in your signature.

Unfortunately I have "too many games" syndrome and can't seem to get around to playing it more as awesome as it is.


@Zero One

That's a bummer, but I've usually found that trusting your gut works out OK. Good luck with whatever's next. :^_^:


I looked into it a while back, but never really got very into it. I was going to ask why you didn't just head back on over to their main site if you were so keen, but I presume there's history, and there's no reason to dredge that up. :^_^:


I mean, what happened a couple of days ago is not really something I'd call history. :P

Mind you, I'd post this shit there if I could but I got perma banned precisely because of my reviews. (Something something trying to game the system and being insulting).


Quote from: Zero One on November 04, 2016, 03:39:02 PM
Hoo boy. Last Sunday, left for a really promising job in Manchester working for QA Consulting. Supposed to be 3 months of training, then 2 years working with them.

5 days later, I'm back at home. The whole thing was dodgy. Lots of negative reviews about the company occurred around the same time I accepted the position, and they were REALLY negative. The company rating on GlassDoor went from 4.6 to 4.1 in the span of 2 months, so that was immediately worrying. Plus, the whole time I was there, I never got to open up an IDE, because were busy studying "business architecture", which is not what I signed up for. Thankfully, you can leave in the first month with no punishment.

Oh well, back to being unemployed. At least I still have Frontwire!

Hot on the heels of that...

Hopefully some of you still remember me from the Summer.  =P  I was unemployed, for over a year, quickly running out of money.  Job hunting became enough of a task that I had to abandon Metroid/hacking for awhile.  In September, I found a job posting in my area on Craigslist seeking people interested in cars or Linux.  No experience in either area necessary, full training provided.  Sounds slightly sketchy, right?  I went for it only because the ad mentioned the company they were hiring for: Uber.

Fast forward past a few weeks of uncertainty, and I just finished my training this past weekend.  Even better, I picked up my first actual workdays this weekend as overtime.  I'm now part of Uber's Advanced Technology Group.  I'm one of the people who operates their Self Driving Vehicles in the city of Pittsburgh.  The pay is double what I was making at my last job, and there's tons of job perks, like full benefits, catered meals 3 times a day, PTO whenever we call off (after 30 days)...

I'm sorry about your job position, Zero.  For me, it went the other way: I was nervous about it at first because it seemed sketchy, but as I got into it, it quickly became apparent how good it was going to be.


Congratulations, Kazuto. I hope it carries on well for you. :^_^:


Heads up to anyone looking to pickup Battlefield 1 or Titanfall 2: Target has both on sale today for $35, with free shipping.  PS4/Xbox One versions, no PC.  Price is reflected in the shopping cart at checkout.


It's not really my cup of tea, but if anybody fancies some Metroid inspired music, you can currently grab an album called Chozo Legacy (along with some other goodies) for $0.5 from Groupees. :^_^:


Okay, so, on my graduation party, I got some Zelda-related presents and gifts. I like Zelda, but I like Metroid moreso. So I told my friends and family that, but I also told them that if they could not find anything Metroid-related to give me on another special occasion, I would be okay with Zelda stuff.

Yesterday was my birthday, but today we actually celebrated it (because it was easier for guests to come on a Friday). And my brother got me the best birthday present I could ever ask for...

A Samus Figma! :grin:

I am so happy. I've wanted a Samus action figure since I was a kid. And although it'll only sit on my desk and collect dust because I don't play with toys anymore, I still love it. :^_^:


Ha, I still find the occasional thing to buy, and I know it'll be much the same as with you. It'll sit there, and I'll barely ever look at it, but I'll still have that little part of me getting that 'oh, yeah' feeling. :cheers:

Vismund Cygnus

I finally got around to doing this today:
[spoiler=watch out, picture is huge][/spoiler]


Y'all Americans ready to cook?

So thankful for food.


wtf u tAlking about you high?