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Talk of the Day

Started by squishy_ichigo, May 15, 2009, 11:01:02 AM

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Vismund Cygnus

Quote from: Quietus on August 19, 2013, 07:16:21 AM
Surely it'd make more sense for them to just take the basics of the Metroid story and create a short film for that, rather than trying to make something specific, and sliding it into the official timeline?  Mother Brain sends Ridley to acquire Metroids, Samus is sent to eradicate them, and kills the Space Pirates while she's at it.
This is how I feel. I think they've kinda gotten a bit over-excited about the whole thing. Plus if it's only a short film, there's no need for an elaborate story to it.
That being said, a Metroid movie does sound like an interesting concept. But before that; WHERE'S THE NEXT GAME? They can't end the series on Other M  :mad:


Quote from: Vismund Cygnus on August 19, 2013, 08:45:36 AM
Quote from: Quietus on August 19, 2013, 07:16:21 AM
Surely it'd make more sense for them to just take the basics of the Metroid story and create a short film for that, rather than trying to make something specific, and sliding it into the official timeline?  Mother Brain sends Ridley to acquire Metroids, Samus is sent to eradicate them, and kills the Space Pirates while she's at it.
They can't end the series on Fusion  :mad:

i'd love to see something after fusion that didn't involve shitty gimmicks to make sales.


I'm not sure what you mean by "gimmicks" when most Metroid games have been fully-featured platformers or shooters (I'd count Other M in the former category.) If you're talking story, no shit since most Metroid games are more focused on gameplay with manual yet meticulously crafted lore in the background (Fusion and Other M are simply notorious for pushing it to foreground and making it terrible, the latter more so than the former.)


I think the pixel hunts were generally considered gimmicks. :^_^:

I never really disliked Other M.  I just never thought of it as a true Metroid game - more like a spin-off.


This little ditty came up this morning, and its been awhile since my last update...

[Aug 23 AM 08:39:04] <suiqhsy_cihgoi> I think this is the first time I've seen the sun in almost two months
[Aug 23 AM 08:39:50] <suiqhsy_cihgoi> I have my window open this morning in addition to waking up before noon
[Aug 23 AM 08:40:22] <suiqhsy_cihgoi> my window facing the sunrise
[Aug 23 AM 08:40:34] <cofoffee|hax> You havent been outside in two months?
[Aug 23 AM 08:40:55] <suiqhsy_cihgoi> I've barely left my room in three
[Aug 23 AM 08:41:02] <cofoffee|hax> O.o
[Aug 23 AM 08:42:40] <suiqhsy_cihgoi> three more months and I'll be an honorary hikikomori
[Aug 23 AM 08:51:17] <suiqhsy_cihgoi> I guess I haven't really mentioned that until now have I?
[Aug 23 AM 08:51:36] <suiqhsy_cihgoi> is that weird?


/takes squishy to the secret garden


And I thought I was reclusive. :whoa:


So today is my 20th birthday and it feels strange not having an age that ends with 'teen'.
The scary thing is that next year I'll be 21. :whoa:


Happeh birthday!
In 10 years it'll feel strange not having an age that begins with 'twenty'.


Yeah, you're still a wee sapling compared to some of us. :^_^:


I've just seen on RHDN that Hiryu, the guy who created Seven Star and Paddle, has released a new hack - Exercise.  I've played a bit so far, and it seems pretty decent.  You can grab it from his site here :^_^:

Interestingly enough, RHDN also listed MetroidMst's So Little Room. :heheh:

Black Falcon

One day I browsed my old tilesets I made for my hack, and stumled across one I made for an area called Vortoroc.
I asked myself what a possible theme for it could sound like, and I came up with this:

[spoiler=Vortoroc Depths]
Vortoroc Depths [HD] - by Black Falcon[/spoiler]

Vortoroc is a planet with a rocky to desert-like surface. Due to it having little to no day/night cycle, one side of the planet is always exposed to the heat and radiation of the sun, whereas the other side is cooled down considerably.
The planet's core however is always moving, causing earthquakes and eruptions, which lead into sudden cave-ins and ravines being flooded with lava.
And yet there are still species living on this planet that perfectly adapted these extreme conditions.
The majority of its flora however can be found in the transition areas between hot and cold sides.

Long time ago there was an ancient, yet highly advanced civilization, using this planet as a base for their interstellar travels to gather resources and building materials, as this planet holds many valuable ores within its rather instable crust. They've built lots of constructions and monuments, honoring the nature of this planet.
Then however, they'd found something.
Something that made them leave this place, leaving behind their ruins built in their glory days.
Something that lies deep within the planet's core.
Something evil...

Didn't know where to put it, so I posted it here. Feel free to move elsewhere if you feel like it.
Download link in Youtube description

Hope you like it.  :^_^:

This however does not imply that I am still working on my hack though, sorry about that... ;>.>


That's a lush track! Sounds like if B12 and Kurt Harland did metroid music.


Pretty good BF, sounds like a mix between the Fire Temple in Zelda Ocarina of Time, and something in Prime, possibly Magmoor Caverns. Don't know why, but it just seems to have a fire area vibe to me.

Black Falcon

Thanks for the feedback, guys.  :awesome:

Quote from: FullOfFail on September 12, 2013, 01:28:19 AM
Don't know why, but it just seems to have a fire area vibe to me.
Your feeling is right. It's pretty hot in the planet's depths.  :^_^:


...I'm realizing now that I over-reacted. I'm sure most people including me knew I couldn't leave MetConst even if I wanted to. I do need to take a break first for awhile though. I just feel like such a burden sometimes :(


So, not going to provide a reason for leaving? And is this forever or just a while?


I agree with Quote.  While you're perfectly free to tell us to mind our own business, it's always nice to know what people are moving on to. :^_^:


Quote from: FullOfFail on September 13, 2013, 02:08:00 AM
...I'm realizing now that I over-reacted. I'm sure most people including me knew I couldn't leave MetConst even if I wanted to. I do need to take a break first for awhile though. I just feel like such a burden sometimes :(

Remember, you're here forever!


QuoteI just feel like such a burden sometimes :(
I get that you need a break, completely fine dude, but I think I speak for us all when I say you're not a burden.


Hmm, I'm getting that itching feeling that I usually get when something has happened on IRC, and it reminds me why I'm sometimes iffy about it... :^_^:

Anyway, welcome back, FoF. :cool:


To clear up any misconstrued meanings about IRC, I shall simply leave this here. Just a snippet of what actually happened, and it's more boring than you think.


It didn't really have as much to do with the IRC as to I was just depressed then. There's actually more to it than that, but it doesn't matter. Anyway, everything is back to normal now, I'm just taking a break from the chat for other reasons.


Quote from: Quote58 on September 14, 2013, 03:35:24 PM
QuoteI just feel like such a burden sometimes :(
I get that you need a break, completely fine dude, but I think I speak for us all when I say you're not a burden.
You definitely don't speak for everyone, Quote. Trust me on this one.
Ever see him stumble into IRC, completely shit-faced drunk? He acts like a fucking moron. He fucking bothers Scyzer to no end to the point where she actually does hate him.

09:55:25 PM @      Scyzer │ i need only show you log
09:55:42 PM @      Scyzer │ logs of creepy "I LOVE YOU" over and over and over
09:56:05 PM @      Scyzer │ or him saying that he owns me and that we're going to get married or some shit like that
09:56:43 PM @      Scyzer │ oh yeh. the shit you see in metconst is only the tip of the iceberg

~ Scyzer on FullOfFail, 2013. All rights reserved.


fofs a decent hacker, and ive always enjoyed his company, i dont know or care about whatevers going on between him and certain members bts.
come back man. you think the majority of hackers out there really care? no.
the only ppl that do are the ones on irc which you shouldnt be drunk on anyways, unless you're me.