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Talk of the Day

Started by squishy_ichigo, May 15, 2009, 11:01:02 AM

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This is my spot now. I claim it. It has lots of zeros. This makes me happy. So does this tea I am drinking.


The problem here is that I actually clicked that link... :neutral:


Fact of the day. GF_Kennon has a purple name today.


hmm, had an interesting thing happen earlier today, hopped down to the bank to deposit some loose change, and got caught off guard when I was wished happy bday by my banker, side note got Knights of the Old Republic for my bday :3

and on another note, my name does not seem to be purple today for some reason.



I meant more in the who's online list, and right next to my post.





No way, I'm the one and only here from xUSSR =)
But happy birthday, GF_Kennon!

You know, XP disappointed me. Again. There is no support for non-standart formatted diskettes with more than 80 cylinders. Like for this one:

Although even W98 can read and write them. And also, there is no support for 2.88 Mb 3.5" drives (but there is for 5.25" drives). I don't have one, but now I have no real reason to buy it if I'd want to.


R.I.P. Buddy Sitkoff

For all that you had in life with cherry eye, a chronic ear infection, and inflamed lymph nodes nearing the end of your life, may you rest peacefully and without complications. You will be missed.


Well, I see this isn't going anywhere, and apparently, I might get kicked-out soon  :sad:
So I thought, hey, why not share my facebook role play account here?
There is the link to my account. Hope to see some of you there  :^_^:


Nooo!!! WTF??? Someone moved my post!!!  :O_o:


Nooo!!! WTF??? Someone gave the admins a reason to have this guy banned!!! :<_<:


Holy fuck. I think if I'd read one more post by him I'd have had a stroke or something...


Quote from: Zhs2 on March 10, 2012, 07:38:09 PM
R.I.P. Buddy Sitkoff
Assuming this is your dog, this really sucks. :sad:

Nobody but a fellow dog owner can understand how much it hurts to lose them, and how big a place they hold in your head and your heart.

Remember the good times.


Indeed. He passed away quietly, or so I assume, at 8AM on the 10th. I wasn't awake then, but my grandma mentioned giving him a hot dog before he went. I dug him a place to rest in peace in the front yard at about 6PM, and my grandma and her weekend assistant both put a scoop of dirt on him before he was reburied to some small prayers that he had moved on to a better place. Twas a sad day :cry:


I can feel with you zeke. We had to put down our dog a little over half a year ago due to sickness... she was so young too! (4,5 years I think) ;_;

On a totally unrelated note, I am having too much fun with the subject field.


Apart from when you first create a topic, it always seemed a bit pointless to me. :neutral:


Quote from: Quietus on March 12, 2012, 08:57:10 AM
Apart from when you first create a topic, it always seemed a bit pointless to me. :neutral:
zbot grabs the title of the post from the RSS feed and announces it in #metconst. I'm guessing that's the point.

Silver Skree

Happy Birthday, JAM. You are The Man that rules all other The Men.

[spoiler=Delicious piroshki for you.]
That looks SO good... I want some...[/spoiler]


Congratulations, JAM. Here, have some JAM:

Mmm... I'd like some JAMpignon pizza right now, what with all sorts of JAMpions rambling everywhere. Some JAMpagne might go well with it.

Edit: On a totally unrelated note, I've been trolling a certain website lately. I've been saying how Jesus was a sinner and stuff (no, you're NOT supposed to take that seriously. Apologies to anyone who finds that offensive). You can find it here:
Clickety-click. Google translate can be funky sometimes, so some parts are translated badly, but the jokes should still be easy to understand.


Silver Skree

Thank you, guys! That JAM with a piroshki =) is delicious! Now I have a present for you all =)


Happy Birthday, JAM. Cookies for you.


And now for something completely different.