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Talk of the Day

Started by squishy_ichigo, May 15, 2009, 11:01:02 AM

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Hiroshi Mishima

Oh freaking ow! That sounds like it was a terrible experience...

EDIT: I'd honestly lot rather have a root canal if I can swing it somehow. I mean I'm familiar with the process since I've got one on the opposite side.. but I dunno if I'll be able to cause of my insurance. I'll just have to wait and see what happens. Maybe it won't have to come to either. But it'll be at least a week or two before I know anything else.


Quote from: Hiroshi Mishima on September 23, 2010, 06:07:30 PM
Oh freaking ow! That sounds like it was a terrible experience...
Eh not that much,But the last one they were pulling...Damn that hurt!  :whoa:


dogshit dildo

[edit] sorry but..
acrid avid jam shred the waxen pith, wax the nip wet tip hen ax.
Mookid, start as you mean to go on, come on you slags!
next heap with, cow cud is a twin.


The other day I had just finished having a filling dinner at home, and I was idly getting a little something out from between my back molars (couldn't manage it with my tongue) and I felt something rough. Figured it was just a bit of food, scraped a little. Felt weird, kinda grainy. I see my finger has some blood on it. Next thing I know, I'm in pain and I can now feel a sharp edge kinda spot with my tongue. Turns out I now have a "hole/cavity/whatever" in said upper backside molar.
yeah, try not to eat on that side, I have like one tooth like that

Oh boy! Just what I ALWAYS wanted! A large gaping hole in the middle of my teeth that'll drive my Tourettes (and tongue) mad and never give me a moment's peace as the teeth on the other side start to slowly migrate as a result of the suddenly more room. Hell, maybe that means the wisdom tooth will come in and take it's place after they both move downwards... *sigh*
I had to get a tooth pulled because the Dentist put more filling in then was needed, and it dried and was wreakin havoc into my gums.
Now that I think about I should've had my parent sue for malpractice...
But I have a missing molar, and my other teeth have not moved, you get used to the hole after a few days of tounging it, but it becomes norm after a while.

Side note, I should probably see a dentist soon.

Anyway,keep at it, you'll get used to it just make sure you take care of those kitties and you'll get the help you need!

You could try going through the papers and craiglist, sometimes a student who wants to be a dentist needs a person for their final exam so you can get a free dentist visit!   


I got banned from esper for 24 hours because I ghosted zozo a few times. :awesome:

Silver Skree

* Silver_Skree would talk about how goddamn addicted to Minecraft he is but he's currently too busy choking on cobblestone, planks, dirt and sand.


I feel ya, Hiroshi. I have a tooth in the back that is missing like, well, half of it. It's like a cavern that goes well beyond the gumline on the inside. Luckily it doesn't hurt unless something pokes into there. But also, I have a couple big cavities on the dides of a couple teeth, and they're getting bigger and bigger.

It's not like I don't take care of my teeth, so it's really confusing. They might have to come out as well, but I also don't have the money for that shit. Maybe when it happens, though, they can put false teeth in there so at least I won't look like a total freak. :\....

I hope things work out well in the end for ya, man.



psychosis ages
terminal stages
malformed mazes
looping cages

Silver Skree


A metallic Skree shooting torpedoes would be really cool.


You are in galactic territory, please state the nature of your vessel and intentions.


This is captain Jean Luc Picard of the Starship Enterprise, state your business in this quadrant.

-bbzzzzz"This is Samus Aran and I'm saving the Fucking Universe!"-bbzztt-

Ah, a vigilante. Well, things are handled with care and through the federation. Please come onboard and we'll discuss this.
Over some earl grey tea.. hot.


Worf: Sir, that small yellow ship is charging an unknown lazer aimed at our engines and bridge. It seems to be encrypted with
a bird-like insignia.

Data: Ahh, the Chozo. Captain, I suggest you allow her to pass.

Picard: Oh whatever, make it so.

Wesley: zomg it's teh samus aran famous bounty hunter can i has autograph?!!1111oen

Picard: Shut Up Wesley!!

Hiroshi Mishima

I lol'd, DM, I so lol'd.

In regards to my tooth. I probably don't brush as well as I should, but my teeth have never really been a sensitive issue or anything. The root canal I had done in high school was for a tooth that cracked open in the summer of 6th grade due to my Tourettes.

But yes, I do plan to chew as infrequently on that side as I can help it. Provided I don't get any serious cankersores on the left side of my mouth, I should be able to manage that. Thanks for the kind words, everyone. Hopefully I can get some antibiotics when I visit this new dentist Wednesday. Won't be a solution, but should help with pain and/or other problems it could cause.


I waited way too long to get my wisdom teeth out. 2 years too long.
The pain was pretty bad and I took this stuff called Orajel.
You could prob find that at any pharmacy, it's like a horse tranquilizer for the mouth.
Works great.

Hiroshi Mishima

I've got this like.. sticky yellowy substance called Kanka that I use on my cankersores if they're giving me problems. That might help as well.. if not, I'll look into that.


I had to save DM's post, hehe :)


As for teeth, fuck, I've already waited, what, ten years too long to get my wisdoms removed? :\.... As soon as they started coming in, I was told they'd have to come out. Hopefully you guys have an easier time than I did trying to actually get the ball rolling on such things.



Passion hides
In painted smiles
Tropical liasons
Wet and wild
Mingle and chime
And ladder climb
For glamour and for gold
The jetset meets the maritime
Where love is bought and sold
Stones are searching deep within
Where lying eyes will always win
Dusk to dawn she trawls
And your will is dying (dying)
Poolside games for little dames
Once a twister, now you're in limbo
Libido bending hot signal sending, just how low can you go?

Hiroshi Mishima

We talking about the video game industry? Or was this a movie you were watching? Either way, I like the way you word your posts when you do that.


Dennis is a menace with his "anyone for tennis?"
And beseeching me to come and keep the score...
And Maud saya "Oh Lord! I'm so terribly bored!"
I really can't stand it anymore...
I'm going out to dinner, with a gorgeous singer,
To a little place I've found down by the quay;
Her name is Patricia, she calls herself Delicia,
And the reason isn't very hard to see...

She says God made her a sinner just to keep fat men
As they tumble down in heaps before her feet.
They hang around in groups like battle-weary troops,
One can often see them queue right down the street...
You see Patricia, or Delicia, not only is a singer
She also removes all her clothing...
For Patricia is the best stripper in town,
And with a swing of her hips she started to strip,
To tremendous applause she took off her drawers,
And with a lick of her lips she undid all the clips,
Threw it all in the air, and everyone stared,
And as the last piece of clothing fell to the floor,
The police were banging on the door,
On a Saturday night, in nineteen twenty-four...
Take it away boys!
But poor Patricia was arrested and everyone detested,
The manner in which she was exposed,
And later on in court, well, everybody thought
A summer run in jail would be proposed,

But the judge said, "Patricia,
Or may I say, Delicia,
The facts of this case lie before me...
Case dismissed ... this girl was in her working clothes!!"

And with a swing of her hips, she started to strip,
To tremendous applause she took off her drawers,
And with a lick of her lips she undid all her clips,
Threw it all in the air, and everyone stared,
And as the last piece of clothing fell to the floor,
The police were yelling out for more!!!
On a Saturday night in nineteen twenty-four...


ok, so there is a minecraft video on the home page of youtube earlier, so I say "what the hell, I have no clue what this game is about anyways"
yeah bad idea

now I'm totally in love with it like the rest of you losers.... damn you youtube....
I need a paypal account :<

Hiroshi Mishima

Squishy, you don't need a paypal account. You can choose to not log into Paypal and continue anyways. Although I have an account I refused to use it for that, cause it takes forever to put payments through. Worked fine for me.


Well, while most of you peeps were busy playing minecraft or hacking metroid or getting laid, Saturday I went out to some natural springs for the  day and just today I went to pro football game (Bucs v. Steelers). Either way, my team won. xP


I just recently finished watching Highschool of the Dead. I must say that pretty nice anime for only 12 episodes. I've been watching alot of anime lately. :grin:


Today, I left my mobile phone at home. FML

(I'm overly dependant on it for a lot of things, now i got to go for about 7 hours without it x.o)


I turned my mobile on last week.  I have to keep doing it once a month to make a call, as they disconnect me otherwise...


I know I've said this fifty times in here, but I hate palleting! I just swaped some more tiles around and thankfully didn't have much work to do there, but the pallete is driving me mad. I will get it done eventually...