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Super Metroid Ascent

Started by benox50, May 26, 2019, 11:21:31 AM

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[spoiler]stuck on 97% in zone 2. i found these crumble blocks... can i get a hint as to how to find the entrance?

alternatively, if there is no item there, where am i missing my last zone 2 item? note that i spent 30 minutes scouring the far left of crocomire's room before deciding that dot was also leftover... either that, or i collected it asap & then completely forgot about it lmfao. remaining spoiler tag is map screenshots & my item collection.[/spoiler]



really enjoying this  :^_^:


[spoiler=Am i stuck?]I just got boost ball, but I don't have speed. Is there a way out of here?


Quote from: caauyjdp on May 29, 2019, 12:34:43 AM
[spoiler=Am i stuck?]I just got boost ball, but I don't have speed. Is there a way out of here?

[spoiler]Boost ball against the treadmill block. Should be fast enough to pop right through.[/spoiler]


Ty, that's different mechanic from what I was expecting. I wasn't releasing run.

Steel Sparkle

I do have a question if anyone can answer.

[spoiler]So far i have found up to the speed booster, have i missed any beam weapons on the way because it feels like i should have something more than the power beam. I have explored most of zone 2 so far.[/spoiler]


Nah,i checked that area 3 times,just making sure i didn't miss anything else,but there was nothing else at all,
[spoiler]also,did you find the Plasma Beam when you were in Zone 1,'cuz that's where it is.[/spoiler]

Steel Sparkle

Quote from: gr8tmaker on May 29, 2019, 07:22:57 AM

Thats a big spoiler, i don't mind but im sure others do. Please spoiler tag it.
Also i didnt know that.


Beams in Zone 2 -- [spoiler]Spazer is available in a room in the Northeast.  Tricky little puzzle to get it.  Really helps when exploring.[/spoiler]

And yeah, please tag spoilers.  That was annoying.


[spoiler=I need more help]I'm in "zone 3/shielded weirdos". Two doors that i can see are gray, and i'm guessing are kill all enemies doors. Room had what i'm guessing was a reflecbang, which i killed with bombs. I think there might have been two reflecsbangs back when i entered, but not sure, and can't find it anyway. There's only respawning atomic here with me and no way out.[/spoiler]
edit: restarted and this time it worked. no idea what happened previously.


Oh well with that spoiler revealed I may as well start a new game.



Im guessing bangs killed by bombs dont count as enemy killed which is an issue
pretty interesting bug, Im taking notes anyway for the next version with more bugs fixes


No, killing them with bombs works. My current guess is that one of them managed to fly offscreen while following me and wasn't able to come back. It worked with bombs after restarting from save, and I wasn't able to reproduce it getting offscreen afterwards. Just a weird one time glitch probably.

[spoiler=Ramblings about the hack]Finally beat it, 9h40m  95.2%.
Hack is massive. A lot of my time went into looking at the map and guessing where would be most convenient save, energy/missile refill. There were some farming spots with respawning enemies, but it's really hard to recall where you last saw them once you're few rooms away.

Grapple was nerfed to hell and went from best/farm beam to useless. Since about at the time you get it new enemies start appearing that hurt you when you grapple them so there wasn't a good reason to bother switching to it. Green pipe/bull enemy had an interesting interaction with grapple that caused the beam to reflect at an odd angle(only worked when you were close enough to the pipe) which I thought would be used in some puzzle but that never seemed to come into play.

Warp zones were weird. I usually found them when I was far away from save, and had no idea where I was going, so I Just entered each open door to reveal the map square so I could find the other side later, and went back the way I came. I think I've used them as a shortcut once. Exits didn't ever seem to be near a convenient save/refill, you can't see the main zone map when you're in warp zone so you also had to memorize/guess which exit you needed to take.

Puzzles... hard to recall. I liked one in huge room under surface elevator in zone 3. Stay moist/air is toxic rooms were neat.
With some puzzles having multiple solutions worked against them. There was some reflect a missile puzzle in zone 1 I think, that I thought would be neat to solve, but then I accidentally found alternate path for it. There was one in zone 2, with lowering water level, which was tied to a gate closing. I failed it once, figured I needed to use supers to kill zebetites faster, noticed a speed block on the way back, went for it and got an item. Cool? Then went through the room "intended" way, under water, and found that end point was the same. Yay puzzles with multiple solutions?

Gt fight was neat the first time I did it. Then I thought a bit and tried a different way, stayed near the entrance door just firing charged beams at him blindly and hey, this cheezy way was rewarded by allowing me to collect his drops, unlike the real way...

Inventory behaved strangely. It seemed that combining beams wasn't planned to be allowed at some point, so collecting new beam would switch to that beam and disable others, but you could still enable them all manually. Same thing with suits? I noticed halfway through the game that my varia/toxin suit was disabled, presumable after getting gravity, so I reenabled it manually.

New "ninja star" star spikes were weird. Sometimes they'd be used as "floor" to a 1 tile long morph "tunnel"/gap, and knockback wouldn't let you enter the gap. In some cases that's presumably solvable with anti gravity plates, in others I either didn't notice the plate, or just didn't bother and let the reserve tank eat the knockback and roll through.

Crocomire fight felt weird because I spent whole fight thinking if I needed to use charged plasma or hyper beam. Guess it's because plasma is skippable, but still felt weird.

Most frustrating/disappointing moments in the hack were related to bomb changes. Timing, limit and being unable to start from a jump. Made "my other jump| room super frustrating, since I had no idea if this vertical section was taller than the previous one and that was the reason I wasn't able to get high enough, or if I was loosing too much momentum.

Stuff I liked the most was probably tutorializing at the beginning. Not that I needed it but it was well done.

Had a crash during a door transition once but wasn't able to reproduce, and got stuck once presumably due to reflecbang sliding somewhere offscreen so he wasn't able to come back because he's not global but wasn't able to reproduce it either.

Great hack, but I was ready for it to be over few hours earlier.

If I can suggest few things, move warp zones to some corner of their main zone map so you can check on the map which exit you need. Add a ammo&energy refill and/or save to them to make them more useful.

Steel Sparkle

Item %85.7
A pretty fun hack. Good job Benox!
1 quick complaint in the spoiler.
[spoiler]I think miss-able beam weapon upgrades sucks because enemies get tanky or you have to constantly charge and shoot to make any difference. Maybe find a work around for this?[/spoiler]


Just popping in to say that I am very much enjoying this hack!



I am in area 1. I have 96.3 percent. There is this door. Am I supposed to get in here at this time? Thank you.  [spoiler][/spoiler]


[spoiler]That door is just for show, nothing behind it.[/spoiler]


8:02 w/ 98.1%. Missed two items afaict.. one in zone 2, the other in zone 3. good game.


How the hell do I get Spazer?
As in, I'm in the location, I have boost ball but I have literally no idea how you complete the Spazer puzzle


So I decided to restart since I figured I'd missed a bunch my first time through (had just started zone 3).  Here's some reflections

My view of this hack is overwhelmingly positive. The new graphics, the new music, the new features are all absolutely superb.  Love revisiting zone 1 after zone 2, love some of the overlay work, love the use of the mosaic effect with the toxic clouds. so much good stuff going on.

Some notes of criticism:

I think I agree with a previous poster's comment on optional beams: I missed plasma last time and it really kicked me in the teeth fighting some of the harder baddies later on. 

The puzzle difficulty!!!
The puzzles are cool and certainly pretty clever but a good few of them border on frustrating at times.  area 1 with the pixel perfect bomb jumps for example to get an E tank.  I've done that puzzle twice now, sure I can big up my MLG metroid skillz :p but - honestly - it wasn't a lot of fun.  Likewise, the spazer puzzle that I'm currently mystified by comes immediately after a bunch of quite lengthy bits and pieces.  It just feels like the player has gone to all this trouble to get to the spazer location and then they're punished with another puzzle.


Quote from: Munchy on May 31, 2019, 01:35:11 AM
How the hell do I get Spazer?

[spoiler]You have to use the jetboard thingies by pushing them down by standing on them to get them into the right position. Then, you can use it to create a platform for you to use the Boost Ball and get Spazer.[/spoiler]


Quote from: Boomerang on May 31, 2019, 02:06:21 AM
Quote from: Munchy on May 31, 2019, 01:35:11 AM
How the hell do I get Spazer?

[spoiler]You have to use the jetboard thingies by pushing them down by standing on them to get them into the right position. Then, you can use it to create a platform for you to use the Boost Ball and get Spazer.[/spoiler]

[spoiler]yeah I'm on the other side of that gate, I hadn't thought about checking the other side of it yet[/spoiler]


Good hack so far, decent difficulty with the puzzles. Found one that I have no idea how to get past.
Any ideas? Keep up the great work!


Re: Udtheaesir.

I just did this one today. [spoiler]What I did was run along the bottom and get a speed boost charge. Have power bombs selected. Fly by where you are in the picture and lay a power bomb and keep going to where the crumble blocks are. In morph ball form you will be able to pass over to the other side. Hope this makes sense.[/spoiler]


Quote from: piush on May 31, 2019, 05:41:14 PM
Re: Udtheaesir.

I just did this one today. [spoiler]What I did was run along the bottom and get a speed boost charge. Have power bombs selected. Fly by where you are in the picture and lay a power bomb and keep going to where the crumble blocks are. In morph ball form you will be able to pass over to the other side. Hope this makes sense.[/spoiler]
Easier solution that doesn't require speedbooster:
[spoiler]You don't need a speedboost charge to to this, lay a power bomb on the edge of the left ledge next to the crumble blocks (there is a U shape and then a stair on the far left, lay it there). This will break the bomb blocks. Then run under the crumble blocks and lay a power bomb there to break the two barriers. Then boost ball your way across after the bomb blocks reform but before the other two blocks come back.[/spoiler]


the alternate solution(s) to UDtheAesir's conundrum are

[spoiler]as you probably noticed, there isn't a location where you can lay a power bomb that will destroy the pb and shot blocks but not the bomb blocks on the left. or, at least, I couldn't find one. so what you can do is lay a power bomb far enough left that you only destroy the bomb blocks, wait some seconds, & then lay a second pb to destroy the other two things. when the bomb blocks respawn, boost ball across.

finally, there's a reverse-gravity block in the previous room. i didn't actually do it this way (didn't discover the r-g block until after i got the item), but if you carry reverse gravity to that bridge & then manage to dboost right instead of left from the spikes (i bet its possible if you bomb over the first couple pixels of spikes and then face the opposite way), you may be able to just reverse gravity over it all[/spoiler]

oh, that got posted while i was typing. well ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Thanks, guys! Beat it with 87.6% items and 10:56 playtime.

Good hack with great features and graphical changes. Very enjoyable!