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Super Metroid Nature

Started by Jiffy, December 24, 2018, 07:00:06 PM

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By Jefe962

It's finally here. The "Finish Nature" jokes can finally be put to an end.

[spoiler=Summary]Super Metroid Nature is a full-sized hack of the popular game Super Metroid. The design of the world, palettes, enemies and atmosphere is entirely different to the original story of Zebes.
The difficulty will resemble that of the original, but a tad harder in sections.
Nature, while resembling parts of the original, is a whole different experience, with new items, rooms, and ways to play.[/spoiler]



Alpha Testing:
Digial Mantra

Beta Testing:

Help with ASM, graphics, etc:


Patches and Resources:

Special Thanks:
Everyone at MetConst. You guys have managed to push me and motivate me beyond what I thought was possible. Thank you, so very very much.
(If I've missed anyone, feel free to get mad at me because I don't tend to keep a record of the patches I've applied.  :heheh:[/spoiler]

[spoiler=Version Control]Latest version: V1.03 UH.[/spoiler]

Have at you!


Woohoo! Now it's my turn to finally do something isnt it?

Lol, cant wait to try it out man. Looks amazing, and testing was fun.


So some people have come across a few bugs, so I thought I'd fix them. Nothing game-breaking though, but I was going to go insane if people just kept reporting the damn map issue!
V1.01 and readme attached in the main post.


I completely forgot this got released omfgggggg. Gonna give it a try later!


V1.02 is out. Now this should, theoretically, be the most stable version yet. Now that enough people have played it and reported bugs, I won't be releasing any more versions until people find game breaking bugs, or I add a few little things for that extra quality of life.


Room #7CDF1 has a bad level data pointer in its alternate state, thus room doesn't load properly in ZSNES... which means I can't reach Rildey ATM. :cry:


Quote from: Metaquarius on December 26, 2018, 04:51:20 PM
Room #7CDF1 has a bad level data pointer in its alternate state, thus room doesn't load properly in ZSNES... which means I can't reach Rildey ATM. :cry:
Sent you a PM. I had a broken level data pointer. I'd rather not upload a patch in the same day. If anyone else wants to fix it, just change the level data pointer from E474C0 to E4F4C0. (ZSNES doesn't like negative pointers.)


So this isn't fixed in 1.02? 


Yo, nice job so far Jiffy, even though it's kinda half hacky (i know you've said that in the description) it's still very enjoyable from start to finish, the hack can definitely look better and i think you gonna keep polishing it, i'll be looking forward to the next versions and possibly a 100% :P

I found a glitch by the way, you prob already know it but i'll put it here anyway:
I was on top of the blocks before they were destroyed and it didn't trigger the screen scroll so Samus just wrapped around from bottom to the top, it fixed itself when i jumped back up and fell on top of the crumble blocks.[/spoiler]


No animals saved[/spoiler]


First impressions (just got the Varia suit)
Yesterday I started the game and at first I was really dissapointed, I was expecting better visuals and had the game hyped up really far into my mind. However, after playing it a lot more, I realise most of my issues with the game are actually issues with SM, a lot of SM tilesets don't look great and I realize I'm not a big fan of the music either.
Playing it again today I like pretty much everything Jiffy has added, the rooms are well designed, really good looking (pushing SM tiles to the limit). So far boss placement has been fine, i like the map a lot.
My main issue is that I hoped more had been changed from SM, I was hoping for more custom stuff like in Hyper Metroid.
For what it is, i think it is a great achievement (however can't do full review til I finish the whole thing).


I have no idea how to use Smile so I will wait for the patch to change the pointers. I like using Zsnes and am stuck on the way to Ridley after beating the Golden Torizo. I get a room full of garbage and can't proceed any further. Perhaps a disclaimer on hacks should be made as to what emulators work best with a hack. Thank you.


I wasn't able to upload the patch yesterday. I was caught up with things to do and I didn't want to release a fix in the same damn day, haha.

v1.03 has been posted, fixing the issues with the room pointers. I would love to release a game without any bugs or nuances, but I'm afraid that can't happen. People are just going to have to be a little more patient. I'm sorry if I've let anybody down this way. I don't want to release more fixes, I really don't. I hope it doesn't affect anybody's game experiences. This should be the real final fix. (I won't be able to fix anything else for a week or two anyway.)

Quote from: OhCwap on December 26, 2018, 09:29:27 PM
Yo, nice job so far Jiffy, even though it's kinda half hacky (i know you've said that in the description) it's still very enjoyable from start to finish, the hack can definitely look better and i think you gonna keep polishing it, i'll be looking forward to the next versions and possibly a 100% :P

Quote from: Hackmi on December 27, 2018, 07:19:36 AM
First impressions (just got the Varia suit)
Yesterday I started the game and at first I was really dissapointed, I was expecting better visuals and had the game hyped up really far into my mind. However, after playing it a lot more, I realise most of my issues with the game are actually issues with SM, a lot of SM tilesets don't look great and I realize I'm not a big fan of the music either.
Playing it again today I like pretty much everything Jiffy has added, the rooms are well designed, really good looking (pushing SM tiles to the limit). So far boss placement has been fine, i like the map a lot.
My main issue is that I hoped more had been changed from SM, I was hoping for more custom stuff like in Hyper Metroid.
For what it is, i think it is a great achievement (however can't do full review til I finish the whole thing).

I expected a few responses similar to these, but I'll explain a bit. Nature is a vanilla hack, based and inspired off the original. The start of the hack is pretty true to the original, but obviously my mindset changed after this, as Maridia and Norfair begin to diverge a little. I didn't falsely advertise anything to do with it being completely new, so the idea that more custom stuff was going to come was a misconception. If you feel let down I am sorry, but if you like it I'm glad you can enjoy it for what it is though.


ayy now im hyped for norfair


I see the author doesn't want to do fixes so early. Here is an interview with the director and sound engineer from the original game. They were under pressure. After going to Ridley's lair, I can no longer return there because the door is grayed out. I would like to do that in case I missed an upgrade. Thank you.


Quote from: piush on December 27, 2018, 08:04:14 PM
I see the author doesn't want to do fixes so early. Here is an interview with the director and sound engineer from the original game. They were under pressure. After going to Ridley's lair, I can no longer return there because the door is grayed out. I would like to do that in case I missed an upgrade. Thank you.
If you are talking about:
[spoiler] Ridley's acid rise section, I made sure there were no upgrades in that section, so you missed nothing.[/spoiler]


Hint as to where I should be looking for gravity suit?   I think it is what I need next to move forward.   I have super missiles, power bombs, grapple, ice beam, high jump, first two main bosses are dead, but can't locate gravity. 


Quote from: DonnyDonovan on December 28, 2018, 01:38:43 PM
Hint as to where I should be looking for gravity suit?   I think it is what I need next to move forward.   I have super missiles, power bombs, grapple, ice beam, high jump, first two main bosses are dead, but can't locate gravity.
[spoiler]You are on the right track, however speed booster may be helpful for you to have at this point. Gravity is elsewhere in the wrecked ship - look for another entrance.[/spoiler]



Got speed booster and suspected that might be the way.   Pretty much exhausted everywhere I can go in Maridia without gravity, which isn't a ton.  I should be finishing this in the next couple days.   It's fun.   I'd call it a 3/4 hack. 


I said in another thread that I love this hack. However, I (along with others who were blind racing with me) found a screen scroll glitch in a room.

[spoiler]In the room with the orange geemer that follows you (and also has a grapple crumble block blocking the intended path), if you speedkeep down the secret speed blocks, the screen doesn't scroll with Samus, as seen here:


Just completed this hack. After my first playthrough (Not trying to go after 100%), I've gotta say this was definetly well worth the wait! Sure I got lost in this game, but those moments came few and far between. Everything about this hack was amazing~ From the color choices, to the map placements, etc. If I can only share one complaint; is that it was rather dissapointing that Red Soil Brinstar was the only area that had custom music; whereas everything else had the originals. I was hoping that maybe there were others but I guess that was wishful thinking. Now, by no means this takes poins away from the hack, but it would have been nice if there were other custom tracks.

But other than that; This definetly earns its place in one of my favorite Hacks, despite a few technical hiccups here and there~ Definetly replaying this one again.

9/10 - Would totally 100%


I liked this.   Got better as it went along.   Lower Norfair was quite well done.   There are two visible rooms on the Norfair map that I never figured out how to access, just to the east of the LN access room (with the pink pirate above the lava).   

Also is [spoiler]Gold Torizo[/spoiler] in the hack?   Never found him.


Quote from: DonnyDonovan on December 31, 2018, 06:41:43 PM

Also is [spoiler]Gold Torizo[/spoiler] in the hack?   Never found him.

[spoiler]GT guards the room with the golden statue that lowers the acid.[/spoiler]


I just went [spoiler]through the acid[/spoiler].   Thought that seemed unreasonably difficult compared to the rest of the hack.