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Mother Brain Tiles

Started by Grimlock, June 26, 2018, 12:14:09 PM

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Here are my findings regarding the Mother Brain tiles:

(This is useful if you plan to replace the graphics or reconstruct the combos and structures that form the final boss)

Hit tiles consist of 16 tiles ranging from 5D to 6C and can be placed anywhere in the room

Glass breakage triggering tile = 98

The combo with tile 98 can be placed at the following locations if you want the wall opening to appear where the combo with 98 is placed:
7,3  7,7  and  7,11
You can use all three break points simultaneously and they'll work independently
When you hit the block with 98 it draws 4 air tiles (FD, FF top and then FE,FF bottom) and also draws tiles 56 and 41 on the top of the combo under it.  You may need to take that into consideration when you set up your tile placement for the area.

Using MB tiles outside of the MB room:

You can use the same technique outside of the MB room using tile 98 as long as you stick to the placement requirements of: 7,3  7,7  and  7,11.  Keep in mind that it will draw FD, FF top and then FE,FF bottom where the block breaks and 56 and 41 on the top of the combo under it.  You could place air tiles at 56 and 41 (MMC3 physics edit) and work around that or make those tiles some kind of burnt tile so it works anywhere.  Another thing to keep in mind is that if you want to be able to shoot from all sides all the tiles will have to be 98.  And finally the block does not respawn unless you leave the room and return.

EDIT:  You can use the tile physics editor in Editroid 4.0 to set multiple tiles to custom hex value 98 to assign multiple "glass break" missile tiles for more graphical variety.  The same goes for the mother brain hit tiles.


Okay so I wanted to contribute to this post about my research on the Zebetites, because I feel like this is related enough to be put on the same thread.

The Zebetites, of course, have 4 different stages represented by different graphics. However, just like regular breakable blocks, there's a block seperate from the original combo it looks into when trying to regenerate, and becomes that instead. The address are as follow (both vanilla and MMC1 expanded versions have the same addresses):

  • Biggest Stage: E3E6-E3ED, with E3E6-E3E9 being the top block while E3EA-E3ED is the bottom block.
  • Big Stage: E3EF-E3F6, with E3EF-E3F2 being the top block while E3F3-E3F6 is the bottom block.
  • Small Stage: E3F8-E3FF, with E3F8-E3FB being the top block while E3FC-E3FF is the bottom block.
  • Smallest Stage: E401-E408, with E401-E404 being the top block while E405-E408 is the bottom block.
(Note: once destroyed, it no longer looks into these values and is permanently removed from the room. This is then put in password tracking data.)

You can manually edit the tiles here with a hex editor and PPU for reference, just in case you were to edit the combo in Editroid for any reason.

Now for tiles. Tiles $90-$97 are all the tiles that move the Zebetite one stage down. It's worth noting that the graphics don't affect the stages at all from what I've gathered, so even if you were to make the first stage's graphics the tiniest, it would still go to the second stage as normal. I have no idea how to edit the physics of the tile or what it represents or if I can extend it to the breakable blocks, but I'm assuming that the tiles work just like the Mother Brain hurt tiles and the glass breaking tiles.

Speaking of breakable blocks, due to the fact that the Zebetite's code replaces the breakable block's protocols, it means that breakable blocks no longer work properly. Because of this, I think it'd be a good idea to convert those blocks into Zebetites, although I have no idea how to change their physics aside from the 4.0's physics editor, which I recall needing an MMC3 expanded rom.

You can only have 5 unique Zebetites. The single byte only has 5 different Zebetites, so if you were to have 2 or more Zebetites with the same value, that would mean in theory that if you were to break one, all others with that same value would not exist afterwards. However, this theory, if true, can be use to its advantage, making Tourian a maze where you'd have to find 5 different power blocks or something in order to reach Mother Brain or something, I dunno. But hey, it's just a theory. (A GAME THEORY)

I have not tested if Zebetites work outside rooms, although because they're single bytes, they probably do, I'm assuming.

And that's all I have to say. It's pretty interesting to say the least. There's more to be researched here like the timing for the regen or the whole unique Zebetites thing, and the physics data, but this was just a brief, fun experiment I wanted to try out to say the least. I hope it contributes to this thread, and if this adds nothing then I'm sorry to say the least.