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Nintendo Switch

Started by Quote58, October 22, 2016, 11:00:54 PM

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Hi all,
I'm sure you've all seen already, but I was surprised not to see a topic for it so in case you didn't see, Nintendo revealed the new console coming out in march!
It's no longer codename NX, it is now the Nintendo Switch

Official Site:

Official reveal trailer:

So, what are your thoughts?

  • Are we going to get a new Metroid game on the console? If so what do you think it'll be?
  • Can the console save some of Nintendo's rep that they destroyed with the wii U?
  • What do you want from the console? What do you expect?
  • Are you thinking about preordering for day 1?

Discuss :grin:


I hope Virtual Console still exists, that way there it Metroid on Switch :p. But in all seriousness, there *might* be a Metroid game, but I'm not counting on it for a while. Also I would preorder it, but money, and price drops and bundles. And it can possibly save Nintendo as well.


It looks like what the Wii-U should have been honestly.

Some concerns are battery life, overall performance for both the 'tablet' screen and the home console, and how comfortable the controls end up being. In addition to the library of course, I'm hearing no slots for 3ds or wii-u games, but that its using usb or sd slots??? idk.

And I'm hearing that despite Skyrim being in the trailer, it's not actually confirmed, lul.

Nintendo better hit this one out of the park, or they might end up like Sega.


I admit that I like some of the ideas behind it all, but I can't help but think that while mobility is a nice feature, to me it's always an exta feature, and not a mainstay. I always feel like despite this direction they've been taking for a while, the large majority of players are not going to make use of it, and will still spend most of their time at home with a controller in hand in front of a TV or on a PC, playing games as they have done for generations.


Quote from: Quietus on October 23, 2016, 12:07:05 PM
I admit that I like some of the ideas behind it all, but I can't help but think that while mobility is a nice feature, to me it's always an exta feature, and not a mainstay. I always feel like despite this direction they've been taking for a while, the large majority of players are not going to make use of it, and will still spend most of their time at home with a controller in hand in front of a TV or on a PC, playing games as they have done for generations.
I like the concept as well, but ultimately I feel this way about it too. I think Nintendo is appealing to the mobile market because otherwise they'd be giving it to other competitors like apple, android, and others.
I do feel that Metroid has a chance though; there was an interview recently with the heads of Nintendo about Metroid and they hinted that things were coming, but nothing solid yet. Both styles of play (prime/2d) would be on the table, as they noted how both are important rather than one over the other.


The controller scares me.  :whoa:
we're probably gonna get a metroid game
Maybe not Dread or Prime 4 but a metroid game at least.

A Dummy

I think it shows potential, but I need to see some hardware specs before I can say for sure.

For it to be successful I think it's hardware needs to at least be as good as the PS4 and Xbox One. (The standard versions, not the new ones on the horizon.)
Nintendo can't afford to be behind by a whole generation again like they were with the Wii and Wii U, especially if they want to have proper third-party support for their system. (Though them showcasing Skyrim on the system holds some promise in this regard, also just read this news piece and it looks like they have some good publishers already behind it.

The other thing is battery life, if they expect people to buy it so they can play Syrim on the go (Which I admit sounds pretty cool.) it's going to need at least a 6-8 hour battery life for people to even consider taking it off of it's stand, if it ends up being more like a 2 hour battery life then most people are just going to leave it at home and the whole portable aspect is just a gimmick at best.

I'm also not too sure about that controller, I'd need to hold it in my hands to really know, but at a glance I don't like the look of the D-Pad being another 4 face buttons on the left side, though it does look like it has a different texture from the ABXY buttons, so I'm hoping it feels more like a Playstation D-Pad. (And I do think it's neat how the controller is made up of 2 pieces that swap between the Tablet section and the main controller dock.)

I don't plan on getting it day one, but if the system starts panning out I might consider getting it in 2019-20, especially if they do release a real Metroid game on it.


Quote from: Quietus on October 23, 2016, 12:07:05 PM
I admit that I like some of the ideas behind it all, but I can't help but think that while mobility is a nice feature, to me it's always an exta feature, and not a mainstay. I always feel like despite this direction they've been taking for a while, the large majority of players are not going to make use of it, and will still spend most of their time at home with a controller in hand in front of a TV or on a PC, playing games as they have done for generations.
Well, the thing is:
The portable part is basically only going to be seen as mostly a gimmick here, it's actually going to be seen as the main way to use the system elsewhere.


Yeah, I understood that much, but I just hope they aren't so blind as to launch a machine marketed toward that much of a minority.

* Quietus looks slowly back and forth between his Wii and WiiU. :suspect:

Steel Sparkle

Time for some bad news. While it looks like the NS has skyrim remastered and some basketball game those are not confirmed as of yet. so don't get your hopes too high. so that commercial has some misleading content making people think those are coming out for sure when that is not the case. Other than that it's alright. Still waiting for a new metroid game. hopefully this console will have that.

Zero One

I'm a horrendous Nintendo fanboy, and shall be buying. Most likely at launch too.