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Is the Metroid fanbase fated to fade away like Mega Man's did?

Started by Zero Dozer, September 26, 2016, 05:15:17 PM

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Zero Dozer

On a chat with some friends from a former Mega Man site (Mega Man X9, you guys must know about it), I may have realized how the Mega Man fanbase, after five years of huge mistreatment from Capcom, have mostly disbanded instead of keeping themselves together. Such example is how the Mega Man X9 community vanished overnight and Perfect Memories, seemingly inactive, is the last known place for Mega Man fans to gather.

And now we have the situation with Metroid. The AM2R mess, Federation Force, and Metroid's 30th being treated like nothing by Nintendo. While the ROM hacking community is still going strong, this very site as an example, and we still have the Metroid Database around, I wonder how much is left from the Metroid fanbase and how long it will last. Will the Metroid fanbase endure? Will it shatter and fade away like it's happening with the Mega Man fanbase?

I know the title sounds alarmist and all, but that conversation got me thinking about it. My friend there said "Sites and fanbases come and go, and we took these for granted in the Internet", but should we think the same from Metroid?

Edit: Before anyone asks, I made this thread because I thought the topic wasn't about AM2R nor the fan game thing, but the entire fanbase as a whole, AKA I thought it was a different topic to discuss.


I'd say we should focus on enjoying it while it is here, rather than waste time needlessly worrying over whether it will continue to be here. If it stays, it stays, and if it goes, it goes. :neutral:


We won't roll over dead anytime soon, I think we still have years to go before any of that should be of concern.

Steel Sparkle

With metroidvania greatness that can come out from the indie crowd. Retro classics along with hacks from this site and Fan projects like AM2R i don't see the fanbase dying anytime soon.

Zero Dozer

Quote from: Steel Sparkle on September 26, 2016, 08:39:01 PM
With metroidvania greatness that can come out from the indie crowd. Retro classics along with hacks from this site and Fan projects like AM2R i don't see the fanbase dying anytime soon.

I actually hope that the Metroid fanbase keeps going as strong as it can for the years to come.

A Dummy

I think the Megaman fanbase is still alive, they've just moved on to other things.
Just take a look at 20XX, which might as well be the true next Megaman game that succeeds where MN9 fails.

And speaking of fangames...I'll just leave this here.

As for Metroid, as long as I live I will always be a fan of the Metroid series, one of my favorite game series since I was a child, and I plan to keep coming to this website until it's shutdown completely.
And even then I still plan on hanging around the Discord chat, and maybe one day I'll even check out the IRC I keep hearing about.

As far as I'm concerned Nintendo is done with the series, but it will still live on as people still do live speedruns of Super Metroid and continue enjoying the games, not to mention all the indie titles that are also Metroid inspired.

Metroid's Great, best game! Metroid's great, best game!


Megaman is not as interesting as metroid in terms of potential. It's just a platformer, it's the exploration that will keep metroid fan games fresh.


Whoa I just got stuck watching Mega Man X Corrupted videos on youtube for the last hour haha!


Quote from: Zero Dozer on September 26, 2016, 05:15:17 PM
While the ROM hacking community is still going strong,
Not sure I can agree with you there. We have more tools and knowledge than ever now, but we have less than a third of the contributors we had in, say, 2008. Metroid obscuring with time is certainly thanks to Nintendo's neglect of the IP. No new consumers being introduced.

It's okay though, you've got at least 60 years before we [the hardcore fans] physically die off.


I've seen the exact same thing happen with the Advance Wars fanbase, in terms of ROMHacking.

The knowledge around allows for literal wizardry and whatever, but I'm literally the only person left who's actively contributing to it.

Metroid was a significantly larger fanbase to begin with so it'll take longer to die out (and the ROMHacking interest will sustain it for a while, as will things like AM2R being great) but without new blood fanbases stagnate and slowly die.


While nintendo is not doing anything, proper, with the metroid IP today, which is a shame. But I think it's way to early to call it the death of the brand. It might take a long ass while before the next game, but I doubt nintendo will completely drop it.


Just remember that there was a 8(?) year period drought and the next games were a new fps and didn't have the normal power suit look. I'm sure Metroid won't die out for a long time. Plus it's the Internet. Probably would be better for the community if it was popular in Japan and not mostly Murica, but whatever


It really depends on Nintendo. If they keep continuing to ignore the Metroid series or come out with weak games, then maybe...


A Metroid game is most likely going to appear for the Nintendo Switch. It all depends on it.


I would be genuinely shocked if I heard Nintendo hadn't started a Metroid game within the past year.


Metroid fans can weather a drought more gracefully. They haven't been so fractured by franchise bloat in the way of Megaman, Sonic, and all. Still I can't help miss the campy American Robotnik. Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog is unmatched for what it is.


As someone who has run a retro game forum for over 17 years.. I know that not just the love of the game, but common interests of the regulars tends to keep the spirit alive. The game, "Dungeon Master" was released in the late 80s.. people are still making new dungeons and not only this but new clones like "Grimlock" have arisen as a result.. that particular title actually started on our forum as fan work..

It's quite possible that people here will do the same. Nintendo has shut down some projects, and I'm not going to finish my super metroid remake as a result of that. However, it doesn't stop me from working on metroid inspired works :)

I also don't think Megaman fans have lost their interest either. The mighty number 9 was not a huge success, but it wasn't a complete disaster either. There are a few Megaman Clones on steam too. It's because the fan base is strong enough, that people try to make these titles.. and sometimes, in the process of making the new titles, they gain a few new fans of the series. :)


To be honest I doubt it. While Metroid does get the backseat most of the time, Nintendo really hasn't forgotten about it. Even with the release of Samus Returns and the soon to be released Prime 4 it seems Metroid is returning with quite the vengeance. Though I could be wrong, but I prefer to think positive thoughts.