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[SM] Phazon Hack 0.5 (Under Construction)

Started by A_red_monk_called_Key, January 12, 2010, 04:19:46 PM

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Speed Booster is most likely the closest of the three.

[spoiler=Speed Booster]Check the Hub Ship area more thoroughly... You might have missed something.[/spoiler]


Finished 6:20 - 66%
pretty fun overall. exploration was a little frustrating but i didn't mind. Power cool GFX throughout, the bosses looked pretty cool especially draygon. good job red-monkey!
[spoiler]Was the space jump in this? i never found it, i hope he didn't force that stupid lake enemy freeze for the first PB tank[/spoiler]


yeah, space jump is there.  i found it by accident while i was messing around with some hi-jump codes.  there's a lake-ish area that it's in.


Quote from: Daltone on January 18, 2010, 01:49:20 AM
Finished 6:20 - 66%
[spoiler]Was the space jump in this? i never found it, i hope he didn't force that stupid lake enemy freeze for the first PB tank[/spoiler]

Space Jump was actually pretty much just below you in the water. You were supposed to Shinespark across that lake though. If you entered that place from the sewers, you would've been able to charge a shinespark 2 rooms before, then come out of the orange door in the previous room (sucks cause you can't go back if you screw it up), then you just shoot open the blue door on the right, and shinespark through. Space Jump was directly below you in the next room at the start of the second lake room (with the SB block bridge).


zhs2, sorry to be a pain, but could you be a tad more specific?  I have x-rayed what I think is every inch of the area I think you mean, and nothing.   I found a secret passage I thought was the answer but it only lead to a reserve tank.  Here is my current equipment list:

[spoiler]Super missiles (70), phazon missiles (10), morphing ball, spring ball, e-tanks (6), reserve tank (1), red phazon, high jump, charge, spazer, dark, echo, x-ray.  Bosses killed - Spore spawn, Phantoon[/spoiler]


Quote from: DonnyDonovan
zhs2, sorry to be a pain, but could you be a tad more specific?  I have x-rayed what I think is every inch of the area I think you mean, and nothing.
The Hub Ship is the area you need Super Missiles to enter; it has the deck tileset from Fusion.

If you really can't find it by looking around in there:
[spoiler]Go in the bottommost right door. Shoot the floor near where the back window is blown out in that hallway, and follow the Morph Ball tunnel to the end and through another familiar warp gate. Navigate Phazon Mines to find and claim Speed Booster.[/spoiler]


Oh, I see what I did now.  I thought you meant the Powerplant area that uses wrecked ship tiles when you said "hub ship area."  You mean the [spoiler]warp[/spoiler] area.

I'm sure I'll find it now.  I explored that area a little but not terribly thoroughly.  Many thanks.


ARRGH! I'm seeing all these spoiler tags which makes me want to make time to play this hack. But I'm addicted to other things atm... rawr.


Quote from: DonnyDonovan on January 18, 2010, 10:13:21 PM
Oh, I see what I did now.  I thought you meant the Powerplant area that uses wrecked ship tiles when you said "hub ship area."  You mean the [spoiler]warp[/spoiler] area.

I'm sure I'll find it now.  I explored that area a little but not terribly thoroughly.  Many thanks.

[spoiler=SpeedBooster is]
in the mines. Look for a tall vertical room with a heap of doors on the right wall[/spoiler]


Got it a while ago.  I also got [spoiler]grapple[/spoiler] and [spoiler]blue phazon[/spoiler].

I'm rolling now.  'Tis a fun hack.  I'm pretty addicted to it. 


I've been playing this hack for several hours now. Just got speed booster, I tend to find things I'm not even after. Overall, this is a very good hack, it's just such a shame there are glitches in it. If it were more refined, we'd have ourselves one of the best full hacks made so far.

I'd love to see a map of this game sometime. The warp sector is an interesting concept, however with it buggering up the map, that is why I said I'd love to see a full map of the game sometime. All my exploration progress get's jumbled. With a game this big and non-linear, having your map progress intact is essential.

Maybe someone will fix this up someday, a game with this much effort put into it deserves the royal treatment of it being without errors. Looking at you red-monkey, make this shit official. Get a patch up for us sometime, I'd enjoy a fixed up version. Fantastic job so far.

edit: thoughts of storyline on irc:

Quote<Digital_Mantra> i wonder what the storyline is for this hack
<Digital_Mantra> seeing as you're dark samus
<FullOfFail> dunno
<Digital_Mantra> does that mean that you became a sentient being born of phazon or some x parasyte taking the form of samus, with your own personal agenda? the way you enter the game, its as if you were a failed experiment, walking out of your capsule.
<Digital_Mantra> instead of fighting off aliens, you're fighting off technological beings
<Digital_Mantra> sorta a bad guy thing to do
<FullOfFail> the capsul thing caught me off guard
<FullOfFail> it was like it was warped there
<Digital_Mantra> i saw it as some experiment that was discarded, yet you emerged from it, as dark samus
<Digital_Mantra> so you fuck up a power plant
<Digital_Mantra> etc, lol
<FullOfFail> lol
<Digital_Mantra> the real samus finds you, what then. you want the real samus to win but youve been playing for so long
<Digital_Mantra> kill the bitch
<FullOfFail> i wonder what enemy sprite you could use
<FullOfFail> it's kewl how the spacepirates look like astronauts too, or more human-like


Quote from: irc<Digital_Mantra>   i havent checked m2k2 in months, hows the reception for this hack there?

Its not at m2k2, so its not getting any reception. :P
I still check m2k2 quite regularly (more so than any other staff member I'm sure) so I can stay in the know.

(I sure as hell don't post there anymore, that place is a shit factory full of trollfags.  This place is a much better environment, we only have a few trollfags here! (one of which I can saddly do nothing about... hopefully he gets bored of it soon and goes back to being a non-trollfag...))


Quote from: IRC<FullOfFail> it's kewl how the spacepirates look like astronauts too, or more human-like
If I'm not sorely mistaken (thanks to the influence of a certain administrator on this board,) I would say those are Galactic Federation troopers.


Quote from: Zhs2 on January 20, 2010, 04:29:37 PM
Quote from: IRC<FullOfFail> it's kewl how the spacepirates look like astronauts too, or more human-like
I would say those are Galactic Federation troopers.

Yeah, it slipped my mind at the time. It was like 4 a.m. or something. Was the Torizo's supposed to be Ninjas? I didnt really connect any dots on them.


Quote from: DonnyDonovan on January 20, 2010, 12:28:10 AM
[spoiler]blue phazon[/spoiler].

where is this?  i spent a hell of a long time looking for it, but i can't find it anywhere.  i'm right by the bombs now(next room down), and i think i screwed up somewhere, because i can't go back up the long tube that brought me down and i don't have power bombs yet, either.  i could just give myself what's in that spoiler with a par code, but i'd rather find it. 


Can someone give a hint as to where Bombs are? I spent two hours finding more missiles and etanks, plus Grapple and Speed Booster and nearly getting perma-stuck and I can't find them...


Bond697: You can go back up the tube, you have to speedboost back up there.

The Blue Phazon is:
[spoiler]Through the phazon mines and in the volcano. Head back to the space hub and into the secret entrance and head right through the grapple block once you're in the mines. You should find it eventually. [/spoiler]

The bombs are:
[spoiler]In the sewers after you get the blue phazon. There's a morphball passageway under one of the chrozo statues. Head down there and take out the grapple blocks.[/spoiler]


I went searching there without the Blue Phazon and nearly got perma-stuck... I think I remember the area. I will have to go back after finding this new phazon.


The first elevator you go down upon your re-entry to snow drifts you can actually wall jump back up, which I don't recommend because it will completely destroy the graphics


5:03 / 94%

Loved the gfx changes, the enemies, bosses. Great full hack, one of the best we have out there.
I still strongly suggest a fixed up version. You know you can do it. And I'm telling you it's worth
the extra effort.


Quote from: FullOfFail on January 20, 2010, 10:53:38 PM
Bond697: You can go back up the tube, you have to speedboost back up there.

oh my god, thank you.  i thought i was completely stuck.  

e:  found it and got some power bombs.  now pretty much everything is open to me. 


Quote from: MetroidMst on January 20, 2010, 10:56:01 PM
I went searching there without the Blue Phazon and nearly got perma-stuck... I think I remember the area. I will have to go back after finding this new phazon.

Blue Phazon was one of the last items I got. I didn't know you could get it without PBs, so I did a LOT of underwater exploration. Plus freezing crabs and slowly climbing up.


I pretty much just started this. I started playing it, expecting to play for something like five or ten minutes, then quit forever, but... I'm really addicted to it. I ended up playing for about half an hour before I decided that I had to post here. It's sort of around my skill level, so I'm challenged, I LOVE the graphics, and the exploration factor was awesome. I currently have managed to find two E-tanks and charge, but no morph ball (I know where it is, but can't get to it). I also found about four or five missiles tanks, a couple super missile tanks, and springball, although I can't reach a single one of them. Found SS, and I really love what you did with that boss fight... you have some really creative ideas. Haven't run into any of these aforementioned bugs yet. Personally... I think this is my best hack ever, at least so far. It's the only one that I'm actually interested in finishing, just because it's fun enough.


Bionicle: about the only hint you'll need is that tan blast shields are event doors, don't worry about the morph


sorry for double posting (I'm on my cell and can't edit posts on mobile?) but until red monkey sticks an energy refill in the room at the bottom of that huge verticle shaft in the lower sewers that's [yet another] permastuck. Lucky I had the energy to shinespark back up. If it weren't for me finding like 5-10 permastucks and the map disappearing (not as much of a cause for complain to me as I see some people getting lost over it, but still extremely irritating) this would be one of if not the best hacks I've ever played. The amount of graphical work and imagination, as well as some badass boss fights and puzzles impress me quite a bit.