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[SM] Phazon Hack 0.5 (Under Construction)

Started by A_red_monk_called_Key, January 12, 2010, 04:19:46 PM

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i just realized while i was playing through again that a few of the rooms(one definitely, a few more if i'm remembering right) change from iced over to heated after the volcano sort of "erupts".  that's pretty cool.

well, not so much heated, but you can see that the ice melted and something sitting at the top of the room sank to the bottom.  i think it's the [spoiler]blue phazon[/spoiler] room.


Well, got trapped in a majorly glitched-up room, and accidentally took a savestate in there, so I couldn't get out. So... I edited the only door I could reach (which was glitched up as well, trapping you inside a wall if you went through it) so it went back a room. Trouble was, I had to skip Phantoon permanately due to that, as it was two rooms before him and there is no alternate route to him, so the rooms that depended on him I went ahead and had to change as well, so they basically entered their next state. So, thanks to that, which I don't think it qualifies as cheating, seeing as I couldn't face Phantoon due to the glitched up room, I got morphball, springball, a couple more missile tanks, and am on my way further in, although I'm not sure where I'm to go next.


Beat it again, 1:59-43%
I think that this is a really great hack, my first play through i missed items and got them really late.
[spoiler]i thought the heat runs were fun though without the red phazon.[/spoiler]
I hope he fixes all the little problems with it, i will play it again regardless due to how much fun it is.
I found a bunch of bugs but i'm sure red-monkey and all of you have as well.

[attachment deleted by admin]


Actually, if Red Monkey ok's it, I'd like to work on getting rid of a bunch of the glitches in here. Not actually changing any level design, but fixing tiny permastuck areas, and skipping rooms that are messed up, and probably trying to fix them if I can. This hack is definitely worth the effort to get rid of those bugs - I think it could become a very good hack if they were fixed.


Thanks everybody for playing my hack. for the people who are lost with the map,
[spoiler]Large Map for Phazon hack

[/spoiler] and for the people lost with the order of items, [spoiler]Charge Beam,(Super)Missile,Red Phazon, Spazer, Morphing Ball, Spring Ball, Dark Beam, Phazon Missile, Echo Beam, Hi-Jump, Speed Booster, X-Ray, Grappling Beam, Nova Beam, Blue Phazon, Bomb, Space Jump, Power Bomb, Screw Attack. [/spoiler] 100% Items 101% if you find the hidden boss.
Beam combos. test beam combos mix 2 for great effect, mix 3 and the beam will be weak. (this does not include charge beam)


Thank you for the maps and the order of the items. But can you fix some of the glitches, the perma-stuck's, and make it more nicer. That would be nice! :^_^:


if some someone could explain the bugs on the the map i posted i'll make the changes.


Red Monkey, is it ok if I go ahead and try to fix some of the other bugs that simple level editing can get rid of? Not actually changing your rooms beyond a tile or two, but removing majorly messed up rooms and such.


Question about power bombs one other thing:

[spoiler]How do you shinespark across that lake and not have to do the annoying freeze the enemies thing?  I followed the instructions but you run into some blocks.  FWIW I did get PBs.  In fact, the only inventory item I don't have is the final beam.  Nova beam I think it is?  A hint as to it's location would be great.  Thanks[/spoiler]

Edit:  Found spacejump.  SA too.  Looking for one beam.

Edit 2:  Ridley.  WTF?  Killable?  Best method?


Ridley [spoiler]He is tough, nova/ice combo is the best (adding echo makes it powerful weak)[/spoiler]


Hint as to the location of [spoiler]Nova?[/spoiler]   I can't find it.

Charged shots better or just fire away?


Nova [spoiler]When you shine spark left in the power plant you start seeing those red rooms, go explore those. it's near a elevator i think?[/spoiler]
Ridley is just tough, get some e-tanks as its a long fight.


NVM.  Found it.

Finished it.   I pretty much echo what has been said thus far.  Factoring in the graphical changes, the boss fights, the fun factor, this hack is fantastic, and with a little polish (and the map problems solved) could be one of the greatest full hacks in existence.  It's that good.  If you like a hack with a heavy emphasis on exploration as opposed to difficult tricks/enemies, you can't do any better.  Congrats RedMonkey.  Just outstanding work.   


I got morphball, springball, charge, ice, spazer, and like 25 (super)missiles. anyone want to point me in the right direction?


nope, im stuck at the spot you are, ony i have 50 (super) missiles :grin:


Quote from: Bloodsonic on January 30, 2010, 10:56:03 PM
I got morphball, springball, charge, ice, spazer, and like 25 (super)missiles. anyone want to point me in the right direction?

Quote from: Shadox on January 30, 2010, 11:12:57 PM
nope, im stuck at the spot you are, ony i have 50 (super) missiles :grin:

Go to the greyish power plant near where you started, and go up


stuck again...
I just went through a grapple path in the sewers, and apparently I am boxed in by water and two black doors. any hints?


Bloods: If you went too far in without the gravity you mighta got yourself permistuck, bud. If you can't find any enemies to freeze and escape you might just have to open it up in smile and use the closest savestation...or place blocks so you can escape. I think I know the area you're talking about, but I already had the gravity by the time I reached it.


got everything but space jump. Hint? I feel like I've looked everywhere, the glitched map doesn't help


I just finished it yesterday after taking a long break. I have to say wow. Easily one of the best hacks I've played to date. The enemy edits were for the most part the most epic I've seen, besides a few from our own crashtour. The layout was very fun because I got lost quite easily. The item order was definitely unexpected. I find that the placement of Bombs later in the hack is a brilliant move in some cases, because bombs let you go almost anywhere from the start, and you never gave the player that option.

[spoiler]The tiles and room design were most epic. You have a good eye for that as well, but there were still a few rooms I wasn't so fond of your tiling. Most those involved the outside Wrecked Ship tiles. But for the most part the room design was great. You definitely don't quite have the same level put into it as some here, but it was still great.

The problems... The map kept glitching up on me which is a pretty bad thing to happen. Later in the game the map would show I had been in parts of rooms I never got to before. It just got be a distraction to the player. And then there were the perma-stucks. These really need to be addressed before the map issue is ever taken care of. I almost got stuck in the sewers where the big tube you needed speed-boost to get through was. I did get stuck where I got my first Power-Bombs because I got in the room which uncerimoniously locked behind me and showed me nothing but a Bomb block, and I did not have bombs. Thankfully I had a save-state right outside because I tried a few times to get the speed-boost right to get in there. Those are just the ones I found, and they should be addressed because if those were wiped out and the map fixed, it would be the best hack I've played to date.[/spoiler]

I would also like to ask if you plan on releasing any of your design edits for others to use. I think it would be great if you did to allow even more awesome variety into Super Metroid hacking.


i fix the problems posted here, the map will be some time. i have been working on two hacks for the past year. the phazon hack was for my friends who were new to metroid. the other hack is my main focus but i'll take a brake for a wile and work on the the map. also i'll add more new GFX and change the secret boss to look more the two final bosses. if you post more about the problems i'll do my best to change them. 


Other than the map and the one perma-stuck (And the almost perma-stuck) situations I didn't have any problems. I think there were some others who found other perma-stucks, but I haven't found them.


5:54, 81%.  Took goddamn forever.  The partial map was fairly annoying, it was really hard to tell where I had already been and where I hadn't.  The two biggest "where the hell do I go" moments were definitely power bombs and getting to the space station.  I thought that both of those shinesparks had very little hints to them other than the half glitchy map sections that revealed there was something over there.

Overall though this is one of the coolest looking hacks I've seen just by the enemy sprite edits if nothing else.  Item progression was pretty unique and having some state changing rooms was a nice effect.  It does have a lot of problems, there are many underwater permastucks, a glitchy room somewhere in phazon mines that crashes (probably that sound bug) and of course, the not working map.  I hope you polish it a little bit more, look forward to whatever you're currently making. 


can't find the grapple beam :sad: