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ITT: Cross-website drama

Started by Infinitys_End, March 02, 2016, 07:26:59 PM

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You guys do realize that:

1.) This is AlexR yet again
2.) He continues to completely rip off Von's old sprites (not just Samus, but all the bg tiles and UI) from the old MSR388 videos and claim that he made them
3.) He's not got a shred of talent or dignity in his entire soul
4.) playing you all for fools.

Vismund Cygnus

1.) Yes
2.) Yes, and how dare he use assets from an old, unfinished fangame that will never be done because Von chucked a hissy fit
3.) Yes, but the same could be said for all us hackers, we're just using Nintendo's assets and they're a big company so it's not such a big deal
4.) Yes, I am a known fool


So you're saying you're completely okay with this douche lying to you at every step of the way by claiming he made these sprites when he in fact, did not?


I dunno IE, 1 and 2 are pretty obvious. I ain't hiding that. 3 and 4 are obvious as fuck though, because everyone knows that I'm a talentless piece of shit.
Here's the thing, though: I -did- make everything you see. Pixel by pixel. I took liberties for sure, but I did put in the effort. I don't have a clue as to why you're so against this project.

Everything you see here was made by me.

The particles, (most of) Samus's animations, water effects, sound effects, everything except for the UI which I'm planning on scrapping anyway, was made by me. I'll give credit where it's due for sure, I respect your project immensely, but it goes beyond "he stole assets, didn't give credit, is an asshole". If I didn't respect your project, I wouldn't have bothered working on this engine for as long as I did. I liked the project, and I made my own recreation. You should be flattered.

And don't act like you own the intellectual property for this sort of thing. It would've been a different story had I been using the -original- assets that your team made for MSR388, instead of the SM edits.

Vismund Cygnus

Quote from: Infinitys_End on March 02, 2016, 07:56:10 PM
So you're saying you're completely okay with this douche lying to you at every step of the way by claiming he made these sprites when he in fact, did not?
Considering I don't believe you lot ever released anything in the way of material from MSR388, I'd honestly be shocked if he hadn't made them himself. Taken inspiration from them? Sure. Directly stolen? Fuck no.
I can understand you might be upset that he's doing what you and your team apparently spent years working on, but honestly, when was the last time any work was even done on MSR388? Last I'd heard, it was cancelled over 8 years ago. I mean, if you're still actively working on it, by all means, be fucking mad. But you've said yourself it was cancelled and would never see the light of day:
QuoteFuture viewers of this video: the game has been canceled and development will no longer continue.  I was one of the game's developers (Infinity's End).  No, the assets will not be released to the public.  No, the game will not be picked up again and completed by a new team.  It is dead.  Von quit working on it 6 years ago.  99% of this video is a lie - the "engine" was mostly just a series of Game Maker demos that were strung together to make it seem like a real game was there, but in fact, the actual level design had not even begun to be made.  About 2 years ago, the game was picked up by another team of people, one that I was trying to lead, and that lasted up until late last year (2013).  It was being designed in Scirra's Construct 2 engine.  Samus was completely remade (not the one in the video, this one far surpasses it) as well as all the enemies in the game.  Long story short, the other team members did not want to work on the game due to RL issues and other developmental problems.  (A lot of it has to do with volunteer-only work; passion only gets you so far when you're working on a game of such scope)  Sorry to disappoint you all.  If you have any further questions about the legitimacy of my claims, feel free to email me: infinitysend0 [at] gmail [dot] com.  I have also made a few posts about it over at AM2R's forums but you'll have to search around for it.
The only suggestion I have is to please like this comment so it stays up top to allow future viewers to see it.
Quote from: Physix on March 02, 2016, 07:57:32 PM
And don't act like you own the intellectual property for this sort of thing. It would've been a different story had I been using the -original- assets that your team made for MSR388, instead of the SM edits.
and to add to this, even if he had stolen the exact sprites/assets from MSR388, how can you claim ownership of a thing you don't own? Last I checked, Von Richter never exactly had exclusive rights to Metroid.


Thank you for pointing this out. There is this website, something about a database and Metroids, that is using all these sprites that I'm pretty sure Nintendo made, and I don't think they were given written permission. Maybe you can help find someone in charge who could take them down? I'm seriously offended. Like, they aren't even part of some dumb game, just sitting there on the website. Like seriously, look at this -

Direct from the games even! Who would even dare right?

Now if you don't mind me, I'm going to sit over here in my glass house and steal some sprites while I'm being salty my favorite game franchise is continually getting more attention from actual fans and not Nintendo.


I stole the "Insanity" name from Kej's hack. Where is my hate? :(


Quote from: Cpt.Glitch on March 02, 2016, 10:15:42 PM
I stole the "Insanity" name from Kej's hack. Where is my hate? :(

Fuck you. I hate you.

Zero One

Whoa, hang on here, people have been stealing assets from work that isn't theirs and reusing them? Oh god NO!

oh well time to ban the entire forum because literally everybody is doing that because that's basically the definition of ROM hacking

But seriously, if all you're going to do here is pop up once in a while and stir up shit, you can stay the fuck away. Literally everybody knew he's AlexR and quite frankly, I'm impressed that he can rip assets from something that never saw the light of day. The guy must have incredible telekinetic abilities to somehow manage to rip those assets from a game that may or may not even exist at this point, and then send them to himself.

What Physix is producing is currently one of, if not THE, most impressive fan-made Metroid engine to date, which is significantly more than can be said for MSR388; a game which apparently consisted of a few test rooms and actually nothing cohesive at all.

TL;DR brains or gtfo


Quote from: MetroidMst on March 02, 2016, 08:34:30 PM
Thank you for pointing this out. There is this website, something about a database and Metroids, that is using all these sprites that I'm pretty sure Nintendo made, and I don't think they were given written permission. Maybe you can help find someone in charge who could take them down? I'm seriously offended. Like, they aren't even part of some dumb game, just sitting there on the website. Like seriously, look at this -

Direct from the games even! Who would even dare right?

Now if you don't mind me, I'm going to sit over here in my glass house and steal some sprites while I'm being salty my favorite game franchise is continually getting more attention from actual fans and not Nintendo.

Savage as fuck.......I like it.

Seriously though I need to get something clear. Was the engine for this fangame made by physix entirely separate from sr388? Ie. did physix write the code for this engine?
If so then who the fuck cares if he's using sprites that are barely even different from super metroid? He doesn't even have to use them in the end once the game engine is finished! So why the fuck are you acting like he's 'playing us'? We all know who he is, and we all know what he's done in the past. But here's where it stands today:

No matter what kind of person this guy is, he's built a fucking great fan game engine so far. Sprites made from images of sprites that someone made 8 years ago and never put to actual use, or not.

As for SR388? It had a cool video or two. That's all it ever had. If you can tell us that there was a lot of progress made on that game, and that it didn't completely dissolve many many years ago, then we can talk about it.

Otherwise, there is no problem here.


Quote from: Quote58 on March 03, 2016, 03:22:01 AM

Savage as fuck.......I like it.

Seriously though I need to get something clear. Was the engine for this fangame made by physix entirely separate from sr388? Ie. did physix write the code for this engine?
If so then who the fuck cares if he's using sprites that are barely even different from super metroid? He doesn't even have to use them in the end once the game engine is finished! So why the fuck are you acting like he's 'playing us'? We all know who he is, and we all know what he's done in the past. But here's where it stands today:

No matter what kind of person this guy is, he's built a fucking great fan game engine so far. Sprites made from images of sprites that someone made 8 years ago and never put to actual use, or not.

As for SR388? It had a cool video or two. That's all it ever had. If you can tell us that there was a lot of progress made on that game, and that it didn't completely dissolve many many years ago, then we can talk about it.

Otherwise, there is no problem here.

It had quite a bit of progress on it. The new Samus sprites (with a SHIT TON of animations) that they made were fantastic.

Oh whoops there I fucking go again, stealing assets.


At first I was kinda surprised about the lack of respect I just received, and then I realized it was justly deserved since none of you have the perspective I have.
AlexR has stalked and harassed me for YEARS. He would constantly make new accounts and troll the MDb forum, demanding that we just give him MSR388's assets, for no reason, just because he wanted them. And each time I would have to ban him. Why do you think he's had all these alt accounts, all these different names? Because he wanted to keep harassing me and finding a way to get these sprites. Obsessively so. This has been going on for the last 6 or so years, but yeah fuck IE, right?

Since I refused to give him the graphics, he later took matters in his own hands and replicated the frames seen in the low quality videos.

So I understand no one around here really gives a shit, yeah okay - but I would appreciate it if people actually understood my side of the story. MSR388's development was an insane rollercoaster and is one that I'll never go on again.  I'm truly sorry if I offended any of you, but I feel like I truly reserve the right to be pissed at him, no matter how "amazing" his engine may seem. Don't worry, seeing as I get no sympathy around here, I'll take my salt elsewhere from now on.

Oh and as for new Samus sprites, do you mean these?

(No, that's not all of them.)
I am curious: Physix - how many of those sprites did Matt give you? Just the one?


An entire video, actually. That power bomb looks amazing; I'll never be able to match it. Massive respect to Tokinsom.

QuoteSince I refused to give him the graphics, he later took matters in his own hands and replicated the frames seen in the low quality videos.

Actually, I didn't. I only copied grip, braking, and pushing. The vast majority was made by me without any video reference (because the videos were shit quality anyway, as you said).

QuoteHe would constantly make new accounts and troll the MDb forum, demanding that we just give him MSR388's assets, for no reason, just because he wanted them.

Welp, better ban him from every Metroid community in existence. Because fucking with IE is as good as fucking with the entirety of the Metroid community.

Oh hey, I can post sprites too!

You jealous yet?


Kind of hard to get "respect" when you throw a little baby hissyfit over something you have specifically said yourself is long dead and not going to get any attention. Someone based, maybe even took, some assets from this long dead project? Maybe you should actually feel proud stuff you were part is still considered good enough to use? I don't know. . . It's not like you're using it.

And other than a big he said-she said thing, I can't make a judgement on anything else. 1: It's the internet, if you're so thin-skinned a 13 year old upsets you so much you should probably stay off of it. 2: He was how old again? I'm by no means particularly fond of him, but there is a massive difference in how people act at 13 and 14, let alone the amount of time you're talking about. Have you been harrased recently? (Again lol)

You're getting mocked because, quite frankly, you're being an idiot. Either Physix will do the same things he did before and get banned again, or he has grown up and won't. I know which one I'm hoping for.

Unless stealing sprites from a game that has been dead for years is that serious, in which case I expect MDb to be taken down before I get home from work. You know, unless you're a hypocrite or something.


Looking at this in my usual cold, logical manner:
SR388 is dead, and Infinitys_End should be chuffed that somebody is willing to carry the torch, one way or another. Perhaps even going as far as providing the assets, which seem to have been withheld simply because "It's mine!"
If Physix has been pestering Infinitys_End, that's not on, but it has no relevance on this project within our community.
This project looks great, and I'd love to see it completed, just like I'd love to have seen SR388 completed.

Zero One

Split this into its own thread because it's a significant derailment.

IE, you may reserve the right to be pissed off, but to come on here, spouting a bunch of shit and insulting the userbase is NOT ok. Neither is making accusations against a member of this community without any proof. Neither is doing it in such a public manner - the correct action would be to notify one of the staff. And even if you did that, I'd still be reluctant to ban a person for stuff done on a completely different website. I hope this is the last of this discussion, but I'm leaving the thread temporarily open for any last minute comments/rebuttals/aplogies/whatever.

A Dummy

The only thing that really caught my attention was I noticed how similar Physix's fan game looked to Scooterboot's fangame, but I figure that's because they were both made in Game Maker.
It also sounds like he used some stuff from SR388 so that's probably also why I'm seeing some similarities between the two.
Either way I'm not going to complain about more Metroid stuff being made.

Scooterboot's video to show what I mean:

Edit: 30 seconds later after I post, than I see an update by Scooterboot explaining some things, so nevermind me.


We collaborated, but decided that it'd be best if we each made our own. He needed the learning experience, I needed the graphics.

A Dummy

Yeah, I thought that was pretty funny too. XD
Anyway it's cool to hear you're both kinda working together on making your own separate games.  Or would that be called working off of each other?


It's more like "sharing is caring." :^_^: