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Guides for SMILE 2.5

Started by Vismund Cygnus, May 02, 2015, 11:47:47 PM

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Vismund Cygnus

So Kennon and myself have been working at this for a little while, and here is what we've come up with. . .
Guides for SMILE 2.5!
(it really doesn't look like too much, does it?)
And now, we're turning to you lot for help!
As you can see, we've come up with what I'd frankly call a buttload of things that we need to have guides for, and we need your help filling these out. There's a ton of you guys, who are probably much more able than the two of us to write a bunch of these guides, so if you want to give back to the community, here's your chance.
In addition, if you have any ideas for guides, things that we should cover, etc., feel free to suggest them here or add them yourself! The only condition is that for this section in particular we're talking about SMILE guides, not guides for Hex Editor/Tileset Editor-specific things. That's not to say that they shouldn't be written (please do write them!), just ensure that you place those guides in their correct sections.


Should we not have some way of nabbing these?  It'd be annoying if two people pick the same guide, and one ends up having wasted their time.


The more the better, even if for the same subject. People learn in different ways, and people explain things differently. What may help one person learn how to use the editor may be Chinese to another.


Oh, OK.  If we're accepting more than one guide for each topic, then what I said above doesn't matter. :^_^:


What you should be doing is making a topic here for whatever is being written on the wiki and then using the thread to collaborate if more than one people want to write on a topic.

Example: "SMILE 2.5 Guide (Editing Rooms Pt3)" as an example topic, if people get stuck they are likely to just ask for help rather than read another guide anyway.