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Better Wall Jump

Started by Corpsecrank, March 20, 2015, 09:20:36 AM

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I don't know if there is one or not but I wanted to change wall jumps to make it less frustrating. The timing on wall jumps is bs and always has been it feels broken and I wanted to try to change it for use with some of the hacks I have since they require a lot of wall jumps.

Anyone know if one is already around and where to get it or if there are any limitations that prevent making this better etc?


I don't think anyone's ever done anything significant with wall jumping, except for disabling it. What sort of changes would you want? Wall jumping is based on distance from the wall, and all that's important is that you're holding away before you press jump. Timing isn't really a physical thing


I remember talking about it before, but as P.J. said, I'm not sure if it ever went anywhere.


I believe in the coming Redesign Axiel Edition Drewseph has made it so all you have to do is be holding jump and push away from the wall and you automatically walljump off any walls that you can.


Pretty much just looking for an easier way to wall jump consistently. I don't really know what makes wall jumping such a pain but it doesn't work well if you ask me. I think it might also be an issue of holding away from the wall actually moving the character away from the wall and then the jump button not causing a wall jump because you were to far away maybe. Anyhow it is taking away from the fun factor here every time I need to use it.


Didn't grime change it in PB? I don't really have troubles with walljumping as-is so I might not have recognized any change but everything else felt so much smoother.


I remember talking about this way back, and I remember saying that the problem with wall-jumping in Super as opposed to the GBA games (where it's much easier) is not that you need to master the timing, but acknowledge that there IS a timing.  You can't just press away from the wall and jump at the same time, as you just fall every time.  Once you grasp that tiny delay between pressing left / right and then the jump button, it becomes a lot easier to pull off.


In Zero Mission you can pretty much stick to a wall when you wall jump it, that's not quite possible in SM, but almost. I am, of course, referring to single wall wall-jumping here. :p

One change that could be done is the megaman approach, where you old against the wall to wall jump instead of away from it. But that'd require someone to be arsed to make those somewhat complex changes. Which I don't think there are many who do. SM wall jumping is hard to learn, but easy to master, once you start to get some hang of it then it really stops being a problem.

If you're looking for a room to train then I recommend the wall-jumping teaching room in green brinstar, it was made for it and is probably the best enviroment to train wall jumping in if we look in vanilla. If you later down the line want a test of mastery: Try getting up the red brinstar shaft without freezing any enemy and without hi-jump, space jump, etc. It's really rewarding once you can pull it off!


The giant shaft down to Grapple Beam is also a great place for practicing single-wall jumping.  There's nothing to really hurt you, and you don't have to turn off your sound to prevent the Etecoon noises from driving you insane.

I had a very hard time wall-jumping in Zero Mission.  I'm tuned for the SNES.


adamf: I think he's not quite grasped regular wall jumping just yet, which you'll have to do before getting into doing single wall wall-jumping. :P
So for starter, a place with two walls closer to each other are better.


Quote from: Crys on March 21, 2015, 10:01:32 AM
adamf: I think he's not quite grasped regular wall jumping just yet, which you'll have to do before getting into doing single wall wall-jumping. :P
So for starter, a place with two walls closer to each other are better.

Ah, true.

If I remember, I had a devil of a time learning to walljump on the console.  I'm glad they made the "ok, you made one walljump, good job, you can exit this place now" pathway.  It took me a while to get the timing down... first I had to even see there was a walljump pose, to know what the window for hitting the jump is.  And then, it feels like there's a small window where the pose is still drawn but hitting the button doesn't have any effect, but that could just be my own sloppy timing.


Quote from: Crys on March 20, 2015, 07:56:45 PM
One change that could be done is the megaman approach, where you hold against the wall to wall jump instead of away from it. But that'd require someone to be arsed to make those somewhat complex changes. Which I don't think there are many who do.
I believe at one point Crashtour was doing something along these lines but i didn't hear anything about it after we talked. :/
pretty sure he said it was very possible though.


He did, at least where I linked above anyway.  Maybe we'll just have to make all hacks with one-tile-wide shafts, so everybody can just mash the jump button? :^_^:


Quote from: Quietus on March 20, 2015, 09:39:27 AM
I remember talking about it before, but as P.J. said, I'm not sure if it ever went anywhere.
Uhhhhh...  Well, that explains where the idea came from.  haha

Yeah, wall slide in SM is a fully finished and polished thing.  Had to rewrite part of the physics engine, alter collision detection, and some other fun stuff, but yep it was done over a year ago.


Quote from: Crashtour99 on March 22, 2015, 11:09:02 AM
Yeah, wall slide in SM is a fully finished and polished thing.  Had to rewrite part of the physics engine, alter collision detection, and some other fun stuff, but yep it was done over a year ago.

I don't get why you'd need to say "yup it's done don't worry about it" when such a feature hasn't and won't be seen in any released patches or hacks in any near future. It's not out for use in any way so whether it's been done or not doesn't matter to the rest of the planet that isn't you. Why bother telling us?


Maybe it's going to be the next Asset of the Month winrar?!


Quote from: DSO on March 22, 2015, 01:07:43 PM
Maybe it's going to be the next Asset of the Month winrar?!
here's hoping..   :colonrightv: