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Super Metroid: Arrival (fixt 0.4)

Started by Jiffy, February 05, 2015, 04:21:07 PM

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So here it is. I really could not be bothered to wait 'til April 1st, so here it is.

[spoiler=Images (September 2014)]
Icy Area, along with Grime Beam GFX.

Some new GFX I drew.

Landing Site with new ship GFX.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Credits]Beta Testers:


I'll fill the rest of this in when I can be bothered. (Don't worry, it'll be pretty soon.)[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Author Notes]Super Metroid Arrival, a hack of Super Metroid. Takes place after Fusion and is a fun play. Patch is for Unheadered JU Rom.[/spoiler]

Please note: Right now, the Percentage is not working. Scyzer's ASM is being annoying and totals the End-Game % to 0%, so I decided not to use it until I can fix it (which shall come in a later patch, possibly V1.01). Though in total there are all Items (decluding X-Ray and including Wall-Jump boots), 200 Missiles, 20 Supers, 30 Power Bombs and 7 E-Tanks. And 4 Chozo Keys. (Reserve Tanks.) Percentage is fixed (thank you Person!), but if you want it, I'm going to wait until bugs are found, or I'll wait a Month before releasing V1.01 with the patch in it.
Enjoy!  :^_^:


Sweet! It's been awhile since I've posted here! Seems I've missed a lot of good stuff.  :razz: I'll be giving this a play over the weekend. Looks promising.


Thank you.
Also, thanks to BloodSonic. Fixed Patch is linked in the first post. I had sharing door pointers.


Oh cool, Jiffyhack is out.
Also, sorry I failed to really beta test, things in real life take priority sometimes. I will definitely play this at some point though!


I'll do a blind playthough of this a bit later tonight, record it, and upload to youtube. (Because I can/bored.)

~ SpoOkyMagician


Quote from: Jefe962 on February 05, 2015, 04:21:07 PM
I'm going to wait until bugs are found
:pwuh: :pwuh: :pwuh: :pwuh: :pwuh: :pwuh: :pwuh: :pwuh: :pwuh: :pwuh:You have/had testers, and finding bugs is there job so when you release the hack it should theoretically be bug-free. I don't even with this.

That being said, due to certain permastucks and errors mentioned already, I am going to hold off until you actually polish the thing. I'm sure they have been filling you in on things there, so hopefully you get to fixing it and wiping out all errors.


Already came across something of an issue. After going down the lift, I end up warped to some other room, melted in less than two second due to being stuck and off-screen in the acid.

I was able to however do an angle jump, and it seems the lift has a bug in where touching it sends you to your death.



Waking up today I figured the problem.
Fixed patch (once and for all) should be here after school. (7 hours or so)
e; Okay, fixed patch is in the first post. All elevators are fixed in this one, so the game should be completable.


saved and when i did load the game i was here [spoiler][/spoiler] same room but a bit wrong ;P


How can you get from 1.00 to 1.04 in less than a day? Have you considered testing your fixes before releasing them?


Quote from: SMILEuser96 on February 06, 2015, 03:09:15 PM
How can you get from 1.00 to 1.04 in less than a day? Have you considered testing your fixes before releasing them?

I didn't test when I released... because I didn't think so many things were going to go wrong.
Anyway, fixed the save station and some Kraid things.


Testing is the first thing you do when you get something done so that you know it works correctly.
Releasing something without testing just shows you really don't care if it works or not when you release it, though i see you are still updating so that's nice.


Quote from: Jefe962 on February 06, 2015, 04:00:35 PMbecause I didn't think so many things were going to go wrong.
I know you've probably heard it enough but: Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong.


I completely forgot about this and did not play it at all. Sorry... However, since bugs were found, I am kind of glad I waited. I will probably update/play it tomorrow? I am busy today. :neutral:

~ SpoOkyMagician


Decided to give it another shot, and now I've come across this oddity with regards to the backgrounds.

Pausing and unpausing causes the background to end up to mostly disappear. Patched the latest version onto a fresh ROM.



Along with that issue, there's a room where either door crashes the game (it's the first one in the underwater, fusion tileset, grapple filled area).
Honestly, try actually playing your hack before uploading it next time.
Also, are you sure you're patching onto a completely clean rom? I suggest downloading a new one to be 100% sure that's not causing these issues.

Anyway this is really disappointing, simply because the hack actually looks nice. From the amount I've been able to play through before it would crash (at kraid, elevators, doors, etc), it has been kinda boring and the music doesn't really suit the areas (plus that green brinstar track is god awful in one part), but it also has good level design, nice palettes, and looks like a full hack. I was excited to play this because for a first hack it's really good.
But I'm done with it until we can be sure you've fixed the bugs and it's been extensively tested for a while before release (look at axiel, drew didn't just upload the patch, he asked for testers so he could have them play through it for a while to find any last bugs).


Quote from: Quote58
Also, are you sure you're patching onto a completely clean rom? I suggest downloading a new one to be 100% sure that's not causing these issues.

I've downloaded a couple of new ones before, and even patched on another I had inside my download folder. Same issues occured.

On top of that, while I went on to explore the hack, I went into a save station in Warlus and saved. Restated and loaded the same file, and I came across this problem now. I couldn't open the door at all, but I was able to blast the top of it and that crumbled, so I had to morph ball right in and to my shock, it froze.


Vismund Cygnus

Please remove my name as tester, I did not test this. From the looks of it nobody did.


No Aerezoloh, I meant that for jiffy. If you create the patch with a not quite clean rom, the patch will probably not work properly, and might explain the graphical bugs.


I downloaded the 1.4 version. got x's as background. patched to a clrean rom.


Somewhere between 1.0 and 1.044, you seem to have corrupted the CRE table somehow. I went in and changed the bottom right tile to blank so the backgrounds weren't all fucked, but lots of other things (shutters, metal doors) have messed up tiles.
The water room that Quote58 mentioned has no music. If I change it from Maridia to Brinstar, it works fine. Seems like the maridia song may be somehow corrupt, and may need to be reverted from a clean rom or removed from rooms that load it.

Man Jefe, don't give up on Arrival. Your hack is fun, the level design is solid, and the loud and upbeat music is actually pretty enjoyable. Your hack is also very easy, which is a rare thing to happen.
I want to come up with a lecture to tell you how you're learning and you keep learning. I know how it is to want to move on to the next project with your knew set of knowledge. I was there. This is quality stuff though, and I say that to very few people. Please take the time and patience to finish this hack. I was looking forward to it. Hell, I still am.




well that is to bad . I was liking this hack . back to waiting for someone else to posts a new hack and commit to making it work.


Stop being so absolutely pathetic, swallow your retarded teenage angst and take a few days to polish this thing properly.


I'll put it more diplomatically, but echo what SMILEuser96 said.  Step back off the ledge, acknowledge that you maybe jumped the gun on release a bit (wouldn't be the first time it happened), go back to the drawing board and fix this right.  This community has proven time and time again they're willing to be more than helpful and supportive.  The early feedback you're getting on what DOES work is very, very positive.  This oozes potential and I'm excited for it.  Hell, it might be more than a few days.  Even if it's April 1st (or later) it matters not.  These things take a TON of time.  There's a reason many hacks have been in development for 2, 3, 5, or if I were posting this in 2031, 25 years (FFEEEEAARR!).