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[SM] Rebuild 5 [ver. 5.1]

Started by JAM, October 05, 2014, 07:40:25 AM

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I've found in my SMILE folder a fixed version of hack named Rebuild 4 (by Dark099) that I made 5 years ago and forgot to upload. I wanted, but... right in these days m2k2 turned to what it's now and a lot of people go away. Yeah. Better late that never, I guess.

Rebuild 5 is a Half-hack with some features from Prime, Prime 2 and Redesign:

  • Most enemies can be destroyed only by certain weapon (Prime, Redesign).
  • Enemies are colored based of their vulnerabilies (Prime, Redesign).
  • Suit colors representing Phazon, Dark and Light suits (not really good done).

Also, bosses are hardened. Have fun fighting Crocomiro and Golden Torizo. Have pain fighting Phantoon.
Item order is changed.
Item placements -- too.
Layout is changed a bit.
Map is not.
A lot of ammo packs and Energy Tanks were relocated and hidden. To get 100% you'll need to run the whole map with X-Ray to find all hidden items.

Items to get 100%:
All usual suit upgrades.
14 Energy Tanks.
5 Reserve Tanks.
175 Missiles.
75 Super Missiles.
75 Power Bombs.

Changes since v4:

  • Ending times are changed using my patch (was made specially for this hack).
  • Vertical doors are fixed (same story).
  • A lot of tiling errors are fixed.
  • All permastucks were removed.
  • Little change in gravity (underwater).
  • Small item changes: 1 Missile upgrade is turned to Reserve Tank, 1 Super Missile upgrade is turned to Power Bomb.
  • Palette fixing of some enemies.

Original hack author: Dark099
Release date (actual): 05.10.2014
Release date (planned): 01.10.2009
Release date (v5.1): 18.10.2014

For unheadered ROM.


EDIT: Fixed version (5.1) is attached below.


Is that a glitched beam shot? :I

To be honest, the screenshots don't really make me very excited to even try this one.


I'll go ahead and try this today, I don't have anything better to do.

not very fun from the start, and i found a perma-stuck. only have morph and two missile packs.


I'm giving this a go as well and I like the idea of a minor deviation from the original with a higher difficulty level.  However, simply increasing the health of the mini-bosses and bosses by so much just makes the fights tedious  :stern:  Also, there is a flaw with the Torizo battle - if you get him to the headless state and have no missiles left you're stuck as he won't spit any more out  :nowai:   


Passar, that's not technically a perma-stuck since you can get mid-air morphs within that small area without HiJump equipped. I'm not saying it's easy however.


I gave it a go. Found a perma stuck in Ceres Station...

Yeah, I would hate to get stuck in that while escaping. Luckily, I didn't.

It was interesting for a bit, for a half hack, I mean. I'm not enjoying it as much as other hacks, but I've been playing overhaul hacks a lot lately, so it's a bit fun to play something different.

After defeating Spore Spawn (he wasn't hard, just took painfully long :nope:), I went down that shaft where you'd normally get Super missiles, but I think I'm at a dead end.

Bombing the floor doesn't reveal anything, and this hack isn't too worth it to bother looking in other places...

Yay for an annoying half hack. Exactly what I needed. :O_o:


I think that was just meant to show you where to head next, which is reachable without any items beyond morph and bombs.


Quote from: Quietus on October 06, 2014, 04:20:02 PM
I think that was just meant to show you where to head next, which is reachable without any items beyond morph and bombs.

Does that mean I could've skipped Spore Spawn? :eyeroll:



I'm sorry.
I just found the later version on my PC, dated 16.12.2009. With lot of bugfixes. If I forgot to fix something there, I'll do it. Will upload it tomorrow.

Quote from: Crys on October 05, 2014, 08:06:13 AM
Is that a glitched beam shot? :I
Yes, it is. =) I made some screens of interesting moments during walkthrough.

EDIT: Looks like I've fixed not all bugs and just leaved the hack "as is". That's why I've not uploaded the fixed version -- it's not completly fixed.

For the bugs:
1. Ceres will be fixed.
2. Torizo will never enter state when he will stop throwing the orbs.
3. For that purple room, I'll add a water there as I did for another room.


Alright. Permastucks were fixed. If you found any, let me know, please.

Ceres platforms are relocated. Tiling errors of outlines were also fixed.
Torizo will never enter "without eye" state (single byte change).
To the "purple bricks room" were added (actually modified) an extra state. If you don't have Bombs, there'll be water (as I also did in another room), so you can easily perform an underwater Mid-Air morph.


Okay, where's the Gravity Suit? I've searched everywhere: Crateria, Brinstar, Wrecked Ship, and Norfair. Is it's somewhere in Maridia? The Crateria exit to Maridia led me to Wave Beam, but I cannot go any deeper than that. The room above the tube cannot be explored without Gravity, so what can I do?

Edit: Also, the Maridian room full of Metroids cannot be passed without Ice Beam.

Edit2: Alright, I found it. Should've remembered the 'other' Brinstar exit to [spoiler]Maridia.[/spoiler] The Botwoon fight, for the first time, out of all the hacks I've played, bored the heck out of me. I know I must've needed Plasma before I fought him, because he had a crapload of health. He also took regular beam damage, which is a good thing, because I exhausted all 120 of my Missiles, all 50 Super Missiles, and lost all but around 250 energy, and he STILL wasn't to the 'halfway' point (moving faster, color change). I spent a good 25 minutes avoiding his attacks and spamming my beam at him before he finally went down.


Sounds like the best boss fight in history


Quote from: M1CR0H4CK3R on October 20, 2014, 07:48:44 AM
He also took regular beam damage, which is a good thing, because I exhausted all 120 of my Missiles, all 50 Super Missiles, and lost all but around 250 energy, and he STILL wasn't to the 'halfway' point (moving faster, color change). I spent a good 25 minutes avoiding his attacks and spamming my beam at him before he finally went down.
Aha... He have 4x HP in comparing to original game. And he change the palette after he have about 1/5 HP left. I had an idea to move the "halfway" point to actual "halfway" point but boss became too hard. Because changing that means that he'll reach the "fast phase" more early.


I'm having fun playing this so far. Now I can finally explorer Norfair.

10/30/2014: Now I'm fighting Draygon and it's very hard.