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Super metorid new half hacks

Started by crimsonsunbird, September 23, 2014, 10:48:01 PM

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crimsonsunbird - Boss order inverted and no gravity suit in maridia - WJ In the game all, and item positions changed - Item positions changed


I love the detailed story you provided, and the screenshots just don't do this hack justice.



super metroid ferrawrd prints


super metroid lab of cerbewz prints


This topic is for one, confusing as all hell, two, I don't understand how this hack should even have a topic, let alone in the completed thread, and three, the amount of evidence of this hack is so good it gave me cancer.


I'll be completely blunt with you, if you cant even post a screenshot, why would anyone remotely want to play any of these? People spend years on hacks, and you're dropping three at once, with no kind of real information or context. I normally wouldn't be this straight-forward, but you've done this before, if not a few times.

Edit: Just incase you dont know, you can use the <img> </img> tags to show pictures. Dropping them in rars isnt the way to go about it.


Quote from: FullOfFail on September 24, 2014, 05:46:17 PM
Edit: Just incase you dont know, you can use the  tags to show pictures. Dropping them in rars isnt the way to go about it.
Fixed that for ya. BBCode, not HTML. :heheh:


Thanks for the post, anyway. It'll help not to miss anything.

Off-topic: I started to update hacks page and I thought that about 20 hacks are missing. Now I can add over 30 of them. If add all hacks from m2k2 from 2009 to now, it'll be about 50 of them, I guess. And I don't even talking about M1 hacks...


My only concern is that in adding everything, there's no separation, and I'd hate for the decent hacks to be buried in a sea of rubbish, 'first tinkering' hacks. :neutral:


I feel kind of bad now.. because I think I realize what he was doing. But most of my point still stands, though. There's nothing wrong with sharing hacks, but they need to be in a certain format for posts.


Really JAM?! 50 more of those halfhacks? That is like a death sentence for someone who wants to finish all those hacks (and I thought I was about at the home stretch since I had only about 15 more on my list for the (almost) complete Metroid Construction list (and some others), and in the past, where the list was not updated for some time, I even had only 1 more hack to do <_<).
Please forgive me that I am so upset but I get kind of tired doing these and have mostly bad experience with them and I could tell long stories about stuff that was done so wrong within certain types of halfhacks (not talking about those hacks that usually took the developer of such hacks long time to make them or those that are well thought-out). And I do not even mean hard parts (usually spikes and hellruns aswell as repeating literally all the time the exact same set of basic tricks that are required over and over again due to lack of creativity (although I can prove that there is still a massive amount (at least 300) of tricky/interesting/clever obstacles for all levels of difficulty that could be implemented into hacks), and that are the same in almost every of those hacks which gets boring after doing it estimatedly thousand times) within such halfhacks, since I like the challenge, but I do not know how long I can endure
* items and/or environmental elements or music changes (like in the big Metroid´s room sometimes, or when the music suddenly turns off permanently) that crash the game immediately (even at SNES9X v. 1.53)
* random spots within rooms where one simply/suddenly falls OoB
* doors connecting to OoB areas or into solid walls
* Crumble-Grapple-blocks (and the likes) that cannot be seen even with X-Ray and all kinds of silly illusions in general
* ridiculously long paths or empty rooms with no interesting content or challenge within them that are only there to make the game longer (not within the escape route though, where it at least would have kind of a purpose) if they are not meant to simply look nice/beautiful.
* Eye-hurting back- and fore-grounds (which can at least be reduced by lowering the brightness, which does not help that much either since then, one does not really see other stuff aswell...) and absolutely messed up rooms
* Savestations that will put Samus OoB or into walls when respawning in them
* Stucks and sometimes even Permastucks (saving somewhere which then causes the game to be infeasible even for TAS) widespread throughout a hack [I call such hacks "SM Stuck´n Freeze"]
* Aswell as the worst case scenario for a glitch-finder that wants to get legit Inbounds-Max%:
Mini-hacks that have obvious spots where one can break free (without abusing OoB or ST-beam or GT-code at all) to get back into the totally unchanged areas of the original SM game which usually causes total chaos, or Items that were carelessly put into e.g. walls at specific places where I see them, look at the whole room again to search for applications for techniques to get them, and am successful to find a way within a minute, although the methods that would have to be used are at the border to insanity.
But also, regarding "Max%", I have to say that I never try to think about "what items are intended by the developer to be gotten" and simply look at what is feasible, since from my vast experience with SM hacks, I can tell that sometimes there is no way to distinguish items that way.
[This is not meant as a "hate"-comment at all, so do not get this wrong. One should simply see it as a list of stuff that should not be done if someone wants to make a hack that shall have the chance that I personally like it (instead of me seeing the hack as "work" to do)...]

And, btw, can one even estimate how much work it is and how much time it needs to open every single SM hack out there in SMILE (if it is even hopefully possible), look very carefully through every damn single room with all its room states, write down all the items in those rooms (and in some cases even look at their identities/numbers) to make a map on paper and checking all the door transitions (sometimes I even have to double check them in order to see if the reverse way is connected up the same way or if it leads to somewhere else) and then optimize the doable routes to maximize the % (since, in some hacks that have either no normal ending or have independent non-intersecting routes, the number of collectable items depends on the chosen route)?!
And yes, I do not care about "spoilers" at all anymore, and my experience gives me more than enough reasons for that. Just saying.


Wow. That was long. About 50 of them. Not over 50. From that 30 I have to upload... Oops! Some of hacks I planned to upload are already on the site. So I have 20 of them, and it'll be about 35 new hacks in total. About 10 of them are test or mini-hacks, 3 are full hacks (1 or maybe 2 of them are really shitty), 1 demo, other are half-hacks. Just want to say, not 50 half-hacks. And not even 35. About 10-15 half's. If it'll be spike hell hack, I'll write about it.

EDIT 2: OK, I've counted 40 new hacks:
8 test hacks.
3 full.
1 one room!!!111oneone
2 mini hacks.
4 more difficult vanillas (you already may played 3 of them or may not).
2 demos.
...and other most likely, vanillas aka Half hacks. So, we are talking about 25 new Half hacks.


Ok, good. That seems more doable now, although it will take some time again to do those.
I usually do not have too many problems with harder hacks, but I have some issues with stucks and similar stuff.
Also, I am not against people making new hacks at all, since those hacks usually are fun and provide new stuff.